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Staying Hard with Aneros

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I have a problem that happens. I have my progasm in me, for 10 minutes, and it feels great. I have feeling building up in my penis, I can feel my prostate being touched from the inside, I can feel the "itch" of wanting to touch the prostate, my penis is buzzing and I am generating an orgasm feeling bit by bit. I enjoy this.
But after some time, I stop being hard, and with that, all those feelings start fading away. I have no problems getting an erection, I am only 27, and if I focus, I can make myself hard. However, what is the problem with aneros and short erections? Is it something that needs to develop?
In my other sessions, when I was building up to my first ever orgasm, it ended before I was unable to stay hard for that long. I am pretty confident that if I was able to remain hard for all that time it would have turned into an orgasm.

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I have the same problem :/

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I maybe hard for the dry orgasm. But not usually hard once I reach super orgasm. Don't think you have to be. Concentrate less on your penis. Or don't concentrate at all. I'm 26 BTW

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Do or do not, there is no try.

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Posts: 241 not worry about the state of your penis just relax and enjoy the feelings that are going on down there. Relaxation is the key. I more the confident that you will reach the super O with or without a hard penis.

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You need to let go of the idea that you need an erection to have a successful aneros session. An erection is not necessary and shouldn't be the focus of your sessions.

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You need to let go of the idea that you need an erection to have a successful aneros session. An erection is not necessary and shouldn't be the focus of your sessions.

something I believed for the longest time, until I realised that like many here that erections result in feelings in the prostate, a direct and necessary link for a good deal of us.

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You need to let go of the idea that you need an erection to have a successful aneros session. An erection is not necessary and shouldn't be the focus of your sessions.

something I believed for the longest time, until I realised that like many here that erections result in feelings in the prostate, a direct and necessary link for a good deal of us.

That's why edging with the Aneros in while keeping awareness on the prostate is a good idea.But once this has sensitized the prostate there's no need to jerk off anymore and then because the feelings from the prostate(the difference between direct prostate stimulation vs indirect) will be so overwhelming that the penis automatically goes flaccid

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I usually begin to get an erection with aneros sessions as I start but it never reaches full mast and then it always goes down. I have never been hard when I begin prostate orgasms either and I would guess that is what is going to happen to you. My aneros sessions are off the chart pleasurable and my prostate orgasms incredibly intense and I'm soft as putty the whole time. I agree with others above in that erection has nothing to do with prostate orgasm and your attempt to try to maintain one during your sessions actually may wind up being counter productive and lead to you getting disappointed. Erection and Ejaculation is not the goal. Although prostate is involved with ejaculation with intense contractions the converse is not true. The penis is not really involved with prostate orgasm directly. It MAY get hard as a secondary event with prostate stimulation but these are two different processes. .

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Bottom line is relax and enjoy this totally different and awesome form of self stimulation and save erection and jacking for another event entirely.

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Although prostate is involved with ejaculation with intense contractions the converse is not true. The penis is not really involved with prostate orgasm directly. It MAY get hard as a secondary event with prostate stimulation but these are two different processes. . save erection and jacking for another event

There is clearly a link between an erect penis and prostate, have you ever ejaculated with a flaccid penis?
So why not use the indirect prostate stimulation (plus awareness) to help rewire?
Indirect stimulation makes direct stimulation all the easier.

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Agree there is a connection and my post was a little confusing I guess. Point is that losing the erection does not mean he will not progress to prostate orgasm. And I personally have ejaculated without an erection on several occasions so it is possible...

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I personally have ejaculated without an erection on several occasions so it is possible...

This, from what I've been told/read and looking into, can potentially be dangerous. If you can do this i advise you don't until there is proven evidence to not do it.

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I personally have ejaculated without an erection on several occasions so it is possible...

I feel very privileged to share the board with squirters and flaccid penis ejaculators.

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I have never heard this about ejaculation without an erection being dangerous. Can you please tell me where you read about this. I'm curious because I too, have ejaculated without an erection, but only once.I personally have ejaculated without an erection on several occasions so it is possible...

This, from what I've been told/read and looking into, can potentially be dangerous. If you can do this i advise you don't until there is proven evidence to not do it.

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Ejaculation without erection is not dangerous. Honestly, its just weird, and not bragging about it. Its just a strange thing that can happen infrequently. When it has occurred its not as powerful as a "standard" ejaculation but it is not just extra pre-cum so to speak either. Can't say its the type of orgasm I've taken measures to have specifically, just sort of happened.

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Ejaculation without erection is not dangerous. Honestly, its just weird, and not bragging about it. Its just a strange thing that can happen infrequently. When it has occurred its not as powerful as a "standard" ejaculation but it is not just extra pre-cum so to speak either. Can't say its the type of orgasm I've taken measures to have specifically, just sort of happened.

wish I could find the articles about this, can anyone with medical knowledge chime in?

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Although not inherently dangerous, ejaculating with a flaccid penis would be a cause of concern if a man has not commonly had this problem. Literature is more concerned with men using traditional stimulation techniques not acquiring erections and going to early ejaculation. Premature ejaculation signs could be indicative of cardiac or circulatory problems, nerve damage, or diabetes. Also related to performance anxiety and side effects of certain medications like pseudo ephedrine. Prostate stimulation to ejaculating or semen release had not been shown to be harmful without erection and is performed by specific types of massage therapists in other countries frequently. Often in Asian regions. Erection is inconsequential in prostate massage.

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I'll rephrase; there's a direct link penis and prostate. Even when my penis is flaccid I can affect my prostate but it will obviously have a different sensation than when it's rock hard and throbbing.
Moreover the prostate will be more sensitive when erect and possibly this has to do with the vagina being easier to penetrate. So if there is such a thing as another half and providence then if a man can flaccid ejaculate, the female of this odd assorted couple ,can suck the seed right into her pussy.
How does that work? And where does one meet such women ;)?

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Moreover the prostate will be more sensitive when erect

This is what pisses me off, because it means at times that prostate response needs to have erections to be constant in some or all sessions! this for me is the truth and its one i wish more people here have so they can understand!

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In my beginner experience I only feel pleasure when I am hard. If I stay hard I can feel my penis building up, I can feel my prostate touched from the inside, it feels really good. The pleasure is extremely good. I am confident that I will explode into an orgasm eventually if my erection held up. But I find myself losing it after many minutes. After that the feeling goes away. It goes back again when I get hard. Again I start building up, but lose erection and the pleasure subsidizes. Eventually what happens is that I stop getting hard at all and from that point on I stop feeling any sort of pleasure whatsoever.

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I am never hard during a session. There are moments when I am having a dry O that I will grab the base of my very, very limp dick and jerk it with two fingers as I imagine myself having an orgasm. I "feel" the pulsing and fantasize about the sperm coming out, and I feel sexually satisfied. In reality my penis is soft and I have not ejaculated (hell, I'm lucky if I have a small droplet of precum). But my body feels just as if I have had an amazing orgasm.

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