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Orgasms without even realising it?

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Had a short look at the aneros forum yesterday, and was re-reading some posts that I had read some time ago. I was somewhat intrigued to realise that the sensations I get, formerly believed to be strong pleasure waves, could in fact be mini-orgasms, or dry orgasms. They certainly make me gasp as they take my breath away, and they seem to be getting stronger and stronger, and the aneros often appears to fuck me of its own accord, as it happens.

Some guys believe that there is a continuum of pleasure-effects and that there isn’t actually an edge to get over in order to experience orgasm at all. I suspect the illusion of a line could be had where there is rapid progress, but where it is steadier the impression is very much of gradual increases in sensitivity, with no clear distinction that one has actually reached an orgasmic state. It sounds daft, but could it is possible to have orgasms, without actually realising it?

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I'd agree with that. The transition from normal to orgasm can be so gradual that you may not immediately notice it.

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I agree, Linum, for several reasons.

First, as we all well know, each of us is an individual and the journey is different for each. The "line" or "path" we travel is clear and definite for some and ambiguous for others. For me, the "line" started out like a tightly twisted piece of string, all the fibers moving in the same direction. I moved through a series of fairly well-defined stages.

Now, later in my experience, the string has slowly unraveled and the experiences are wide-spread in their definitions, many times very subtle, and often re-spin themselves back into a reconfigured strand with lovely new combinations. The orgasms and related feelings are no longer clearly delineated. I feel more like I'm in a stew of experiences, rather than a clear broth, with a distinct flavor.

Also, I see the "line" as more of a "ray" as defined in geometry. The line having points where the line begins and ends. The ray, has a start point, but the other end is continuous, no end point. I have found that there are always new discoveries, some intense, some simple. My outlook now is that there will never be an end to this journey. And I am thankful for that!

Regarding the "unrealized" orgasms, I too agree. We, as men, have not had a whole bunch of experience with this big bundle of stuff. So, labeling is difficult, at best. I see it all as multiple pleasures as opposed to all orgasmic. That is to say that the pleasures may be orgasmic or they may be some other form of pleasure that we have not had before and thus is undefinable. The sea of ambiguity is a fun place to be, for me. You never know what might come upon you and enjoying what you get is key to the experience. So, these pleasures, or orgasms, are what they are, undefinable and joyous.

A revisit like you had, Linum, is a wise thing to do. I often revisit previous posts and the wiki to help me understand, or re-understand who I am and where I am, and maybe even where I'm going.

Glad you posted your thoughts. Pondering another participant's perspective stimulates openness and clarity.

Thank you for your thoughtful query.


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Guys, I've hit a point in my journey where I can have HFWOs on command, with aneros or "less", and at times it seems like I'm getting further away from dry os as I continue. I don't think I really believe that, but it just seems like that sometimes. Anyways, this thread has shined a it of perspective on things for me. I think the reason why I'm so easily getting to wet os is based on how I think orgasms should feel and be "gotten to". It's almost like if my progress were a record, it's hit a loop and every time it goes around, repeats what it had just done. I think I've just given up some sort of fixation with orgasms and will now put my attention on ALL the sensations during a session.

Thanks guys!


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Linum at al!!! 😀 😀 😀

Great thread topic and documenting of experiences!! I think that this characteristic of slow builds from deep inside until you are gradually aware of ecstasy is one of the true delights and litmus tests of the great, profound, thorough rewiring possible via this aneros prostate awakening!!! Thanks all!

all these gifts are so subtle and so great that we are thrilled to barely notice them arriving in new ways all


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I'm one of those guys that believes "...there is a continuum of pleasure-effects and that there isn’t actually an edge to get over in order to experience orgasm at all." I'm in agreement with 'artform' too, IMHO the rewiring process is deceptively subtle the way it gradually alters your perceptions and sensitivities without your conscious awareness until one day your ego "gets it". Somewhat akin to the frog that gets cooked in the pan of water when the temperature is gradually raised to boiling and fails to jump out before it is too late, your Aneros rewiring can get you into the orgasmic zone so smoothly and gradually that you drift into pleasure states easily without over-thinking how you got there.

