I’m mid 50's, straight. I have tough time relaxing, just an edgy person. I’ve always love, love, loved, ladies behinds! Die hard ass man! Started anal play not long after first masturbating, in my yearly teens. Guess I was programmed that, this is not something straight males should like, or do! Always kept this to my self. I have not been able to get the wife interested in my B door tried subtly many times. We've had a lot of fun and have a good collection of toys. So have been able to take care of my B door needs when I get alone time. Wife was diagnosed with breast cancer early this year. Surgery's and kemo our sex lives went away along with her beautiful breast.
Looking something new sexually, Happened across Aneros. Did some reading and checked it out for awhile. I ordered a Helix. High hopes, but doubted I would get any of these mind blowing O’s. Over 3 weeks not much happened, I kept reading post on the forum, started to adjust the P tab, thinking it wasn’t going in far enough. My patience had run out, I ordered a Progasm, and reposition the P tab on the Helix back closer to the original position. Still the same Saturday, my first orgasm!
I had a few rare hours of alone time at home. Mix a large adult beverage, got out the toy box, favorite porn vids, and work it up! After riding the peak ejaculation for awhile, I thought, it was time to finish and go do some yard work. I’ll give the Helix one more try! The next ½ to 1 hour is somewhat of a blur. I removed the anal toy I was using, inserted Helix. Just got comfortable, don’t think I even did any contractions. First O, my first thoughts were, OMG! What is happening? How do I stop this? Do I want to stop this, probably not! Never have felt this before! OMG,OMG, and so on. Several or many minutes passed and my first O began to subside some. I remember thinking ” I’m sliding out of the chair and now I can catch my breath.” I just started to get some control and pushed my jelly feeling body up some. It came back intensely, again not sure how long. It ended with a pretty wild ejaculation.
I’ve had few unproductive sessions, several dry Os and one really good wet O! To took well over week to get this processed in my brain. I’ve had some really great sexual experiences. My wife and I did a lot of experimenting, and had some awesome experiences! For my self and many men the end game is the same, for years! I’m excited for her to get back to some normal so we can incorporate some how.
Thanks to the help of some herb, I've had my firsts Super O, since most of it has become so blured in my memory, this won't be an extensive description.
After a day of anticipation I readyied myself, and smoked a bit ( it's been 5 years since last time.).
Puting my aneros in and getting in my favorite position I ended up having a Super O almost imediatly, a very active one.
After an hour of full body enjoyment I decided to wrap things up and masturbate to ejaculation. Which I promply started, it took some time, some edging and ended up being very very powerful as it being combined with my previous feeling which, had not vanished.
After a few seconds rest, my whole body started vibrating with what I perceived to be waves of energy. At this point I had to lay down and my body did almost not move for the rest of my session.
After an hour or so of the most awesome feeling, I was getting a bit scarred, I was feeling all the wave in my body, I was feeling heat from my abdomen to my upper leg, and it started to burn. It was way too much for me to handle and it just wouldn't stop.
Almost unable to move, I gathered as much strengh as I could and managed to remove the aneros... But, as someone who almost have the same stimulation aless, I had a few involontarie and everything started again.
As I was getting used to the feeling it was becoming less and less scary.
An hour or so of pur bliss after, and with lessning sensation, I decided to try putting my biggest buttplug (7cm diamater, it basicaly is so big that I can't even ejaculate with it in), and it was another mindblowing orgasm which didn't last quit as long, but that wasn't far.
So after 4 hours it was time to stop everything, I still had a lot of orgasmic sensation while I cleaned, readyied myself up for the night and got to sleep.
The next day I had a pretty similar session, except for the fact that I started playing with this wave feeling, changing it wavelenght, frequency, making it echos etc... Most awesome thing ever.
It seems like masturbating during my sessions just break the barrier that is holding me back and send me in a pleasur overdrive mode. Being unable to do anything but feel pleasure is quite fearful at first, but it's quite an experience!
Strange thing i've noticed is that when I try to move a muscle, it just start jerking mindlessly, it's a total loss of control for me.
Holy crap... IT...finally...happened. I have been messing around with devices for the past 12 years. Over the past year I had been pretty close, close enough that I knew I had to keep pushing on. Over the past month I began doing kegels more frequently. I have a multitude of aneros devices, mgx, maximus, progasm, eupho, helix, helix syn, but what did it was http://www.amazon.com/ElectraStim-Quad-Polar-Prostate-Stimulator-100mm/dp/B00LMJUAIU/ref=sr_1_15_s_it?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1456751731&sr=1-15&keywords=electrastim I am also into estim - BUT, I used this on it's own w/o stim. It has a very aggressive head on it. I had been very close before, but didn't realize it due to my own expectations. Last night I went into the session w/o any expectations, I just let myself feel. I started off with a little mj, lubed up, and began insertion. This thing gets right up on your prostate, you can feel the pressure immediately. I sat down in my computer chair and leaned back. I did nothing. Before I knew it, my heart started beating faster, every 30 seconds or so it would kick up a notch. I used very slight muscle control to hold the device on the sweet spot. Again heart was beating faster and faster, my muscles were moving involuntarily, and were picking up the pace. I started to chub up a bit, which has never happened with a device inserted, everything was still picking up faster and faster. I began to feel like I was dribbling, and still the pace picked up. I began having HARD involuntaries, as if I was shooting a load, this continued for a few minutes, slackened off, then the process began again, after the 2nd time around, I "lost" the feeling, I expected I had made a big mess, but hadn't dribbled *too* much. When I went to get up my legs felt like jello. WOW. what a feeling.
Thanks to all on this board who have shared a plethora of knowledge, if it weren't for you and your posts, I'm not sure I would have made it here.
Back to the Basics = Success
After six months of trying everything, having some wonderful A and
A-less sessions I was frustrated at not really getting the big O. I
decided to regroup and go back through the Wiki to see if I'd missed
something important. I carefully reread each section (which was
painful). When I got to the Contractions Exercise section I realized
that I had not really tried the constant low level contraction with varying
stronger contractions since starting my journey. I have rarely had any
involuntaries and have never gotten anywhere fantastic using the "Do
Nothing" method. So, I thought why not try it again.
After a relatively short relaxation period and almost zero arousal, lying on my back with my knees up, I began with
a couple of full contractions then started the constant low level
contraction. I focused on the feelings of the interior area behind my PC
muscle. I did a few mid level contractions while holding at least the low
contraction. I was surprised that I started feeling a little movement of
the device. That quickly progressed to my legs gently shaking. Getting excited, I
let the involuntaries do their thing while I focused on holding the
minimum contraction. For the first time ever the device began to move
quite a lot on its own. That was new and I was now definitely aroused. Serious P Waves began and I just let myself enjoy them. I didn't try to force anything
but did not let go of the static low level contraction. As I played with my nipples, I could also
feel an obvious strong arousal of my prostate, slowly growing with warmth and
vibration. My legs were shaking rhythmically and I was on a
continuously rising ladder of pleasure. Nothing I was doing was forced or even conscience except the continuous, low level PC muscle contraction.
