qi (chi) and the an...
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qi (chi) and the aneros

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I'm a 19 year old guy who bought the aneros ~1.5 months or so ago. I don't know how many times I've used it... not because I've used it a million times but because a lot of the time it just facilitates normal masturbation due to a lack of discipline.

Twice, though, I've used it where I stir up something "warm" and it spreads throughout my body. The first time was like, "ahh, so maybe this wasn't such a waste of money!" and then the second time I was able to do it was wonderful and I was able to sustain the state/process for a couple of minutes.

Anyway, lately I've been reading* the last few weeks about tai chi and thus, obligatorily, qi gong (chi gung). As I understand it, your reservoir (called the dan tian) of energy (qi) is located in your lower abdomen. Where it's described is exactly where the warmth I've felt comes from when using the aneros!

Can anyone comment more on how these aneros experiences fit in with the energy traditions (I don't know anything about tantra-- I'm betting it's pretty close to qi)? Specifically, there are a lot of warnings out there about developing energy too fast before your body can handle it... I don't feel that the aneros is at all dangerous, but it'd be cool if someone (anyone!) could take a stab at addressing that.


ps. If I have any of the qi stuff wrong, please correct me. I strive to be knowledgeable and not be some "new-age" dude that takes everything from its proper context.

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As a Chinese Medicine student, I can see where your link comes from. Indeed the tan tien is a storage of qi, but primarly qi which is made from food, not the qi you were born with. Invarably, too much of any sexual stimulation will depeat qi, however this is short term and with abstinance and nutrition can be re built (feeling low or tired after orgasm for example). However the qi that you were born with (which is known as essence) can not be rebuilt, as it is not just ejaculation which causes depleation of essence but also arousal. I recomend that use of this product is for those special moments when you realy wat to get your rocks off. Good question my friend, I hope this helps, if not drop me a e-mail and I will explain more if I can.


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I don't know anything about chinese medicine but I recommend doing what you enjoy more and doing what you don't enjoy less 🙂

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Can anyone comment more on how these aneros experiences fit in with the energy traditions (I don't know anything about tantra-- ... Specifically, there are a lot of warnings out there about developing energy too fast before your body can handle it... I don't feel that the aneros is at all dangerous, but it'd be cool if someone (anyone!) could take a stab at addressing that. ...

Appologies up front for the extended nature of this response. I'm not sufficiently well read or experienced in Eastern disciplines to use words that would condense this into something brief.

Yes I agree with all that was said. My chi/ji/qi experience is limited to therapeutic acupuncture/acupressure. I also pack an SGX during Saturday morning Tai Chi drill and have done some 'gentle' Trampoline bounces with it in place. I feel that the SGX provides a good physical marker, giving me a better sense of DanTien and therefore balance in moves around my DanTien. Beyond that I'm no expert. Beyond simple edging I've not delved into Tao, Tantra or other Eastern disciplines. Some day I want to become better read on those disciplines.

Regarding pace of energy development: I think the warnings are valid but don't point to any medical danger (unless a guy has a pre-existing health condition that makes him prone to a stroke or a coronary). Rather, I interpret the warning as saying that you are wasting time and energy if you ramp-up too quickly (you are just spinning your tires.) There is a danger in that, if one is aiming at a Super-O, he is heading down the wrong path if he gets into energy overload. The studied patron of the Super-O must be establishing good traction from the git-go by matching kinetic expenditures to his capacity to absorb and convert those expenditures to potential energy levels.

When I look at the first 90 days of 'journey,' I was accelerating too rapidly into stimulation or starting at too a high level of stim. I was ramping myself up to a point of frenzy where I'd exhaust my energy reserves before I was able to fall (or migrate) into a steady orgasmic state. (aka producing a 'dud' session)

I've had to identify very minuscule stims to start my 'journey' sessions. Aside from a couple of contractions to distribute lube, I no longer use voluntary anal contractions during my Eupho 'journey' sessions:
| -- I'm an 'easy lay' for Alana. She gets the ring in my nose and I'm good for a mini-O at the 75 minute point (reliable to +/- 2 minutes) on track CD1. However that gets me in the anal contraction mode which seems too powerful for me.
| -- I'm now working to feel the tingle of energy transfer between my fingers and hands. That, prostate focus, and an occasional foot strike gets me two, sometimes three chained mini-Os before I overpower myself. I'm also working with pelvic acupressure points on my wrists and that may be a less overpowering and more gradual approach.

The evils of excessive energy development (attempting the dark-side of the force):
| --When I overpower my brain (head chakra) the building orgasm triggers me into Opthalmic Migraine which is an instant session killer. (Usually this happens when I get eager after the second mini-O and try a trigger for another immediate orgasm.)
| --My early, very athletic, sessions with a lot of anal contractions were causing what I felt as a DanTien "storm" -- very angry feeling in my belly with intestinal turbulence, sudden ab contractions and p-wave propagation that went into chills leaving me exhausted and in a cold sweat. (perhaps p-wave is incorrect -- maybe those should be called "v-waves"... "v" for violent). 👿 😈

A gentle entry into very subtle stim yields a softer warming p-wave.

I'm still entering at too high an energy level and progressing too rapidly. I think I'll slip through the keyhole some day and experience a Super-O but the temptations to get 'instant pleasure' are great.

I apologize for not providing a more spiritually definitive explanation. I'm sort of a nuts-and-bolts guy but I hope this has helped.

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Hi friend! 😀 And welcome to this creative community Forum!

IMHO, yes, you are experiencing Qi/Chi type energetic effects. The Taoist mapping of this is Orgasmic/JING >>> Life-Force/CHI or QI >>> Spiritual/SHEN. Use the Search function on this site using these terms and you will find many threads here discussing Chi and aneros practice.

My practice is focused on these energies and I have posted about this in my blog: http://www.aneros.com/displayblog.php?id=3544

Numbers of us here are also members of The Tao Bums exploring our practices in the Taoist context there: http://www.thetaobums.com/Tao-Lounge-f18.html

When I find I am overloaded with energies in the head, put your tongue up to the front roof of your mouth and drain them down into your torso. When they pool and buzz in your upper body, run the open palms of your hands in a relaxed and intentional way slowly over, just hovering a little above, your chest and sides and from where the energies are in your chest, down to below your navel and just above your pubic bone and make circles with your hands there one over the other intentionally depositing the energies there in your "lower dan tien". That is the healthy place to move and store/transform them, in my experience as a fellow explorer of these phenomena.

Maybe we can meet and chat about this through this week's week long Open Chat here.

all the best energetics experiences and development all


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Artform, I don't think Friend is around anymore, his post dates from 2004!!!

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Thanks so much enigma for pointing this out! Hey friend plantation, you have been reading way back in the Forum archives and bumped a fossil! 😉 😆 Still good questions! How goes your journey now p? And you enigma?

Thanks again. And you too rook!


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Necropost! 😆

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I'm fine thank you I am sorry you have misled arform 🙁 still a big thank you for everything you do on this forum 😉 😉

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