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I did it!
Starting from the beginning. I came home from work to an empty house and time to waste. It hadn't been too long since I last had a traditional, but I was amped up, because my girlfriend had played with my perineum while I was giving her a facial the previous night. Remembering the feeling of her firmly and quickly rubbing her fingers on my throbbing muscle, along the ridge of flesh behind my balls, had been on my mind all day.
I got home, instantly pulled of my work clothes, and got in bed with my laptop. I felt so worked up, I didn't know what to do with myself. I was extremely mentally horny. Unfortunately Due to some stress/depression that I have been bogged down with lately, getting an erection has been not only a task, but an endless circle of frustration. I can get it up (refer to first paragraph), but it's not what it used to be; Find a good porn, slowly feel the butterflies and tension build in my crotch, the heat of my blood circulating through my growing shaft, the slight tickle as my cock adjusts to it's increasing size and rubs against my pants, and finally, the skin growing tighter and tighter until every single nerve ending feels as if it's a sensitive cock, standing on end, waiting to explode!..anyhow.
I decided to do what I usually do, I checked the forum. I found a recent post by, Tomasheen. A post about his first Super O (congrats! if you are reading this), it had me going. Everything description I read, I could feel. Soon after I started to get a warm and fuzzy feeling around my anus, that turned into involuntaries. I knew what I had to do. I grabbed my helix, and had the most intense session yet (more on that in another thread). Toward the end of my session, I felt like the world was spinning and I was the center of everything. I started to force my own contractions (usually that's how I know my session has reached it's end), As I released, ready to get up and pull out the toy, I felt one huge contraction, that felt as if my anus was a blackhole. I had never felt a contraction like that! My dick slowly grew harder, and harder, my balls tightened, and I felt warmth spread around the head of my dick, until it was a sharp heat (amazing!). It felt like I was having a dry orgasm, everything pulsing in sync. My stomach had such intense butterflies that I had to gasp and almost giggle with pleasure. it soon died down, and I knew I had to cum.
After removing my toy, I remained in a daze stroking my now soft penis, at the base. I continued on and turned to search some porn, something dirty (I found these chicks, it didn't take too much more stroking till I reached my previous level of erection. My cock skin was drawn tight around my head as I glanced back and forth from the movie, to my thick cock shiny with oozing pre-cum. The intensity grew slowly and the sharp heat returned, as well as the familiar orgasmic itch in my prostate and balls. I oozed out two more large glassy drops of pre-jizz, it leaked down under my glans, and coated my hand. That was it. The silky warmth of my pre-cum set the perfect friction, and my-pre orgasmic pumping started. I tensed up, and felt the throbbing spread from my perineum to my anus, and all the way up my shaft. Spurt after spurt dripped down my head, cock, and hand, until it appeared that I had ejaculated a thick, heavy, pearl necklace. I was done.
After I caught my breath, I realized that the new sharp sensation hadn't dissipated. I moved my hand onto my cum filled hole, to see if it was as intensely hot to the touch, as what it felt like inside. It wasn't, but the feeling I felt, can only be compared to running your finger across the needle of a record player, full volume. I mean that as- I felt every single ridge of my finger print, concentrated into short bursts of pleasure so intense that my body bucked, and I saw flashes of color for every ridge; all in a fraction of a second. I couldn't take it, but my racing heart wanted more. My erection was about 3/4 erect, and I used my thick cum as lube. I slowly started rubbing the palm of my hand against my glands (mostly the hole). The intensity was pulled down a notch, but still unreal. My body jolted around as the sharp tickle pierced my prostate and bladder. It didn't take very long at all until I felt like I had to urinate, but I knew I didn't have to having done so before. the sudden feeling of my bladder being "full" wasn't fooling me. I knew I was about to squirt. The tickling subsided, but the intense urge to urinate was strong yet. It felt just like I had to go, but it was laced with pleasure. Then it happened. I felt myself leaking, followed by a rhythmic pushing, followed by a flow of warmth. I removed my hand from the top of my cock and let it shoot. I shot 2 long gushers up to my neck, and aimed my cock lower for the third, soaking my chest and stomach. I felt the warm liquid run down the sides of my body, but then I stopped. Gasping, and dizzy. I was too surprised to continue.
So now for some notes:
I didn't derive intense pleasure from the actual squirting itself, but it was extremely exciting!
The feelings preceding the squirting was intense, almost too intense, and that coupled with the fact that I had already ejaculated and reached "refract", might make it an acquired act for most. Not for everyone.
I enjoyed the act (thought, and visual mostly) of squirting, as well as the excitement of it. It seemed to be more of a mental enjoyment.
I did NOT piss on myself, it was not cum, and thinner than pre-cum, but clear, a bit slick, and it didn't smell of piss.
This whole session might have been a chance sequence of events (let's hope not!), and I will test tonight if I can repeat this.
I have tried multiple times to squirt with no luck, and did end up pissing (luckily in the tub), this is why I know it was something different
As far as any methods..I tried everything I had read...this just came down to: feeling, mood, and a long winded desire, that finally boiled down the frustration, to an over excited persistence.
It was amazing, that's why I gave you all the long build up version, and not the paraphrased
Feel free to ask any questions, and I hope I have inspired at least someone to give "some" session (squirt, aneros, jerk off) a go, lol!

