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Poor mental conditioning. Realisations. Discoveries. Truths.

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I keep making these little discoveries about my journey and more importantly about myself. Its been both positive and negative. I now realise, for whatever reason, that when i got my first device i was expecting something that wasn't realistic.

Here is an example of one of these little discoveries/realisations:

My thoughts were (at first) that the aneros was a hands free device that produced orgasms, which is actually true. But what i did not realise was that it meant 'dry orgasms', which wasn't stated on the packaging of device back in 2005. I assumed it mean an orgasm without masturbation that ended in traditional ejaculation.

Now i have seemingly discovered another, possibly a more profound one, with the help of others pointing the way, and it's this:

Aneros orgasms are not better or more intense or powerful than ejaculatory orgasms. Even the so called 'Super O'

I have had some intense and incredible sessions with my aneros, but i always have to compare to what i know, which is of course an orgasm through ejaculation. When i first started having sex (many moons ago) i would have orgasms so intense that i would cry, it effected on an emotional level as much as a physical one, but during that first few months i found my orgasms almost elevated me to another plain of reality. They were just that intense.

Not had that during an aneros session. So in my mind aneros session were always inferior, even when they were successful or highly pleasurable, they were not 'Super Orgasms' like i had in those early days of having sex.

My aneros 'orgasms' are that of a long drawn out orgasm that is around 30%-40% of the intensity of a standard ejaculatory orgasm (and thats on a good day) i cannot say when an orgasm begins or ends with an aneros-O. Like women say to each other when they're not sure if they ever orgasmed through sex or not "if you have to question it then you haven't had one" I often feel that i should know when I'm orgasming, because it should be intense, it has to be right?

So the theory so far is in line with @Neros post on 'the myth of the super o' that our perceptions are perhaps need a little review on what constitutes a 'Super'

Then there are things i witness that confuse me and cast doubt on this realisation and that is from testimony from people like @WarrenGWonka, who states that his aneros orgasms at times allow his 'conciousness to fill the room'. This screams to me, almost violently, that it is more intense than an ejaculatory orgasm (or at least as intense as a very powerful ejaculatory orgasm like what i experienced all those years ago... and recently as well)

I hear of very few stating this level of intensity from aneros use, very few indeed, but i also feel that it is possible, but it is perhaps not possible for everyone. I would even go as far to say that its only the smallest of minorities that can and do achieve that level, certaintly in my tenure here i have only witnessed a handful of people posting such experiences of that level. Granted the forums isn't an accurate yardstick of measuring such a phenomenon but its the best we have...

I only know from my own experience during those first sexual years that the Super O is real (either in ejaculatory or dry form) as i have experienced it and it is of the definition of the words intention, i.e. 'Super', it truly is of an intensity that i cannot even begin to fathom, it breaks the laws on anything I've ever known and is quite likely the reason i got into the aneros experience (not at first, but after i read of some experiences that others have had with similar descriptions of the levels of intensity reported)

I am happy to say I have experienced these Super Orgasms from sex recently as i have said in other posts, they are random though and i have no control as to when they appear, they often result in my laughing as i orgasm or entering a state where me as a person... melts away and i am a being of pure sexual light, it is beyond words.

So wether the term 'Super O' is inaccurate or not it has, sadly, clouded my perception of what to expect and set my journey back many times over many years. Simultaneously the forums have helped to progress in the first place. It's a duality, like most things in life.

What i know for sure is this; i have experienced the Super Orgasm (or to stop the confusion i have experienced a Super Intense Orgasm...whatever) just not from an aneros (indirectly it has enchanted my ejaculatory orgasms) THAT is my expectation from my aneros sessions and THAT is what has stopped me making progress for all these years and THAT is what the newbies that have early success don't have weighing down on their minds.

They are free.

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Oh oh!... I can relate more than I'd originally thought. See, we have something in common: our ejaculatory orgasms are unusually intense (and have been so even before aneros entered our lives).

Of course, it will be confusing when people say Super-dry-Orgasms are much more intense (100x or whatever) than traditionnal ejaculatory orgasms are... Because, for them, it indeed is, because their ejaculatory orgasms are pretty weak, but to people like us, it is very debatable.

In the end, I have to thank the aneros for the exploratory journey it set me onto. The benefits are immense. But the orgasmic new heights are not that much.

(Not so high for a few reasons: one, I was already pretty high, two, I felt too much intensity made me temporarily too orgasmic and unbalanced, three, I learned to take more enjoyment from the lower intensity levels, consequently having many more rewarding moments in my life without the pressure of horniness or need for release.)

I must say I think you are learning more and more good things these days, it's a pleasure to witness. I hope you go on and progress on the path of knowledge, fulfillment and balance.

Don't be surprised if it sometimes challenges what has been told you. At some point, you have to trust yourself.

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@inhope, well written explanation. I would say though that there is the possibility that someday your aneros orgasms could be much more intense, maybe not, you will never know for sure at least, without trying. But you have to admit the feelings you get from an aneros are very addictive and pleasureable and that is something you can only get that way, not from traditional rub n tugs lol. Its clear from how much time you have invested in this you probably will never be able to give it up, so I would say enjoy your new realization and venture forward with a fresh attitude 😉

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Yeah it's still lovely and addictive etc and I hope it incenses intensity one day. When I get super wet o, it's unbelievable AND I get the release afterward as typically associated with ejaculation, which is all possible thanks to the aneros.

I worry about fertility and ejaculating often was something I wanted to avoid, but I guess it's not the cards I have been delt.

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