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OK so I've been having better sessions since i last posted, so much so that when i now introduce an aneros into my ass i feel things within seconds. Seconds.

I was sitting and working today, so as usual my ass cheeks were/are pushed together, which IMO is the source of what 'chairgasms' are, the pressure of this pushing subtly against the prostate. I often feel a sort of warm electric buzz in my legs, ass, balls etc

I get very excited, and introduce the aneros device on the bed (eupho) i find that i am abel to have a session, I'm ready for it. But the feelings are different. I get the warmth building in my ass, the prostate swelling but ONLY when the erection starts its journey. When im flaccid, no feelings from any position or technique.

The warmth in my legs is back and its just up and down the whole session. Imagine a graph with peaks and troughs and you would imagine my pleasure level in an aneros session. However after the third or fourth 'almost orgasm' (coinciding with my erection level) it reaches a height that i know it is join got just tip over and i can sense something big, massive, beyond it.... and then fall back into nothingness. Again I'm angry when this happens because my penis and mental thoughts of penetration and sex are a MILLION miles away from my mind. But my cock rules it all, focusing doest work. Im sick of it, and I'm also sick of those thinking that I'm focusing too much on the penis when I'm not AT ALL. When i get an aneros device touching the prostate it cause a reaction that sends me erect. It is inevitable. I DONT get these when sitting on a chair and having charigasms, even when I'm tensing/contracting hard.

I feel i am close and i would describe my sessions orgasmic but without orgasm. Not even a mini.

Im now back sitting, and working, and i feel the chairgasm building again. The weird thing is? the chairgams are probably better than any aneros session I've had!

Another thing i would like to mention is 'cold starts'. If you regularly have sessions you don't get this, your prostate responds right away. If you have a break of a few days or weeks you have to work, or I have to work, at 3-4 sessions before it wakes up. i feel like my body is forgetting everything i learn and i have to 'work my way up' every damn session until by the 5-6th one I'm back to where i was previously.

Where, in the name of f**k is a dry o please?

Anyways, just a little rant to get it off my chest.

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I do not have any dry Os when working and not specifically concentrating on the task at hand. You saying the words "angry", rant and "f**k" tell me your frustrations are getting in your way and preventing you from mentally getting there. BF Mayfield mentions being sexually stimulated as being a path to Super O's, so you mentally being a thousand miles away from it being in your mind just might be a key you are missing. You just need to unhook being sexually aroused and focusing on your penis. Yes, that is possible, and yes you can concentrate on your prostrate and be sexually aroused.

So maybe between your frustrations and just not quite finding a good mental place, it is preventing you from going all the way. Maybe you should take some time away from the devices and then pick back up at such a time when you can come back in fresh.

Women who say they have a headache and don't want sex makes soo much more sense to me now, as I understand and those who are rewired understand, that super O's require a certain level of mental concentration, so having headaches, or other pain or worries prevent you from completely enjoying the experience....

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I wan this made clear, my anger and frustrations happen OUTSIDE of sessions, i enjoy my session very much believe it or not. I treat them with no expectation, but each session gets me so close that it can only result in sexual angst, usually a few hours later.

Where did i say i was sexually aroused? i am focused on my prostate and what it is doing, not sex, not my dick, not thoughts of penetration. The p-waves , swelling, and other prostate responses are what arouses me, like i said dude. Did you read my post fully? i said IM NOT focusing on my penis. Not. One. Iota.

The best way i would describe it is like this:

My body is ready
My mind is ready
My soul is ready
My prostate is ready

But it doesn't happen. I am not the only one with this problem, i would wager lots more experience it. Im just the only one moaning about it.

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I wan this made clear, my anger and frustrations happen OUTSIDE of sessions, i enjoy my session very much believe it or not. I treat them with no expectation, but each session gets me so close that it can only result in sexual angst, usually a few hours later.

Where did i say i was sexually aroused? i am focused on my prostate and what it is doing, not sex, not my dick, not thoughts of penetration.

I appaude your ability to wall off session and non-session emotions. And you did not read my reply. Only trying to help brother! You said you were NOT sexually aroused, and your thoughts were a MILLION miles away from sex, and I was just trying to point out that just may be your problem....

"BF Mayfield mentions being sexually stimulated as being a path to Super O's, so you mentally being a thousand miles away from it being in your mind just might be a key you are missing. You just need to unhook being sexually aroused and focusing on your penis. Yes, that is possible, and yes you can concentrate on your prostrate and be sexually aroused. "

If you read any of the other posts on nipple stimulation and touch, that is to promote SEXUAL arousal. We are not concentrating on our pecker for that, but yet we are stimulated.....

