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New here and sharing my experience

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Been reading on here a while, but just registered. Hopefully this is ok here.

So, I read about prostate pleasure a few years ago. Sexless marriage - literally. Looking for something more and there it was - super O's sounded pretty good. Tried a few vibrating toys and a few other "things". My favorite turned out to be - don't laugh - part of an old fishing rod. Forgiving rubber or silicone. Bulbous end and a shaft that tapered very thin. It was super comfortable inside. And everyone thought it was a fishing pole when it wasn't being used. I learned a lot with it. Found my prostate. Pressing on bladder was not what you want. Clenching. Got some really good pleasure from it. Felt like I was getting close to something big. Got a nice vibrating toy and also that double end SS wand. Both were ok but not as good as my fishing pole. I established, with me at least, vibrations felt good, but didn't go where I wanted to go. They actually take me off the peak I'm reaching for. I read about aneros but figured what I had was as good as or better. I also got very good at externally massaging my perineum. Then the end of summer last year came.
I found a store a little ways away that sold aneros - figured, ok, I'll try it - the Helix syn. It was ok but it didn't really take me new places. I had dabbled with edibles in the past and they helped somewhat. Then I decided to try a vape with indica. Not for everyone I know. I happened to be alone for a few days - first time in years and years coincidentally. Things started somewhat normally with the aneros in. Then I had a single puff and it was like the voltage suddenly started increasing in me. Within 10 or 15 minutes I experienced this flash of pleasure that left me reeling. You remember in the new War of the Worlds movie how the alien robots sucked the people up and then spit them out in a mist? I felt like in an instant, my body had been sucked up inside something confined, and then exploded out the other side in a gazillion bits, just floating in absolute bliss. I went from total build up and pressure to incredible release. My mind and body seemed to be in another dimension in a flash. It didn't last incredibly long but left me in an altered state. Over the next couple days, I got to various levels of that feeling - more than once feeling like I was floating. Occasionally, I could mentally control it. I could bring someone in with me in my mind to share in it, touching them and vice versa, and it felt so incredibly real.
In the last few months I've learned things about myself and what works for me and what doesn't. I've also gotten the progasm and the jr. Usually the Helix is best. I've also gotten better at relaxing and knowing when to clench a little, when to relax, and when to change my approach. I have essentially given up traditional masturbation. With a longer session I will usually finish with a traditional orgasm, but I don't miss it. If I'm just craving feeling things get wound up a little, I'll put in the Helix and just wear it while at home with people around, at the store, wherever. I feel satisfied after.
So that brings me to last night. Around midnight, I had my puff or two and laid back to relax - I sleep alone at home. As my body settled in, I would stroke my skin. Arms, sides, butt cheeks, back of my thighs, around my groin but never touching it. Eventually ever so lightly pressing just above my groin and slowly working my way around the side and down to my perineum. It's almost like the pleasure spot migrates around and learning how to follow it is part of the process. I prob went like that for an hour or so and had some incredible waves, orgasms, or whatever ones vocabulary wants to label them. They felt incredible and lasted for minutes at a time. Nipple play is every but as pleasurable as people say too - one or two peaks coming from that alone.
Eventually out came the aneros. Just getting it out and getting lube on it causes me to peak, shaking and convulsing the whole time, till I get it resting against my backside. My whole body is alive at this point, shaking, pulsing, clenching, relaxing, and with gentle pressure I slowly ease the Helix deeper. The balance between relaxing down there and forcing it back out is just delicious. Riding that knife edge is a thing all on its own, feeling your body trying to suck the toy in, and having it finally doing so. Then sitting back and just letting your body figure out where to go. Nipple? Perineum? Total relax? Clench? Last night I found bringing my legs up while on my side and very lightly dancing my fingers near my anus without touching the toy or right around it was incredible. Alas, anal orgasm really is a thing - just incredible feeling that swell inside. Nipples? There's another one of those orgasms. Fingers more towards my perineum? My God that felt good. Roll on my back a touch and massage the front a little. Eventually, after prob 10 or 20 or however many incredible highs or orgasms or waves, I just relax and drift off until my body wakes me up on the edge of another one. All the while, the Helix is dancing little bits, some involuntary I think, so voluntary I think. They seem to blend. Finally, prob 4 or more hours into the night, I wake up to this incredible build up. I roll on my side and bring my legs up some and start shaking. I'm sitting up some, humping the air in some way, and I feel the aneros moving against me like a jackhammer. I'm lifting my whole body into the air on my side, thrusting and convulsing, all of it with no effort on my part. I feel like I'm hanging on a hook in the air in total bliss, until minutes later it gently lays me down in total clarity and I mumble to myself how good that felt. Two or three more times I go there, my body flailing like Priss in the original blade runner being retired. Out of breath, super sensitive, prostate laughing at me and the Helix asking me if I want more. I say enough because I know what happens after I take it out. My body doesn't want to sleep, so for the next four hours I am intermittently woken up in a dreamy state on the verge, again, and again, easily falling into another orgasm. It only stops when I decide to get up.
Sorry this was so long. I guess I just wanted to convey that no session is the same. No single orgasm is the same. Minute to minute everything can change. Pay attention to what feels good, whether it's the aneros or running your big toe against the blanket. Everything becomes pleasure when you figure it out. And the movements, inside or out, can be miniscule or even just barely perceptible pressure, even just knowing you're about to touch yourself somewhere can be enough. The weed was my game changer along with the aneros. And I can start and finish a-less as well. I hope you find what works for you. Lastly, I never touched my penis with the exception of putting my vibrating toy against my frenulum, giving me an incredible traditional orgasm while completely soft and dripping. Now I'm so fired up after typing all this that I want to grab a toy and go again, but there's a football game on later that I have to get ready for.
Good luck...

