what are your experiences with having the Aneros in during sex with a partner? I hear that the prostate being massaged causes erections, and from others, I hear that it is hard to concentrate on erecting... so how does one get to being able to have a FULL penile/perineum/prostate sexual experience?
I want the Aneros to be both a solo and partnered thing, so I want erections during its use.
A big question is:
If you have it in during sex, can you CHOOSE the type of orgasm you have - penile or prostate? For a prostate orgasm, do you have to sometimes "ebb and flow" (stop thrusting) so as to make sure you don't have the penile/ejac orgasm? Can you tell which is about to come first? Can you CHOOSE wave after wave of p-orgs then switch to a penile-org to end with (if required)? If you accidently have the penile/ejac-orgasm, I guess you are in the refractory zone, right?
Well u will get one hell of an ejaculatory orgasm thats for sure. As for controlling your orgasm type ive heard its possible but takes some practice.
You can delay ejaculation through breathing and concentration enabling you to keep going indefinately which is always popular with the ladies (at least ive not had any complaints!) But it will take some time to learn this level of self control.