I've been using various devices on and off since I was 16, and I just ordered another MGX. I feel like I'm learning more and more as time progresses, but I have some questions that require confirmation.
1. Is it best to just use the device and not have a wet orgasm before your next session? The longer I withhold a wet orgasm, the more I crave having my prostate stimulated. However, after using an Aneros without a climax, I'm left horny on an intensely distracting level.
2. How long is too long of a session? I've heard 30 minutes, 90 minutes, and even sleeping for hours with it in. If I use it too long and contract too hard, it leaves me feeling sore inside sometimes into the next day. I find the best sensations begin a few minutes after inserting, come in increasing waves, then plateau after about 20 or 30 minutes. Then I get impatient and contract harder to compensate, which just seems to kill it, then I have a Super T and dismiss the device as time consuming and no different than having sex or rubbing one out. Then I dispose of the object, and regret it because the sensations are unique to anal stimulation. It's a love/hate relationship lol. Hence why I just bought a new one.
3. How hard should one contract? 0 being not at all, and 100 being about to crap your pants and pinching off as hard as you can. I think the best level is somewhere around 10 to 20. It seems like if you contract at this level, only your PC muscle is engaged. Any harder and your anal sphincter contracts and draws the device in and puts a lot of pressure directly on the prostate.
I've read most of the guides on this forum in the last 6 years, and I was just hoping to converse with people regarding the questions above. Thanks for the insight
I'm still relatively a newbie, but maybe I might have some insight?
I've heard that abstaining is good for raising arousal for a session. I think you just have to learn to focus on ignoring the horny feelings after a session. Or, take the MGX out, and then jack off?
I usually do 1 - 2 hours, and often do sleep with the device. I would say it depends on the individual.
I try to not do hard contractions. I mainly do the Do Nothing technique, but I also find that if I contract very very gently then I get some feelings (which may or may not be the correct ones to have - I've never had an Aneros-type orgasm). Clenching too hard does make me sore, especially with Progasm. On your scale, even now at my Lunch Time, with no Aneros inserted, at about level 5 I can feel some weird feelings (). At this level I can feel something inside me moving / rubbing and something similar to a need to pee feeling. And a couple of minutes of doing that while writing this I just felt a tiny anal twitch contraction. So perhaps try with lighter contractions?
A couple of years ago when I started with the Helix, I'd do some fairly hard and fast contractions. Did that for a few months, but these days the smaller contractions seem better somehow. Less soreness.
Hope that helps. There's no one technique for this so keep trying various things.
- (Edit): What I do is like oscillating contractions. Maybe a rolling motion? Like... contract release contract release but make it a smooth transition like a sine wave, not like on-off-on-off like a square wave ( ) . And it's kinda at a 2Hz, 1Hz or 0.5Hz (twice a second, once a second or once every 2 seconds type of speed). I usually don't do loooong contractions. If that makes sense...
Hi @Spectre . Again I wouldn't call myself an 'esperienced user' but these are my thoughts:
1) Can go either way. You can only find what is right for you by experimenting, and I would say that if you are so horny and craving an orgasm it's not going to get you anywhere in fact it could significantly reduce your chances. Horny is one thing, probably beneficial, but craving doesn't work. If you are really desperate to orgasm then an ejaculation can work to calm you before you use the aneros, has done wonders for me in the past.
2) Less than an hour is probably too little. Depends what happens after that, if it's nothing then I just get frustrated, if it's going well then you need as much time as you can afford to enjoy it.
3) I think this really depends on what is working at the time. Most of the time gentle contractions are the best for me, but sometimes I just feel like a need to go at it more aggressively because it's working like that on that particular day - on another day a hard contraction would kill the feeling. It's so variable and probably depends exactly where the orgasm is coming from, where the aneros is pressing exactly and a million and one other factors. Anal contractions can be good, nothing wrong with those, sometimes I find that is where an orgasm builds and I need them to bring it on.
I can also get dome really nice feelings going with nothing inserted and looking at things that arouse me while doing oscillating contractions, all the way up to tiny pre-orgasmic twitching.
I've often wondered what orgasming before using it would do, but I've often felt that it kills the desire to even use it lol.
