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P-tab not touching
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P-tab not touching

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I've got the regular Helix, and fully inserted the p-tab just hovers a bit above the perinium. Is it supposed to be in contact the entire time?

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I had my first ride last night and am curious about this too

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You gents might be experiencing the most perfectly balanced Aneros ride in history. Where, prostate contact by the tool's body is bearing the bulk of the load. I've never experienced that but I think you'll get more prostate stim if you can shift some of that load onto the p-tab so that the tool pivots on the p-tab and is more free to slide through the anal sphincters and along the prostate surface.

Most users experience some changes in muscle bulk along their perineum during their initial months so time and experience may alter the degree of p-tab contact.

I'd suggest:

-- First thing: Look for change in lube method or the choice of lube itself. As mentioned in the Wiki, the tool should be "floating" in anal canal and rectum.

-- Relaxation: The Helix's may be not be riding a bit shallow and will seek a deeper positon with more relaxation and easy breathing.

-- Consider padding the p-tab as discussed in the Wiki. For the first few months of my journey I used the rubber bulb from a medicine dropper. It added about 1/4" of effective length to the p-tab.

-- As an alternate to the rubber bulb, @brucemarkland has reported that a small square of plastic foam also does the trick. The foam has the advantage that you can add layers as needed to get the desired effect.

I'd suggest no modifications to the shape of the Helix for several months. .... enjoy rook.

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Sometimes the tab is pressed into my perineum (during orgasms) and sometimes it is not. I wouldn't worry too much with it right now. Just focus on any subtle pleasures you have and try to build them while staying relaxed. Eventually you will notice it getting pulled in more during sessions and the tab will start to really bury itself into your perineum. Some people may find this uncomfortable and will need to pad it like @rook said. It hasn't really bothered me too much so I've left it as is. The only change I did make was to cut off the handle of the Helix because it kept hitting the bed and was distracting.

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I had the p tab hit the spot a few times and it felt great but after that it never touched me again I wish it would have hit more.

Edit: original question is the ptab supposed to be in contact the entire time or does it fluctuate?

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It fluctuates depending whether I'm in orgasm or not. Recently it's been on the spot most of the session, but for someone just starting out it may not touch it all the time. Usually once I start getting involuntaries it will start getting sucked in more.

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Thanks for the info orgasm I've decided not to fret about it or even think about it, too distracting to worry about

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