For those who are able to experience the super-o on a frequent basis, is your sessions pure aneros (or aless) with kegel/contractions? Or do you take drugs such as weed, nicotine, LSD, Mushroom, or even Viagra during a session?
For those who are able to experience the super-o on a frequent basis, is your sessions pure aneros (or aless) with kegel/contractions? Or do you take drugs such as weed, nicotine, LSD, Mushroom, or even Viagra during a session?
I suppose it depends how you define frequent. I’m never chemically assisted. I sometimes take male supplements to ensure my libido is high if I’ve not abstained. I’m not even sure if this helps because achieving the SO is a dark art.
Something that's interesting with nicotine...
First, I remembered an older thread about "smoking a Chesterfield", and search returned this : drugs with the aneros…? – General Discussion – Aneros Forum
So some people do use nicotine for sessions, and I did give it a shot, both with pipe tobacco and with nicotine gum. While it does have some effects on arousal and makes me a bit "high", it also reduces my erection quality noticeably, and it makes it harder for me to ejaculate while masturbating. It also reduces prostate feelings. So I don't know if it makes sense to a non-smoker or someone who enjoys a pipe or cigar 2-3 times a year to try to use nicotine for Super-Os. Your results will obviously vary.
I achieved Super-Os drug-free for a long time, then got curious and tried THC. Then it became central to my sessions. Now I'm working on getting back to where I was, sober.
My sessions are drug free. Always have been. A mix of mostly A-Less and pegging. I had to learn the massager toy route after A-Less but we aren’t using them much because we like to do stuff together and A-Less and pegging are just less faffing around.
My sessions are also drug free, now…. Up until 7 months ago super-o’s were only achieved with small doses of THC infused edibles. Without THC super-o’s are less frequent now but regular o’s are plentiful with a toy or Aless so I’m super happy with that.
All it takes is a vivid imagination and BOOM off to the races….
Agreed, there are a lot of psychological elements involved here. Just "getting something from nothing" is not that great long-term, and getting the experience unfiltered rather than trough the lens of drug-induced altered states is what makes it truly special. *You* make this happen, not chemicals from outside sources.
Super-Os achieved with a bit of chemical help are still 100% valid, but they're not, in my opinion, the way things are supposed to play out. No matter how good these THC-Os feel, there's still some places you can only reach sober.
I wasn’t questioning validity of drug success. I was just impressed that he’s learned to be happy with sessions that yield orgasms of lower intensity instead of seeing a session absent of a super o as a failure. Imo this is a good tool to have in your box. I can’t say anything positive about negativity. 🤙💪
I'm not saying you were. You know I'm still going back and forth about this topic, I wanted to point out that there might be no "best" way of doing it, but reaching sober Os can certainly be a very desirable goal for some people, while others can be OK with using a bit of help. Going from THC-assisted to sober is in no way trivial, anyone who can do both and can separate them and continue to grow is very proficient and quite strong-willed.
I’m his idol you know,he told me he loves me. Sends me kisses all the time. 🤷🏻
I use weed for sessions, I always have. However I have had great sessions sober. I'm in the process of quitting weed forever now I'm moving into my late 40s and my wife has already quit, too. Another however, I'm just going to do mushrooms and mdma from here on out.
Mushrooms and prostate sessions are amazing. I low dose or microdose (0.1-0.3g) and also dose macro or higher (0.5-1.0g) and I get extremely sexual and horny and sessions are beyond amazing. Too high a dose and its kind of out of control and after I've done all I can in a session and end with a stupendous Super T, I'm kind of reeling and not sure what to do with myself after that. Mushrooms and weed don't mix for me, so the shrooms get me there and beyond in ways weed can't nor ever will.
MDMA I can't speak more highly of. Lower dosing, no re-dosing, and mindful use every couple of months; antioxidants and brain cleaners all the time; and well planned rolls make for the best solo sessions I've ever had. Beyond sexual, beyond horny, my ass wants any and all things. I've had prostate and anal Os that have literally changed my whole being while riding and rolling at the same time. I do not condone any drug use at all. But mdma really gets me to new and better places and its because I already know how to get there, the mdma just makes it all amplified and even better.
All that said to say that in between my shroom and mdma use, all my sessions going forward will be sober pretty soon. I look forward to this!
Always use weed for sessions
Can Aless without weed anytime.
Aless is amplified for 2-3 days after using weed.
Maybe a session once every 2-3 weeks.
Only smoke when having a session.
In my opinion this is a very balanced approach to using THC for sessions. I was musing at one time that if I could have a single very good session a month and then have the others be exploratory or maintenance sessions, that would be fantastic at this point in my own practice. The issue, as always, being about making sure I don't turn this into bi-monthly, then weekly, then... you know where I'm going with this.
@zentai I agree that it's about balance of weed sessions and sober sessions, so one can learn to have multiples during both and not be too dependent on weed, which tends to greatly boost arousal factors at the right doses, kind of like creating.
Nonetheless, not everyone is cut out for balance for multiorgasmic sessions or weed. Some take it to the extreme as I have before and you have described doing in your past in previous posts.
I try not to depend too much on weed. It helps me orgasm way too easily and far more. I only use it for sessions about once or twice a month. I tend to use it for marathon sessions that consist of 60 to 100+ orgasms per hour for a couple hours, with a couple ejaculations and refractory periods to rehydrate and pee. Even though my arousal dips at the refractory period, I still want more orgasms so I start revving up for the next session that is 10 to 15 minutes away for more orgasms.
My orgasms are, if I could even put a number to it, 1.5 to 10 times stronger with weed depending on my dose. I try to not get to the point of me getting no sleep and not wanting to do anything but have orgasms until I'm a cum-drunk, cum-sick zombie, so I tend to do nightly aless sessions with one or two high sessions a month.
Absolutely, it's not all black and white, and I find this to be very true :
Nonetheless, not everyone is cut out for balance for multiorgasmic sessions or weed. Some take it to the extreme as I have before and you have described doing in your past in previous posts.
The honest way to explain this, at least for me, is that using weed during sessions adds an element of risk that is simply not present during sober sessions for a vast majority of people. Cum-sick zombiedom would be a good way to lose your job and friends and might create other problems, like making you look like an actual zombie.
If weed + Super-Os does not do this to you, then that's great, hey, fantastic. But if you ever find yourself going there, then stop as soon as you can, because things will only get worse. I'd L-O-V-E to have control over this, maybe someday I will, but the combo is just too strong for my own good. Plus it's only hiding arousal issues instead of fixing them.
Agree it's a slippery slope and can easily mount up (and I have) next thing you are getting high every day and living in a world of super Os and everything else goes out the window.
If people are struggling with Aneros I would highly recommend a THC session to explore. You literally feel everything, it is most definitely 5-10x stronger than a sober session.
Sober session: Aneros goes in. Ok what do I have to do to start feeling stuff.
THC session: Aneros goes in. Jeez I'm going to push outwards to get this thing off my prostate it's already feeling too good.
Thats why I think the results are so good it helps you relax and not chase the pleasure. The pleasure literally comes to you, your only job is to breathe and enjoy.