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Over a year and nothing at all.

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I have been using the Aneros Helix for over a year. I have read tips and testimonials, seen videos etc... I'm frustrated and feel like I wasted money on this product.A normal session for me has been 2-3 hours(the longest being 4 hours and that only ended well because I jerked off pulling aneros so the head was being pushed fwd and the p tab was not making contact), laying on my side/back, breathing(after insertion) . I will have and erection that comes and goes and some pre cum leaking at first. Then nothing else happens. I have tried moving my hips, gripping the aneros with my anal muscles, contracting and expanding my ass,and still nothing. The p tab starts to hurt after a couple of hours and I usually end up removing it and cleaning up.

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darkhorse43, you're not the first who's had this prob.

have you ever tuned into the Chat? often there are guys there who can give you an interactive guided learning session. they'll help you relax, and help you find the first non-penis pleasure signals, etc.


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Well I certainly felt the same, and got rid of mine. But NOW I'm finally starting to get more in tune, so I might get another one. I think a tiny bit of weed is what helped me jumpstart. There is definitely something to it.

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Yes,Darwin. I did chat with 3 very helpful,patient guys today. Windforce, I am close to throwing it in the trash. It was a lot of moeny for something that does not do much if anything at all for me. I dont use drugs so weed isn't an option for me.

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darkhorse43, the one thing i suggest is don't throw it away. if you need to sideline it, sure. but there is no reason to actually trash it. something unexpected might change.

try the chat more. you just need to find your pleasure signal down there. sometimes the aneros is the not the best way to get there.


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Thank you Darwin, It sucks that after a year and 1/2 and spending $65.00 that I find out "sometimes the aneros is the not the best way to get there." 😐

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darkhorse43, what i mean is that it might not be the best way to get there initially, in some less-usual cases.

did you read the posts by @nero recently, and by @crimsonwolf? they are good primers on how to raise your sensitivity.

have you tried totally relaxing, and using just your finger on your hole, imagining that somebody is trying to arouse you that way? Do you get even the faintest sense of pleasure/arousal that way? if so, that is the very beginning.

from your initial post here, it sounds like you are trying to take too active an approach. it all MUST flow from pleasure signals, no matter how faint at first. THEY, and not muscles or actions, drive it.


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Darwin-I appreciate the time you have taken with me.
I only began to the more "active approach" after 3-4 months (2 sessions a week spanning2-3 hours) of just releaxing with the aneros insterted,not masturbating or flailing around(like I see on the internet videos).
As for fingering my self, it's rare but it feels good when I do it.
When the Aneros is inserted there are no "signals" beyond the initial erectiona and leaking of a little pre cum which all stops once I relax. Like I mentioned above, the only time I have felt any kind of spark was when I moved it manually pulling the tail backward and forcing the end to move forward internally(and maybe actually hitting the prostate. Other than that,I have never experienced "waves" or any of the other "feelings" that so many claim they have felt. Im sorry to sound like a broken record. I feel like I have been trying to read and watch as much as I(here and other sites),I also see that I am not the only male that has had the exact same experience with this product. I guess, its my fault for not having researched it better and realizing that you have to practice before something might happen. I do appreciate your suggestions. Again, Thank you.

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The frustration you are experiencing is a very common phenomenon with new Aneros users, I advise doing some more reading and give yourself more time. The Aneros experience is not a race or competition but a learning journey without an end point. Frustration is the result of expectations not being met, when you start dropping your expectations I suspect your frustrations will abate with them.

There are many reasons why men have difficulty progressing with their Aneros massagers (see -> Identifying Obstacles to Progress) there are also actions you can take to increase your odds of having successful sessions (see -> Identifying Facilitators to Progress). However, even when you think you have resolved all your issues, it just may be that some remain hidden and time away from Aneros use may be necessary to detect these hidden issues. As @darwin alluded to, setting your Aneros aside and pursuing other learning paths to sensual awakening may be beneficial here.

Being patient with yourself is crucial to letting go and allowing your body to talk to you and most importantly allowing you to listen to your body.
Good Vibes to You !

