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Obstacles to progress: Mental/physical health.

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Hey gents.

Mental and physical health,should not be over looked as possible obstacles to progress. I believe both play an integral part of not only a successful prostate journey,but all other areas of a sex life,and indeed in outside life overall. Although, I’m sure there are exceptions to this,I’m sure the super-o has been reached by a couch potato or two 😉


Good Physical health can reap many benefits for ones life. It may help to prolong our lives,stave off illness,keep body fat at healthy levels,and help to keep hormone levels in healthy ranges,nothing more detrimental to testosterone than fat tissue with its aromatase enzymes converting our precious testosterone into oestrogen. And it can often be the answer to a number of conditions such as anxiety,depression and hormone deficiency that drs nowadays would rather just throw tablets at instead of pushing people to make lifestyle changes that may mean they don’t need to use a crutch made up of tablets that doesn’t really get rid of the issues generated by our growing need for convenience and automation. Unfortunately,in the 21st century,medical care is often a business intrinsically tied to the pharmaceutical giants.

Of course this may not be the case for every human,but it’s not going to harm our chances. It’s not necessarily a case of becoming a gymrat,even a 30 min brisk walk per day will increase cardiovascular fitness. It can be pimped up to hikes,jogs,swimming and a host of other sports. One of the biggest benefits to physical health and cardiovascular fitness is blood flow. Sooooo important to have blood flowing to every area of our body with as much ease as possible,the region of our genitals being pretty important to sexual function and the rewards it generates. Free flowing blood to the penis and prostate promotes better erections and pleasure feedback,and neither of which will negatively impact a journey. Changes made to the physical side of ones life can have a huge impact on mental health,anxiety issues ,confidence and overall happiness in life,and maybe most importantly,possibly by-pass the need to turn to drugs which seems to be a go to for a lot of people. I don’t believe everyone on anxiety,depression drugs,and trt really need to be on them all their lives.


Mental health is such big issue nowadays,any caveats anyone wishes to add would be advantageous for any discussion,especially how they may have overcome any issues they’ve faced. People face a range of issues these days from non-fulfilling relationships,work life,debt,social media,pornography etc One of the problems with drs dishing out tablets for these is that often,they just make people not care about the issues,so they don’t face them,and the impact they can have on sexual function and orgasm.  If mental health is suffering,that could have a huge impact on journey as a head being centred is important to achieving success.

It may be as simple as cutting toxic people out of our lives,or making other small changes to invest in ourselves to make our lives better. I myself had to cut a toxic family member from my life for my own sanity lol. Or turning to meditation,yoga and a host of other practices. Any thoughts added would be welcome.


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This is an aspect that is maybe too often neglected, naturally I can only speak for myself here but I'm sure others will relate. There is an element of self-love involved in the Aneros practice, and it is certain that if you love what you see in the mirror, it will have a positive effect on your results. Also, this will seem like a an humorous take, but a longer life means more time to have Super-Os !  And the longer you stay fit, the easier it will be to avoid all the little aches and pains that make relaxation more difficult, and it will also allow you to try some positions that need more flexibility. 

This also opens up the idea as Super-O as a lifestyle, where you start to look at ideas outside of you sessions : how can I make my practice better ?  What about my alimentation, sleep schedule, testosterone levels ? Success doesn't come only from time spent with the device inserted, what about a Kegels regimen? Then cardio and general fitness, staying hydrated, regular bowel movements... the list of things that could help is long, and if you're struggling, every little thing has the potential to tip the scale in your favor. If you're already doing good, then it could make things even better. 

Health in general is certainly something to keep in mind on the road to orgasmic success. 

Edit : Also, @helghast congrats on getting that yellow sun thingy, you honorable chap ! 

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@zentai for some reason I was immediately reminded of a line from The Fisher King: "There's three things in this world that you need: Respect for all kinds of life, a nice bowel movement on a regular basis, and a navy blazer."

Self-love/self-care is something I've struggled with a lot over the last few years though I think (hope) I'm getting better at everything.  A global pandemic+everything else going on right now doesn't make it any easier either, but we all need to practice more love in our lives and it should start with ourselves.  Just from a life point of view this will make a big difference.  It's funny though that it's taken Aneros and the desire for the Super-O to get me to the point where I'm actively trying to improve myself physically and mentally.  As far as a good carrot on a stick though it'll do...

