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New user's Aneros experience so far...

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Hey all!

I bought a Helix model about 2 months ago after toying with the idea of buying an Aneros for quite some time. I've read through the wiki and numerous posts and thought I might share my experience as of recently.

I've practiced the contractions and feel like I've achieved the involuntary spasms. I have done so by holding a contraction at a certain degree and eventually my sphincter and penis muscles spasm (not sure what it's called but the one that helps you "hold it" when you have to go).

Most recently I've been practicing the "wave" effect by alternating the contracts of the two muscles back and forth. I was able to get some nice feeling like a tingling sensation in my balls before a traditional orgasm but no super-o.

I have a few questions:

1) are the involuntary contractions totally involuntary or based upon holding the contraction yourself. In other words, I know the spasming is not controllable but I feel like if I release 100% that they stop.

2) I feel that I have NOT achieved a super-o yet but am guessing it's one of those things that when you have one, you know without doubt that you've just experienced it

Any other helpful pointers would be greatly appreciated.

I think my body is learning to rewire but I guess with each new session, new sensations come about that my body "learns" for next time to progress a little further down the path. Thanks!

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A group of us don't hold with the contractions but rather go for the "do nothing" technique. This one's very simple: relaxation, belly breathing, and strict non-interference in what the body does. It sounds counter-intuitive, but if you give it enough time (at least half an hour of a session) it actually works.

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I always wondered why it seems like some tutorials say to use contractions and others say do nothing.

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What works for one group of people doesn't necessarily work for others. Some fall into the "contractions" group, some in the "do nothing" group, others may have a different method

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I say try both and see what works for you Valhalla. I'm a new user also but after reading countless post it seems what works for one may not for another.

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I can definitely appreciate different methods working for different people. Perhaps I'll give the "try nothing" approach a try. Do these powerful contractions really come on for some people just by having the aneros in place? Any tips on what I should do other than lay down, relax and focus on breathing?

This forum is very helpful 🙂

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From your description of events, I believe you are making good progress. That's great that you have taken the time to read through the Aneros WIKI. I'll try to answer your questions based upon my experiences and understanding.

I've practiced the contractions and feel like I've achieved the involuntary spasms. I have done so by holding a contraction at a certain degree and eventually my sphincter and penis muscles spasm (not sure what it's called but the one that helps you "hold it" when you have to go).

See Pelvic Floor muscles for a general description of the major muscle groups involved.

Most recently I've been practicing the "wave" effect by alternating the contracts of the two muscles back and forth.

I presume this is the technique described in 'CaveOfMystery's thread.

1) are the involuntary contractions totally involuntary or based upon holding the contraction yourself. In other words, I know the spasming is not controllable but I feel like if I release 100% that they stop.

The answer is a little bit of both. You are voluntarily holding the contraction but the resulting spasms are an involuntary reaction due to the onset of muscle fatigue. As you become more proficient at employing this technique of inducing the pleasure provoking spasms it will take less and less effort at actually holding the contraction to induce some spasms. Eventually, you may be able to induce spasms through mental intent alone, without consciously thinking about holding a contraction.

2) I feel that I have NOT achieved a super-o yet but am guessing it's one of those things that when you have one, you know without doubt that you've just experienced it.

Please re-read the Super-O definition in the WIKI. I think many men have actually experienced Super-O's but have misinterpreted the event because they harbor expectations likening the event to a traditional ejaculatory orgasm induced through penile stimulation. You may or may not experience full body spasms, you may or may not experience spontaneous erections, you may or may not experience increased pre-cum emissions, etc. these are all only possible parts of each man's unique experience of the event.

Any other helpful pointers would be greatly appreciated.


I think my body is learning to rewire but I guess with each new session, new sensations come about that my body "learns" for next time to progress a little further down the path.

YES! It is good you have intuitively grasped that concept, it will serve you well going forward.

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My personal experience is that I can hold contractions pretty much indefinitely without the fatigue setting in and the fluttering happening. Either that or my body gently relaxes the muscle without me being aware of it.

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My personal experience is that I can hold contractions pretty much indefinitely without the fatigue setting in and the fluttering happening. Either that or my body gently relaxes the muscle without me being aware of it.

Yes I also have noticed something like that. It seems that I can't hold the contraction without thinking about it. I mean, I will start a contraction and when I want to release it, my muscles are already relaxed. I have to maintain a certain amount of pressure that I determine through the feelings I manage to get on my prostate. By maintaining the feeling "steady", I managed to keep the level of the contraction.
I figured it was normal and am happy to see that I am not the only one in that situation 😉

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Please re-read the Super-O definition in the WIKI. I think many men have actually experienced Super-O's but have misinterpreted the event because they harbor expectations likening the event to a traditional ejaculatory orgasm induced through penile stimulation. You may or may not experience full body spasms, you may or may not experience spontaneous erections, you may or may not experience increased pre-cum emissions, etc. these are all only possible parts of each man's unique experience of the event.

I understand all of that but I have yet to experience any INTENSE feelings, greater or on par with a traditional orgasm. From what I've read, the Super-O also feels like a "release" and mostly even more powerful than a traditional orgasm. I have not felt anything like that yet but I will continue down the path.

I'm curious about this whole "relax and do nothing" approach. I guess you have to try it to see if it works for you.

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