Within 10 minutes of lying down I began to have tons of dry orgasms that forced me to fully contract and my legs came up off the bed. At this point, while in a feeling of complete rapture, I decided to relax and let go. As I let my legs slowly fall to the sides, spread eagle with my knees bent, I went willfully and joyfully into the freaking stratosphere. For the next 45 minutes I drifted in and out of full body orgasms that left me breathless and panting. My penis was only slightly erect a couple of times and I didn't ejaculate, but man what a ride.
My stomach and hip flexor muscles really started to ache so I finally decided to end the session. I removed the device and sat down on the toilet. As I began to urinate, boom outta nowhere, another strong orgasm shook my body. Wow, heavenly.
To all who have not experienced something truly special with the Aneros, don't give up. Go back and carefully review how you've progressed. I thought my body was lacking something and that was going to keep me from a Super O. I was wrong and now I can't wait to do it again. Cheers
Greetings fellow Orgasmonauts
Today is my big day. Today I managed to enter the realm of Super O in my third session. Well, at least speaking of prostate-induced sensations, since I have already once experienced similar level of ecstasy some time ago, but wasn't really able to reproduce it, until now.
Theoretically, this wouldn't be the best moment for an Aneros session - I just came from a party, however without alcohol or any drugs, so I was only a bit tired due to the lack of sleep. And also very horny, so I felt it might be a good time after all. And, oh boy, it was.
I first tried laying on my back with knees up and after few minutes my Helix hit the spot which resulted in waves of heat radiating from my prostate which already felt pretty awesome. And of course that was a sign that it's working which further fueled my excitement. Then I switched to my side (basically fetal position). I used some mild breath control to enhance arousal (not asphyxiation or any like that, just held my breath for like a minute, but getting some little grasps of air). Then my prostate emitted another waves of heat, and within a few minutes I just drifted silently into the Calm Seas of Orgasm.
First Super O lasted for like a minute or two. After that I switched to on-my-back position and put on my headphones with this:
I love this recording and use it by opening it in three tabs with different timing. So I did this same way now, also watched some of my favourite sexy photos and videos, and didn't have to wait long for results as the next wave of orgasm hit me. And that was one hell (of rather Heaven) of a ride. This might be already my strongest orgasmic experience ever, and there were already some amazing ones before. And what makes it even better is how little effort I actually nedded to achieve this.
After several minutes or so - not sure how long it lasted because I went to some other dimension - the mind-blowing-cosmic-full-body-orgasm ended and the session too, since I felt really tired (but energized at the same time).
I feel my life just got much more exciting. I love it.
Testing the system
I have had the MGX for a couple of months , but probably only spent three or four real sessions with the device. For the most part, I have used a towel on the floor with pillows supporting upper shoulder and my head. The previous 3 or 4 attempts were spent predominantly on my back with my feet planted firm on the floor. Just for the record, i am late 40's, also regularly engage in prostate play using fingers (usually one) with my partner.
My routine for my early sessions involved inhaling my breath and drawing in the device for a count of five and then exhaling slowly. usually i can feel the device on the prostate and then an abatement of the pressure as i relax. I generally go through about 10-12 cycles to warm up. Most of my time on my early session was spent trying to achieve the "20% clenching with anus and internal" to draw in MGX. Usually, i left the session, tiring out after an hour.
Today - a totally new experience. Full disclosure of things done differently. I smoked a little medicinal medicine, enough to be buzzed but not stoned. i performed my usual warm up of 10-12 "warm up" reps on my back, but then felt inclined to turn on my side. Since i didn't know the internal clenching percentages, i experimented a bit going up to maybe 80% which for me was the magic formula. Within the first 10-seconds of turning on my side and pulling into 80%, i knew that i had "touched something different" with a different sensation. Tickling and small amounts of pleasure were noted that i had never really quite felt before on my back. For some reason, the head of the MGX seemed to float a bit better on my side. Right away, my hips got involved almost thrusting back and forth (or at least sideways on the ground). It was like by the rocking motion, they had better stimulation of "THE spot" and it seemed my ass wanted to pull the MGX even deeper. I concentrated on having my clenching focus the head of the MGX almost to a point inside i'd like to describe as a fulcrum point in a see saw. When i could focus the head of the MGX near that area, it was like a push button for launch for me. Within a few seconds time, the swaying of my hips grew in intensity, my breathing immediately went into huff and put mode very quickly. I could feel involuntary contractions - like "shooting blanks" going through my semi-rigid member. By the time, i got four or five seconds in, my hips were spasming uncontrollably quickly back and forth, my breath gone into mode like I had just run the 100 yard dash and the sensation was so intense and prolonged I was whimpering in all sorts of strange tones. At times it felt like i was crying though i wasn't. Honestly, it was the best thing i have ever felt in my life. The intense sensation and bucking probably went on for 45-60 seconds until i was able to slightly release the pressure. Even then, my ass unconsciously was trying to pull it back into position as I eased up. There is never any need to directly touch yourself for stimulation - this is different in how it feels anyway.
Needless to say, i repeated this process over and over again for the next 45 minutes or so. Nothing really 'leaked out" in over abundance more than just a lot of dribbling out of pre-cum, but the intense portions felt like that sensation when your are coming during sex - like a minute long orgasm. Super-O, without a doubt. Multiple Super-O's strung together. Didn't think it really existed until this AM. Some were on the order of 20-30 seconds and other up to 2 minutes long. Some rated 8 out of 10 or others were 15 out of 10 in terms of intensity. Length didn't always correlate with intensity. Some of the rocking was so intense that I think I wound up with carpet burns on my hips.
i was dazed literally, as others mention you have no concept of time at that point. For me, working into a new series of incredible pleasure episodes could be anywhere from 10 seconds to 1 minute. It was difficult to decide not to "just go one more series". When I did slow down, I cleaned up and went and relaxed for an hour by web surfing. After watching vids of other Aneros users to confirm that i probably looked "that spastic", i thought what the hell am i doing wasting my time watching videos of others when THAT COULD BE ME!! So i went up for round two :). Another 30 minutes of sheer pleasure in as much intensity if not more.
To be clear, I am not a shill for the company. In fact, up until this morning, i was a hard skeptic who wondered if I wasted my money. It is real, it is amazing and honestly I haven't been able to think about not going back for a third session. Seriously, when you get this to work for you - you will understand how special the multi-orgasmic process makes sex an amazing experience for our wives and girlfriends.
