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sexual energy and aneros for more productivity?

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Okay, I am trying semen retention because there are so many benefits from what I gather.

Ancient philosophies and medical practices from Asia and India have long claimed that semen retention leads to better health and longer life.

Ejaculation reduces the life-force available to a man, which is evident from the immediate drop in energy, and generally depressed nature, which can be observed after ejaculating.


? increased energy and drive
? boosted immune system
? more confidence
? improved memory
? more decisive
? more creativity and genius

And many more benefits, so just search for yourself about semen retention.

I am currently been practicing testicle breathing known as the cool draw technique to draw my sexual energy from my testicles up to my brain for better creativity and genius. I have been also practicing zen mediation with mantras/breathing with microcosmic orbit.

I have also read that you can convert your sexual energy into productive activities with sexual and/or non-sexual goals.

And highly sexed people always have a plentiful supply of magnetism. Through this cultivation and understanding, this vital force may be drawn upon and used to great advantage in the relationships between people. This energy may be communicated to others through the following media:

1. The hand-shake. The touch of the hand indicates, instantly, the presence of magnetism, or the lack of it.

2. The tone of voice. Magnetism, or sex energy, is the factor with which the voice may be colored, or made musical and charming.

3. Posture and carriage of the body. Highly sexed people move briskly, and with grace and ease.

4. The vibrations of thought. Highly sexed people mix the emotion of sex with their thoughts, or may do so at will, and in that way, may influence those around them.

5. Body adornment. People who are highly sexed are usually very careful about their personal appearance. They usually select clothing of a style becoming to their personality, physique, complexion, etc.

I have read also highly sexed people are people who least masturbate and thats why they get all the women.

Some people have naturally transmuted their sexual energy in to success. Think of the nerds you knew in high school who went on to be very successful in business. The assumption is that due to poor social skills they were unable to achieve sexual success so they turned their attention to technical subjects and created amazing technical inventions and so on.

Here's my question:

Do you guys think the aneros can increase your sex drive for better creativity without masturbation involved at all meaning no penis play?

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Here's my question:

Do you guys think the aneros can increase your sex drive for better creativity without masturbation involved at all meaning no penis play?

Hm, I guess you already know my thoughts on Mantak Chia and this whole semen retention approach, so I won't engage with that again.

Just one thought maybe: keep in mind, that fiddling with your ejaculation frequency affects the hormonal levels of your body. So you will definitely feel a difference after a while - a different percetpion of your body. Contemplate this new coenesthesia and be honest to yourself if you like it. I tried that out myself, when I was reading Mantaks books, and the I must say, that it rather damped my sex-drive - I felt rather neutered than anything else. If you don't like being horny all the time, this might be a calming and relieving experience - to me it was not. 🙁

To your question:
Imho the aneros does indeed boosts your sex-drive, but not the one you are thinking of right now. It's a wider, expanded form of sexuality that you will increase and not your everyday raging boner. That being said, your traditional sex-drive may even decrease (or may not - mine stayed rather unchanged).

I find this an interesting question and I'm curious about the experience of the other members here.

There is no need in depriving your penis of any affection, since you can expand the aneros approach on the penis as well. In other words: you can learn to achieve the same kind of expanded-full-body-dry-MMO via penis stimulation. It's a bit trickier to learn, because the penis is strongly hardwired and it's difficult to not fall back into autopilot-ejaculation-mode, but it's very possible.

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