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I agree that the gradual development of awareness and pleasure is characteristic of the Aneros process. Nonetheless, for me, there is a definite over-the-edge point during most prostate orgasms.

At about 6 months into my Aneros experience, I started feeling little "hiccup-like" feelings in my prostate right at the orgasmic peak(s). These days, those prostate spasms at Dry-Os and Super-Os are impossible to ignore and feel very much like the "inside half" of a traditional penile ejaculatory orgasm. Mini-Os still feel like small internal hiccups, for lack of a better simile.



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Hi Dave!! 😀 😀

I did not mean to suggest that there is one set of sensations or way or channel of experience with Aneros. The wonder is that there are so many. I like your term Hiccup-like Feelings in that I associate that with being sensitive to the "switch" mechanisms we can learn to sense and select with practice, like choosing between dry or wet prostate-centred orgasms, and the decided "bump" in the split second of decision/intent.

There are however lots of other sensations in different ways/channels to Dry-Os and Super-Os besides the " 'inside half' of a traditional penile ejaculatory orgasm", perhaps the primary differentiation being between Active-Body SOs and Still-Body SOs, and many subset variations beyond.

all ways exploring new channels and paths along this astounding life enhancing journey all


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Hi rumel!! 😀 😀


I'm one of those guys that believes "...there is a continuum of pleasure-effects and that there isn’t actually an edge to get over in order to experience orgasm at all." I'm in agreement with 'artform' too, IMHO the rewiring process is deceptively subtle the way it gradually alters your perceptions and sensitivities without your conscious awareness until one day your ego "gets it". Somewhat akin to the frog that gets cooked in the pan of water when the temperature is gradually raised to boiling and fails to jump out before it is too late, your Aneros rewiring can get you into the orgasmic zone so smoothly and gradually that you drift into pleasure states easily without over-thinking how you got there.

Agree!!!...and such a varied rich range of sensations and feelings as this unfolds each time!!! Eh men?!!! And then all the other ways..............:D...

all such great blessings in the art of living and the heart of being all


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Thanks guys, for all your kind words and support.

I have been having some aneros-fun since I started this post, and as a result of my recent realisation, I have now positively identified dryorgasms lasting several minutes. OK they are not as intense as an ejaculatory orgasm at the moment, but they are there, and they last much longer, and are rapidly repeatable.

I tend to remove the aneros after a certain amount of time, and finish with a wank - and the ejaculatory orgasm is also MUCH more intense than normal, with slowly fading orgasmic aftershocks that last for maybe 2 or 3 minutes.

This all goes to show that it is how you can perceive and think about something that makes things happen, and not actively "trying" to make things happen. I realise now, how much striving for an aneros-inspired orgasm has held me back. I told myself that it was the journey that was important, but in some small way, I hadn't really let go of the fact that I was still wondering how TO MAKE it all happen. Perhaps there is an edge to get over - but it is in one's head.

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Linum: I think you've just made a leap forward. This phenomenon is extremely counter-intuitive. The best results seem to come when you're not looking for them.

The trick seems to be: relax deeply, enjoy what you're feeling at the time, and don't try for anything beyond that. Let it come to you.

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Well put, twlltin.

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Eh Men!!! Eh?!!!

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Thanks guys, for all your kind words and support.
"I tend to remove the aneros after a certain amount of time, and finish with a wank - and the ejaculatory orgasm is also MUCH more intense than normal, with slowly fading orgasmic aftershocks that last for maybe 2 or 3 minutes."