My advice to all, is definitely get in the right frame of mind. Sexy, horny, buzzed, whatever. It makes concentrating easier on the one magic point in your body and nothing else, all that easier. Second, try experimenting with different positions, hardness of surfaces. For me, relaxation and warm-up is most comfortably performed on my back, but when i turn on my side , it's game on - and game on quickly. Thank you Aneros. Really, Thank you. This has been an amazing day and an amazing product. I look forward to wearing this sucker out.
I can hardly beleive im posting in this thread finally, but here goes.
Just had a week off, did a lot of stuff and was kept busy but was very horney (something i rarely get these days) and adopted my usual tool and position, tempo and lying on my front and focusing on the heat and weight of the tempo. Immediatly i was having pwaves and small orgasms rising and falling, then stronger ones and stronger again, lots of moans etc before subsiding after about 15 mins.
Then i grabbed my porn and get really turned on (naked pics of hot women etc) and this time its different, i can feel the anus muscles internally begin to contract like im going to blow a huge amount of cum but then came the moans. I cannot beleive how much it felt like i was orgasming out of my penis, it lasted a good minute but oh my was it intense! just as intense as a normal ejaculatory orgasm would be, my level of arousal was through the roof, penis rock hard and i could feel precum dripping out.
So yeah. Wow. Feels incredible. Im now too exhausted to carry on!
I had half a mind to simply post “IT’S REAL!!” and leave it at that. But I guess a bit of explanation is in order. Maybe a lot of explanation
I bought the helix syn last Sunday night (five days ago) and couldn’t resist experimenting with it every night. My girlfriend has been out of town, so I have plenty of opportunities for solo, uninterrupted sessions. I wanted to take a day off as aneros recommends, but it’s just too tempting to explore this little world every chance I get.
I don’t know where to start with the details, so I’ll just give a list of variables first. Everyone’s bodies are different, there’s no perfect recipe, and some things I’ve read on this forum did not point me towards the feelings I eventually felt. But this is what worked for me:
Lube: an eyedropper full of coconut oil inside rectum (staying power of silicone lube but without destroying the toy), Pjur 'analyze me' water based gel on the toy
Chemical state: I take prescribed adderall for ADD issues, so that was going on. When I get focused on something erotic, the adderall can increase my body’s sensitivity and keep my mind focused on sensations/fantasies. I also took half a caffeine pill before starting the session, and took two of these crazy male supplements that I get from a local sex toy shop ( http://thepleasurechest.com/blue-wolf-pill-19303-prd1.htm ). I honestly think that they are black market viagra, as they produce the exact same combinations of side effects in the same amounts that I get from taking straight sildenafil (acid reflux if I don’t take an antacid, stuffy nose). The deal with pills like those is that they increase blood flow to everything and makes your erogenous areas a bit more sensitive. I really want to work towards having super-o’s without the pills, but I think they helped me start to get a feel for the re-wiring.
Last semen ejaculation: I have been edging for the last five days. I’m usually a jerk off 1-2 times a day kind of dude, but this experimentation has made me want to build up some semen to see if it makes super o’s easier to attain.
Vibe: super relaxed but simultaneously caffeinated and very turned on. I used a fleshlight with lube to edge myself into serious arousal before beginning the aneros session. I usually listen to ambient/drone music like Tim Hecker, Lawrence English, Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith type stuff when I’m doing a session, but when the super-o came last night I had actually turned off the music for the night. I had been watching my favorite porn scenes that never fail to get me in the mood. I also had a really sexy scented candle burning that always relaxes and stimulates me. Scents are important for my mindset, and I don’t mind paying a premium for something that smells really exotic and satisfying. I use Malin + Goetz candles, and was burning this one: http://www.malinandgoetz.com/candles/tobacco-candle?gclid=CI2M86mAzs4CFQaSaQod1fIF7Q . The dark rum candle they make is also awesome and has helped me get relaxed enough for mini-o’s before.
Position: On stomach/side with left leg pulled up and my back slightly arched, one arm under my pillow/head. This is the position I sleep in, only last night I pulled my knees up more into an exaggerated ass-out kind of situation. I noticed the higher I pulled my left leg up to my chest and spread my ass (without overdoing it, of course), the cleaner and more intense the contact felt. I also used a trick that someone on here mentioned and let the p-tab fall slightly to the right of my perineum.
Mental approach: this was absolutely the most crucial. I can best describe it as super active awareness combined with extreme surrender and the same amount of relaxation you use to fall asleep. It’s a tricky balance: I have to keep my mind focused on sensations, but also completely let go of any desire to control them. It’s sometimes difficult to parse out whether i’m contracting my muscles or I’m experiencing involuntary contractions. The key thing for me is to relax, relax, relax and do nothing. I bought the guided meditation mp3 thing that aneros sells and I wasn’t listening to it during this session, but I had her words in my head and repeated her suggestion of ‘slipping deeper’ whenever I needed to let go another level. I imagined my feet and knees and arms and head all sinking deeply into the bed. I also tried to sorta “think soft thoughts” like one does just before sleep. This is tricky though, because I also tried to keep my mind on erotic thoughts, mostly visualizing the porn that gets me off / my girlfriend / etc. It’s a bit of a balancing act to mix mindfulness with surrender, albeit a soft and relaxed balancing act
The elusiveness of your first super o is partly a product of not knowing where to place your focus to experience a physical feeling that you have zero frame of reference for. Regarding that: one of the most important things that sent me into the contractions was a thought that came to me regarding where to place my focus. I realized that I should probably expand my mental gaze from the area around the toy to my *entire body*. If you’ve ever experimented with drugs in a solo setting and have gone through the process of lying in bed waiting for a new unknown substance to kick in, paying attention to any little out-of-the-ordinary thing—while also trying to make sure that you’re not giving yourself psycho-somatic reactions—that’s extremely similar to the approach that I took to the super o. In terms of movements, I very much surrendered to the "do nothing” approach. The thing is, though, that when I really really relax, my body starts involuntarily doing things—tiny, barely perceptible things—and I have to actively let it, no matter where or how those feelings spread in my body, and regardless of the fact that they make me feel like I look like I’m having a (rather unattractive) mild seizure in my eyelids/lips/fingers/etc.
The primary precursor feeling from prostate stimulation (for me at least) doesn’t initially feel like the kind of thing that would lead to an orgasm. It is totally unlike a traditional orgasm type feeling, or even a being turned-on kind of feeling. It feels slightly rough and scrape-y, like the tip of the aneros is kind of dry and scratchy against a little part of my prostate about the size of a pencil eraser tip. I tried to really tune into that little scrape-y, poky feeling, and I used that as a starting point to follow the sensations as they jumped around my body.
I let the little tickles and sparks run their course. This is very hard to explain, but what inspired that approach was a comment I read on this forum, that “your body knows what to do”. I surrendered to that on the deepest level I could, and the results were not what I expected. When I really allowed my *entire* body to do its thing, it was bizarre. I almost felt like I had little mischievous currents of energy flitting about my body in the most unpredictable—but connected—way. A twitch would start on my perineum, but then my upper right shoulder would twitch, then my left thumb would twitch a bit, then something behind an eye, then my scalp, then my lip would slightly quiver, all in the blink of an eye, but in sequence. Many types of ‘twitch-trails’ like this would lead up to the first involuntary contraction I had.
