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New helix user - a few questions

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Hey there,

So I bit the bullet and bought a helix classic after thourougly reading the wiki and sticky threads for about a month. Looking for a bit of advice on my journey. So far, I've used it four times, each with different results.

First time: interesting, but nothing like I read. About an hour of hard and soft contractions.
Second time: better. Felt 'nice'. Nothing earth shattering.
Third time: relaxed and waited about 15 minutes. Amazing feelings of pleasure started to sneak up on me. Started contractions while on my stomache. VERY good but I couldn't push myself over the edge. Hard to tell if my penis rubbing on the bed was helping this along. The next day I woke up with a permanent glow in my prostate. Almost like a subtle p-wave that wouldn't go away. Enjoyed this all day.
Fourth time: was too rushed. Not great. However, I kind of have that prostate glow after, not as strong as before though.

im pretty sure the rewiring process is happening, but I'm wondering how to improve. Generally, during a session, the 'good' feelings roll in after I release my contractions. I read about base level contractions and keeping these for the session. Is a base level contraction similar to a 3/10 force kegel that you maintain? Does this help with involuntaries? So far I get spasmy contractions while I'm holding, but haven't had any happen by themselves.

Anyways, glad to part of the community.

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Congratulations on commencing this Journey. And, congratulations on your early recognition of the subtle sensations that your body is producing in response to the Aneros. Doubly so as those sensations were recognizable even though you were experiencing penis stimulation from the Belly position. I'd suggest you give side and back positions a try to reduce/eliminate penis stimulation. Keep in mind that the Helix is somewhat sensitive to gravity so those positions may take a bit longer to adapt to.

Contractions: After a few more weeks you may find that your involuntary body systems will automatically seek and maintain a very good position of the Aneros in relation to your prostate. Your job at that point will be to relax, breathe and make an occasional 'fine tuning' adjustment to Helix's position.

Remember, this is a Jouney, not a footrace to the top of the mountain. Stay in the moment, relax and enjoy.

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It certainly sounds as if your prostate has woken up and you are rewired. From my own experience I'd say that what you need to do now is to relax and not try to force the pace. What works for me is to relax completely, do nothing, and empty my mind of everything except to concentrate on the sensations which the Helix is producing and mentally to amplify them. If absolutely nothing happens, then a series of kegels or some nipple play may get you going, but once the involuntary shaking begins and you start to get pelvic contractions don't try to "push" yourself but let the involuntary movements take you further. I find that at this stage the more I let myself go the more intense the sensations become. I reckon that your sensitivity to the presence of the Helix will improve with each session and you may well find, as I have, that eventually the mere insertion of the Helix will be enough to set you off. Keep your dick out of the action - it will look after itself and decide whether to stand at attention or remain at ease. As for position, I find that I get the most intense sensations when lying on my side, but you just have to experiment and find which position is best for you. Keep travelling!

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You are off to a great start. You 100% correct that "good feelings roll when I release my contraction". This is one of the things many guys do not get, if you feel pleasure building relax and let it wash over or through or around you. Many guys get some good feelings and keep building them by moving or clenching only to have the pleasure build higher and higher then fizzle out and that is were you get guys saying it felt great but I couldn't over the edge. The edge with the aneros is more like a thick blurred line or a pleasure base line that can move higher and higher. Good luck.

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