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have you read this thread:

it takes the approach of creating signal by deeply relaxing and then stoking your arousal by thinking of your "core" sexual fantasy, the one that is your deepest, most arousing desire. when you think of it, as nero describes, you feel a pulse of sexual excitement, sometimes combined with a nervousness at its naughty possibility. do this with or without the aneros inside, and feel how, in your genital region, that excitement causes a pulse of warmth and pleasure. That is the signal. You do *not* need to feel physical stimulation from the aneros. What you need is to amplify that pleasurable arousal.

another way to create that signal is to relax with the aneros inside, lie on your stomach, and imagine your most desired partner using the gentlest of fingertip brushes on your ass, thighs, back, feet, anywhere, with the intention of getting your ass aroused. your partner knows all about anal sex, and is an expert at seducing guys just like you into letting yourself feel pleasure in your hole, buttocks, and inside. to them, you feeling even the slightest pleasure in there is the hottest thing in the world, and think your ass, inside and out, is super hot.

however you create it, what eventually happens is that if you can get that signal up a few notches, because the aneros is putting some physical pressure on your pudendal and pelvic nerves, it can subtly increase that signal. if you stay really relaxed and those signals happen, then naturally your muscles down there contract a little. (very subtle contraction is what is actually causing those signals in the first place). you won't necessarily feel it as contraction, but as pleasure. the aneros is based on feedback of that.

an alternate path some guys in your situation have had success with is:


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Hey Guys, Thanks. I have decided that i am not going to bother with it for a while, its boxed up and put away.
The whole idea of "rewiring" seems off to me, I also read here on this site that rewiring suggests that the body was wired incorrectly (not a direct quote). I think that person was right with what he said about "re wiring". There have been a couple of members that did tell me that the Aneros does not work for everyone. I also believe that there should be a disclaimer of some sort that says this product is not known to work for everyone or something along those lines. The Aneros it too expensive to chance not knowing if it will or will not work. This forum is full of men that have positive experiences. I don't see many postings by men like myself. People have tried to be heplful..maybe you have the wrong model,maybe you're too short for the helix,maybe you're not relaxed,maybe you're trying too hard,Maybe you're too high strung,maybe you're uncomfortable with your mascunilinty and anal sex,maybe you should try it with weed,just go where it takes you (I smoked enough and heard enough of that talk on Dead tour to last a life time, lol)...I have had an information overload in the past 48 hours of "maybe".I spent three years contemplating the purchase(if I knew that it was going to be like this,I would have purchased a fleshlight or something like that) I watched videos of men flopping around,men edging,I read information on how its supposed to work,and I read peoples experiencs. I continued reading over the year and I half that I have been working with it, I saw more good than bad and figured most negative responses were just men that tried once or twice and gave up. I was never attempting to have a spastic orgasm,like on web sites, just something that felt good. What I got was nothing other than a "full feeling",maybe ill give it ashot in the future,who knows.Thank you for being supportive, polite and, tolerant with me (and my frustrated rants). You are good guys,I appreciate that.

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If this helps I was/am the same. In fact it took a couple of years of on and off usage to feel anything at all. Then, one night is just started to twitch on its own and this was the first time I had any kind of pleasure from it.

From then I was hooked and I have made slow progress with lots of dude sessions and months of nothing.

I am still waiting for a Super-O but every time I have a very good session the pleasure seems to intensify and is slowing building over time.

Try and keep going and keep coming back to it when you finally get that first twitch it does seem to start making sense and you can then start to build on that.
A good example for me was reading Crimsonwolf post recently where I read what it did, copied and got another step change. While I read all these people who seem to have wild orgasms on their second session from me the progress is slow but worth it.

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Took me 10 years to feel something, still have many dud sessions. My rants eclipse all others here trust me.

I agree with you though the Aneros doesn't work for everyone, I do feel it's marketing makes it sound like it works, no question. No mention of a lengthy journey you may need to endure as well.

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@darkhorse43 --- You'll be back! Best of luck too you!

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You know what, after using various aneros models for so long, I think some of us just can't rewire enough to get there, ever. A little 'funny' sensation and that's all I get from it. It's like some people are ticklish and some aren't, or some have their erogenous zones here and some have them there. I don't think you can rewire those, and it's probably the same in this case.

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I would say the same for me until I used the peredise and followed the contractions outlined on the wiki, it changed everything.

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@darkhorse43How would you like to try something completely different? It might work & it might not but you've got nothing to lose right? No aneros required by the way.
It will involve diaphragmatic breathing so you need to breath slowly so your stomach goes in & out, not your chest. It will sound weird but bear with me.
Find the sensitive point on your perineum & scratch it a few times with your fingernail. Now lie back, relax & breath, feel that place you scratched. You can still feel it right? More than feel it, be it! Relax as much as you can & put your brain inside that feeling. Imagine a whirlpool swirling round & round there & just focus on it completely, nothing else exists but that feeling. Consciously stir it with your mind. Can you feel the fullness? Can you feel it grow? Can you feel the warmth?
Jas 🙂