I have been looking at your posts since you came out on the thread about Gay Members, and took this quote above from one. Thank you for your very good post there by the way, and I may reply to it there after pondering it. The above was last Dec. I think, so obviously you are in a different space now, but I just want to mention about ending a session with traditional jacking off. It certainly pretty much does end the session, and I agree it is one way to avoid or get rid of blue balls. I have gotten to the point of seldom doing it though unless I have been abstinent for awhile and the build-up is just too much. However, what I want to say since you said you remove the aneros before doing it, I find that doing it while the aneros is has more intensity than when I did it before discovering aneros. I think also that doing it for quite awhile before being able to ween my self from doing it each session, helped me to experience the anal sensitivity of the dryO, because that pleasure was the strongest during masturbation. I have some understanding of why it is discouraged while rewiring to concentrate on the prostate feeling rather than penile which we have always concentrated on. I do find as has often been said that starting to touch the penis almost always leads to ejaculation. Just the nature of the male perhaps. Sometimes when the turtle head pops out when I am doing Mangina, and it is soaked in pre-cum, the urge to masturbate is very strong.

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I've been on my journey long enough to experiance sensations significantly different and more intense that anything I could have previously imagined. I have tried to classify it to determine where on my path I am. I just can't. I've decided to treat it as a continuum, that will always change. It's a little difficult letting go of the concept of a "defined" path and following the undefined path. Thanks for a great thread!


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Amazing stuff indeed!!! As Brine said we are all different ...and thats cool. I find for me the most intense O's I have are "less" O's. An ejaculatory orgasm for me is no where as intense as a dry O. In the end though it doesn't matter ....whatever works for you ..... is all that matters.


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Thanks to all you guys who have responded SO positively to my original question. The more that I continue on this "journey" the more that the "continuum" idea fits for me. I too have struggled to define what is happening in terms of p-waves, involuntary contractions, mini-Os or dry orgasms etc, and have largely given up trying. I think I am seeing how these MIGHT fit together, but it is almost a truism that you won't know it until you have passed it somehow, and can see it in perspective with ALL that has gone before. The main thing is that I am enjoying my aneros experiences immensely.

Paulsp - additional thanks for your encourangement and thoughtful contributions to the forum. As you said, I was in a different place in December, and now I only occasionally masturbate after a session. I am finding that I now feel sated after an aneros session, although I also enjoy the feeling that intense sex COULD follow with my partner or anyone else for that matter, although on both these counts I could be waiting quite a while - lol. I do occasionally masturbate with the aneros in place, and I am with you on the thought that it helps you to experience the range of sensations that you are capable of, although I certainly don't do it all that often, and wouldn't advise it as a matter of course. I tend to masturbate the next day - since I find the aneros ultimately generates a furious horniness that keeps me wanking, often for longer that 3 hours. When I cum, I have an intense traditional orgasm for about a minute or so, but I also get echo orgasms, that occur after short pauses and which slowly diminish with time. I have found that deep breathing and focussing on my prostate lengthens the time that these echo orgamsms continue. Apart from anything else, to have an aneros session, and THEN to masturbate, could take up to 6 hours, and I simply don't have that much time on most days.

Another change since December (apart from an incremental increase in aneros derived pleasure) is that I have just bought a eupho. The helix was fantastic I have to say, and I will still use it. I wasn't sure that the eupho would do much for me initially, having read that it can take month or so to get used to a new model. How best to describe the differences that I have found already? As I said, the helix was fantastic, but after using the eupho, I realise that what I was experiencing was less focussed - like a fuzzy picture. The eupho however has thrown everything into crisp, clear relief - absolutely mind blowing. I don't think my "range of experiences" has changed (yet), but each one is now even more vital somehow.

I will continue on this continuum - exploring new sensations as they arise, and resisting the temptation to classify every nuance as it happens. Relaxation and "letting go" is one thing I need to work on, but I think I am slowly getting there.

Best wishes to everyone on the same journey.

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I've had the same experience with my Helix. Everything was disconnected and random. The Eupho seemed to add focus. I can now identify discrete feelings and patterns. It's very intense. Thanks for sharing.


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