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Well sorry to reput the topic on the table but I want to share you an other video.


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So I read this post a few months back and found it very intriguing. I immediately attempted some of the methods mentioned here but had no success. The problem was my piercing. I have a prince albert piercing with a curved barbel at the moment. When I first tried these methods, the piercing was still healing and became painful rather quickly. I accepted defeat and moved on.

Fast-forward to last night, I was having a quiet evening alone experimenting with my (finally) healed piercing. I noticed that flicking the bottom of the barbel was producing an amazing sensation. It quickly built up until suddenly I squirted! All done without actually touching my member, only the piercing. Thankfully I had read this thread so I wasn't caught entirely by surprise.

So to any guys here who are also pierced, give it a try. I can explain my method a little further if anyone is interested/having difficulty.

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On the stories posted in this link, they speak of a clear watery liquid before the main ejaculate, i wonder if the clear liquid is the same as the squirt.

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Interesting indeed! I only had one experience from this. I was masturbating anally using a Doc Marten trainer tool, which of course is a type of dildo. At a point, it became so intense that I felt like I was going to cum. I went with it, and rather that ejaculating this clear fluid came shooting out of me. Initially I was shocked, but was caught up in the heat of the moment that I went with it, thinking it would end soon. I thought that I may be urinating the squirts only happened when in sync with the thrusts of the tool. It did not feel at all like peeing. It was a pleasant experience, but didn't feel as good as the contractions that come along with ejaculating. I can't really describe it. I had read about this happening to guys before. I was so bewildered that I didn't want to stick anything "up there" for a very long time afterwards. Maybe I squirted, maybe it was pee after all. Who knows?

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If the liquid was slippery and without odor, you did it! Your description is right on. It's called seminal vestical fluid. Have a big towel ready, because there is a lot of it and it can come out with surprising force. Have fun!


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I tried differnt methode described on internet but no one was ever sucessfull. I hope to be able to do that one day 🙂

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man I just cant do this

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why Why WHy WHY didn't they teach us this in physical ed!!!

This, I'm just learning about this now?

If you knew about this stuff back then, you would not have graduated.


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I think I have had a few orgasms like this, though I can't do it reliably. Here is an account of one of them: .

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This video makes me cringe just watching the guy go through it but it is sexy as hell. As the woman powers through his first orgasm and gives him a second squirter I swear I could hear him crying in the background. I might try this at some point but I think it would be a lot easier if I were bound and gagged so I couldn't escape.

