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Putting It All Together: Sweet Spot = Sweet Success

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Back in February I posted my very first post on this forum because I genuinely wanted to share what I believe to be the 5 Essential Points for Success in reaching the Super O experience. Like many of you I had become frustrated in not seeming to be able to get anywhere beyond some good feelings now and then. Of course I had the benefits of regular prostate massage, especially an increased libido, but I was essentially going nowhere until I looked more closely at the Wiki and began researching. That's when I discovered the importance of the "Sweet Spot." The "sweet spot" is that location between the anus and scrotum where all the nerves seem to converge. Without getting into a rehash of that post, I do want to give those of you still on your personal quest a bit of an update by pulling some quotes from my follow-up post on the "5 Essential Points for Success."

In my original post linked above, I said that in my case the sweet spot is farther away from the anus than is suggested in the wiki. This made it essential for me to find and mark the spot and to use some sort of "non-slip" surface on the P Tab to actually place the P Tab on that spot (you can learn how I did this at the link above). Otherwise, the Aneros (Progasm, MGX Classic, and Maximus) all tend to land short of the mark. Without putting the P-Tab on the Sweet Spot, all I did was manage to have a nice feeling massage... nothing more. If, however, I pulled the Aneros' P-Tab up to the marked Sweet Spot, I was able to achieve the Super O and multiple orgasms.

I read somewhere about the old "Aneros Classic" which was discontinued from the Aneros line because of the greater distance between its insertion axis and the P Tab. I discovered that the Aneros Classic is still being sold at High Island Health's website as the "PS-New." The PS-New is a bit longer than most other models and also has two raised nodules that contact the prostate but most importantly for me, the P-Tab hits my sweet spot naturally. My first experience with the PS-New was one of multiple orgasms that began within the first 10-12 minutes or so. For me, this validates the importance of finding that place on the perineum commonly known as the sweet spot.

My experiences with the PS-New have been so consistent that I finally decided to take the plunge and modify my Maximus to match the measurements of the PS-New. I found that measuring from the center of the narrow portion of the PS-New's shank to the contact point of the P Tab is 2 1/8 inches. I confirmed one last time that this hits my "Sweet Spot" exactly by going through the location process one last time (see the original post at the link). By placing the arm of the Maximus' P-Tab in boiling water for a few minutes and using a ruler to measure, I was able to successfully bend the Maximus' P-Tab to the same 2 1/8" measurement. I then anxiously tried the now-modified Maximus. Wow! I was having orgasmic contractions in less than 10 minutes! This encouraged me to modify my MGX Classic and, again, I had the same result.

My conclusion: For the better part of nearly 3 years I sometimes came close to having a prostate orgasm but never did until I went back to the Wiki and rediscovered the significance of the "Sweet Spot." For those individuals fortunate enough to meet the apparent 1 3/4" "standard" anus to "Sweet Spot" measurement, any quest for the "Sweet Spot" will not matter. For those of you who never can seem to advance, I want to again encourage you to take the time to investigate exactly where yours is located. Now that I have modified all of my Aneros massagers (and one Chinese knockoff), all of them produce almost immediate results with one exception. I modified my Progasm as well and while it did improve things a bit, I have concluded it simply is just too big for me. It feels good and gives a good, aggressive massage but lacks the mobility to produce an orgasm for me most of the time. I still enjoy it, however, but it is not put in use that often.

I want to encourage those of you who are stagnated in your quest to press on. Read the Wiki. I believe most of the information there is right on the money and I cannot over emphasize the importance of the "Sweet Spot." One last thought regarding multiples (I now have had as many as 5 in one session) and the Super O: When I "try" to have an orgasm, I don't. It is only when I fully relax and allow the device (my favorites now in descending order are PS-New, Maximus, MGX Classic, Chinese knockoff, Progasm) to do its own thing as the involuntary muscular reactions dictate.

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One problem for me is that I don't even know where my sweet spot is, I've tried exploring my perineum and I don't feel any special spot.

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One problem for me is that I don't even know where my sweet spot is, I've tried exploring my perineum and I don't feel any special spot.

same here. Some people this might be useful mostly its almost never translated to others experience sadly.

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@RSilva and @Sorena_,

I am convinced that sooner or later, you both will discover your Aneros sweet spot.

I believe that the effects of Aneros sessions are cumulative and that you will reach Aneros tipping points or breakthroughs that will propel your sessions forward.

I was on the Aneros journey for three years when I achieved my first Super-O on July 4 previously and since then my sessions have been effortless and enjoyable.

Discovering your Aneros sweet spot is certainly a milestone and then capitalizing on that spot is even more glorious.