One thing I'd like to share I'd regarding lube, which is probably one of the single most important things. I've had excellent results with plain Crisco shortening. It's vegetable based, made from soybean oil, and it's very thick and creamy so it stays in place. It doesn't break down or absorb very quickly, and it doesn't have a laxative effect like store bought glycerine based lubricant, coconut oil, or Vaseline.
My advice for using it is to buy an oral syringe from a pharmacy; the kind with a white rubber cone that fits over the plastic end of the syringe. Melt some of the Crisco in the microwave on low power, then pull the plunger out of the syringe and fill it with the now liquid oil. If it didn't come with a cap, you may need to cover the tip so it doesn't leak out freely. Place the plunger onto the opening of the syringe, then turn it upside down and gently easy it into the tube until the air bubble is pushed out of the tip.
Let the syringe cool at room temperature until it turns white again. It seems like a process, but it should last you many sessions, and the convenience it creates and the mess it prevents is well worth it. I would inject about 5ml for best results. Then you can push some out onto. The device and spread it around with your finger. You don't need much.
Now, the single most important thing that I can share is this: from a psychological standpoint, one can not experience anxiety and arousal at the same time. They've proven that people with anxiety problems typically suffer from sexual dysfunction as well. This would explain the mixed results people have. If you've never inserted something into your body, you're probably worrying about injuring yourself or what's going to happen as a result of the device etc etc. One has to release all anxiety and inhibitions to feel completely aroused, and this device shines when the most subtle sensations are felt and focused on. I'm actually going to my doctor to be treated for anxiety, and will report my findings here.
1. Is it best to just use the device and not have a wet orgasm before your next session?
What is "best" for you is really only for YOU to decide but becoming educated about the effects of certain bio-chemical neurotransmitters (hormones) may alter your future behavioral patterns with respect to Aneros use.
The longer I withhold a wet orgasm, the more I crave having my prostate stimulated. However, after using an Aneros without a climax, I'm left horny on an intensely distracting level.
You've just reinforced the ancient Taoist practice of semen retention to maintain high levels of bodily energy (Qi or Chi). Aneros practice harmoniously co-exists with these ancient practices in that it does not usually induce the ejaculatory orgasmic response. Ejaculations (wet orgasms) trigger a hormonal cascade of prolactin and oxytocin release which in turn neutralizes the 'feel good' hormone dopamine, this has the almost immediate effect of arousal cessation, the male refractory period. Aneros use, by contrast, stimulates the prostate in a subtle manner and induces dry orgasms (the Super-O being a particular example) without triggering the male refactory period or depleting the ongoing dopmamine release in the brain thus allowing for the opportunity for multiple orgasms in a single Anerosession. Many men do reach a satiation point but even then may retain high energetic levels (horniness) following their sessions, this is quite common. How you deal with this abundance of energy is up to you, I hope you will use it creatively to enrich your life and the lives of those around you. It is nature's gift to YOU, to harness as you deem appropriate.
2. How long is too long of a session?
Again this is an individual's decision, there are no speciufic rules in regards to this. My advice is to listen to your body, when you start to feel sore, tired, uncomfortable or bored then it is time to end the session. IMHO, there is no point in pushing the length of a session in hopes of the body producing more pleasure than it has already given you. Even if you know that you could have a few more minutes of pleasure, why not provide a little self teasing and preserve that pleasure as a primer for your next anticipated session?
Then I get impatient and contract harder to compensate, which just seems to kill it, then I have a Super T and dismiss the device as time consuming and no different than having sex or rubbing one out.
This is an example of your ego trying to exert control over your body, this is a foolish pursuit and will only lead to continued frustration. Learning to "Just Let Go !" may help you move forward and get out of the rut you've dug for yourself.
3. How hard should one contract?
I agree with your thinking the lighter contractions are more effective. 'B Mayfield' addressed this in his post IS ANEROS THE ONLY WAY TO FLY? with the concept of a "base level" contraction. This is a matter of fine tuning your contractions to effectively maximise your body's response.
Then I dispose of the object, and regret it because the sensations are unique to anal stimulation. It's a love/hate relationship lol. Hence why I just bought a new one.