To keep the pop culture flowing, there's no sense in loving anyone who hates themself


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Posted by: @zentai

This also opens up the idea as Super-O as a lifestyle, where you start to look at ideas outside of you sessions : how can I make my practice better ?

A lot seem to view or want to pursue the journey as spiritual. Looking after oneself isn’t going to do that any harm. Im not well versed in the Far Eastern mantra stuff mentioned on here,but I’m sure those guys look after their bodies much more than than those in the west.


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Posted by: @faith-manages

A global pandemic+everything else going on right now doesn't make it any easier either, but we all need to practice more love in our lives and it should start with ourselves.

Make the time for yourself. Whatever is going on,it’s always possible to carve out a sliver of time to work on your yourself,it’s worth it in the long run.

Posted by: @faith-manages

To keep the pop culture flowing

I heard a line once,can’t remember where,”I treat my body like a temple,that’s why I leave my shoes on the outside” 🙂


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Posted by: @helghast

A lot seem to view or want to pursue the journey as spiritual. Looking after oneself isn’t going to do that any harm. Im not well versed in the Far Eastern mantra stuff mentioned on here,but I’m sure those guys look after their bodies much more than than those in the west.

No doubt about this. Most religions have the "your body is a temple" principle somewhere in their teaching, and 'A sound mind in a sound body'  is also a pretty ancient idea. It's easy to think that you are missing some key technique, breathing method or mental map, when the real issue is stress, anxiety or low fitness in general, I've been at this long enough to know all these things can absolutely kill super-os. You can find success  in spite of them, but addressing this stuff is probably the easiest way to get the best bang for your buck. 

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Very true,people deal with all manner of issues nowadays,addressing them could really open things up. 


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This might not be a very popular take, but technique-wise is there much different from where things were 10+ years ago? Surely people come out with new and innovative methods all the time, but at the core of it, it's still arousal, relaxation, focus and breathing. 

Having new ways to conceptualize this could help make it *click* for some guys, but basically, for someone who's been trying a whole bunch of techniques and still can't break through or get close, the problem could really well be outside of sessions. If your session is 1 hour/day, maybe the trouble is hiding somewhere in the other 23 hours?  If the issue can't be solved during sessions no matter how hard you try, then it's possibly the case. That should be seen as a huge relief: you are probably doing most things right already. For guys stuck in a perpetual "almost-there" wheel, it could be a technique needing refinement or another new technique. For others, it could be external issues.

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Posted by: @zentai

For guys stuck in a perpetual "almost-there" wheel, it could be a technique needing refinement or another new technique. 

This resonates with me and is timely. For me it's physical.

Background, I had my first super-o sessions last October and November. My progress was cut short by a delightful dermatological condition, butt crack/anus, perineum, and penis that itched badly, was painful and bled. It took several doctors to figure out what it was and how to treat it. That put out of session commission for roughly six months. 

When I started sessions again last spring, I fairly quickly got to almost, almost super-os, but wasn't able to achieve them. Since I had achieved super-os before, I knew what they were like, I knew that there were several types of progressions to get there and I knew they weren't all the same.

I could get myself relaxed, but build arousal. I was able to empty my mind of parasitic thoughts pretty consistently. When I started in the spring, it could take 10 or 15 minutes for a buildup to start, and as I progressed that time reduced to buildups starting in minutes. During sessions, I'd get multiple p-waves. I tried audios and porn but found both a distraction and draining. I'd work my nipples. I have a strong nipple prostate connection. I tried different positions, and used the device in different ways, and I tried several devices and with all this no super-os. 

A few weeks ago, I started to really move my pelvis in particular, rocking, rotating, humping. On all fours, on my back or with my butt lifted. I also combined contracting my abs. The more athletic and aggressive I was, the better the results. Last week three days in a row using this physical movement of my pelvis, I got multiple super-os in each session. 

So, for me there was a physical piece missing, pelvic movement. The proof will be if I can do this again in following sessions. This may work for some or there may be other physical moments that could help others who are stuck. 

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Well said! If we are happy,healthy and have our heads centred,the rest should hopefully be elementary! 🙂


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I always found in A-Less,some pelvic thrusting or rocking to be very helpful and added much pleasure. 
Glad you got over your derma,sounds nasty. :)You’ll  be back brother,just keep the faith. 


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