When the super O came, the waves that comprised it seemed to go *up*. I don’t know how to describe it, but the sense of ‘up’ was pervasive. I think I’ve had mini Os before, but the first involuntary contraction was, without question, involuntary and significant. Waves started in my prostate area and up through my sternum, eventually kicking my head back and making my jaw fall open. It almost felt like the dry heaves in the sense that you feel them coming, and you have the choice to either surrender to them or not, and when they start coming, you kind of can’t entirely control it anymore. Like that, but obviously insanely pleasurable rather than insanely nauseating. I didn’t vocalize, but I tried to let myself do it a bit. Vocalizing actually felt a bit forced and pulled me into reality too much. I did pant like crazy, though, and the super o left my whole body tingling from lack of oxygen due, I’m assuming, to a little hyperventilation.
Once the first super o subsided, it was more or less easy to let another one come, and another one, and another one. They did progressively decrease in intensity, though, although that might have been a product of my brain processing what was going on and trying to put things into a cogent explanation (“is this a super o? yes it’s a super o. how do I describe this? will I post on the forum? etc, haha), which drew me out of the surrendered mindset necessary for the super o type experience. As the super o’s subsided, I kind of had a choice to keep going and kind of didn’t have a choice to keep going. Again, it’s sort of like how after you’re finished throwing up, you’re in that state where you realize you can either continue to let your stomach go ahead with another round of heaves, or you can cut it off. I know the barfing analogy is pretty gross and it’s a poor fit for something as wonderful as a super o, but it’s really my only point of reference for that type of stomach-contracting-involuntarily type of feeling. I repeat: this didn’t feel like the toe-curling, groin and chest-centered spasms that accompany my traditional penile orgasms. There might have been toe curling, but it was a totally different feeling.
After I was done with those super-os and got up to go pee, etc, I experimented with inserting the Njoy Pfun Plug to see if I could get similar p-waves with that now that I know what they feel like. I didn’t have a full on orgasm with that in, but I did have some involuntary precursor contractions that I never experienced before the aneros, though. I ultimately let myself fall asleep without jerking off, and I (happily) still haven’t came in over five days.
The mental state of the super o is pretty strange, and I also had to surrender to that. It was very dreamlike: not dreamlike like how dreams are portrayed in movies, all swimmy and slow, but dreamlike in the sense that I had a series of experiences of inhabiting totally foreign understandings of myself and what I was going through. They sort of flashed from one to the next, like how thoughts flit arbitrary from one mental picture to another in the mind's state right before sleep. When I say that I had to surrender to these thoughts, it’s because a lot of them go against scripts that our society has for thinking about sex, and even scripts that I have for thinking about my own sexual fantasy life and identity. To be specific, I felt during the super O that I was a woman curled up in the throes of an orgasm. I let myself be that woman and I let that woman continually say “yes” to what was coming from behind her. This woman was not the type of woman that one might imagine as the archetypical hot woman—it was more like inhabiting the body of the type of girl with just the right combination of quirky, sexy features that turns little secret, parts of my brain on—a combination of all the crushes I’ve had since adolescence. I would get fleeting mental images of her/my neck with hair curling down around it, a vision of what it would look like to look up her/my skirt, a vision of what her/my lips looked like. The strangest thing about these visions—if that’s what one might call them—was that in some moments I sensed myself inhabiting the body of an insanely hot orgasming woman who was covered in—get this—cartoon-like hair/fur. Not like thick fuzzy hair, but, like literally the hair that a comic strip artist might draw on a jungle cat, like a cheetah. It was very line-drawn and simplified/stylized. Super fucking bizarre, right?! Maybe I was tapping into some deep buried fantasy about Cheetara the Thundercat from when I was five years old. Who knows.
But that’s what I mean when I say that I had to get into a place where I was completely non-judgemental about any of the thoughts that came into my mind in the period leading up to and during the super O. I have never had any desire to express a female gender (or be a cat-like creature, haha), and I still don’t. To be clear: I didn’t have a super o and decide that I’m a transwoman on some level. To the contrary, I feel as masculine as ever, I suppose. But in that moment, I had to be completely willing to invite the experience of deeply empathizing with a female orgasming body, and fall deep into a vision of myself as an orgasming Cheetara type jungle cat lady and let it totally excite me.
I’m not a hippie type guy, but I’ve grown up around spiritual seeking type stuff, largely due to my mom’s interest in buddhism and things like that. In the past I’ve explored deep mindfulness meditation and I’ve experimented with psychedelics used for spiritual purposes (ayahuasca, high-plateau DXM trips). If anything, this had more in common with those type of things than it had in common with any previous type of masturbation I’ve done. Masturbating involves *you*: this state involves a dissolution of *you*. Your own personal sense of self and inhabiting your body in the way that you understand it day-to-day is set aside, enabling a willingness to momentarily empathize with an entirely different type of selfhood no matter how unexpected…even if the ‘self’ that you inhabit is a panting cheetah woman.
Shit is weird, man. But I honestly think that it taps into the same types of vivid awareness that can be accessed by meditation and other types of mindfulness work.
Do I think working with the aneros as a meditation-style mindfulness practice works as its own type of spiritual path type of thing? I don’t know. Honestly, I wonder if it might be something of a false flag for deeper spiritual experience, like a drug trip that makes you feel like you’re receiving deep teachings that you later get a more sober perspective on. But at the same time, I don’t want to discount the type of mindfulness work that I might be able to access with future super o sessions. In fact, that might be the aspect of practicing with the aneros that excites me the most.
Wow! I can finally say I have reached the pinnacle of prostate pleasure. I had began to think about when I would finally get something of this magnitude from the aneros...umm..."treatment". I had my first Super O experience last night, it had to be. I put my aneros helix in and just kind of relaxed with it. Doing some contractions, and then began to hold contractions. Well, while holding one, something started building. Certain parts of my body began to start moving on their own. All of a sudden, boom! It was like my body was seizing. I was thrashing, convulsing all over the bed! It had me trying to sit up halfway, shaking, slamming back down, rolling all over shaking. I don't even know how to describe it! I just know I was very loud vocally, sometimes moaning, other times groaning or screaming. I wonder if it would have sounded like someone was being tortured in my house if it could have been heard by someone outside. What's more this was not the only time it happened. It would subside, but then before long I could tell another was coming, then another, it must have happened four or five times before I knew I had to be finishing up (people would be home). I won't be daring to try another prostate massage while anyone is home now. I never thought I would be that loud. That said, here is a piece of advice for newbies, if privacy is a concern for you, don't try with others around. You might think you will be always be quiet (I did too), but something happens to you and you really don't have control. Nonetheless this was absolutely the best experience of my life, and plan to do more of this in the future.
