I am on meds for mild high blood pressure, most of the time it's pretty good, 125/82 or so, but sometimes it goes up to 140/100 ish. Usually when I'm stressed or really nervous. Could working on having HFO and SO with the Aneros be dangerous to me? Does it spike your blood pressure?
I don't have high blood pressure but after 2 heart attacks, the 'standard' medication cocktail includes blood pressure tablets. I find Aneros sessions leaves me feeling calm and relaxed. I have not experienced any adverse symptoms or effects during my frequent session since my heart attacks in 2009.
I would say you may wish to take your pressure during a rousing session to make sure things are ok.
You could ask your doctor but i but I doubt he/she would be familiar with this scenario
not exactly pressure related but when I ride, Imy BP routinely drops
into the 40s and stays there, as I’m super relaxed. It’s normally in the 60s and 70s
Hi if you are worried were a sports watch with blud presser monitor mine is supposed to give a warning .trubul is if I'm having O and it starts warning me will I tack any notice .at the moment I don't have blud presser or Harte problems