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Supplements and Nutrition

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I have seen a few posters talk about a variety of different supplements that they take and believe are beneficial to their sessions, and am thinking it might be worthwhile to create a thread specifically on it.

I've had a personal fascination with supplements and nutrition in general for a long time. Naturally, this interest got switched on in response to reading other users talk about it.

I am curious what eating habits and or supplements everyone uses expressly for, or have noticed benefits for, their Aneros sessions. Some may have to do with just maintaining a clean and regular bowel, but I am particularly interested in what everyone focuses on for the pleasure aspect.

Personally, I try to eat a healthy diet first of all. For me this is-
-Low/moderate intake of carbs w/ decent amount of whole grains and fiber. Only sweets in my diet are fruits, raw honey, and dark chocolate.
-I juice regularly which helps alkalize my system, improve digestion, hydrate, and boosts my intake of vitamins and minerals.
-I love beef, but I try not to eat it too often(it is not great for your prostate health/tends to boost DHT)
-Good amount of beans. Just full of nutrients and phytosterols/phytoestrogens
-Healthy oils. I don't eat much fried food. No trans fat. Lots of salmon(including skin) for the beneficial oils. Lots of nuts and seeds. Love coconut and olive oil.
-Lots of nuts and seeds, mainly pumpkin(proven healthy for prostate and
high in zinc) and sesame(high quantity phytosterols/phytoestrogens).
-Really hold back on dairy(mainly for digestion). Switched to almond milk and it is great.
-Hot peppers. Not only are they high in vitamins(particularly C), but the capsaicin is proven to be good for the prostate. I eat habaneros.
Regarding Aneros use, what most of these choices amount to is good digestion(easy to clean and healthy), good blood flow, calm mind, high energy but able to relax. Minerals like magnesium and potassium alongside healthy oils(particularly fish oil) are especially important for muscle relaxation and good blood flow. Besides the vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and protein of nuts and seeds, they also help balance healthy hormone levels through their phytosterols and phytoestrogens. This is also why I hold back on beef, I feel like it puts my testosterone into overdrive.

As for supplements-
-Probiotics. Helps maintain healthy urinary tract and prostate. With all the jockeying around in that area, it is important to have good bacteria to prevent infections and inflammation.
-Korean Red Ginseng. Good for your endocrine system/hormones. Supercharges your blood flow. Aphrodisiac.
-Shilajit. Good for endocrine/hormones. Nooptropic(boosts brain function).
-Zinc. One of the single most important nutrients for sexuality and for the prostate itself. You don't want to get crazy with it, but unless you are eating oysters regularly or a lot of red meat you probably should take this supplement.
-Damiana. Now this is the one thing I take SPECIFICALLY for Aneros sessions. There are a lot of herbal aphrodisiacs on the market, but this is the only one I've had a real, noticeable, strong response to. I strongly recommend this to all Aneros users. Honestly if there is one thing you take from my post, this would be it. Every time I take one, I feel an excitement that is almost like a high. It isn't overbearing, but it feels so in tune with the sexual energy you build during a session. I take one before my sessions.

I take other supplements and have other caveats to my diet, but I think this is a good list of what I focus on regarding Aneros use and general sexual well-being. Also, if there are any skeptics reading this who want me to provide some research or w/e I will be happy to. Not everything is backed definitively by scientific studies, most of it is, but the claims that are not I will at least give you the information I am operating on(besides my own experience) so you can decide for yourself based on the same information.

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@mkts Thanks for the info on Damiana. I looked it up and there seems to be many variations and or it is in combination with other herbs. Would you mind sharing the brand name you take and the mg.

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Sure, no problem. I get all my supplements from and I take Damiana (swansons brand) in pill form. 510 mg per pill

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@mkts, wow! I thought I took a lot of supplements! Shaljit is supposed to potentiate co-q10 as well so is important if you're on a statin. I'm thinking of stopping the statin since it suppresses testosterone production. I'm taking everything you take plus just added magnolia bark extract for cortisol and stress, astragalus for chi energy adaptogenic effects, blueberry extract for longevity. Diet is the same except I stopped eating wheat products.

I'm tried to bring up my testosterone level with zinc, tribulus, vit D3, DHEA, magnesium but it didn't increase enough. I'm below 200. So I'm trying a med that stimulates the pituitary to secrete hormones that tell my testes to produce more testosterone. You're probably younger than me (68 yo) and have a good testosterone level so don't have to think about it - yet. If that doesn't work, there are other methods I'll try. Testosterone must affect arousal and stamina so I'm guessing it will affect my rides. It's also essential for protecting the brain, heart, etc.

Damiana is an aromatase inhibitor so prevents the convertiion of testosterone into estrogen. I make a strong damiana sun tea in the spring. It's refreshing and arousing.

I'm glad I'm not the only one here obsessed with bio-hacking 🙂

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Thanks for your reply, euphemestic!

It is nice to hear from someone else into this stuff. You're right, I'm still in my 20s so I don't have to worry about low testosterone levels yet. In general I try to be pretty moderate in terms of anything that effects hormones one way or another. When I get older though I am prepared to start taking stuff just like that (might even consider full-on TRT, but that is a ways away now).

I mentioned magnesium only in passing, but I'm glad you brought it up. That is one thing I tend to recommend to everyone I know.

Damiana is great, isn't it? Not sure if you have experienced the sort of buzz you can get from it, but it is all around a good herb to take.

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