Hi guys, Here are my sessions for Friday and Saturday September 16-17 giving evidence of my first bona fide Super-O's and MMO's:
Friday session:
Hi guys,
Early this morning I believe I had a session in which I achieving some major breakthroughs! Achieving Super-O's and MMO's with Maximus and Progasm Classic! And also being able to replicate all this in Aless!
As I said in my previous blog entry, yesterday's weather was blah with overcast skies with a touch of autumn in the air. I cold front passed through around midnight Thursday which cleared the record setting heat and humidity of the day before. Yesterday we had a day that we hadn't seen since mid May! I had felt unwell. Finally I had to take a couple naps and then have an early bedtime last night.
However, I woke up around midnight and then listened to my radio for a couple hours. Finally I got up at 2 a.m., dressed, and intended to do translation work till dawn. Instead Aneros horniness hit me as I remembered my encounter with Progasm early yesterday morning.
So I had an 1.5 hour session with Maximus and Program Classic. I have gotten to the point that both these models insert easily in their unique ways, and so I was in business. Maximus is just as long as Progasm but more slender. Maximus penetrates deeply and so is intensely satisfying. But in this session, I discovered a knack with the various Aneros models. Let them work for you according to the needs of your body as activated by your psyche. It is said that the human brain is "the" sex organ. So this morning I rode Maximus in a new, refreshing way which produced waves of pleasure that felt like Super-O's and MMO's!
However Progasm Classic magnified all this many fold. I sat back and let Progasm Classic work me over in his own terms. He felt super intense and super pleasurable as I laid on my right side or an my back with a plow under my butt. Waves of pleasure ensued, over and over again in cycles and sets. Many of these were so intense that I felt that I was on the verge of cumming, ejaculating semen! What happened was that I emitted copious precum! However, I interacted with all this as an observer, again let Progasm Classic doing his thing. He produced massage action at the get go! While I never have had anal intercourse with a guy, I felt like I was being fucked by Progasm Classic, actually an auto-fuck, again in waves and cycles! I know I experienced Super-O's and MMO's! Another thing I can enter in the action, and control and manipulate the action, but in a natural way. The pleasure kept coming and I wanted it to last.
What I intend to do in future sessions is engage in these waves and cycles, try to enter into them, see what happens.
Another thing is that these fantastic Aneros tools, Maximus and Progasm Classic, were this morning Energizer Bunnies. They just kept going and going! Hence I have discovered a knack for working with the entire Aneros line in a new and refreshing ways.
Also now I can replicate all this in my Aless! My Aless this morning as I type this is sweet and vibrant, filled and permeated with sexual electricity and energy emanating from my alive prostate, anal canal/musculature, perineum, etc., my entire sexual apparatus because my dick and balls also have this electric sexual sweetness too, like I am on the verge of cumming! This electric pleasure surging from my prostate, up my cockshaft, to my GLANS! And I can exult in this dalliance by stimulating my nipples, hairy chest, abs, thighs, etc. while performing sets of Kegels, or one or two, if I wish to throw fuel on my sexual fire! Take care!
P.S. at 9:28 a.m. My prostate is pulsating in various sweet ways even now even though my ended at 3:30 a.m. this morning. I cleaned up, bathed, and then went back to bed for a while. I got up for sure again at 5:30 a.m. feeling reborn as a man, exulting what Aneros can do for me and how I can interact with my Aneros tools more creatively and more intuitively. What I am experiencing right now is true Aneroslessness = Aless! Except that I do not have an Aneros tool inserted in me working away, I feel my anal tract/musculature pulsating along with that of my alive prostate, but in waves of sweet pleasure!
I will give updates if noteworthy. Take care!
Friday afternoon at 12:27 a.m. A most delicious, sweet, yet powerful and "fluid" Aless right now. I feel like I am on the verge of cumming!
Update at 7 p.m. Aless still going strong! This Aless I will take to bed with me tonight. It will be interesting how this plays out in bed tonight!
And briefly from the day following last Saturday in the early afternoon with MGX:
MGX was truly a Energizer Bunny in that he worked me over in such a way that I experienced paroxysms of surges of intense, yet sublime pleasure, which were Super-O's and MMO's! I get horny just thinking how MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic have become best buddies par excellence in the exploration of Super-O-Land and MMO-Land with vistas of Aneros and Aless experience opening up to me for sure!
P.S. I did experience a very mild Super-O on the morning July 4, 2015, but nothing like I experienced nearly a week ago which indeed were the real deal!
Well, I never really thought i would be posting in this particular thread, but, alas i AM!
I have toyed with pros. stim. on and off for a few years (bought MORE devices than i should've!) and have had "ok" results -- small "good feelings" here and there that i thought (key word - THOUGHT) were leading somewhere, but, never really resulted in anything that i could point to as significant.
Over the years my method would be: lube device with Vaseline, lube "inside" and perineum area with a basic lube (use a CVS brand now), start off with a small-ish device and, depending on how thing progress, move towards bigger dives in my arsenal (again, i have WAY many more than i should!).
I typically lie on my left side (right keen, up to chest and on a pillow), insert device, relax, breath into my abdomen (i saw that once here, seems to aid in "the development of good things") and, as i said above, more on to large devices as time progresses (typically do not have the patience for more then 15-20 mins with the same device, maybe 30 max, but, well, i typically do not go beyond that with just one device).
Early on (beyond the basic Aneros devices) i got on eof these:
At first, long ago, it really felt uncomfortable (that last BIT poking up in somewhere). I tabled it for quite a while. I then brought it back into rotation and realized that, upon moving it around, i could ID a very "specific spot" (way up in there) that just seemed to fell good. Note: If i were not to hold the device in place, upon this "spot" it would rotate/slide off.
anyway, i would typically use a smaller device at first, then move on to this one at the end, and, yeah, have some "good feelings"
I have not tried in a month or so, and had the chance last eve (note: been tinkering on and off for a couple years) -- not really discouraging, just, well, wondering if anything would ever really happen!
Unlike my normal routine of starting off with a smaller one, i started off with this one.
Normal routine*, vas, lube, left side, right knee up on a pillow, relax, breadth deep into abdomen... Things then took their typical path, but when i went to position it upon "that spot"
(and just kind'a hold it there, move it ever so slightly) something really started to happen...
* the only 2 things that were different were: was sleeping on couch, not my bed - wife kind'a snores - and i took a couple sleep help pills BEFORE i decided to try pros. stim. -- note sure if either are related, we shall see in teh future.
- tingly feeling
- pros getting really hard (trying to pus this out) [but i didn't let it -- and the "the back pressure" really helped get things going fast]
- pros then pulsating on and off of the "tip" as it was trying to push the device out of me...
