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P waves?

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I have been an Aneros user for about 8 months right now. I started with no previous experience in anal sex, so all the sensations are new to me and I am a bit disoriented.

The truth is that I have been very regular in the use of the device, with rather long and relatively frequent sessions. In addition, I usually practice between sessions doing Kegels to strengthen the pelvic muscles. Despite this, although what I have noticed is a noticeable improvement in conventional sex, my achievements in terms of prostate orgasms have been very scarce, limited to some pleasurable sensation in the area even when i'm not using aneros and some ocasional perianal buzz, but little else.

I write because, as far as I have understood, one of the keys is to get P waves and amplify them. In these months I still have doubts as to what P waves are, because although most users talk about them, I have not found a clear description of what they are like, and i haven't felt anything that i would describe as a "wave".

Yesterday however I experienced something new. Since some time ago, while playing with Aneros I occasionally notice something difficult to describe, like a sensation of less than a second of duration, which has no concrete start location but i would say that i feel in my head. It is a very weird sensation, i would describe as of emptiness or light headness, like falling behind or going to do a "back flip". I usually related it to slow breathing, and I thought they were sensations that had nothing to do with the prostatic orgasm, but with the rhythm of breathing.

Yesterday, to my surprise, I realized that I was able to provoke these sensations with certain types of contractions and even make them progressively increase in intensity if the contractions were done at a certain rhythm, suggesting me that they are indeed P waves. My strangeness comes from the fact that I have read that P stands for pleasure, and I do not find them pleasant, but even a little annoying. I can tolerate them just fine, I'm not forced to stop them or anything when I "amplify" them, but it's all the time like I'm falling backwards. Also, I notice my eyes involuntary rolling upwards, similar to what you see in a woman's orgasm.

In one of the times that I managed to amplify the sensation it became quite intense, but I felt nothing at all in my prostate. If I had felt anything even minimal, I would know for sure that they were P-waves and that I was on the right track, but I just didn't feel anything.

I guess the only way I have to keep going is to keep exploring these sensations and see what happens next, but I wanted to come here to see if anyone could tell me anything about it.

On another note, is it possible to reach super O without pelvic movements or nipple stimulation? Neither one or the other gives me any sensation, and I don't know if it's normal anymore either.

Thank you for your help, and sorry for my bad english.

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Posted by: @darewell

sorry for my bad english.

I didn’t even realize you had bad English, as your writing is practically impeccable.

I was maybe 2 years into my journey before learning  what the definition of a P wave is. It is just pleasure, apparently. I wouldn’t get hung up on trying to find an exact definition of it, as pleasure means different things for everyone.

You can have an orgasm without nipple stimulation or pelvic floor movement, sure. What do you do to build arousal? To you fantasize? Do you touch yourself elsewhere on your body? Do you talk dirty out loud when you are alone? Do you let yourself moan? Do you listen to ASMR, binaural beats, or other aural arousal aids? Do you practice kegels?

I personally am an eye roller and I also know very well that falling stomach sensation. I wouldn’t say these things on their own feel good, but for me they are part of a global orgasmic response linked to sensations in my pelvic basin.

So perhaps you need to actively awaken your prostate and pelvic basin through extensive kegel excercises. It might help to practice aless, and to learn the vagus nerve orgasm technique… 

in any case you are on the right track and you seem very motivated, which is great!

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Posted by: @darewell

The truth is that I have been very regular in the use of the device, with rather long and relatively frequent sessions.

IMHO, Regular practice for the sake of following a scheduled routine is counterproductive. I believe you should listen to your body's whispers for when to have an Anerosession. You haven't mentioned what you do for arousal purposes, are you highly aroused before beginning any Anerosession? @divine_o 's questions regarding this are pertinent. Arousal is a key component for generating reactive prostate pleasure sensations (P-waves). Please see the threads Are you "aroused"? & Aneros, Arousal & Abstinence/Semen Retention, 21 day challenge post & @divine_o 's thread Arousal building methods for more discussion of this topic.

