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Nipples Connected to the Glans?

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With years now of awakening, it's been fascinating to find my nipples empowered to enhance pleasure immeasurably, mysteriously linked to drive waves of orgasm in my butt, ass and groin. How can this be? What wires would logically connect them?

Eventually I realized, with help of others, that it is all in the mind - when sensitive little tips of flesh can become so aroused. Not so different from finding my mouth and lips quivering in harmony with my ass and prostate.

The intensity of the discovered Super-O has left the dick sidelined for awhile. Only recently have I explored getting it back in the action. Not that I have ever found the need, suggested by other, to dutifully "avoid" it.

But then I got to thinking. If the mind is an agent of ecstasy, with the ability to learn new tricks, why not try a new connection? So I have been visualizing my nipples connected to the glans of my dick. With each flip of a nip, my cock jumps and grows. It feels almost as if I could bring it to HFO. A wet dream.

This will be fun!

Anyone else tried this path?

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See my post regarding my slight gynecomastia and nipples!!! Crazy to think that something I have hated since puberty now offers me part of the key sequence to such pleasure.

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Something I have just recently tried. While rubbing a nipple with one finger, gently rubbing in tiny circles my frenulum with the same finger on the opposite hand in perfect sync with each other, the sensations began to blur. With concentration my nipple felt like my frenulum and vice versa. I’ve no idea how that works.

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I discovered my cock and Glans penis for sure at age five and the exquisite pleasure in my cock and Glans. In early September 1963, I began seventh grade and Phys-ed. Our gym coach near the end of our first class session handed out our gym uniforms. He told us that we needed to buy our sneakers and a jockstrap for gym class. He told us that the jockstrap was a mandatory part of our gym uniform. So after school, I purchased my first jockstrap at our town drugstore. I got home and tried on the jock. That produced in sexual awakening in me when I exulted in how the jockstrap supported my ball sack and my cock, but also especially how the mesh pouch massaged my Glans. I was an absolute spasmodic when it came to athletics in those years, but I thoroughly enjoyed wearing my gym uniform and the feel of my jockstrap, especially how it caressed my Glans.

This thread not only made me horny and randy, but it inspired me to compose a blog post in the subject just now tonight. One the cardinal rules of Aneros usage for beginners is Penis Not, i.e. leave your penis out of it. However the original Aneros Directions for Use encourages Glans stimulation for more advanced Aneros users.

For guys who enjoy interacting with their Aless, especially in bed at night, the sky is the limit when you diddle your nipples. You can direct sexually sweet energy generated by your nipples to your cock, and especially your Glans!

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I have had some good luck with the nipples. But lately I notice they start to tickle my prostate and the sudtle waves start and then slowly fade away. Not to come back. Over stimulation? The connection is there but I'm not sure why it disappears. Any ideas or suggestions? Thx.

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@Spikester71, as an advanced nipple diddler, I have found that soft, deft strokes back and forth across my nipples works the best. Also circular motions with a finger or two or thumb around the nipple also are effective. Guys have nipples surrounded by circular aureoles which are fleshly and sensitive. Also there is not need to be over aggressive in stimulating your nipples. Aggressive nipple stimulation I have found to be counterproductive. Judging from your post, you are developing nipple sensitivity. Be gentle with yourself. Also it is very gratifying that when you diddle your nipples, they become erect. The nipple and genital connection will come for sure!

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Something I have just recently tried. While rubbing a nipple with one finger, gently rubbing in tiny circles my frenulum with the same finger on the opposite hand in perfect sync with each other, the sensations began to blur. With concentration my nipple felt like my frenulum and vice versa.

WOW! This works ever so wonderfully. Now why didn't I think of that!

Thanks for the "tip"!

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BigGlansDc, have you ever used any stimulation devices on your nipples ? Any things to enhance stimulation?