- me holding device in place
- then, like a wave.... i felt something come over me that i simply cannot describe!
MY BODY JUST START TO "SPIRITUALLY GLOW" (not sure how else to say it!)!
i felt COLD (like falling into a ice cold lake, but, it felt WONDERFUL!! A WONDERFUL ICE COLD FELLING!)
Thank goodness i was on the couch and not next to my sleeping wife!
This feeling developed and developed further... every ONCE of my being felt entranced, connected, pleasured by what was happening!
whispering to myself... oh my god... oh my god... oh my god.... shaking, twitching, vibrating with pleasure!
at one point i feared i was going to faint... or die... or explode with pleasure, or, all THREE! and i DID NOT CARE!!
I do not know how long it lasted (1 min, 2, 3? - no idea!!) all i know is it only stopped (and it HAD TOO... i could NOT take anymore) when i let go
of the device, stopped the back pressure on the pros and simply just "was" (relaxing.... enjoying what had just happened!!)
after a few mins, i decided to see if, well, i could repeat the experience!
it did not take long to get it going again...
(repeated as above!)
i rested...
tried again!
REPEATED as above!
it was now ~2am... had started about 12:45...
i had to stop.
there was no ejaculate, though i thought there was as my pros was pulsing and pounding to beat the band!
there was some pre-cum, but, not as much as i thought there could've/should've been based on the feelings (orgasm)
i was having (3x!!).
was this a super-O
no idea... don't really care... all i know is, this is something everyone should experience!!
the sublime pleasure of it all, just washing over you (and in my case) like a sea of ice cold wonder feeling water!
I will wait a while, few weeks, before trying again....
Well I posted a few days ago with "I think I did it." Damn was I wrong...
I've been doing prostate play for a few years now, prior to a few months ago it's been specific purpose vibes and those have been a great deal of fun (many dry o's from them). But last night was oh so different from anything I've experienced before...
After my "flash" session I couldnt help but order a couple new toys to add to my collection. A Helix Syn and a Eupho Syn came a day later and I couldnt wait to try them out... Tried the relaxation techniques and several more dry o's later decided to wait a few days (still quite satisfied). Well last night, just on a lark I thought "I'll just slip in the Helix and try to go to sleep..." expecting to wake up to a few times to some more dry o's. Put on one of those Hypno soundtracks to fall asleep, laid on my back under the covers, closed my eyes and started to drift... No idea how long I laid there but I suddenly I felt this kinda cold sensation in my shoulders... then along my back. I could feel some thing happening in my abdomen and the backs of my legs (stretched out, not bent). "Oh this is new... Is it?!? Is this it?!?" I thought. I tried to focus on my prostate, Oh my god was it engorged... Then my cock started to grow, ever harder and harder. I could feel the muscles in my legs start to quiver against the sheets (loved it) as that sensation started to fill me from the bottom up. Then all of a sudden... WOOSH!!! This near earth shattering wave of pleasure swept over me, I could feel every molecule of my skin caressed by the sheets, I could feel the pre cum flowing from my cock. Oh my this is it!!! It didnt last long, but OH WOW! I just lay there for a few minutes, trying to collect my thoughts and relax again, finally rolled onto my side and again thought about going to sleep... Drifting off again there was a sudden build up that snapped me back, That cold sensation was rushing up again. I actually said "Oh this is serious" and BAM!!! A wave hit me, I felt my self tense, I suddenly realized that I was pushing hard against the Helix and some how made myself stop (I hadnt cleaned out prior to going to bed and was afraid I'd mess the bedding). Rolled over on my back... and just laid there again. Even though I think I cut it short, I just had to lay there as my mind and body sorted every thing out... and then it all started again... Not quite as intense as the second time but Oh WOW... This is heaven...
I think I had 2 or 3 more (I'm still not sure). I'd started just before midnight, and here it was 4 am. Okay time to calm down. removed the Helix, turned on the TV to try and get some rest... and then the after shocks... Dry o's kept sweeping over me for the next few hours. It's almost 10 am and I'm still in a bit of a state as I write this.
The Super O is real, and I may wait a day or two, but I really look forward to having them visit again.
I've been waiting to post here when I could have the chance to gather my thoughts. I expect my experiences to have some similar meaning to the reader, but I wanted to be sure I projected the correct feeling with out feeling ridiculous.
I want to say first that my first amazing orgasm (what many of you call a superO) was self inflicted and with out penetration of any kind. I had started as a young man masturbating often enough that I worried others knew I was doing it. I grew up in a family of one sister and two brothers so I was always wondering if I would get caught. I came from a Catholic background and there was a ton of guilt involved. The first time I masturbated I thought I had broken something inside me and was very worried that I had done something which would be punished. With this guilt I started to masturbate but then stop myself before I came. I'd do this a dozen times a week with out actually ejaculating. I didn't know it then but this was Kegel exercises.
For all you guys who worry about performance I'd like to suggest you try this for several weeks. It's really difficult to do but once you build up your muscles you'll be able to perform like a stamina god and women/your partner will be amazed.
I can't recall if it was three or four weeks that I had waited, but it was before I was going away on vacation. I finally decided to release my tension and I did so with out much more than tugging on my penis.
I had taken a bath already and when I got out my body was all warm from the hot water. I was erect and it was one of those kind which is so hard you think your penis is going to split open. I decided to get back in and lay down in the hot water. I began with anal contractions and when I did so my penis moved up and down. I kept doing this for a few minutes then stopped. I then switched to clenching the other muscles to stop from peeing/ejaculating. I did this for an equal amount of time, alternating between muscles. I slowly worked up to a point where I was using both sets of muscles at the same time, eventually causing me to ejaculate.
It was a strong orgasm but not one with convulsions. It was the first of many orgasms I could reach with out masturbating.
My first experience of having this super orgasm with penetration was when I had started dating a girl who was a bit of a sexual freak. She enjoyed every position and would do any thing to please me if I asked. She enjoyed receiving anal from me and I enjoyed giving it. Then one day she asked if I wanted to experience anal myself, but I told her I wasn't gay. She wanted to do a strap on, but I wasn't too thrilled about that idea. So she gave me a vibrating dildo which I used by myself privately.
Having the practice of using those muscles for so many years, it didn't take me long to experience the benefits. I really enjoyed the vibration of the toy and used the various settings. Then during one of her visits I let her use the toy on me while she sucked on my penis. The odd movement and the twisting along with her mouth and tongue all helped with the experience. As I lay down with my knees up, so worked me in to a furious challenge of me resisting her attempts to make me come in her mouth.
I really enjoy blowjobs specifically when a woman enjoyed me coming in their mouth and the thought of her doing so really was super erotic.