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@Za33 I think that you are correct in what you say. I am not at all tickleish on my feet like most people,in fact my feet can take some very hard, deep pressure massage work and all that happens is, I fall asleep,while other people I know would be flipping out and trying to get away from the person touching their feet,my nipples are also very much the same way.We can take suggestions(a lot of it is conflicting,and some helpful) from others,but the bottom line is, the product does not work for everyone,and there seems to be a core group that will be quick to tell you that you are not doing this or that, you did not read this or that...which,maybe frustrates newer users and possibly drives them away from the site/products. Thats what happened with me, one user(with no knowledge of my sexual history,orientation,desires)even claimed that I was afraid of my own anus and insertion etc...
@inhope, you're obviosuly a very patient person, 10 years is a lot of time spent chasing this dragon of an orgasm.

@Jazzer The breathing suggestions did help me relax,nothing more.

I was lucky enough (when I was ready to toss that spendy little chunk of plastic into the trash)to meet a user that was patient, and took the time to work with me,one on one and talk/guide me through some things without sounding like an aneros cult member, and ALESS progress, as well as some aneros use technique suggestions that yeilded positive results were made. I was never in search of the super O,just something that felt good. Am I sold on this product/e mail support from Aneros? No. Would I reccomend it? Only with extreme caution that It does not work for everyone(and that emails may not be answered when contacing aneros direct). If I could go back in time, would I have bought it? I am not sure if I would have,but I bought it so, maybe someday it will surprise me and knock me on my butt. If it does not, well thats how the ball bounces.


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@Jazzer: Your instructions are not only fantastic and right on the mark, but they are so...well, sensual and evocative! Well said and effective, too.@darkhorse43 I'm sure I've said this before in other threads and in chat to guys who have been frustrated: Please, please, please, just give it time. It's there locked up in your nervous system and will find its way out with your nurturing and coaxing. And there are guys (and you've heard from them, obviously) who care about your success. So, just let it happen...And, @Jazzer has nailed it (for me) even though I have been fortunate to find a way to encourage and strengthen Aless pleasure by combining lots of other users suggestions. In the end, that's what'll happen. You'll find what works for you.
Cheers, and...chin up, DH!

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Yeah, I've had many years of "dud" sessions and no progress. I would recommend putting it away for a while and stop feeling frustrated about it. Take a break and look at the aneros again after a few months. Maybe shorten your sessions to an hour and don't whack off at the end. Try to just enjoy it as a relaxing "me time" combined with sexy fantasy in your mind. I've gotten a lot more feelings/reactions and positive progress this way...

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Hello, DH and All.

It seems to me Aneros acknowledges that the product doesn't work for some men. That's why they offer a guarantee. Here it is:

We are pleased to offer a 90-day 100% Money-Back Guarantee on Aneros products. It takes patience and practice to achieve great results with our products, so we ask that you give your body a chance to get familiar with your Aneros product before claiming your refund. You won’t regret it!
Email us or check out the Forum for hints on how to achieve these mind-blowing orgasms that so many of our customers have experienced!
This offer is only valid for massagers purchased through To claim your refund, simply email us to obtain a return invoice form. Then fill out our return invoice form which we will e-mail you. Mail the Aneros and the return invoice form along with your original invoice, back to us within 90 days of the purchase date. You must follow these directions precisely to obtain a refund.
For Warranty information, please send us an email. Please note that only items purchased from Authorized retailers carry a warranty.

90 days is a reasonable time frame to discover whether or not the device will do enough or is beginning to work well enough to warrant its cost.



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@darkhorse43 Maybe we're not hopeless... I mean, in theory, people need to find their own erogenous zone and start from there. Stimulating the genital area will lead to the normal O, and the others (prostate, nipple, etc.) will lead to the other kind of O, for all men and women. Looking back, it was a really long journey to reach the point where I knew how to properly jerk off. It felt good, but getting there was really hard because I didn't know exactly what I should expect. It should be the same for this. The real question is now how to find the other zone(s) because some of us seem to have a really different body 'layout'.

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I'm 2 and half years in myself and it has been a very slow journey for me. I really identify with the stage you are at now and I would say that I was more or less in that state for more than a year myself. I have a few tips I can throw your way in terms of what helped me get over that stage.

For one, your frustration is palpable in your post and I think a large part of that is from the amount of effort you have put in without result. One thing I would recommend is streamlining your sessions so that you are not expecting or pushing to reach a specific goal. Have a good process for cleaning that isn't going overboard. If you can derive a mild sense of pleasure or relaxation in a session without investing an excessive amount of time, effort, expectation, that would be the ideal.

