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Orgasm intensity and quality

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Hello prostatonauts friends,

I am currently in an extremely pleasant phase of my journey. For the last three or four months I have been having extraordinary sessions. Yesterday I had the best session since I started exploring prostate orgasms.

As soon as I inserted my Eupho Trident, the orgasms started to happen. Light and delicate at the beginning, the waves of orgasms followed one another effortlessly and gained in intensity and quality throughout the almost two hours that my session lasted.

I had never had so much pleasure in my life. Incredible orgasms, calm or frantic, centered on my prostate or enveloping me entirely.
And, once again, I told myself that there is no limit to the intensity or quality of prostate orgasms.

I have been doing this for a year and seven months now, about two sessions a week. And, every three or four sessions, I get more pleasure. Is this possible? Is it real? Or is it just an illusion?

I would really like to have your opinion on this. Does the pleasure really increase or is our body and brain playing tricks on us and it is just an impression?
I'm not complaining at all! But I would like to hear from people who have been practicing for many years.
Is this increase in the intensity and quality of our orgasms real or is it just a very pleasant illusion?

I wish you a very pleasant journey.

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Posted by: @morexp


I would really like to have your opinion on this. Does the pleasure really increase or is our body and brain playing tricks on us and it is just an impression?

Congratulations on achieving new levels of pleasure consistantly!   I've been at this since Jan 2016 and I'm exactly in the same position you are; no big one but the next session is always better than the last.  This goes for my Aless version too.   There dosen't seem to be a ceiling so no complaints from me either.

Life is wonderful.

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I am not much further along time-wise than you—I’ve been at it for 2.5 years now—but I’ll try to take a guess here.  Arousal, pleasure and orgasms (being a peak of pleasure) are experienced in the brain. While you are certainly getting better at stimulating nerves through practice, you aren’t creating new nerves. You are just becoming more aware of the ones you have and learning how to stimulate them in exciting ways. You are practicing being more and more aroused, and thus learning how to interpret the stimulation in more and more powerful ways. It is, in a sense, an illusion, but because you buy into this illusion, the intensity and quality of your experience are very real.  I would guess that brain activity and hormonal realease would show that this is true, but no one seems to be doing these experiments.

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My opinion is that your just becoming self-aware. I know my previous sexual focus was all in my penis and inevitably shooting my load into a woman. 
Obviously now I’ve learned there is a lot more to pleasure than I previously thought. I’ve always had the equipment and inventory I’m using now,i just wasn’t aware of the power they possessed and thrusted my way straight past them without so much as a look.

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Posted by: @ggringo

This goes for my Aless version too.

Yes! It’s the same for me.

My Aless sessions have always been a little lower than those with a stimulator. Until a few weeks ago. Now, for the past month or so, I have been able to have equally good orgasms during my Aless sessions. And even better during a memorable session...
Life is indeed wonderful!

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@divine_o Yes, I quite agree with this idea. I often compare the learning curve of Aneros sessions with learning a musical instrument. I like the idea of becoming better, not only in the handling of the instrument, but also in the subjective perception of the result.


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Posted by: @helghast

Obviously now I’ve learned there is a lot more to pleasure than I previously thought.

Yes, much more pleasure, that's clear. I wish I would have learned that much earlier! These techniques should be taught in sex education.

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Posted by: @morexp

...every three or four sessions, I get more pleasure. Is this possible? Is it real? Or is it just an illusion?

This Aneros journey has been a mystery to me, it is so individually subjective as to be surreal at times. Real ? Yes. Illusory ? Yes.

Posted by: @morexp

Does the pleasure really increase or is our body and brain playing tricks on us and it is just an impression?

I think this is an impossible question to answer because it is not an either/or conundrum. Our bodies are data gathering vehicles for functioning on this terrestrial planet, our minds are the computers which interpret the perceived data, passing judgment and giving that data meaning. We are such complex bio-mechanisms that we don't yet completely understand our own operating systems and the algorithms which guide those systems. I don't think our bodies are playing 'tricks' on us but I do think we tend to misinterpret on occasion the perceived data our bodies provide.

Posted by: @morexp

Is this increase in the intensity and quality of our orgasms real or is it just a very pleasant illusion?

The level of actual physical stimulation intensity from an Aneros device, I don't think really changes over time but our ability to interpret the perceived sensations does change as our mental algorithms evolve from the increasing data base of experience. We are constantly refining this data in our minds and re-evaluating the qualities of each experience. In one sense our reality is all illusory because it is based on our interpretation of the perceptual data our bodies provide, if your interpretation changes your perceived reality changes. Thus, any increase/decrease of intensity/quality of your experience is due to the ongoing evolution of your own data processing program. IMHO, it is both real and illusory and isn't that a wonderful paradox ?

Good Vibes to You!

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Posted by: @rumel

IMHO, it is both real and illusory and isn't that a wonderful paradox ?

Yes, this is probably the case. I think I could never really get an unambiguous answer to that question.
But it doesn't really matter. What matters is this incredible journey with more wonderful orgasms. Whether it is objective or subjective, in the end, is irrelevant.

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I've used Aneros since the summer of 2008.  I didn't get but the most mild of results until about a year ago.  I would then get flutters here and there but nothing like members have described.  Then came the Progasm modification and an audio file I put together for sessions.  I feel as though I have had more progress in the last few weeks than I have in the last few years.

With that said, Rumel is right about the journey being different for everyone.  While our bodies are for the most part wired the same way, our brains are not.  Some people are just more tuned in to this kind of thing.  That is why they call it rewiring.  Some users are already wired, some have a journey, and others like me practically have to wait a lifetime before the Super O (lol). 

I would imagine intensity is determined by a few factors - your state of mine, how aroused you are, semen retention, mental focus, etc.  I would think it is possible to one session get a Super O and the next only get P Waves.  

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