My new Progasm-Ice
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My new Progasm-Ice

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Well bless my soul.I decided to get a new Progasm-Ice and what a good idea.
The new one has shed a few millimetres all round. It still has its bubble. It feels good as well. No moulding seam. It is slimmer, slightly shorter and looks cool against the somewhat obese older model that I have had for some years. (Perhaps it had put on middle age spread - good living and all that).
It is much more like the Progasm-Jr's older brother.
I don't know if it is the new standard or mine was a one off - you know 'send to AU, their won't know the difference'.
Anyhow it is great, I am chuffed.

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A new observation. The new P-Ice is great. The old P-Ice is a bit larger. So I have two just nicely spaced.

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