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@hopefulmmoer - I don't really have to work at it. It happens at the end of a session, but only with my Helix classic for some reason. I lay on my back, knees bent up, and wait for a particular sensation. I have to be very relaxed. Then it happens. Have a lot of towels ready. The first time it happened I was pretty disgusted until I discovered it was clear and slippery.


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No touching required. It just happens. It feels a little like you need to urinate, but different. That's where it gets hard to just let it happen and relax. It comes out with surprising force, and a lot of it. It can happen in multiples. I will say that I haven't tried it for awhile. Like many things Aneros, it may be fleeting!


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@xileh, I haven't tried the massive post orgasm torture like the video since I am sure I pretty sure I would be unable to sustain it though I am going to give it a try this next week. However, I have enjoyed the squirting for about three months with my Helix. I am looking forward to comparing the sensations if I am successful.

I have had similar experiences to yours but for me there is a fine line between urinating and squirting. I am usually about 75% successful and it is incredibly pleasant when I have the time and preparations. For me it is always at the end of a session and the squirting is very similar to trying to piss when you have morning wood. I get these bursts that are incredibly pleasurable like you are coming but the liquid is clear and slippery. It tastes amazingly good. Not like precum nor cum nor urine. I usually end up with a pool of it on my abdomen and leaking down my side onto the towels. As long as I stay focused, the Helix keeps energizing my prostate and the electrical feel and tightness goes up my cock either hard or soft (it always 'feels' hard and tingly like it is covered in cobwebs). Then a wave comes from my prostate up and out my cock and it "squirts" the juice.

The big HOWEVER is that there is a point for me that if I relax too much I will actually start to empty my bladder. It transitions from bursts of pleasure to taking a piss. The color turns yellow and it smells/tastes like urine. Until that point it is wonderful (usually about 30 minutes of pleasure bursts to an hour each like a nice little orgasm but different). There is usually about a minute or two in between the bursts.

If one is going to try it, lay down a couple towels and I suggest a plastic clear or white glass/cup. The one I use can hold about 12 ounces and place it over the end of my cock. It prevents my cock from being bumped and stimulated and I can stick my finger in there and touch it. I just think this stuff is sexy as hell. It is unlike anything I have ever seen. It will 'stick' to my finger like precum but is super slippery. I go for as long as I can and then once it turns to urine, I just finish my session and go take a leak. I never actually have a traditional orgasm so if I want to start again I can since there is no refractory period.

Anyhow, just wanted to agree with you @xileh that it is a fun/unique. I know a lot of folks just think it is urine and I was one of them. I read someone's post that said just relax when you feel like you have to piss and it will feel great. I took them literally and pissed all over myself. Then I started to realize there was this line between this experience and urinating. Anyhow, glad to hear someone else has had similar experiences.

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I enjoy P spot squirting on a regular basis. There is a distinct difference, between P spot squirting and urinating. I achieve my squirts without any penile stimulation. My weapon of choice is a Progasm Classic.
Sometimes I squirt, while the Progasm Classic is inserted, and sometimes I squirt, after I remove it. My sessions last between 1 - 2.5 hours. I squirt the most amount of liquid, when my penis is flaccid.

I feel any man can achieve this type of orgasm; it just requires a lot of relaxation, a totally clear mind, and a lot of patience. I always laugh at the negative reviews, that I read about the Progasm Classic! I guess dudes
assume the Big Bang occurs, upon immediate insertion. At least mine is working properly! Lol :-@

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How about some details on how to achieve this?

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1. Prostate
2. Anus
3. Lube
4. Progasm Classic
6. Proper mindset
7. Patience

Then squirting is possible. :D/

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Uh....thanks, I guess.

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You're welcome, forum_jedi! It is all matter of relaxation, and a clear mind. Squirting is easier to achieve, than most dudes realize.

