The "bottle" or eli...
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The "bottle" or elixir of sweet, vibrant Aneros energy!

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Hi guys,

I believe this morning I experienced an Aneros session like never before in my nearly three years with Aneros! It started when I inserted Helix Classic. Immediately it hit and massaged all the sweet spots in my anal canal, and along and around my prostate. All of a sudden Helix Classic produced sweet, quivering and vibrant sexual energy surrounding my awakened prostate. This morning, I purposely did the "do nothing technique" and focused upon what seemed to be a "bottle" of sweet, vibrant, energy surrounding my awakened prostate as Helix Classic it worked its energy on me.

The same thing happened with Maximus, Tempo, and even Prograsm Classic!

I think this "bottle" of sweet, vibrant sexual energy in a session, even in Aless, is similar to a plasma bottle that scientists are trying to use in triggering tritium hydrogen for a sustainable, yet controlled nuclear fusion for safe energy. I think that such a bottle may even trigger a Super-O in me soon!

While I did all this this morning, I also focused on this sexual energy washing over my body, albeit subtly. I used some of @neros and @Crimswolf's suggestions to get effect!

Also while I think about all this, my Aless is so powerful and sweet even now.

Have any of you experienced this "bottle" sweet, vibrant sexual energy surrounding their prostate in sessions or Aless?


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I haven't but looks like you are well on your way to Aneros Bliss.

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I have a few different Aneros tools, including the Peridise set. I will find a favorite, or maybe a couple, and tend to alternate between these for months while the others sit in the drawer. Then one day I'll pull a different one out and have an amazing session! "Why haven't I been using this one? It's fabulous!" I will think. Then it becomes the new favorite for a while.

I just think different toys hit us in different ways at different times. And I think as we develop our orgasmic sensitivities, it's good to revisit those old toys. For me it is also a reminder that there are many "sweet spots" inside us, and stimulating different places can bring different pleasures.

I haven't specifically had the same visualization of the "bottle of energy" that you've had such good success using. But I think finding a good visual which ramps up arousal and gives you an opportunity to exercise a kind of biofeedback loop is the key.

I've had a somewhat similar visual where a heavy, very warm gold liquid is oozing around my prostate area, extending up through my pelvis to my lower stomach. The color changes from gold to deeper oranges, and spreads the warmth and glows like some molten substance. When I exhale my breath is hot, and when I inhale I draw in oxygen to feed the fire.

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Good to see your still advance mate wishing you many more orgasms 🙂 Pro ICE is doing me proud this morning

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