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New sensations during last session.

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I have been making great progress on my rewiring during aneros sessions. Last night was a new milestone I think. Three things happened that never happened before.
1. After about 1/2 hour, I got a bunch of erection cycling going on. My cock went from soft, to a steel rod, to semi hard, limp again. This happened over and over. The cycling usually corresponded with lightly playing with my nipples.
2. When the erection cycling happened, I started to get what I could only describe as sharp jolts of electricity going up my penis to the tip of the head. It felt good but weird. These would happen on and off and were sudden jolts of pleasure.
3. When the erection was cycling, I felt at times like perenium tab and aneros itself was pinching and putting pressure on the prostate. Most times up till now, I have felt nothing internally with the aneros in. But when this happened I felt like the prostate was swelling up big time. At least I think it was the prostate I was noticing.
All this happened with the breathing picking up pace. I feel like im getting near the top of the roller coaster ready to go over the edge, but not quite there yet. Can anyone who has been rewired and passed this point I'm at tell me what I should expect next??? Is there anything else you would recommend to do other than just keep doing what I'm doing now. I feel like I'm about to enter a whole new world.

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