I know you may not be psyched to invest more in the products since you are wondering if you wasted money on the helix, but I will say that the larger devices will be a bit more aggressive with pleasure due to the extra pressure they create(requiring less "re-wiring" in order to derive some degree of satisfaction). For me, the Helix was mostly useless for the first year and half and I focused on the Progasm. The Progasm helped me maintain a much more noticeable and significant sense of pleasure from the beginning, although I would say that while it provided a general pleasure and a surprise P-wave early on, the process of "re-wiring" was in super slow motion during this time. Anyway, I would say if you need a little extra pleasure in your session at this stage, I believe you could attain that from a larger Aneros like the Progasm if you can handle it.

In the midst of these low expectation sessions you will really need to train your body to respond to secondary stimulation(nipples, balls, stomach, ass, etc). I believe that really is essential in learning how to open up to the type of stimulation that leads to orgasmic pleasure from the prostate. It is generated and feels connected to the pleasure you can activate anywhere in your body with training. Honestly it takes time developing sensitivity to this kind of input. Your mind also has to open up to it in a sense. Two other keys things I think are important is to make sure the tab is centered on your perineum, a deceptively important detail. The other is to make sure that you are exercising your PC muscles correctly. There are tons of tips and things to work on, but those two were ones that I had been tripped up on personally.

As for the Helix, I did start using mine again a little less than a year ago and I would say it helped me turn a corner on re-wiring after developing my sensitivity for awhile. I think it is a good measuring stick for your level of "re-wiring" due to the fact that it doesn't generate the extra pleasure of being full or aggressive pressure. I think once you can get some vibes going with Helix you are already well on your way, but I can see how it would get boring getting to that point.

Anyway, I hope that is helpful. I was where you are at and for at least as long and the tips about bigger device and streamlined sessions is what kept me going. I now have P-waves, involuntary contractions, spasms, etc. pretty much every session and feel closer to the edge every session.

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I think I was somehow 'awakened' in my dream last night, like the first time I had normal orgasm and wet dream as a teenager. I don't know what happened or what it really was, but it was something! I massaged myself and played with my nipples a little bit before going to bed. I must say that nipple play had never given me anything awesome, and I've totally given up anal. Sometimes I play with my nipples for a bit just because it's... conveniently right there, and it gives me this very mild pleasurable sensation and that's all there is to it. I didn't touch the dick because being hard before going to sleep would usually give me a wet dream. I was a tad aroused from the body massage and that's it.
So I went to sleep, and someone or something played with my nipples in my dream and I just let it do the thing. (Again, this is exactly like the first time I had orgasm and wet dream, back then I also played with my wee wee a little bit before I went to bed.) After a while it started to feel really good and there was something building up in my abdomen area like a ball of energy? Then this 'energy ball' 'exploded' and its 'wave' swept through my whole body in an instant, to my toes and fingers and the top of my head, giving tons of pleasure and full body spasms for how long I don't know because I lost all sense of time and space. It's the first time I ever moaned uncontrollably, don't know if I really moaned out loud. It totally felt different from normal orgasms, it's the first time I had something like that, I wasn't even hard.
I was scared that there was something wrong with my brain, when it hit so hard I was afraid some vein would pop in my head. It kept going and just when I thought it ended, another 'energy ball' exploded, and the same thing repeated for a total of 3 consecutive times and I moaned uncontrollably each time it hit me. After a while that dream 'something' started to play with my dick at the same time. It felt like a whole new level of pleasure when both kinds of orgasms were building up. But I didn't want to have messy wet dreams so I consciously woke up, it's kind of a lucid dream. Now after a few hours my whole body still has this weird tingling sensation, and I've been leaking a lot of precum, ugh, I think it's the 'aftershock'? My nipples feel really different now, so much that I'm afraid it might even ooze milk or something any moment now.
I don't know if this is the full body orgasm people keep talking about (is it though?), but I feel like a boy again knowing what orgasm is for the first time. I'm still giddy giddy... So it's definitely something new and a nice self-discovery and I hope it's not a one time thing, unless there's really something wrong with my body and it's not as good as it seems.

That's all : )

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Sounds like a super-O. Well done.

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Thank you : ) I thought I wasn't that obvious but some people did notice and asked what made me all giddy giddy today, I told them it's sugar rush...
I've been super skeptical, and I'm still very much skeptical about the possibility of me experiencing something like that again, though. For now I'll just take it for what it is, a fluke.

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Stay positive. You have experienced it once so your body 'knows where to go'. Also you know where you want to go, you know how good it is, and that's a good reason to keep trying and learning.I hope it works out sounds like you deserve it.

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