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Removed handle on MXG?

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Ive heard many prefer the Helix without the handle, but what about the MGX?

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I have removed the handle on both the mgx and the helix but have left it on the maximus. Can't say for sure that it is better or not as the mgx w/o the handle was my favorite for at least a year but now my favorite is the maximus and that has the handle

clear as mud, right?

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Yep, removed the handle from my MGX and was loads better.
Easier to lie on the bed for one thing.

Thinking about removing my Progasm's handle but hesitant as I manage fine with it on.

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Thinking about removing my Progasm's handle but hesitant as I manage fine with it on.

The Progasm is the one model I wouldn't think of removing the handle from. It protrudes much less than the smaller models, and the K-tab does give some benefit, if only to ensure that the device doesn't enter too deeply.

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Wow, thhn, another Maximus lover! I like mine too. I don't have an MGX but I think the large thick handle on the Maximus and on the MGX are similar in construction and would be difficult to remove nicely as is easily so with the Helix and Eupho (both of which in my case I've removed the handles). I've left the handle on my Maximus due to that construction issue and have no difficulty with it.

Only recently did I remove the handle of my Eupho (took awhile before I got up the nerve to cut on a $100 piece of plastic) but it really allowed it to "wiggle" even more inside than ever, one of the fantastic attributes of that particular model making it probably my absolute favorite of all.

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Thinking about doing this as well. Cant lie down without something under my lower back b/c of the handle.

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The Progasm is the one model I wouldn't think of removing the handle from. It protrudes much less than the smaller models, and the K-tab does give some benefit, if only to ensure that the device doesn't enter too deeply.

Thought as much, cheers for the advice.

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Wow, thhn, another Maximus lover! I like mine too..

Slimjim: The maximus was my last purchase - I think I had all the other models first and really wasn't going to buy the maximus as it doesn't get the publicity many of the other models get. I posted a thread here and someone (can't remember who) told me it was thier favorite so I went ahead and got it.
It quickly became my favorite regardless of a solo session or sex with the wife. I seem to get the most movement out of that one

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I don't have them all, just the Helix, Maximus, and Eupho, in that order. I like the fullness of the Maximus yet it still moves well, though admittedly not like the Eupho. I tried sex with my wife with the Helix in once. Though the ejaculation is intense with it in, it tends to make the pelvic muscles sore doing that so I mainly have a session ideally about a day ahead of sex with her. It seems to make the traditional orgasm stronger and more long lasting when I've done that.

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There was someone in chat who adapted their p-tab by hovering it over a candle and bending it back slightly (as it was digging in too hard) im tempted to try and do the same technique but on the handle, curl it in a bit more than it is already. Hopefully this will be enough to make it totally comfy laying on my back on bed, will let you know how it goes.

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