Will704 reacted
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Meh, who cares about sportsball bread & circuses when prostate orgasms are available!  😜   Congrats on making some pretty tremendous progress so far, I'm still trying to get there after nearly a decade, but I keep going.  Welcome to the forum and keep posting updates and comments.

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Maybe it's the crop of posts I've been reading lately, but I feel like after having had some success, you really gain an understanding of all of this info when you've made it to the other side, so to speak. I've read I couple of accounts of experiences since I posted mine and thought to my self that the author is going to think I'm either plagiarizing them or poking fun. I know there's a lot of skepticism around prostate enjoyment and to some extent, that could have been me a ways back in my journey. But to the doubters, rest assured, it is a real thing. I feel like ever since I had my breakthrough a few months back, every time I embark on a session with the goal of truly achieving progress, I and seldom disappointed. I think I alluded to times I might be going for a quick thrill or nibble at what is possible - and I'm not taking about those times. The evenings, or mornings, or whenever, you have the time to dedicate to this process, after having achieved it, it seldom disappoints. I feel like on some level my body knows what to do. (Yeah I think I read that somewhere) But my conscious self has to learn the path. Has to find that knife edge and ride that path of surrendering and embracing. Grabbing it and waiting for it. At any given moment I feel my body looking for it. That tickle. That swelling. Whether it be driving down the highway, waiting in line at the store, or laying in the dark caressing your nipple. It's like something woke up inside you and wants to play. 

I dunno, maybe that sounds dramatic, but it's my night off and I can't wait til later when I turn the lights off for the night and I get my time to enjoy me.

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Posted by: @321jsjs123

Whether it be driving down the highway, waiting in line at the store, or laying in the dark caressing your nipple. It's like something woke up inside you and wants to play. 

I totally agree! I’ve read everything I could on here and I was so excited to join the forum and get to interact with everyone. I wanted to shout it from the rooftop. I feel like I’m posting what others have said as well but it just reaffirms what we are experiencing! I find myself having an Aless prostate orgasm driving down the road, lying in bed when I first wake up, showering, and definitely reading and sharing on this forum.

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I have been at this since 2010 and every time I get into a session I "re-remember" how good it feels.It always seems like "this is the best one yet" which can't really be true!To top it off it is such a good thing for you health wise.

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Like @faith-manages said above, who cares about a football game. Totally agree. If I have alone time, I know what I'll be doing. Also, as I mentioned above I'm in a sexless marriage, and while I badly miss the intimacy, the physical pleasure is totally eclipsed by my alone time now. And it really does keep getting better - maybe not every time, but I am regularly amazed at the results. And I know there is more to experience. Although I am able to stumble upon fantastic orgasms, one of these days I'll hopefully be able to relax through to completion and I can only imagine how that will be. 