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inhope...the more of the posts of yours I read the more I believe you will never find what you want because you don't know what you are looking for

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Apologies most interesting, yes I am sexually aroused in sessions, but penis is not the focus. It is erect when it is or isn't the focus though, sorry I should have made that clearer. But the point I was trying to get across was that I feel nothing in my prostate when my penis not erect. Others here feel things regardless and that is what has me pondering things.

Nipple play almost always results in hard erection as well. Pretty normal I assume?

Brucemarkland, please if ou would care to enlighten me as to what I'm looking for I would be grateful. Ive made great progress recently but I'm left frustrated in a different way, I'm left super super horny!

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Paralysis through too much analysis...maybe?

I realize I can't identify entirely with your experience over the duration you've described!

However, I felt just as anxious in the beginning, and patience was limited!

As I've mentioned before...follow the pleasure...and don't worry about the rest!


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As @Theme_Gasm sagely points out, trying to dissect one's sessions can be a distraction from the pleasures we already have.

This summer the orgasmic target of my sessions has tended to drift and become more varied. Perhaps your brain is expanding its view of the world and in a few weeks it's focus will move on to other targets or adopt some new wiring with the older ones.

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Ok thanks guys. I guess I will have to get used to having cold shows post session 😀

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I wan this made clear, my anger and frustrations happen OUTSIDE of sessions, i enjoy my session very much believe it or not. I treat them with no expectation, but each session gets me so close that it can only result in sexual angst, usually a few hours later.

Where did i say i was sexually aroused? i am focused on my prostate and what it is doing, not sex, not my dick, not thoughts of penetration. The p-waves , swelling, and other prostate responses are what arouses me, like i said dude. Did you read my post fully? i said IM NOT focusing on my penis. Not. One. Iota.

The best way i would describe it is like this:

My body is ready
My mind is ready
My soul is ready
My prostate is ready

But it doesn't happen. I am not the only one with this problem, i would wager lots more experience it. Im just the only one moaning about it.

I don't really think that there is anything we can say anymore that will help you. Looks like you're taking out both anger and frustration in a lot of different posts.

Personally I believe you will have to accept that you can't super O. And that acceptance will lead to you not trying. And if you really are able to superO, then it might come with that acceptance. If not, then never.

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Some things should be left unsaid alexxxx
I consider that somewhat devastating and my 10 years of effort for nothing.

I then think to myself, how can you make sub an assumption. Time and again I read here people having months of 'nice feelings' and 'good sensations' and then one day super o. I have always felt that with the combo of venting when I'm frustrated and asking the right questions will get me there. One day. Venting stops me feeling anger in my sessions.

Granted it's taken me A lot longer to get to where most people are in a few months or a year. But look at the progress I've made over the last 6 months. Unbelievable.

So why not the optimism that I will get there also but possibly in a longer time frame? Or should I just give up?

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The ONE way to ensure you NEVER succeed is to give up, so I don't suggest it!

Frankly, there's no reason to give up, except to GIVE UP your need to over analyze each part of your experience...EVEN after your session!

Just as if you were an explorer, moving slowly through a thick jungle, what's ahead of you is unknown...accept that image!

What you have, is a compass (the Wiki and Forum) which gives you glimpses of what you may experience, and a multitude of techniques to 'explore' on your journey!

As you explore your jungle, you will, and have already, encountered pieces of treasure, and clues that encourage you to continue exploring!

It's a beautiful jungle, with birds and all sorts of amazing things to marvel at the sight and feelings of experiencing VERY few have the opportunity to travel to and venture into!

Be that explorer whose courage takes him onward without fear, because you are safe in your own room, and marvel at all the pleasure you're getting already...because you never know what else is waiting for you!

Follow the treasure (pleasure) map, and enjoy!


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You're right theme Gasm , I would never give up hence my frustrations.

However they all stem from the fact (aside from my lengthy journey) from being so close, so very close all the time and having to constantly rewire myself if I have a. Break, it's exhausting.

Just FYI Alex: I have felt the shards, shards of pure orgasm bliss, they last mere seconds but I know this is what a super o is made from. I can feel those, I can feel more, one day.

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@inhope, that is excellent advise @Theme_Gasm has given you. I think for some its just a matter of time, when that time will come can be frustrating to not know.

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I agree ineverknew it is great advice and it has calmed me down significantly and allowed me to focus again. Alex_xxx advice however almost set my progress back, so I was glad to see theme_gasm say what he did.

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Seems you misunderstood me. I'm not saying that you stop aneros. I'm suggesting you stop chasing the superO. After 10 years of trying everything to get it, it seems that it might be your best bet. It's also seems easy for you to blame people whenever their advice doesn't "get you there". Not good.. Its nobodys fault but your own, remember that.

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Possibly Alex but you did state that you personally thought I can never super o, ever. I don't think that possible for anyone, not even me. Just a question of when.

