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Super T from sex - a rare phenomenon

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so the way some of you talk it suggest that every time you guys engage is sex, in whatever form, you guys get a super t. I seem to only experience this once in a while, even though I experience a less sessions Almost daily.

So this always puzzled me, what conditions are required to acheive such an occurance? None I've been able to ascertain.

Anyways, a while back I received a blowjob from my fiancé and once I was getting it I could feel my prostate working along side the action at the point of orgasm... Wow. Amazing.

Many sessions of sex later of feeling just normal levels of orgasm pleasure (which I find so dissapointing that it's not the constant super t everyone seems to rave here is 100% every time you engage in such acts) fast forward to today and we have sex as normal.

Immediately I feel my prostate engaged in the action again, no reason I can fathom, when I ejaculate.... I've never known such an amazing orgasm, it last so long, I came so hard i started laughing! I couldn't stop!

Why is it constant for some of you?

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I notice that when I masturbate now, I have sweetest orgasms which last a couple minutes or so, and also the creamiest ejaculations. When I orgasm now, often my pubic area pulsates. And finally the sweet sexual afterglow lasts an hour or two. I attribute this development to my Aneros sessions and Aless. I have not felt like this in years!


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I experience that too! BUT only occasionally...., why?

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Just because unfortunately. Your body will give you different orgasms depending on so many factors out of your control.

Before your aneros use surely you experienced ejaculatory orgasms of varying quality. I know I did. Some were incredible and some were so lame I would have sworn I just ejaculated without an orgasm.

I get the feeling you are trying to ensure you always have mind blowing super Os and super t's but unfortunately you can't control it.

It's very male to want to have control over things but with aneros and multiples we need to give up control.

I've only had one super t from a blowjob without the aneros inside me. I had sex with my helix inside me yesterday and frankly it was a bit meh.

It's a normal thing to have a variety of aneros and aless orgasms. Enjoy them all without judging.

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To clarify, the orgasm was meh, not the sex 🙂

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Just because unfortunately. Your body will give you different orgasms depending on so many factors out of your control.

Before your aneros use surely you experienced ejaculatory orgasms of varying quality. I know I did. Some were incredible and some were so lame I would have sworn I just ejaculated without an orgasm.

I get the feeling you are trying to ensure you always have mind blowing super Os and super t's but unfortunately you can't control it.

It's very male to want to have control over things but with aneros and multiples we need to give up control.

I've only had one super t from a blowjob without the aneros inside me. I had sex with my helix inside me yesterday and frankly it was a bit meh.

It's a normal thing to have a variety of aneros and aless orgasms. Enjoy them all without judging.

Like I said I just want to know why my prostate is involved during such acts and sometimes it is not, I feel somewhat mislead by what others write on these forums (I realise that's a silly thing to think) but people state as verbatim that "every time you wank you get a super t"

I also Realised somethin about you Neros, when I first read your recent posts and success, jealously I might add, I thought there was something wrong with my body. Why didn't it respond like yours or indeed anyone's here, I then see an early thread from you stating you (like warrangwonka) have had some experience with anal/prostate play in the past. You were sort of 'veterans' in a way (not saying you were successful in the past) but your mind may have already started the rewiring process and awareness long before you started with the aneros experience.

So possibly, citing this as a reason, perhaps you're neural pathways and indeed nerves are just more wired than others, ie mine and this is why its not always the case in my sex/masturbation sessions.

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Hey @inhope your not getting confused by the use of the term Super T are you?Super T means having a wank to orgasm with a aneros in you.
The orgasm itself could be good bad or fantastic!
At least that is they way I understand it.
In saying that any wank with the aneros in usually is fantastic for me. If I have a wank without one in either it is mostly mah! or I have trouble getting to the point of ejaculating. I never did before but then aneros is changing things. I am sure if it was a pussy and not my had i would get there easy 🙂
I get wot your saying though some of the statements and even the terms used on the forum are misleading but then maybe we just expect too much and so put things on a pedestal that we find hard to copy.

Super-T A super traditional orgasm. An ejaculatory orgasm from traditional penile stimulation (copulatory, manual or oral) but occurring with the Aneros inserted and characterized by: deep and intense ejaculatory contractions; more ejaculatory contractions; a greater volume of ejaculate; and other responses similar to those in a Super-O. Such orgasms are common as the end point to a Super-O session when one "finishes off" with an ejaculation. Also a traditional orgasm brought on by edging and the Aneros.

