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Smaller Aneros = Bigger O ?

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Hello everyone. I had the standard Aneros some time ago and enjoyed the sensations, but was disappointed overall. I became frustrated with it, tried to modify it and destroyed it in that process...and didn't really care to replace it as I was not even close to approaching the multi orgasmic experience many have had. Anyway, last week I decided to check in with the site here (much improved over the old one, BTW) and based on all the great info and wonderful experiences so many people are having with the Aneros, I decided to order another one. I again ordered the standard model, but yesterday received the smaller one (it was in the wrong packaging)...I thought about returning it, but then recalling my lack of success earlier, this seemed like an opportunity to try something different and see what happens.

Well, I don't if it was just happenstance, but this smaller Aneros was a much more powerful experience for me the first time around. It moved more in the anus, and seemed to be exerting a lot more pressure on the perineum area. I had some great senstaions from this new Aneros and got to the point where my penis was demanding some attention (which was still flacid at this point). So, I stimulated myself and continued the anal contractions. When I felt orgasm approaching I stopped the penile stimulation and continued contracting the anus...all of a sudden involuntary contractions began shaking me in the lower body and legs...this was an experience I have never had before. The contractions -lasted several seconds, probably 15-20 at least and at the conclusion of them I was again drawn to some penile stimulation, which at this point quickly led to an explosive ejaculation with a lot stronger spurting than I'm used to. It was an awesome experience with very different sensations than anything I've ever experienced. If this is any indication of what the Aneros is capable of I'm going to love this thing : )

My question for the more experienced users is this. Are the body contractions the "anal orgasm" or just a precursor to an even bigger event? I don't know if I can handle much more than I experienced last night : )


B Mayfield
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The following is was a description that I gave in the above the thread "Keys to the Backdoor.."

"The build-up starts with waves of anal quivering and the abutement tab creating a strong tingling sensation in my perineum, anus, prostate and rectum simultaneously. Soon after I experience a tickling sensation in my abdomen and find myself contracting my abdominal muscles. In short order I feel a paradoxical sensation of my anus pushing outward while the Aneros seems to be drawn INWARD! All of this builds and suddenly I feel my erection get much harder. What happens next can only be described as blissful waves that encompass my whole body. (Must be an endorphine cascade ) The duration of the orgasm is much longer than a traditional orgasm as well and I may even experience another orgasm coming on top of the first one! Unlike a traditional penile orgasm it does not seem to have a "refractory period" where one must wait a period of time before ejaculating again."

Does any of this seem similar to your experience?

B Mayfield

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Originally Posted By: b mayfield

Does any of this seem similar to your experience?

B Mayfield

Thanks for the reply. What you describe definitely sounds more intense than what happened with me the other night. For example, my erection wasn't in response to the anal stimulation and I didn't have the whole body "waves" you describe. Due to my schedule I haven't had any time for further experimentation, but will take some time this weekend to explore. Next time around I will make every effort to avoid any stimulation of the penis and see what happens. I have had the pleasure of many times experiencing multiple non-ejaculatory orgasms (paticularly when I was younger) through "conventional" masturbation and the Aneros induced orgasm sounds like even more of an event than "dry" penile orgasms. I guess the important thing is not to get discouraged in this quest like I did the last time I tried.


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If you haven't already, check out my threads "Keys to the Backdoor...." above. Also check out another on Page 2 entitled "In search of the Sweet Spot" . You might find these helpful. As you've touched on, there are a variety of different orgasmic experiences that are available to you. Sadly, the only type that many men may ever know is the traditional penile orgasm. All it takes to discover these new pleasures is the willingness to explore, some time and patience.'s all good!!


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My reply got erased somehow before I apologies if it somehow shows up twice on the board. I'll try to reconstruct what I said in that one.

Yes, I've read through most of the great material you've posted here. Thanks for giving us such a wealth of information on use of the Aneros and the whole body orgasm.

Yesterday, I tried my new Aneros for the second time and it was great but still a very long way from what you and others have described here. I think I have to get used to and more attuned to the more subtle stimulation and sensations produced by the Aneros. I did notice some slight penile engorgement at one point, but not a full on erection like some have mentioned. This time around I refrained from any penile stimulation until the very end when I had grown tired and wanted to finish off with a little reward : ) Orgasm and ejaculation again were more intense with the Aneros inserted, although not as much so as last time. As others have mentioned, I also think the Aneros would be a great intercourse enhancer as long as your partner didn't have any hang ups about it. Another question to ask your partner I guess..."By the way, do you mind if I use this when we have sex?" 🙂

I tried several of the positions mentioned here and definitely noticed some were more effective for me than others. On my back and face down were the two that seem the best for me right now.