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Possibly Alex but you did state that you personally thought I can never super o, ever. I don't think that possible for anyone, not even me. Just a question of when.

I suggest you read the post again.
Not just the first lines. If that is what you read into it, then it tells me alot about how you dissect information.

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It's the second paragraph I am reading, it combines your personal opinion, some conjecture and a supposition. Also please, if you have a personal opinion on a persons character then keep it as a private message, or to yourself. While it's not an attack, your last post, it might rub some up the wrong way. A friendly heads up.

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I'll take that into consideration.

So if you choose the "never" from the last line, then you have already accepted that you can't superO and have stopped chasing it. Nothing in your previous posts tells me that you have. Quite the opposite. From what I can see you've always been doing aneros with the primary goal to SuperO.

And if you go to the movies with high expectations? What usually happens? And when you go to the movies with no expectations? What gives you the most pleasure?

Accept, don't try and hope, just enjoy..
Maybe change your nick to Enjoying (pun intended) 🙂

That acceptance is something I havent seen from you. The frustration is a huge sign of it.

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Try to invert the problem. Instead of asking what it is you need to do to get the super O. Ask what you have done that has lead to you not superOing after 10 years. I'm guessing the common factor, and what you have always done in a stretch of sessions is trying or wanting badly to superO. Hence the anger you need to vent. When a session gives you anger and frustration, then that is a pretty big red sign.

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My point was this, saying that a person can't ever super o (from whatever mental or physical state is utilised) is quite a unusual statement. How do you know? Are you a proctologist? A fortune teller? Personal opinion, one as damning as that, is something I find bad because it can set a chain of mental blockers that become a self fulfilling prophecy. If you read my posts again you can see that super o, while it is a goal, it is only a goal 'one day'

My goal is to learn from each session, enjoy it, and apply to the next. Admittedly I am aiming toward a dry o, or even mini o, not a super o. Can't have a super before a 'normal' (A logical guesstimation) right?

The point of frustration, outside of sessions (I enjoy my sessions, mostly), is when the things I've learned seem to 'fade' if I have a gap of more than three days. It then takes my full week of consecutive sessions to relearn or 'rewire' myself to the point I was at previously.

Couple that with the fact that when I do get to the highest point I've ever hit, it stops. I remove the device and then I'm left Hornier than you can possibly envisage. Having a wet o afterwards is also detrimental to progress.

As to your last point, no session leads to anger or frustration (lately). Thinking about it and the fact it read those getting there in 10 months as opposed to years, the aneros packages outright lying about the devices functionality, the pain and damage I caused initially, the compromises I made to further my journey into exploration and many many years of dissatisfaction. I now have happier times in sessions, but leaving each one feeling I have missed ecstasy.....over and over.... Get the idea? It's hard to contain the emotions hence my outbursts, which actually I find helpful because once out I can refocus, isn't that the purpose of the forums? To talk, work through issues and discover new things?

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And please remember all the people spending their precious time answering your posts. Don't bite the hand if you ask for food and one person gives you something you don't like.

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My point was this, saying that a person can't ever super o (from whatever mental or physical state is utilised) is quite a unusual statement. How do you know? Are you a proctologist? A fortune teller? Personal opinion, one as damning as that, is something I find bad because it can set a chain of mental rad times that become a self fulfilling prophecy. If you read my posts again you can see that super o, while it is a goal, it is only a goal 'one day'

My goal is to learn from each session, enjoy it, and apply to the next. Admittedly I am aiming toward a dry o, or even mini o, not a super o. Can't have a super before a 'normal' (A logical guesstimation) right?

The point of frustration, outside of sessions (I enjoy my sessions, mostly), is when the things I've learned seem to 'fade' if I have a gap of more than three days. It then takes my full week of consecutive sessions to relearn or rewire myself to the point I was at previously.

Couple that with the fact that when I do get to the highest point I've ever hit, it stops. I remove the device and then I'm left Hornier than you can possibly envisage. Having a wet o afterwards is also detrimental to progress.

Ok, I'm sorry, I give up. We're talking on completely diffferent levels... I'm out of this thread and I won't spend time on your future threads. I don't want to be held responsible for your devestation or advice that fails to get you there.
Good luck buddy..

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That is by far the worst thing I've seen someone say here. A supposition that I am 'depressed'? And that you 'give up' clear attempts to belittle here and appear 'superior'. Different 'levels'? Disgusting. Not heading my advice on being careful what you say and how it could effect someone. Be careful.

I explained and answered your points succinctly and without anger or an attitude toward you, yet you seem to be the one showing just that. Fine, stay out. I had In fact taken good advice from theme_gasm here, read above dude, and you know what? It calmed me, it focused me and I have new resolve. Are you just pissed that his advice was better than yours was?

