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Penis pain/prostatitis?

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Hey- I got the Aneros about a year ago and was really pleased with the results I had. Unfortunately, soon after I started using it I developed some pain and oversensitivity in my frenelum, or the really sensitive spot on the penis below the head, and premature and painful ejaculation. I'm not blaming this on the Aneros as I used it in conjunction with anal beads a few times, and I also flexed the prostate muscles that link to the frenelum extremely hard while trying to achieve hands free orgasms. The doctors I have seen have been treating me for prostatitis without much major improvement, though I am still a bit confused as I've never felt any pain in the prostate, only in the frenelum. Anyhow, I have started using the aneros again in conjunction with antibiotics and am still enjoying it. However, I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with this or might be able to give me any advice? Any help would be much appreciated.

B Mayfield
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Being a sufferer of chronic prostatitis for most of my life, I can tell you that it's not any fun. The symptoms can be confoundingly non-specific. I've experienced urethral, and testicular soreness, prostate discomfort, painful urination, painful ejaculation and even lower back pain, but not necessarily all in the same episode. As the true causality of prostatitis remains somewhat a medical mystery it can make a bona fide cure hard to come by. Some say it's a result of microbiological infection, some say it's an autoimmune disorder and still others say that it's origin can be found in a trauma of some kind (catheter insertion for instance). Hopefully your condition will not be of the chronic type. If antibiotics DO work for you, you can pretty much assume that your condition was as a result of a bacterial infection. Considering that you're endulging in anal play, it's highly possible that you've been cross-contaminating yourself (unintentionally). That is, transferring fecal bacteria from your anus to your penis. If this turns out to be the case, you may want to evaluate your precautions and prep. for possible improvements.

So why is it that some people regularly engage in anal sex and never have this problem? The answer is that some people are simply more vulnerable to urethral infection than others.

I think it's unlikely that the actual massaging action of the Aneros caused the problem. Prostate massage in general can be quite beneficial. As matter of fact, at one time, prostate massage was the only treatment for prostatitis. Check out

So keep it clean and have fun!

B Mayfield

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Sorry to hear about your bout/s with prostate problems. I suffered with prostate problems for over 7 years with no real success at the doctors or urologists office. After years of tests, anti-biotics, flomax, and doctor office visits I went to the internet and started my own research. After reading material all over the net I ordered the Aneros. Upon the arrival of the Aneros and my initial worry over what it would or would not do, I tried it for about a week and by the end of the week I had basically eliminated my prostrate problems. I have used the Aneros for approximately 9 months and my results with it just get better and better. The pain I had suffered for the last 7 years had been replaced by a new sense that I could possibly take back by sex life. The lack of pain in my butt is one the most rewarding things about the Aneros. After almost a 7 year hiatus from enjoyable sex, things are looking up. I am using the Aneros 3 or 4 times a week and within the last month had my first super "o". I don't know how much better my sex life can get at 55, but no matter what, just keeping the pain away from my butt has been very rewarding all by itself.

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Thanks for your replies and advice. The thing that makes it confusing for me is that I've never had any prostate pain at all- its always been on the underside of my penis, though I guess the painful ejaculation is sort of a big prostatitis indicator. It feels to me almost as though I hyperextended or pulled the muscles that flex my penis while I had the aneros in and that it never really healed right. Right now my routine is to take Flomax and Cipro and 45 minutes later put the aneros in and masturbate. One of the sites I came across recommended emptying the prostate while the Cipro is at its highest concentration in your blood. This seems to be helping somewhat- at least it has changed some of the feelings, though I am definitely not healed. I ordered a bottle of Prosta-Q which may be the next step. Any experience with this product? One other site I found was made by an Italian Medical professor who claims that injecting a cocktail of antibiotics, cortisone and relaxants into the pelvic floor will heal it every time. When I emailed him he gave me the name of a NYC doctor Attila Toth who might do something similar. I may go see him if I don't improve from here soon.

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Originally Posted By: ottaknow2003
Sorry to hear about your bout/s with prostate problems. I suffered with prostate problems for over 7 years with no real success at the doctors or urologists office. After years of tests, anti-biotics, flomax, and doctor office visits I went to the internet and started my own research. After reading material all over the net I ordered the Aneros. Upon the arrival of the Aneros and my initial worry over what it would or would not do, I tried it for about a week and by the end of the week I had basically eliminated my prostrate problems. I have used the Aneros for approximately 9 months and my results with it just get better and better. The pain I had suffered for the last 7 years had been replaced by a new sense that I could possibly take back by sex life. The lack of pain in my butt is one the most rewarding things about the Aneros. After almost a 7 year hiatus from enjoyable sex, things are looking up. I am using the Aneros 3 or 4 times a week and within the last month had my first super "o". I don't know how much better my sex life can get at 55, but no matter what, just keeping the pain away from my butt has been very rewarding all by itself.

