Rewiring issues
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Rewiring issues

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As my rewiring progresses, I'm finding that I'm have a harder time cumming from masturbation or intercourse. I can still do it but it's clearly harder to do and I need a lot more stimulation than before I started this journey. I feel like my body and mind is becoming more conditioned to cumming from prostate stimulation, and less from traditional sex or masturbation. Not sure if this is all in my head. My question is to those of you have rewired, and crossed over, does it become harder to cum from manual stimulation/sex than from the aneros?

B Mayfield
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Rewiring is an individual thing, which is to say that although there are similarities from one person to the next, each persons path is unique. Having said that, I can absolutely attest to the kind of changes that you're experiencing. I too went through a period where a traditional orgasm took a little more work to cum by. 😉 At that point in my journey everything seemed routed through the non-ejaculatory pathway. As time went on I gained mastery over both types of orgasms. The one thing that I haven't been able to change since then is that Super O's have become a prerequisite for satisfying ejaculations. I'm able to ejaculate without a Super O preceding it mind you, but if I do, the experience seems incomplete and not particularly fulfilling. Granted, it's not a terrible problem to have, but it is change from the way that things once were, one that I have gladly accepted

Stay with it, be open to everything that comes your way and things will reveal themselves to you!

BF Mayfield

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Thanks for the advice, bf mayfield. You are where I want to achieve so anything advise you have i would gladly accept. Glad you able to clarify some about the rewiring. It is defiantly harder to cum lately through masturbation. My body seems more willing to cum from the aneros but I'm not quite there yet. Guess I will just have to be patient and keep trying. Been laying off the masturbation to orgasm anyway as it's harder to achieve at this time. Putting all of my concentration into cumming from the prostate/anal area.

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