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Hey @inhope your not getting confused by the use of the term Super T are you?Super T means having a wank to orgasm with a aneros in you.
The orgasm itself could be good bad or fantastic!
At least that is they way I understand it.
In saying that any wank with the aneros in usually is fantastic for me. If I have a wank without one in either it is mostly mah! or I have trouble getting to the point of ejaculating. I never did before but then aneros is changing things. I am sure if it was a pussy and not my had i would get there easy 🙂
I get wot your saying though some of the statements and even the terms used on the forum are misleading but then maybe we just expect too much and so put things on a pedestal that we find hard to copy.

Super-T A super traditional orgasm. An ejaculatory orgasm from traditional penile stimulation (copulatory, manual or oral) but occurring with the Aneros inserted and characterized by: deep and intense ejaculatory contractions; more ejaculatory contractions; a greater volume of ejaculate; and other responses similar to those in a Super-O. Such orgasms are common as the end point to a Super-O session when one "finishes off" with an ejaculation. Also a traditional orgasm brought on by edging and the Aneros.

Well now you're possibly confusing things.

Remember the wiki is not totally accurate, it's always a work in progress.

Saying that when I have an orgasm with an aneros in, a super t, this is what it's like without an Aneros occasionally.

So if this it not a super t what do we call it? 'Aneros less super ejacualtory orgasm'? But of a mouthful. One thing I would say is this, the orgasm I experienced on those few occasions during sex/oral is notably more powerful, longer lasting, pleasureable and transcendental than anything I've ever had using the aneros.

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@inhope yeah I get what you are saying. Maybe I was a little bit "rewired" before, who knows? It's all speculation.

Bare in mind there are things you have experienced that I haven't. I would love to squirt but I haven't and have no idea if I ever will.

I have never had precum, I get a little bit after wanking for a long time but it's like a tiny drop I have to squeeze out of my cock. Again I would love to have it cos it turns me on but I just don't seem to be predisposed to it.

My ejaculations with aneros are basically the same as without.

The only time I had a super t was random. For some reason I really felt my prostate throughout the blowjob and the orgasm was intense.

I believe it's to do with level of arousal and a variety of other factors out of your control.

Listen your existing pleasure COULD be higher than mine. Perhaps your orgasms are actually "better" than mine in terms of pleasure. Who knows.

But here's the difference, I love my orgasms and if they get better then great! Don't forget that pleasure is primarily mental-you could already be having better orgasms than everyone here but you aren't feeling as much pleasure/satisfaction as you could be because you don't just enjoy what you have.

Please don't take this as a personal attack-I don't know you and I'm just trying to give you advice based on the superficial relationship we have via a chat board.

I just get the feeling that you'll never be satisfied with what you have and this is what holds you back.

Never being happy with what you have is an admirable trait to be successful in business and life in general. But when it comes to pleasure, stop and smell the roses.

If you had a massive super orgasm what would be your next thought after the session? If it would be "that was good but I don't feel it was as good as it could be" then this is something you need to work on.

Again, maybe I'm completely off base here and please don't take this as a personal critique-just some observations based on the posts I've read from you.

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for me a super T is when I ejaculate with a device in. Sometimes it is good and sometimes it is amazing. Just depends on alot of factors. There have been some super T's when I shot my load over my head, which is very rare for me. The orgasm seems to last a few more seconds longer then when its just a regular wank. So IMO i think your pretty normal in the super T realm of things.

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Good to hear that your sessions with super t involve orgasms being weaker than others, good that people can be honest here, I'm a little surprised at the truth that is more aparrant than I had thought.

I'm curious to know what this phenomenon is that I experienced, what to call it. Do others experience it? Or just a byproduct of rewiring? I have to say these orgasms are super t's in terms of intensity.

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Yes when I experienced a super t from a blowjob it could feel my prostate swelling and pulsing and the orgasm was very intense.

Who knows what it is called. Does it matter?

The truth is very apparent. Different positions, timing etc. cause different levels of pleasure and different types of pleasure with aneros, aless, masturbation, oral, vaginal sex, anal sex and different sexual positions.

You might not like that, you might be hoping that you can just guarantee the same orgasm everytime. That you can systemise orgasms into a reliable "know exactly what you are going to get" process but it's not possible.