I can't recall how long I lasted, but I found out I enjoy dirty talk when I have sex, because she started to tell me how much she loved the taste of my come and how badly she needed me to come in her mouth. I couldn't take it any more and as she did a final deep throat shove I exploded. My toes curled in and my legs spasmed. My arms reached out an grabbed the sheets then I slowly started to roll over. She stopped me from doing so and pushed again to see if I had any thing left to give.
My entire body was on fire. My breathing was labored and I couldn't stand it. I begged her to pull it out of me but she kept jerking me off and left the vibrator inside me. I tried to get her off of me but I was so exhausted that I didn't have any strength left. I just laid there convulsing.
She finally pulled out and stopped jerking me off, but the spasms did not stop. I rolled over finally and laid in a fetal position. She saw me shaking and curled up next to me in the spoon position wondering if she had broken me.
She asked if I was alright but all I could muster was a small weak squeak. I was trembling and there was a tingling sensation in my toes and fingers. I didn't know it then but my prostate was in high gear and causing me to have small, mini "orgasms" every ten to twelve seconds. After roughly a minute or two they subsided. I was completely 100% drained. I was weak but relaxed. She just laid there with me while I recovered.
This was also one of the best orgasms I ever experienced. I've had some amazing ones previously but this was the one to which all others are measured.
My suggestion to every one is to push your limits of exhaustion and go beyond what you think you could do. I also suggest trying other things but remember never to harm yourself or others.
Get rid of the guilt. That guilt is a killer of joy and happiness. You aren't weird and you aren't odd. You are normal and don't think of it as being gay. You are still attracted to women and this also has health benefits included.
Remember. Practice makes perfect.
(one other thing)
When my wife gives me a blowjob or jerks me off, I still can get convulsions. Duration varies, but you don't need any penetration to experience this type of pleasure.
This forum has had me really dig deep for my memories. I hate to say it but several experiences have me embarrassingly mixing up experiences with my wife and my ex-girlfriend.
Hi, I am now about 3 years working on exploring the possibilities with my prostate, it is a long way to where everybody is talking about the Super-O. I was there in the begin-total not deal was already happy with what tingling in my anus, so a dry orgasm was already hard, let alone a Super-O that was for my all not yet in sight. Because I have already let my prostate and discovered what all for fun things with it could be done, I think now after about 3 years discovered what a Super-O. This is because I have discovered the toys from Aneros progasm Ice and before that, the last year the various other Aneros toys. Have the last time several times may enjoy an unprecedented sensation, which I never had experienced, but now here to enjoy to the fullest. A session now takes about 120-150 minutes, sometimes shorter, but also longer and I now know how important it is to not to be disturbed and very relaxed to go to a session to a Super-O, but have also learned to enjoy the ordinary sessions without a Super-O
I'm 56 and I've been trying to achieve a super orgasm for about 7 years. I've had pleasurable experiences in the past and I've gotten to the point where my body was convulsing. I even thought that might have been a super O since it did feel nice. Well, I've been trying this NoFap thing - basically not masturbating and stopping with porn. I've been over a month without porn and that feels great for me. I should have done it long ago. I was on day 8 of not masturbating, when some interesting things happened. Obviously since I haven't been masturbating, I am in a heightened sexual state. If you want to realize how sexual of a being you are, try going without masturbating and cumming for 8 days. I am so sexually keyed up, it's unbelievable. I was sitting on my chair, which has a cushion with bumps on it, doing some work. The cushion was pressing hard against my perineum area - right up against the prostate as I leaned forward and back while typing. I started feeling some pleasurable sensations in the prostate area, so I closed my eyes, focused on the them, and relaxed. The feelings felt sensual and I started moaning. I was picturing the energy and tingling sensations spreading out from my prostate. Still relaxing. Moaning more. The feelings spread, taking over my genital area. I felt very sexual and very aroused. My penis became rock hard. I was gently letting it spread more, up from my genital area, encouraging it and feeling that wonderful sensual sexual feeling. I was moaning louder. It felt so good. Words can't describe it. Then the energy engulfed me. It filled my body with orgasmic feelings. The energy in my head increased tremendously. I was moaning loudly. I kept my eyes closed and it felt like a dream world of beautiful orgasmic energy filling my body. I don't even know how long that lasted - 5 or 10 minutes? Then it kind of gradually subsided leaving me in a euphoric state. I noticed my arms were numb. Then all of a sudden, it started happening again - quicker this time. At times there were waves of energy rising through my body. I think I experienced 30 to 45 minutes of these beautiful orgasms. I lost count of the number. When it felt like a good ending point, I left the chair and sat on my leather chair to take in what happened. I closed my eyes and for about 15 minutes my body was filled with euphoric energy and I was in a state of complete relaxation. It was the best feeling ever. A lot of pre-cum came out during the entire experience. I felt great for the rest of the day. So, now I truly know what a super O feels like. I've been able to repeat this experience each day since then, to as great or lesser degrees. (I'm on Day 10 now of NoFap.) So, I learned a few things from all of this. I believe my failure in the past was that I masturbated daily and never allowed myself to get to a highly keyed up sexual state before attempting the Super O. Thank you NoFap. Relaxation is so important. The feelings can't be forced. They can be experienced and encouraged gently. The super O for me is a euphoric energy release starting in the prostate. Lastly, a traditional orgasm with cum is so inferior to this. In my mind, that type of orgasm (with cum) has a heavy feeling to it and is so much less desirable. I feel like I settled for something lesser for all of these years, denying myself the Super O. Although the Super O is intense, it has a beautiful sensual lighter feeling to it. It is what I imagine a woman experiences when she orgasms, although not as long and with so many waves. I don't know if that is right or not. I really have to think before I cum again if it is worth it because I don't want to lose the ability to have this type of orgasm.
After 11 years, i had one... or it might have perhaps been 3, one after the other in actual fact. How did i do this? well despite my feelings toward it, It involved smoking weed and being quite stoned.
It was after a date with a girl, she offered me some i smoked it and later went to my hotel (staying away) and went to bed. Within a few minutes i was orgasming aneroslessly out of nowhere. These orgasms were very pleasurable, as good as any aneros induced orgasm ive ever had.
I tried the MGX and perdise which didnt enhance things much, but then switched to the helix.
Adopting a sort of doggie style position on the bed or 'froggie' as some have said, using a pillow to grip on the bed as well.
For 2 hours i experinced 10-15 dry orgasms that were crazy intense, dripping precum more than ive ever had. Got to a point where the aneros was auto fucking me, raising my ass into the air.
The orgasms were lasting so long and then at one point they suddenly rose into an orgasm that was beyond description with intensity that was off the scale, and i screamed into the pillow with ecstacy. I was in such a euphoric state (i think the weed did this) that i couldnt tell if i had three in a row or just one massively long super that dipped and rose in such a way that i couldnt be sure.
I led on my back after this and to my shock... a full body orgasm then occured. Felt it everywhere, especially in my head and ears? weird!
I had enough at this point.
