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Subscribing to the KSMO forumn

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I have decided to subscribe to the KSMO materials in hopes to further my quest for the super O and increase my satisfaction in gereral. I have read a bit of the site and read many success stories here on this forumn
My question to those of you who already belong is in what to purchase
I see they offer two levels.. one for 69.00 and one for 129.00
which would you recommend? It isn't really a money issue but I see no point is spending more than I need to
any advice is most appreciated

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Hi there thhn
If you are at the start of your rewiring journey,I would go for the full package,purely because it offers more.
I did when I started and it was the best money I have ever spent other than on the aneros itself!
Look forward to seeing you in the KSMO forums and chats.
It's a great supportive wired (?rewired) community there and Jack,mog,laly and others are fantastic.
You'd be a winner whichever package you choose!

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I purchased the original single disc, which contains Jack Johnston's explanation and demonstration of the essential Key Sound. This is all you really need, however, I subsequently also purchased his second CD disc which included a series of the key sounds over the 20 min recommended protocol practice period. This makes it very easy to follow along at an appropriate pace while hearing the correct enunciation of the Key Sound to emulate. It also offered additional tips to help refine your practice. If money is not a critical issue, I would recommend the full package.

IMHO, one of the best aspects of trying the KSMO protocol is the help offered by Jack at his bi-monthly chat sessions and the supportive community on his site as 'Anerosmith' mentioned.

Be aware that the KSMO protocol is a distinctly different approach to multiple orgasm which requires you to open your mental processes to expanded concepts of just what constitutes an orgasm. It is very much a mental exercise with little physical stimulation involved, though the technique of relaxation emphasized in that practice is also valuable in Aneros practice. I like to think of it as erotic meditation.

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I would not say I am at the beginning of the rewiring process. It has been close to two years for me and although my progress has been steady, I feel I need something to make the leap. I am very pleased with where my sessions are at, but obviously would be more pleased to experience a super O
sounds like I should go with the full package.

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Hi thhn and your wise advisors! 😉

I/we purchased Jack's full 4 disk Library set shortly after purchasing my first Aneros, the MGX, and the other materials as Mrs. a and I began our adventures in mutual prostates stimulation and much much more. We have never regretted that KSMO investment. My KSMO practice helped advance my Aneros practice significantly, IMHO, and my Key Sounding effects Mrs. a very positively and energetically. The Library has a great interview with Pan and his wife, that I still listen to from time to time because of the similarities of his and my body injuries and their impacts on orgasmic practices. I look forward to chatting with you at KSMO thhn!

all the best resonant complementary harmonic ecstatic integrative practices all


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I went for the whole package. 😀 😀

For my money, Jack Johnston is the most descriptive breathing coach going. His words work for me!

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I grabbed the full package, mostly because I wanted to be absolutely sure I was doing it correctly. Money well spent, but probably not necessary.

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I grabbed the full package, mostly because I wanted to be absolutely sure I was doing it correctly. Money well spent, but probably not necessary.

I'm curous as to why you would say probably not necessary?

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I grabbed the full package, mostly because I wanted to be absolutely sure I was doing it correctly. Money well spent, but probably not necessary.

I'm curous as to why you would say probably not necessary?

I didn't gain very much useful additional info. This is not to say the info isn't useful. It just felt to me like I could have got by without it. Other people will likely feel differently. The main thing about the full package is the 20 minute meditation that you can follow along with. It's useful, but not totally necessary, in my opinion. The online forum and Jack's hosted chats are where the real benefit lies.

I don't want to steer you wrong if you had intended on purchasing the whole package. I still feel like I got my money's worth.

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