I get your curiousity-I'm exactly the same. I bore the shit out of my girlfriend with theories on consciousness and other scientific theories I read. I find it incredibly interesting. But in this case, labeling and systemising everything isn't going to help you.

This whole thing is just arousal amplification and relaxation and your body will respond with varying intensities of orgasm.

Analysing everything is gonna drive you insane.

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Labelling is not important I suppose but healthy, intelligent analysis is good. Without this concerted approach I would have not have made the progress I've made, just look at how I've accelerated things since April of last year. All through analysis.

What I wanted here was to establish an open dialogue of this phenomenons origins, perhaps even make it a more reproducible occurance.

I think if I had the fortitude from having early success with prostate massage I would take a more 'transcendental' approach to it all, but you will have to excuse the near decade long journey of nothingness and absolute failure in order to rise above it.

I'm want to assure you I drive myself crazy with nothing, I merely want to sharpen the tools I already have and discover new plateuas of pleasure.

You're not they only one that studies on consciousness or theories of a scientific or esoteric nature, I very much love the study of our civilisation, our soul (the science of the soul even) to quantum theory and everything in between.

For me it's the aneros experience is now about bringing the physical and spiritual elements together, part of which is down to your recent thread regarding the do nothing method.

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Fair enough. As I said it seems you and me are similar in the fact that we analyse things a lot-i suspectes when i wrote my reply that you would also study theories of consciousness as well.

All I'm gonna say further on this subject is that my experience with prostate massage in total is probably 1 year over 12 years. Fingers in my butt etc. were a sporadic thing and I only used the mantak chia (I forget if that's his correct name) book's techniques for a couple of months.

So, you have much more experience with prostate massage than me.

So why I'm I experiencing super orgasms quickly?

Physically I doubt you are much different down there. Unless you have a titanium prostate we are pretty much all wired the same.

The fact that I'm also starting to have aless in the last couple of days just by focusing my attention on my ass lends weight to the theory that this is 99% mental.

Which is also what makes it difficult to "teach" because it's all about your mind and focusing on pleasure and relaxation.

So the fact that it's taken you 9 years to get to this point says more about how you are approaching this practice from a mental point of view in my opinion.

Listen, I don't know you and I'm only going off things I've inferred from your posts so I could be totally off base. Again, this isn't a personal attack-just me trying to help you get what you are after.

Perhaps you are taking this practice too seriously? You are perhaps too goal orientated? Always trying to reach a better level and then being frustrated when you can't?

Me (and I suspect others) - I'm just a horny guy who is enjoying the new sensations his body is giving him. It's fun, light hearted and even before having orgasms with my aneros I was grateful and happy for each sensation I experienced.

Good luck and I look forward to hearing of your success.

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Thank you for your input, it is appreciated.

I think the best way to surmise things is like this: I have had more experience at doing it wrong than you have. As a result of this you still have the 'edge' when it comes to experience. Yes you're right, in those early days i was very goal oriented and also i focused only on the physical (i didn't even know that what dry orgasming was for years! doesn't state that on the packet anywhere and I didn't have access to the forums, so i based what i knew on what was on the packet)

As a result of this i damaged my prostate which took years again to clear up. I think i gave myself prostatitis, swollen/sore. Something in retrospect i regret hugely.

My recent success over this year (which is probably more like 10-11 months actually) is down to the focus on the mental elements of my journey, just like yourself, questioning and trying out new techniques as well from suggestions here as well.

You did state in one of your posts that you used to use your finger to stimulate your prostate a long while ago, which i think was a gentle, subtle and effect way of beginning the rewiring process as you inferred, whereas around the same time i was aggressively baring down or worse physically moving the device with my hands.

So i have years of 'bad rewiring' you could say, this is why i say you have have more correct rewiring time, ben in those early days of edging/finger play (which i never did any of) and therefore are far more along on your joinery in terms of 'experience'. I'm really happy with my progress since doing things 'right', i experience daily a-less feelings, i always experience pleasure with an aneros in though i feel i do not super O and I'm really unsure of if i dry O, at least not fully. But I'm still learning.