I find this statement somehat disheartening as it demonstrates an instance of cognitive dissonance which may continue to negatively impact your future Anerosessions unless the underlying issues are resolved. Hopefully, these are minor issues which you can deal with effectively through your own personal meditative practices but if they continue to crop up, I hope you will seek professional counseling to resolve them. You are too young to be burdened with such conflicts for the rest of your life.
One thing I'd like to share I'd regarding lube, which is probably one of the single most important things. I've had excellent results with plain Crisco shortening
I do agree that good lubrication is impotant but I do hope you'll reconsider the use of Crisco as a regular lube. There are a number of potential health issues regarding this product. 1.) Soy based products have been shown to have a feminizing effect on certain males (see this article & this article as examples) There are numerous articles available on the internet, just Google "effect of soy products on male testosterone". 2.) The other oils used in Crisco are fully hydrogenated palm oil and partially hydrogenated palm and soybean oils. All hydrogenated oils are unhealthy trans fats, not good for your heart. 3.) While the remaining ingredients of Crisco (mono and diglycerides & TBHQ) may not be particularly harmful in small quantities when eaten, but do you really want your body absorbing these chemicals directly into your bloodstream?
The primary function of the lubrication is to assure a minimum of friction between your Aneros and you. Since the rectum produces very little in the way of natural lubrication, it is necessary to provide supplemental lubrication to assure a comfortable and irritation free buffer. Understand the amount of Aneros movement generated by your internal muscular contractions is actually very small, so in that sense it doesn't really slide much at all (except upon insertion and extraction). The concept of the Aneros moving freely is just to make sure there is no encumbrance to these small movements.
There has been a continuing discussion on the Forum about lubrication types and issues. Next to discussions about the Super-O, lubrication is probably the next most discussed topic. I recommend you first read the Lubrication paragraph in the Getting Started chapter of the Aneros WIKI and then read through the Bestlube..., Need Help with lube choice, coconut oil, Coconut Oil and Unrefined shea butter..., threads for additional information and insight into this topic.
Most commercially prepared personal lubricants contain glycerin which has laxative effects and depending on the sensitivity of the individual, may cause the dreaded "urge to purge" syndrome cutting short one's Anerosession. However, other individuals seem to be unaffected by the small amounts of glycerin in these lubricants. In any event, glycerin (whether naturally or synthetically derived) is but one of many chemical constituents in these lubes.
As far as I know there have been no long term studies of the health effects of commercially prepared or natural personal lubricants. Because of the frequency and duration of Anerosessions the use of commercial personal lubricants has become a subject of concern for a number of Forum members due to the repeated exposure to the chemical constituents contained in these products and their long term health effects. Many members have chosen to seek out more natural lubricants in hopes of ameliorating any long term negative effects.
There are many choices for natural lubrication, it is more a matter of personal preference which particular lube you choose to use. Olive, coconut, walnut and almond oils are all popular alternative natural lube choices, shea butter is another popular natural lubricant. These natural lubricants do not contain glycerin. The rectal wall is a highly permeable membrane, easily absorbing water and the chemicals therein. While natural oil lubes do get absorbed like water based lubes, the absorption rate is slower and as the viscosity of the oil increases, the absorption rate decreases. Hence lighter weight (low viscosity) oils like grape seed and olive oil will be more readily absorbed and disperse more rapidly than heavier oils (higher viscosity) like almond oil or canola oil.
Personally, I am concerned about the uptake of the various chemicals in commercial 'personal lubricants'. Since I've developed a sensitivity to the glycerin found in many of the commercial lubricants, I've switched to using natural oil based lubricants such as a 50%-50% mixture of almond oil and shea butter or a 67% coconut oil - 33% shea butter mixture or the 'Natural Jelly' formulation. These compounds are safe for use with both the plastic and silicone Aneros models. Good Vibes to You !
What is "best" for you is really only for YOU to decide
Wow. Thanks for the detailed response. You know, life coaches can make $160 an hour doing what you do.
Before I learned how to masturbate, I used to get off climbing a pole or a rope. It used to generate intense full body non-ejaculatory orgasm. If I was unable to achieve one after two or three minutes of climbing. I would come down and wait a minute or two. Then I'd go up and try again. When my MGX gets here, I might try using it for a little while, then take it out and wait a little bit, then try it again and see what happens.