Posted by: @darewell

In these months I still have doubts as to what P waves are, ... I have not found a clear description of what they are like, and i haven't felt anything that i would describe as a "wave".

From the Aneros WIKI Glossary "pleasure wave (P-wave) A feeling of sexual excitement and pleasure that normally originates in the lower abdominal and/or pelvic regions. P-waves may be localized or spread out all over the body. Some have suggested that the sensation feels like butterflies in the stomach (but lower in the abdomen) or as the feeling of sexual electricity associated with ones first touch from the first encounter with a lover. As the body becomes more sensitized with arousal amplification, pleasure waves become more common and can be produced by the Aneros or by other arousal amplification techniques. P-waves may be very subtle or intense." They are a bit difficult to describe as they are unique to each individual, the frequency and amplitude can vary from session to session even for experienced members. I would further add that it is not necessarily sexual excitement but rather sensual excitement which may originate in other body parts as well. Remember, orgasm happens in the mind/brain but may be triggered from body stimulation as well as through mental imagery alone. As @divine_o suggested "I wouldn’t get hung up on trying to find an exact definition of it,".

Posted by: @darewell

Yesterday however I experienced something new.... something difficult to describe, like a sensation of less than a second of duration, which has no concrete start location but i would say that i feel in my head. It is a very weird sensation, i would describe as of emptiness or light headness, like falling behind or going to do a "back flip".
Yesterday, to my surprise, I realized that I was able to provoke these sensations with certain types of contractions and even make them progressively increase in intensity if the contractions were done at a certain rhythm, suggesting me that they are indeed P waves.

Strange sensations are pretty normal during the rewiring process, it is how your conscious mind interprets those sensations whether they are perceived as pleasurable or discomforting. The fact that you are able to invoke those sensations indicates to me you are in fact in the midst of the rewiring process but haven't yet made the decision to assign 'pleasurable' attributes to those sensations yet.

Posted by: @darewell

I guess the only way I have to keep going is to keep exploring these sensations and see what happens next, but I wanted to come here to see if anyone could tell me anything about it.

It seems to me you need to mentally loosen up a bit, "Just Let Go !", develop your arousal prior to starting a session, put into practice some of the items identified in the thread Identifying Facilitators to Progress then allow yourself to mentally 'fall backwards', go with the flow of the session.

Posted by: @darewell

On another note, is it possible to reach super O without pelvic movements or nipple stimulation?

YES, it is. these are sometimes referred to as 'The Calm Seas of Orgasm'.

Good Vibes to You!

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Dear divine_oblivion:

Rest assured that I will remember your post and your name for the rest of my life. Indeed, what I considered to be P waves were nothing else than vagus nerve orgasms.

I searched the forum for information about this type of orgasms and followed the instructions and indeed, the sensations I described in my previous post inmediately appeared. But the most surprising thing was to experience the sensations that i had by staying totally relaxed instead of trying to amplify it through contractions. First the orgasms where light, but as i gained experience they turned to be quite intense and pleasurable. Amazing!

I was playing for quite a while having orgasm after orgasm, when I decided to go to sleep. When trying to close my eyes, surprisingly, I found myself having more orgasms spontaneously without provoking them myself.

I then decided to put the Aneros on again to see what would happen, and I literally spent a few hours chaining one orgasm after another. I didn't count them, but I'm sure I had more than 100 or 200 in total.

The truth is that I don't think that what I had was a super O, because the orgasms were pleasurable, but not inordinately intense. They were smooth, I could control them and they didn't make me moan or lose track of reality. In any case, what a night!

Evidently, I tried to activate the super O, as I occasionally felt the prostate as electric and big, but it was impossible. As far as I can see, I still haven't even experienced a P-wave, hehe.

I have carefully read Rumel's advice (whom by the way, I thank for all the knowledge he has poured here, there are many of your posts I have read) and I think the next step will be a more or less long period of abstinence, to see if I get the "hearing the prostate" thing.

You will never know how gratefull i am. Thank you!


This post was modified 3 years ago 3 times by Darewell