I do take this process seriously, yes, but only because i have first hand experience of the dangers of this if used improperly (not just talking about the physical risks here, mentally it hurt me too) I have no real goals in my sessions, but i do feel that what works one session doesn't translate to the next and that is both puzzling and frustrating, i would like to know what the variables are (could even be my diet/health) so i can improve. But i know i will get there by questioning and analysing whilst simultaneously thinking less and feeling more.

One more thing: if i push the muscles together in my ass using my legs, i.e. sitting or lying down with legs together, i get ales feelings, sometimes amazing feelings. This, in my mind is a physical response. If i then mentally focus i can intensify it greatly. But it required BOTH these elements to work, which Imo gives further credence to the notion that it is as much mental as it is physical, you're body needs to be geared up for it to be mentally receptive to stimuli from the mental elements of the experience. So i would not say its 99% mental, at least not in my case.

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@inhope Dont know how I am confusing things? The Wiki which was written by the people that know, say that the act of ejaculating with "the aneros in" is called a super T. If you are having sex without a aneros in and have a super orgasm then that is something else, maybe just a super orgasm.
Its like pegging. the act of a woman with a strapon fucking a mans ass. If you use a dildo on yourself its not Self pegging its just using a dildo.
I dont really mind what you say but just remember there are newbies on this site that will read this stuff and just fobbing off the wiki as most likely wrong and using set glossary words for your own meanings is really going to confuse the hell out of them.
One assumes you learned lots of stuff from this forum from what others wrote and one hopes that most of it was correct information and use of terms.
I am fairly sure I am correct in my understanding of the term Super-T as this is how it has been explained to me by Mr Mayfield.
Anyway I am not trying to bust your chops over it dude, it just sounds like you are using the term incorrectly. Peace and orgasm be with you be they Super Ts or just large orgasms 🙂 As long as they are happening....
If I am found to be wrong by mr Mayfield then I will of course retract what I have said 🙂

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The wiki, in my honest opinion is incredible. Without it I would not have the progress I have made to this point, I love it and it's an indespensable tool. I was not fobbing it off.

It is however not the full picture, so when it states that a super t is this or that process and someone has an experience that is outside what is written on the wiki, it is just as valid. It's a why the wiki is not a totally accurate 'guide' and more of a compendium of multiple user experience and is always a work in progress, a 'beta' if you will. It's not a negative thing.

It's confusing because I now beleive that orgasming with an aneros is isn't just the only way to have a super t. The orgasm I experienced from sex recently was the same intensity and feeling as a super t, but no aneros in sight, only muscles moving as if it were. So in my opinion this phenomenon should or could be added to the wiki. Also no, I didn't use the term wrong, just that I needed to elaborate I guess.

Thanks dude.

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@inhope yeah fair enough. I can imagine how that damage could have held you back.

Re. pushing your ass together aless to get great feelings. YES! Awesome. The mind and body are totally linked. Great stuff. Physical and mental can and should work together.

That's how I do my sessions - use some physical or mental stimulation to start the arousal and then stop the physical/mental arousal and focus on enjoying the pleasure that arrives from it. It then builds up to an orgasm. And sometimes during a session I'll have to do some more light physical stimulation or mental stimulation to keep things going.

It's like stoking a fire. Throw a log on and nuture it until it explodes in fiery pleasure 😉

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@inhope, are you saying that a super T is an ejaculation orgasm along with a prostate based orgasm? If this is what you are saying, yes its entirely possible to have both I guess. Could be a mini O, a super O, a dry O, there are too many different descriptions but yeah something prostate based. I think this is possible but nothing I have ever had. But I agree the wiki description just means a really good traditional orgasm. After all, all orgasms can vary in intensity whether traditional or prostate.

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@inhope Ok so we change the wikiPlease answer yes or no so there is no doubt as to what happened last night.

Did you have a Super T last night or a Super T?

If NO then, oh well maybe tonight.
If YES then which was it A Super T or a Super T?
?????? WTF? 🙂

I want the wiki word "Session" changed to include:
1. using your aneros
2. having traditional sex with the wife
3. being pegged by the wife
4. having sex with the next door neighbors daughter.
Theses are all similar pleasurable things.
Now that the word "session" is changed in the wiki.

What did i do last night?
Have a session, a session, a session or a session which is it yes or no?

Holly crap how did we get to this shambles? LOL

While you had a orgasm similar to the feelings to a Super T that does not make it a super T. Granted it was obviously a huge orgasm with ejaculation.

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