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My problem and the solution

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Hello, I just got my first aneros product a few days ago (the trident maximus(TM) which is great) and had an odd personal issue so I thought I would put it here in case this helps anyone else with the same problem. I never had an orgasm from anal or prostate stimulation before. I still had a lot of pleasure from it but never got an O unless I did some penile stimulation which would result in a wet O. When I was using my new TM I got a lot of great sensations but whenever I built up to a climax my anus muscles would act like they were trying to push out the TM with a lot of force. Oddly enough even though it felt pretty forceful it only came out a couple of the times it happened. This of course would kill the momentum and would bring me down to about the level of just starting my session. I was looking on this site where everyone was saying to relax and just let your body and the device do their thing so I was doing that with the same result every time. Since that wasn't working I tried a few different things and found out that when that happens I need to contract some muscles to fight that pushing out sensation but not enough to stop my momentum on my way to a climax. Once I figured that out and did a little fine tuning on which muscles to use and how much to contract them I was able to have several good orgasms in one session close to the level of my normal wet Os. People talk about rewiring the body so maybe with enough time and practice my body will be used to the idea of orgasming through anal and prostate stimulation and I won't need to worry about contracting those muscles and it will just happen naturally. I hope this helps anyone having the same problem.

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glad you got it to work. May want to try some other models, to see if they stay in better.

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