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New to the Aneros

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Hi,new guy here.I’m hopeful to reach the Super O.I just have a question,is it safe to sleep with it still inserted,since I’ve fallen asleep each time,so I guess I’m getting the relaxation part down.I working with the Helix syn.And just got the Progasm,But now thinking I should have gotten the jr.

Just don’t want to hurt my self,Thankyou

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Posted by: @deanm33

I just have a question,is it safe to sleep with it still inserted

@Deanm33, First, Welcome to the Aneros Forums. The question of safety with an Aneros in situ while sleeping has been discussed before with many members reporting on their experiences. While I have not read any reports of injury/damage from such activity, there have been reports of soreness in the rectal/anal area following a sleep session. Whether this was due to the interaction of the device with the body, inadequate lubrication, interference with furniture/bedware or some other factor is difficult to determine. A few members sleep with their Aneros on a regular basis with no apparent problems. Some members have postulated that such activity may accelerate their 'rewiring' but I am a bit skeptical about that assertion.

I am of the opinion it is probably not a good idea to sleep with an Aneros in situ but I realize the situation does occur on occasion even to myself. I have not suffered any serious ill effects from such occasions but have experienced some residual soreness which dissipated in a day or two. I advise on the side of caution and recommend you remove your Aneros before falling asleep.

Since you are new to the forum I invite you to read my Introductory Message to New Members posting and read the Helpful Links for New Members thread.

Good Vibes to You!

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Welcome aboard. Anerosians are cool and helpful people with similar goals here. I often sleep with my devices in, and I will often wake to an orgasm. On a couple of occasions, it has been in superO territory, which for me, feels wonderful at the time but represents itself later that day or for a few days. 

Anyway, if you sleep with Aneros, think about a few things: position, style of device, LUBE, and preventing your body from sucking it in like a missile. That can hurt.

I don't have problems with the Trident models, but I cut the handles off my old MGX and Helix. That makes it less likely to get pressed into a bad position while you sleep. 

Lube is always important, asleep or not. If you not slick as ice on the inside, it won't work as well. Oils and petroleum based jellies shouldn't be used. I have had success with thick water based gels and Sessions, but a little silicone lube (ONLY ON THE PLASTIC NON SILICONE TOYS!!!) like astroglideX injected in just the right place will last all night if you fall asleep. As of today, it's my favorite lube. I don't know about any dangers of using silicone lube long term, but that may also be a consideration.

Yo may start having dreams like you need to poop and reflexively, you body will try to pucker up tight and this can shoot the device inward quickly. It can hurt and leave you tender for a few days. On the other hand, I have been experienced waking to a strange wiggling tickling feeling and the extreme need to stretch also can suck in the device quickly and create discomfort, but I have trained myself to bear down a little at first awareness of the sensation and it can turn into something very nice... sometimes very, very nice.

All that said, if I were a first time beginner again I would be focused on breathing and kegals before I ever experienced the sensation of Aneros massagers in place. It really helps with mindset and muscle tone.

I think the Helix, MGX, or Eupho models are best for beginners, but it depends on the person. I had a progasm years ago and threw it out because it was uncomfortably large for me. Wish I had it back now, but I've been thinking about getting a junior also. 

All the best to you and your journey, be patient and enjoy!

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@Deanm33, I frequently sleep with the Euphro. Not the slightest problem with that. 

The tabs (‘handles’) are there for several reasons, not least of which is to prevent the Aneros from being ‘sucked in like a missile’. Others include keeping it aligned and positioned, anchoring the fulcrum action, and acting on the P and K pressure points.  I’ve never had my sleep disturbed by the tabs. Don’t cut them off without very very good reason, and certainly not at this stage in your learning!!


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@canonprf I am only talking about cutting the curly handle off the classic Aneros patterns, not the functional and totally necessary p-tab, and not the Trident models. The Trident design is freaking genius as it is. And any model can rush in and hurt, modified or not. 

But yes, thanks for the safety heads up, it just seemed obvious to not put something in that place without a stop on it of some kind.