Dear John,

Your experience with the Aneros relieving pelvic pain after 7 years is not surprising to me. As a bodyworker, I have found that many cases of diagnosed prostatitis were not the result of a bacterial infection but the result of chronic muscle constriction in the hip area. One man I worked on had been taking intense antibiotics for months with no results. A half dozen pelvic release sessions relieved the majority of the pain he had been enduring for more than a year.

You can learn more about this body-based approach in "A Headache in the Pelvis: A New Understanding and Treatment for Prostatitis and Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndromes" available at Amazon. com and elsewhere. The muscle constrictions you did with the Aneros certainly released a lot of chronic muscle tension.


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Originally Posted By: Joseph Kramer

Originally Posted By: ottaknow2003
Sorry to hear about your bout/s with prostate problems. I suffered with prostate problems for over 7 years with no real success at the doctors or urologists office. After years of tests, anti-biotics, flomax, and doctor office visits I went to the internet and started my own research. After reading material all over the net I ordered the Aneros. Upon the arrival of the Aneros and my initial worry over what it would or would not do, I tried it for about a week and by the end of the week I had basically eliminated my prostrate problems. I have used the Aneros for approximately 9 months and my results with it just get better and better. The pain I had suffered for the last 7 years had been replaced by a new sense that I could possibly take back by sex life. The lack of pain in my butt is one the most rewarding things about the Aneros. After almost a 7 year hiatus from enjoyable sex, things are looking up. I am using the Aneros 3 or 4 times a week and within the last month had my first super "o". I don't know how much better my sex life can get at 55, but no matter what, just keeping the pain away from my butt has been very rewarding all by itself.

Dear John,

Your experience with the Aneros relieving pelvic pain after 7 years is not surprising to me. As a bodyworker, I have found that many cases of diagnosed prostatitis were not the result of a bacterial infection but the result of chronic muscle constriction in the hip area. One man I worked on had been taking intense antibiotics for months with no results. A half dozen pelvic release sessions relieved the majority of the pain he had been enduring for more than a year.

You can learn more about this body-based approach in "A Headache in the Pelvis: A New Understanding and Treatment for Prostatitis and Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndromes" available at Amazon. com and elsewhere. The muscle constrictions you did with the Aneros certainly released a lot of chronic muscle tension.


Thanks for your reply. I sit here reading your post and for the life of me cannot understand why urologists are not better at understanding the process that creates the pain and why they deem it unnecessary to do anyting about it. Of course if the pain goes away so then does the patient and the money for the office visit. I would think that with the waiting line at the doctors office that they would want to correct it and go on to problems that just drugs or surgery will cure.
I started with prostate problems just a few months after a vasectomy, my left testicle swoll up and I couldn't put up with the pain. I went back to the surgeon that did the vasectomy and he said that he would have to take a sample from my prostate. He was either mad at the world or my rectum was smaller that a pin hole because the pain was unbelievable and I couldn't breath while he was working on the sample. There was not any warm up just the pain of his hand up my butt. Yes, I know it was not his whole hand but merely a couple of fingers. I was supposed to go back for several visits and could only force myself to make the second visit and I had enough for the rest of my life. Little did I know then that the prostate thing would bother me for more years that I care to remember. I believe that men in general need to be better educated about their prostates and all the possible ways to remedy the situation. The internet and sites like this one have been the most positive thing in my life as far as prostate pain goes.
Once again thank you for the post.

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Hi: As some of the other posters have said, I too have been struggling with prostatitis for many years. I purchased a product which looks
very much like the Aneros 3 or 4 years ago. It was sold as a prostate massager. Which can be very helpful to draining the gland while on antibiotics. May I suggest a website for some additional reading- is a website with a lot of information on prostatitis
and other similar conditions-Oh,by the way; using a massager like the Aneros can help you feel a lot better during a flare-up! I can always tell when a flare-up is starting-My back will hurt in one spot, my testicles will ache and I sometimes will get burning when I urinate.
But lots of water, and some herbal medications, and more or less back to normal in a week or two. Good luck, J.R.

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Holy Cow!

There is a treatment for chronic prostatitis done in Europe whereby a doctor injects powerful antibiotics directly into your prostate and bursts calcifications there. I just had it done by Dr. Attila Toth in New York City and he cured me! If you are suffering from the ridiculously terrible condition, check it out- Google search for "Chronic Prostatitis: Why not heal it?" and you will get a site from an Italian Dr. Guercini who may have invented it. Anyway, its not cheap or fun, but getting rid of the problem has changed my whole outlook.

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That's the Italian doctor's website. I think I'm gonna order an Anaeros to see if it works (I'm on antibiotics atm) if not I'm going to go see Dr. Totti or go to the Tucson Prostatitis Center.

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