Rewiring Complete/W...
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Rewiring Complete/Wheel Reinvented

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As I have stated in a previous post my journey has been well
over 6 years….since the day I stumbled upon the super o entirely by accident
after relentlessly pursuing it…

I’m also finding a lot of what I have been reading from the Veterans..Brian,Rumel,Buster,Loveis,
and Darwin..just to name of few and some of the other regulars…The wiki and all
there advice suddenly makes so much sense now…. I can honestly say I GET
IT!!!!!!! Rewiring and the prostate awakening is really a journey mine was over
6 years…over the past few weeks…from going to just some really good feelings to
nothing over the past few years I even gave up a few times…….….im sitting here
typing and my hands are still shaking from the 2 hour session I had about a
half hour ago…The super O truly has been a life changing event….I can tell you non-believers
or those who haven’t reached the super O yet…don’t give up…in the milestones
section of the Wiki the term “surprise attack of very serious pleasure” is a
F@CKING understatement….when the Helix is hitting on the spot just right…I have
had full body SUPER O’s when they were peaking dam near made me lose consciousness….
I also remember another phrase from the milestones and it reads “Disbelief that
this could actually be real” Well that’s an understatement also….a few times
already I was literally in tears….The feeling encompasses your whole body and
you become numb with the warmest indescribable feeling of total Bliss…and it
comes in these waves and they get better and better and stronger and stronger until
you physically cannot take it…LOL….and you stop from sheer exhaustion…anyway as
being a recent member of the Super O club…next I’m gonna contribute my 2 cents
to all you people stuck and let you know what I learned and how to achieve the
Super O from my perspective…MORE TO COME!!!!!

B Mayfield
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Congratulations on your success! If you have not done so already I would urge you to post to the My First Super-O sticky about your recent experiences. Your comments will serve as encouragement for others who are struggling. Keep exploring, it only gets better!

All the best,

BF Mayfield

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Thank you for your testimonial.

It's people like you that give me hope, I have aneros for 3 years and I feel I'm stuck and will never reach it.
I keep trying because of people like you, thanks!

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it gives us hope, it gives some of us a feeling of real unattainability, which might be somewhat psychosomatic (hopefully not). Great to hear of your success.

This is however another source of confusion and contention, as this goes against such threads/thoughts that Neros made about the myth of the super O.

Remember that one, guys?

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Yes the myth of super o, which as I comprehended was not to say there wasn't a destination of significant mind bending orgasmic pleasure, but was stating that where each individual is at is in fact the persons "super orgasm".
That as your body and mind are ready for the next level will allow you to attain that level. That was mentioned.
There is no confusion in that what was spoken of here is another persons experience and how they felt during a session which cannot be quantified to measure against someone else's.
what you are speaking of is your expectation. I would like my session to be reality altering as we'll. one day maybe it will go so far. For now the pleasure where I am is very sufficient and worth the effort. Kudos to those who float off the bed. I accept what I receive with the creators blessing and hope my journey progresses to greater heights. I believe that was neros point. I hope you find this satisfaction And so I hope your journey takes an unexpected turn resulting in a bedpost snapping orgasmic session.
Greater days ahead with patience and consistency

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