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Introducing a partner to the notion of anal play can be tricky. But your approach is as good as any. In the past I've "broken the ice" by administering some nice anal stimulation for my partner (always in conjunction with some other activity; oral, genital massaging etc.) Nothing terribly invasive, maybe just some nice rubbing or if we're both fresh out of the shower, perhaps some oral/anal action. The idea here being if I can successfully turn my partner on with it, I also "turn her on TO it" . It's about creating more openess (no pun intended).

You mentioned in this last post about having an erection and it's relationship to the Super O. Where it is true that penile engorgement may be an indicator of a "non-ejaculatory orgasm" building up, it is not always the case. I have had many "non-ejaculatory orgasms" (albeit, not the really large ones) without being super stiff. In any event, don't get too hung up that. If it happens it happens. Instead, just try to focus on building sensation with low level contractions (anal and rectal), abdominal contractions and rhythmic breathing.

It sounds like you've got a great attitude, just have fun, explore and things will reveal themselves to you! Remember you're in the process of self discovery. You have this capacity in you. We all do!


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Your story about receiving the wrong model of the Aneros has got me thinking that I will order the smaller model and see what happens. I have been using my Aneros for about 7 months and now am able to enjoy anul stimulation and orgasim's without the Aneros inserted. The sessions are not as intense as the ones where I have the time to be home with my Aneros but believe me when I have some quiet time I can start with a little anul contraction and I'm off to the races. If facts it seems that I have turned back the clock and want to have sex everytime I turn around. I freakking love my Aneros.
I haven't been able to incorporate the Aneros into sex with my wife as for the last 5 years I have been having trouble with my prostrate. The constant pain, all of the trips to the urologist, all of the different drugs and for basically nothing. With the Aneros I have no pain in my prostrate and am back to having erections, spontaneous and just when I want or need one. As my erections are coming back my sex life will improve and when sex becomes a item between my wife and I, I will try to get her into the loop with me and the Aneros. As I type this I wonder why I haven't already but it seems that we are in the middle of a sexual frump and can't seem to get it back together. Must be a failing on my part because of dealing with a limp bisqit for so long. Possibly its just the fact that we both do shift work.
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Hope you enjoy the smaller Aneros. I'm sure all of us are a little different in our preference, so hopefully it will work well for you.
I'm jealous of your highly orgasmic experiences with and without using the Aneros.

In reading your post, I thought of something kinda funny...wonder what it must be like to have an awakened anal region so to speak, and then go for a manual prostate exam...might be more than a little embarrassing to maybe get hard and orgasm at that particular time. "No, really doctor I'm not into guys that way, it's all this darn Aneros thing's fault" : )


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Funny you should mention the bit about the urologist! I recently had appointment with mine, and as I am somewhat, as you say "awakened" in that region I wondered what might happen. Fortunately for us both, nothing did. First, is the matter of arousal...there is none. Secondly, the exam is just far too clinical to be sexually stimulating (as a matter of fact, I find it pretty rough). Lastly, my focus was miles away from the idea of having an orgasm. Now if I had an attractive, clean shaven, 30 something female doctor who prefers working in the nude, well...... !!!

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You are right, of course, that the circumstances wouldn't be arousing in my "exam scenario", and situation and environment has everything to do with sexual response. Just a silly thought when I read about John being so orgasmic in that area.

Now, for my continuing Aneros journal...hope I'm not boring other users with my little reports. I offer them for possible feedback as well as general info for other newbies or those interested in trying the Aneros.

The 3rd time around for me wasn't "the charm" as they say but it was very nice. No Big-O and I'm probably not too close yet, but I think I am beginning to notice and enjoy more sensation and pleasure from the movement of the Aneros. At one point I almost got a full erection solely from the anal contractions which is a first for me in using the Aneros. It quickly subsided, but it was nice to see that my body was responding in that way. One position I enjoyed for several minutes was on my back, knees bent, and legs spread into sort of a "frog leg" shape : ) This seemed to feel quite good with either the knees pointing up or off to the side.


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