@convinced has written some good stuff in this thread however! 🙂


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@RSilva and @Sorena_,

I want to encourage you not to give up on this. The "Sweet Spot" on the perineum is not some magic button. It is a place that is slightly more sensitive and the sensitivity is buried a bit. What I now understand is how that spot works in conjunction with any Aneros. As the sphincter muscles pull the Aneros in the P-Tab really pushes in on the perineum. In watching what goes on with a mirror, I am amazed and how deeply the P-Tab can be pulled into perineum. If the P-Tab is right on top of that sensitive "sweet spot," it greatly heightens the sensations in the prostate. In finding the Sweet Spot, the Wiki suggests using one's finger. I did that over and over again to no avail. The Wiki is correct in that the Sweet Spot is easier to locate when one is already aroused a bit. Partial engorgement makes it a bit easier to find. As I said before, I had to be even more direct than the Wiki suggests. Here again are two of those 5 Steps I mentioned:


  • The location of one's "sweet spot" on the perineum is absolutely essential
  • to find, mark, and remember. The "sweet spot" is that location between
    the anus and scrotum where all the nerves seem to converge. I tried
    many times to locate that spot using my finger as suggested in the wiki
    but was never successful. Then I came upon the idea of using something a
    bit smaller than my finger tip and more the size of the P-tab so I used
    the round end of a "Sharpie" marker pen. Starting about an inch from
    my anus and moving very slowly up the center of the perineum, I pushed
    on that Sharpie and wiggled it around, doing this in 1/8" increments.
    Suddenly, I found the spot. My penis felt sort of numb and I could feel
    a "tingle" at its head. THAT was my "sweet spot" and it was located
    much farther away from the anus than the MGX or Progasm would reach
    simply by being inserted. In my case the distance seems to be in excess
    of 2 inches, maybe 2 1/4" or more. I marked the spot with the writing
    end of the Sharpie. Obviously, the mark wears and washes off so I go
    through this process just before each session and mark the spot with a
    large dot. Note: My Sweet Spot is actually slightly off center to my left maybe 3/16".

  • It is vital that the "P tab" not move
  • once the Aneros is inserted. The MGX P-tab is not exactly comfortable
    anyway and I discovered that the rubber bulb off of an eyedropper could
    be stretched over the P-tab. This pads the tab a bit and, most
    importantly, creates a non-slip surface for the "P tab" to "grip" on the
    skin of the perineum. I find that a shaved perineum grips the rubber
    bulb a bit better. On the Progasm, which has a ball-type of P-tab, I
    use the cut-off finger tip from a rubber glove over the ball of the
    P-tab. A totally lube-free and completely dry perineum is essential.

    Again, my hope is that this information will help some of you reach your objective sooner.

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    im not going to give up but i won't try again until i have mastered other elements.

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    Well I just don't know how to find it. I'm not sure but I have the impression that the distance from the sphincter to my balls is bigger than average,not sure if relevant or not, or if my impression is correct.

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    I did exactly what was suggested in this and another thread. I used the rounded end of a pen cap. This made all the difference in the world in locating the sweet spot. My sweet spot distance is shorter than the average. Problem is, the Helix Syn has such a flimsy ptab arm that there is no way I can make it stay put. Is there a particular Aneros device that has a shorter ptab than the Helix Syn. Or is there one what has a stiffer ptab arm?

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    I did exactly what was suggested in this and another thread. I used the rounded end of a pen cap. This made all the difference in the world in locating the sweet spot. My sweet spot distance is shorter than the average. Problem is, the Helix Syn has such a flimsy ptab arm that there is no way I can make it stay put. Is there a particular Aneros device that has a shorter ptab than the Helix Syn. Or is there one what has a stiffer ptab arm?

    First off, I am very glad that my suggestion of the smaller diameter of a pen cap worked for you as it did for me. As to the P-tab issue, I would suggest going with a first generation plastic model and then using heat (put the arm in boiling water) to bend the P-tab inward to meet your specific measurement.

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    I also wish they'd come out with a helix syn with a really sturdy p-tab. The current one does nothing for me. The helix syn does lead to some intense experiences but I'm currently preferring the MGX and SGX for their p-tabs which hit the right spot 🙂

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    Does the Helix Classic have a sturdier ptab?

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    I also wish they'd come out with a helix syn with a really sturdy p-tab.

    I agree! I like the helix syn but the floppy p-tab is a weak spot. What they should really do is engineer a ptab that you can move and set to the perfect position for you. And then it stay put in that spot. Next model?

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    Maybe its designed that way? i really don't think the sweet spot is anything special for me, at least not yet. So its fine the way it is designed.

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    What they should really do is engineer a ptab that you can move and set to the perfect position for you. And then it stay put in that spot. Next model?

    the very first aneros, the prototype, as described in the patent, had a wire to support the tab, and it could be bent.

    if you really want an adjustable syn p-tab, try going to the hardware store and buying a spool of aluminum wire. maybe if you carefully and tightly wrap it around the tab arm, you'll have a metal encased arrm which you can adjust.


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    What they should really do is engineer a ptab that you can move and set to the perfect position for you. And then it stay put in that spot. Next model?

    the very first aneros, the prototype, as described in the patent, had a wire to support the tab, and it could be bent.

    if you really want an adjustable syn p-tab, try going to the hardware store and buying a spool of aluminum wire. maybe if you carefully and tightly wrap it around the tab arm, you'll have a metal encased arrm which you can adjust.


    That's thinking out of the box! Nice! I'm still going through learning curves, but, did want to comment on your great idea.

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