1. Arrousal is key. So when learning and just starting off, I'd say the more you can not ejaculate and be horny the better.
2. Sessions usually start dying for me after about 90 min. Just the muscles involved in the orgasm get tired and I don't orgasm as much after 90-120 min long sessions. But there's things you can do to kick start it up again. I've had sessions that lasted 6 hours. But about 90 min is my average.
3. I don't intentionally contract at all. I'm a put it in and do nothing sorta person. After a few minutes, I might feel a bit of an ache around my prostate, and notice that I am actually contracting or have some tension gripping the toy. But I'm not doing it intentionally. Instead of trying to contract (or trying to relax), I just notice what state my body is in and how hard it gripping the toy and try to not do anything to change that. Eventually, I feel my body start gripping it more and more and it starts feeling better and better than it spasms and orgasms. But for me, the secret is to just pay attention to what my body is doing and enjoy that and not try to change it.
I've been using various devices on and off since I was 16, and I just ordered another MGX. I feel like I'm learning more and more as time progresses, but I have some questions that require confirmation.
1. Is it best to just use the device and not have a wet orgasm before your next session? The longer I withhold a wet orgasm, the more I crave having my prostate stimulated. However, after using an Aneros without a climax, I'm left horny on an intensely distracting level.
Orgasm with ejaculation tends to lower your libido for a while. Higher sexual drive is good when you want a nice session. Wanking without an orgasm, edging, doesn't interfere with Aneros. I'm not saying you should forget about cumming, but if you get in a habit of jacking off at the end of each session because it wasn't good enough I doubt you will have much success. You need patience and discipline to succeed.
2. How long is too long of a session? I've heard 30 minutes, 90 minutes, and even sleeping for hours with it in.
I use it as long as I can without getting sore (I re-apply lube once or twice at some point). As long as it gives me pleasure. Changing rhythm and positions does a lot to keep it fresh, and sometimes leads to exciting discoveries. For me that's up 1 hour, sometimes longer. If changing positions no longer works, I end the session.
If I use it too long and contract too hard, it leaves me feeling sore inside sometimes into the next day. I find the best sensations begin a few minutes after inserting, come in increasing waves, then plateau after about 20 or 30 minutes. Then I get impatient and contract harder to compensate, which just seems to kill it, then I have a Super T and dismiss the device as time consuming and no different than having sex or rubbing one out. Then I dispose of the object, and regret it because the sensations are unique to anal stimulation. It's a love/hate relationship lol. Hence why I just bought a new one.
3. How hard should one contract? 0 being not at all, and 100 being about to crap your pants and pinching off as hard as you can. I think the best level is somewhere around 10 to 20. It seems like if you contract at this level, only your PC muscle is engaged. Any harder and your anal sphincter contracts and draws the device in and puts a lot of pressure directly on the prostate.
In my experience, harder contractions are COUNTERPRODUCTIVE. It's like your prostate has a number of Hit Points. You want to tease it as gently as possible (hit it until you feel pleasure, then release). Stronger kegel muscles are only helpful to sustain your rhythm, and in certain positions where there's more traction, and Progasm certainly needs more strength and lube to push it around with satisfaction. When your prostate is out of hit points, you're left sore and that's over for a day or two.
So, contract only as hard as necessary. You may have very fun manual masturbation with your penis when you go as fast and hard as possible, and normal masturbation is like a slippery slope for a man. You always want more and faster, and it takes some self-control and discipline to stop (edging etc).
Aneros play is different. Harder contractions are NOT more pleasant. They just make you sore faster. What you need is good lube, a rhythm and a good position. When you hit your prostate in a rhythm, you may only feel slight pleasure at first. Rather than going harder, just KEEP DOING IT. Soon it will either subside or become more pleasant.
Also, you become more sensitive over weeks. The same movement and rhythm that was only mildly pleasant or gave you a strange feeling can give you a pillow-biting experience a few weeks later. Just keep massaging the spot that gives you a strange feeling.
