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P/K-tab mobility issues caused by weight loss

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I've lost a lot of weight. I'm maybe a week or so away from breaking the sub-200 barrier and hitting my target. There is a problem, though, and I'm sure a lot of you know what it is. There's a lot of loose skin leftover.

The stuff around the stomach and waist don't cause much a problem with Aneros usage, but the empty flaps that are now my butt cheeks, and the tops of my thighs, they sorta impede how the tabs move. No matter if i'm standing up or laying on my back or side, if I don't have hold of things and pulling them up or back or to the side, I have to really clench my sphincter to get any movement. This kinda breaks up the whole "relax yourself completely" thing. The only position where i don't need to hold onto anything is on my back with my feet on the floor or bed, arching my groin upwards. This is fine, but when my thighs give out before i've gotten anywhere, then that's it and I have to start over.

I don't suppose anyone knows of anything like specialised underwear that leaves the back open but gives everything a "lift"? Something to keep all the sag propped up.

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I like to lay on the floor in front of a sofa or ottoman stool and put both legs up on the sofa while lying on my back. I position my legs so they are bent at the knee with my butt close to the sofa. This allows full relaxation of my legs. You may try this and see if it helps you.

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I'll have to go shopping for a memfoam body pillow or something to cushion myself on, but yeah.

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You could buy man spanx and just cut out the back side. Another thing I like to use is a tail bone support pillow. It basically looks like a seat cushion but where your tailbone would be it's all cut out. I use that in a seated position and it allows the aneros free movement and also when I'm on my back I'm really skinny and don't really have an ass so the aneros is very close to touching the bed. If your legs are tiring out, you can drape a blanket across your bent knees when you're on your back. Then rest your feet on the ends of the blanket as you fold it under and kinda snug it up. It prevents your legs from wanting to fall outward as the blanket is held by your feet and keeps your knees in place and then allows you to completely relax your legs.

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one of the Underworks bodysuits I've been wearing, there was an option for a zipper on the backside that I didn't take. I'll have to look at getting that one next time.

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