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I DO NOT POLISH SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!! It is prostate stimulation; not penis stimulation; not prostate-penis stimulation!
When I have my sessions, I DO NOT TOUCH AND/OR STIMULATE MY PENIS, IN ANY WAY, FORM, OR FASHION! That would defeat the purpose, in my opinion, enjoying my prostate stimulation! I don't like fingers, or any thing that vibrates! My arsenal includes a Progasm Classic, some Njoy stuff, and a Liberator Throw (water proof blanket).

As I have stated previously, squirting is not as difficult, as everyone has made it out to be. Just my opinion mind you. I squirted, for the first time, three years ago. A year or so went by, before I was able to squirt again. I could find the spot, but could never relax enough to squirt. I was not stimulating my penis the first time I squirted. I squirted again, after I purchased an Njoy Pure Wand. The larger end works the best! I also use an Njoy Pfun Plug. Now...

Believe it or not ( not be confused with the show that Jack Palance used to host), I had been scoping an Aneros Prostate Massager, for about 4 years. That was prior to the purchase of the Njoy stuff. I was on Amazon (12-13) , and I read some reviews on the Progasm Classic. One dude said, "It's better than drugs!"
I ordered one, but not from Amazon. When I received the Progasm Classic, I lubed it up, inserted it, and an hour later, I knew I had spent my money well spent! I squirted everywhere! My first Progasm session was 1.5 hours.

Now! I feel that Anreos delivered, and then some! The way I squirt, or any other dude squirts, or will squirt, is
an INDIVIDUALISTIC PATH. What works for Joe, might not work for John, Jack, and Larry. Find what is good for you, and don't lend too much credence, to what is supposedly working for everyone else. I have skimmed through some posts, and notice them overly wordy, and overly complicated. Squirting is simple, squirting is beautiful! Separate yourself, from your penis, Grasshopper! And you too shall squirt.

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Well Pspotsquirter I'm thrilled to see others are enjoying the same multi-gushing, toe curling, anal banging, soaking wet euphoric orgasms that I have had for many many years. I will say after many posts in here...'I TOLD THEM SOOO! My 12" Doc J. jelly is still my weapon of choice, and deep in my rectum is my target, now bring on the rain. I don't fell so different anymore.

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For those who say this is just ...peeing, or not possible for a male to achieve, YOUR WRONG! get over your anal issues, it's not just for gay men or ladies to enjoy, I love it too. Your also missing out on about 80% of the satisfaction that you can achieve, but that's up to you.


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Excellent! Guys are too dismissive of squirting. I have tried to explain to them it is not urine, only to be greeted with deaf ears. Oh well.

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I have found that squirting by men and for that matter ladies too, share the same stigma." If they can't achieve this, then there must be something wrong with those who can. It's just not possible or there faking it some how ". They only wish they could orgasm like this. I'm not here to convince, just to share and enlighten.........( IT'S NOT URINE....OK )
Squirters of the world....I raise a glass and drink mine to you.

Gushingly yours

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We need more videos of this wonderful practice 🙂

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Do they really want to be enlightened?

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Yes, I for one want to be Enlightened.

Shout out to Beckett, the Master.

But I for one have been on a quest to at the very least replicate the method that I have seen.
It has for sure been a long journey, but i am still on an endeavor to succeed.

I have been searching and researching , and of course practicing. Sometimes it feels closer than others to achieving the goal. But it is an amazing thing.

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@Pspotsquirter Well...good question! some do as we can see, I guess you can change there burned out light bulbs, but you can't force them to turn it on.

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Yes, I for one want to be Enlightened.

Shout out to Beckett, the Master.

But I for one have been on a quest to at the very least replicate the method that I have seen.
It has for sure been a long journey, but i am still on an endeavor to succeed.

I have been searching and researching , and of course practicing. Sometimes it feels closer than others to achieving the goal. But it is an amazing thing.

Hey it's been a long time, how are you? your determination will pay off.....I have no doubt ! It's the fun we have that counts. It's the means....with no end. Take care.
:-bd Master Beckett

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