Edit: nice try, saw your little edit there, too bad I saw it 🙂

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That is by far the worst thing I've seen someone say here. A supposition that I am 'depressed'? And that you 'give up' clear attempts to belittle here and appear 'superior'. Different 'levels'? Disgusting. Not heading my advice on being careful what you say and how it could effect someone. Be careful.

I explained and answered your points succinctly and without anger or an attitude toward you, yet you seem to be the one showing just that. Fine, stay out. I had In fact taken good advice from theme_gasm here, read above dude, and you know what? It calmed me, it focused me and I have new resolve. Are you just pissed that his advice was better than yours was?

Edit: nice try, saw your little edit there, too bad I saw it 🙂

Good luck.

Edit: some interesting reading material..

"Overemphasizing the negative effects others have on had on them is very much a part of overemphasizing self. While one cannot state that all blamers have narcissistic personality disorder, blaming is a common behavior among those who fall somewhere on the continuum."

"Anger, pain and depression are three negative experiences so closely bound together it can sometimes be hard to know where one ends and the other begins. Pain is a complex phenomenon that has emotional and physical components. The emotions play a huge role in the experience of pain, and pain is intimately associated with depression. It's long been known that the psychic pain of depression feeds anger. But just as often, anger fuels depression."

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Again dude, please stop fuelling this (I am aware of the irony of me posting this also) it won't get the rise out of me you seem to be fishing for.

Thank you for the best wishes, hard as it is to take seriously after your last post. How's staying out of my posts working out for you? Just a ill' joke dude no need to take that personally... 😉

Thank you all (yes even Alex) for your words, I shall return renewed and refocused 🙂

Edit: seems you like that edit button! Changing much of the original content and forcing me to hit it a few times in return. Thanks for the links, again I warned you to be careful when making assumptions or suppositions about people, especially those that might experience the above in your articles. I remind you that it's dangerous to do so, even if your intentions are innocent. I will (at the risk of incurring more unnecessary posts here, after I have acquired the right advice I might add) ask you one important question; are you a mental health professional? If you aren't then I would tread lightly Alex.

I know you want to have the last word here, but just let it go my friend, there is no ego here, it's done, the thread is done.

Thank you for your concern, but as you implied before: time to move on.

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I agree ineverknew it is great advice and it has calmed me down significantly and allowed me to focus again. Alex_xxx advice however almost set my progress back, so I was glad to see theme_gasm say what he did.

Inhope, do you even see how it looks blaming my post today for "almost setting your progress back"? Do you see the blame you pass around to other people in other threads? Everything from mislabeled aneros products to advice that doesn't work. And using the forum as a place to vent your anger from the sessions is probably fine.
Anger... Sessions.. Forum.. Venting.. Blame...

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And no, I dont need a last word. And this has nothing to do with my ego. I'm spending my time answering your posts. I said I was out of here. You answered with direct questions to me. It would be rude not to answer.

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I'm not going formulate a (completely) new reply, instead I am going to continue to paste my previous message in anything you reply in here. It says all it needs to. If you have, or you want to reply to me about any points raised or about serious mental health issues (which I suspect you have no professional qualification in) then please, by all means private message me and we can chat (genuine offer). After that It will go to the admins for them to decide, won't let the thread get more out of hand 🙂

I'm willing to hold my hands up and say I shouldn't have blamed you for me 'feeling set back' , the statement you made just started a cycle of belief that I couldn't orgasm, that I started to genuinely believe. Then I remembered the 'shards' and 'other' things, reassurance, as it were that there is a positive future in this.

I am trying to genuinely calm things here and stop the BS. I've got the advice needed, no need to keep this going. Let's not turn things nasty or spiteful or any of that crap, agreed?

"Again dude, please stop fuelling this (I am aware of the irony of me posting this also) it won't get the rise out of me you seem to be fishing for.

Thank you for the best wishes, hard as it is to take seriously after your last post. How's staying out of my posts working out for you? Just a ill' joke dude no need to take that personally... 😉

Thank you all (yes even Alex) for your words, I shall return renewed and refocused 🙂

Edit: seems you like that edit button! Changing much of the original content and forcing me to hit it a few times in return. Thanks for the links, again I warned you to be careful when making assumptions or suppositions about people, especially those that might experience the above in your articles. I remind you that it's dangerous to do so, even if your intentions are innocent. I will (at the risk of incurring more unnecessary posts here, after I have acquired the right advice I might add) ask you one important question; are you a mental health professional? If you aren't then I would tread lightly Alex.

I know you want to have the last word here, but just let it go my friend, there is no ego here, it's done, the thread is done.

Thank you for your concern, but as you implied before: time to move on."

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