If it subsides, change position slightly. I mostly use "on my back with knees bent and legs spread", and kneeling/doggy. These give me lots of ways to maneuver my legs and butt. On top of that, I alternate movement of Aneros by using two sets of muscles - kegel muscles and sphincter (anus? - not native speaker). Some guides say to ONLY use kegel muscles, but using different muscles means hitting prostate at different angles and it LOVES that. Prostate LOVES variation and slightly varied massage. As you massage, try moving your legs, raising your butt (I usually keep my hands under my butt, it helps).
For something fun, try a new rhythm: weak contraction, weak contraction, stronger contraction (repeat).
Wow, thanks guys! Some incredible insight here.
I just accidentally came across a post on another forum about a guy who had limited success until he fell asleep with it in, and woke up having a non-ejaculatory orgasm. I have never tried sleeping with it in, but when I fall asleep, I find myself feeling more sexual than while I'm awake, so I'll probably give that a shot eventually.
Good read:
Some extra insight.
Silicone lube is super good - you don't need a lot, it lasts a long time and is very slippery. However, with Helix Syn it's SUPER BAD because it's made of silicone and it may dissolve!
I always do an enema (3, in fact) before a session. Knowing I'm pretty clean down there and I'm not getting any feces on my fingers when relubing makes me more comfortable and relaxed.
I always do a 15 minutes relaxation with aneros inserted prior to the actual session. It helps. I just lie there and don't contract.
Being tired, not having enough sleep is bad and lowers enjoyment of a session.
Watching porn is counterproductive on me. In fact, it may be best to close your eyes. You need to focus on the TOUCH feelings. Listen to your body, pay close attention to what's happening in your butt. If you get any strange new feeling - follow it. When jacking off, you can beat your penis into submission. With prostate, you need to pay attention and follow. A good mindset is not to chase the orgasm, but just keep doing what feels pleasant. When you hit the right spot with prostate, it doesn't matter it's not an orgasm because it feels so good you want to do it for hours. And I really did bite my pillow, especially in doggy position with Progasm Ice. (I own Helix Classic and Progasm Ice).
Don't give up too easily. I had many sessions where I thought it was time to finish it for the day, but then I tried a bit different position and reached new heights. Speaking of positions, I always do it on the floor (because I learned the hard way silicone can stain fabrics), and this lets me put my feet on my bed and experiment with different leg angles.
Buy a special towel for use only with Aneros. Place it under your butt for the entire session. Towels are cheap. Less chance to stain whatever you lie on, and silicone lube is so slippery it can cause a wipeout. You don't want it on a hard surface.
Even if it feels you've made no progress in a session, if you managed to hit your prostate - you have. The trick is, you will notice it in a few days or even weeks (your brain is getting rewired). Your "Failure" to get an orgasm now contributes to awesome sessions later on.
I'm angry because due to limited privacy I lost my Aneros progress and made my new year resolution to KEEP DOING IT. But I'll stick with it this time, I mean I'm doing the 100 pushup program and 200 squat program surely I can commit to something that can give me prostate orgasm ?
Well, it finally arrived. Just had a 2 hour session laying in bed scrolling through Motherless. You're right, porn is a little distracting; when it starts to get good I don't know whether to focus on what I'm feeling or what I'm looking out. It helps to build arousal, but yeah. Had a few good warm pulses going. Came pretty close to going over the edge, but decided to stop.
Biggest thing I found was after 30 minutes or so, I'll take it out for a couple minutes to just give the area a rest. Then when I put it back in, the sensations are back to being intense.
Also put an eyedropper rubber piece over the perineum tab like I did with my last one. Works like a charm, plus it's kinda grippy so it holds it in place
Can't wait to use it later
Well, I went to have a couple beers with a friend, then tried to use it when I got home. I can say, alcohol is the worst thing to combine with this device. You can't focus, and your sensations are completely numbed. I've heard some people claim that alcohol works because it relaxes them, but I strongly advise against it. I've also used weed with this, and it doesn't work either; it just makes you anxious, and you can't be anxious and aroused at the same time. To each their own. My two cents.
I find beer makes me tired, and like airbag said, if you're tired you won't enjoy it as much. I left it in for like 3 hours and fell asleep, then woke up and took it out because I wasn't getting anything out of it. Lesson learned.
Until next time