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@Spikester71, I have never had any desire to have any stimulation devices on my nipples like clamps. Many gay guys like them. When my nipples began to awaken big time after my Super-O and MMO breakthroughs in mid September 2016, deft, soft nipple diddling works best for me. Wearing a jockstrap to bed at night now certainly enhances nipple stimulation and versa versa upon my cock, balls, and especially my Glans! 😉

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WOW! This works ever so wonderfully. Now why didn't I think of that!

Thanks for the "tip"!

@WallyBanger Fantastic! Glad you got to experience it. Did it take much concentration for you or did it happen readily?

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I’ve tried nipple suckers a couple of times. They certainly make them grow. Trouble is they leave big red rings:D

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Something I have just recently tried. While rubbing a nipple with one finger, gently rubbing in tiny circles my frenulum with the same finger on the opposite hand in perfect sync with each other, the sensations began to blur. With concentration my nipple felt like my frenulum and vice versa. I’ve no idea how that works.

@Harper, I like very much your method of nipple diddling while stimulating your frenulum at the same time. Your nipple diddling method is very similar to mine. As a baby boomer American, I was circumcised as a neonatal so I do not have the pleasure of frenulum stimulation. However, ever since my nipples have awakened big time after my Aneros breakthrough in mid September 2016, the nipple, cock, and Glans connection is so strong and sweet when I diddle at night. Cheers! 😉

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@BigGlansDC What about the spot directly opposite where the frenulum is? Right in the cleft where the glans meets the shaft. Just placing the edge of one finger (as if you had a bird perched on it) and gently rubbing, I find it madly sensitive. Would that still work being circumcised?
Yes the nips are remarkable, mine are connected also to all of the important parts:D

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@WallyBanger Fantastic! Glad you got to experience it. Did it take much concentration for you or did it happen readily?

Let's see, how many milliseconds was it? I guess I'd call that readily! I didn't have time to concentrate on how long it took. I expect my aless and aneros sessions will now last even longer. How will I ever get anything done? I've had annoying neighbors in the past that needed something better to do with their time. This is a good one!

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@BigGlansDC What about the spot directly opposite where the frenulum is? Right in the cleft where the glans meets the shaft. Just placing the edge of one finger (as if you had a bird perched on it) and gently rubbing, I find it madly sensitive. Would that still work being circumcised?
Yes the nips are remarkable, mine are connected also to all of the important parts:D

@Harper, the Glans penis is a marvelous part of a guy's manhood. At age five, I discovered the marvels of my circumcised cock and my Glans as a treasure trove of exquisitely sweet sexual sensation and pleasure years before I discovered its sexual ramifications at puberty and adolescence.

In thinking about your question(s) above, I believe there are three major sweet spots in and near my Glans: (1) My frenular delta where my frenulum was excised as a neonatal during circumcision, (2) the area my Glans meets the very top of my cock shaft just above my frenular delta, and (3) the area from my circumcision scar just before my frenular delta. Number 3 produces very sweet sexual feeling. I will throw in two others: (1) The rim or corona of my Glans, and (2) my Glans cap which produces more subtle, but still sweet sensation.

It is also wonderful to revel in what my nipple diddling has on my cock from its root all the way to my Glans!

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I have not tried the specific visualization listed by the original poster. However, I have tried most everything else. I think I will give his suggestion a try and see how it goes. Just manual stimulation is super hot. If going solo, I like to stimulate my nipples in a variety of ways and have something near the perineum to gently bump against. such usually goes further to a more riding activity. When the wife is in the mix, I ride her mons cowboy style via my perineum and balls, and let her wet lips bump my bud while she does the nipple pleasuring.

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BigGlandsDC, I've surprisingly had a little success with what I though were my "dead" nipples. Definitely helpful in getting some sensations going in the pelvic region. But I notice is short lived. It kind of subsides after a little while. If the sensations go away should I continue? Are there valleys and peaks with this? Thx. John.

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BigGlandsDC, I've surprisingly had a little success with what I though were my "dead" nipples. Definitely helpful in getting some sensations going in the pelvic region. But I notice is short lived. It kind of subsides after a little while. If the sensations go away should I continue? Are there valleys and peaks with this? Thx. John.