For some reason i lef the device in and decided to just go to sleep. On my side, legs on top of each other, in a bicycle sort of poistion induced another 30 minutes of intense pleasure and orgasms that were incredible.
I felt that full on intesnse dry orgasms and super-o's would feel different somehow to ejaculatory orgasms, and they do, its more intense for certain but at the same time different in the way it feels and both are valid.
The issue i have now is that its obvious that i suffer mind noise without this substance and i might now be able to achive this level without it, and i dont advocate its use nor know where i can obtain it again
I had one yesterday on my 2nd try with the Helix. I bought it 3 days ago and was excited to give it a go. I was super disappointed on my first try because, although I did feel p waves and other great sensations, I didn't hit that crazy ass Super O everyone is talking about. Yesterday, I wanted to give it another shot and not put so much pressure on myself. To me, the hardest part is clearing the mind and really tuning into where you need to focus. My mind can easily wander, so I covered my eyes with hands to not look at anything and just visualize desires and fantasies.
I decided to give poppers a shot because they relax me well. Because I was sick, I had to majorly blow my nose to inhale them. Well, blowing my nose hard unexpectedly activated some ab muscle I wasn't using, which set me off right away. I blew my nose again to pinpoint the muscle and started to isolate it. I laid back down, contracted that newly discovered muscle and BAM, it hit me. I realized what was happening to me and gave myself no judgements. I let go and let my body react. Oh my god, I cannot describe in words how that felt. My mind went to some really weird places in terms of imagery, but it was all really hot and making the sensations stronger. It probably lasted 10 minutes and my abs felt like the had a work out. I backed off to give myself a break and started laughing because I really did it! However, the laughter just set it off even more and had another orgasm. The vicious circle of laughing at the O was funny, mind-blowing, and super weird. But I loved it!
I feel so lucky to have it work for me so quickly. I do understand everyone's frustrations when not getting it. I had that today when I wanted to feel those things again and just could not. But I really had to not judge myself and enjoy whatever I was feeling. What worked for me was recognizing what I was actually feeling and trying to specify how to get there. I can still feel where it was hitting me when the Helix isn't inside. When you body knows, just let it happen. I know that won't work for everyone, but the mental state is really the hardest part to master. It's hard not to get fed up, but keep with it and notice things. And if worse comes to worse, blow your nose and laugh
Yesterday I had what I think was my first super o. I have been using the maximus for about 2 months with pretty good success. Then I got the helix and maximus trident series and tried the TH last night. Things began normal and I felt really good. But for the first time, I started to feel pleasure in all my extremities. In my mind I thought about my toes feeling pleasure, ankles, calves, thighs etc. and worked my way up to my neck and face. My face felt numb and then I started to think of myself as an observer. I imagined watching my body from above. I tried to go higher and higher until I couldn’t ignore the sensations. It felt like electricity was pulsing up my spine. Not all the way to my brain but most of my torso. It felt fantastic. Then it felt like I was ejaculating inside of my body. I imagined chemicals pouring into my blood like sparkling glitter. Then I physically ejaculated and it was over. I honestly don’t know what category this falls under, but I don’t even care- it was amazing. Afterwards, and still today I feel very happy and positive. I’m normally cynical and annoyed. Next time I get to that point, I will avoid ejaculating and see how long it goes on. I never felt weird or “out of body,” it was all meditation or mental imagination. But it sure felt great. Now it makes me wonder, is the super o really a physical thing as much as it is mental? I’ve had violent muscle spasms at times but those weren’t always accompanied by equally intense pleasure.
Had my first super O this morning! Actually started last evening before I went to sleep. Lubed up and inserted my Peridise, the smallest one, hoping for some late night activity. Woke up this morning not aware of anything happening during the night. Came downstairs feeling a bit disappointed but started feeling a bit horny. Decided to try a new position doggy style, with knees and feet on the floor and supporting my arms on the sofa cushions. Slowly started doing Kegels while breathing deeply. The Peridise was sucked in to the max and began feeling subtle waves beginning to surface. Slowly Peridise moved out a bit generating twitches in my anus which in turn, generated more in out movements. After a few minutes I could sense something was building as my whole being was starting to generate feelings of pleasure. As I rocked back and forth my whole body started to shake generating even more movement in my rectum. My anus twitched with glee and then out of nowhere the big O started and continued for what seemed like five minutes or so. What a feeling as everything seems to contribute the most pleasurable feelings I have ever experienced! After relaxing a little, I wanted more and the whole scenario repeated again, even more intense this time! Sadly I had to quit after the second O! After this experience, it opened up the world I have been waiting for after a year of sessions! Can't wait for the next session!
Ok so here goes...
For many years I've been experimenting masturbation occasionally inserting the handle of a toothbrush or similarly smooth object to attempt to discover my prostate and achieve the mystical Super O - I'd often attach a vibrating device for increased sensation. Now, I have experienced great ejaculatory orgasms this way and occasionally managed multiple by contracting my PC muscles and using great concentration - but never felt that I'd experienced the legendary prostate orgasm. I've definitely experienced feelings of pleasure, mainly by manipulating my perinium or taint. Inserting a foreign item like a toothbrush handle can give feelings of pleasure but can be painful if too forceful and I'm sure would not be recommended by medical professionals.
Anyway, I recently started researching prostrate massagers online. My original intention was to get something that vibrates, but after reading reviews about the Helix and how it works through contractions I decided to opt for non vibrating - I could always attach an external vibrator right?
I decided on the progasm ice - great reviews and descriptions of intense orgasms, bigger than the Helix but what the hell - lets go for it.
So 5 days ago it arrived. I've taken the week off work - turns out to be fortunate given the journey I was about to embark upon. After unboxing i lubed up and began inserting. A bit of patience required and not easy, but relaxed as much as possible and took it slowly. Eventually it was in. Uncomfortable at first and initially couldn't detect any ripples of pleasure. Concerned and disappointed at first thinking I'd wasted money and time, however I'd read some of the forums and knew you had to relax and give it time. I had a strong erection early on and then felt warm sensations emanating from the prostate area and my abdominal region. Within moments I knew something special was happening and the pleasure kept increasing. I got to the point were I thought I would ejaculate and because of my inexperience I would pull back because I didn't want the pleasure to end. My first session was over 3 hours and amazing but had to finish off manually achieving ejaculation.
I couldn't wait to try again but tried to rest my intimate parts as long as possible. I couldn't wait too long though and was soon back on the ride. This time though I decided I wasn't going to hold back on coming if the desire came along. This was when I discovered my first flavour of what must be a super O. Intense waves of pleasure and my dick feeling like it was going to explode - but no ejaculation! Eventually gets to the point were I can't maintain an erection but the pleasure continues. I had to manually finish myself off as was at this point not used to ending a session without ejaculation.
The most mind blowing experience happened yesterday. I returned home from a night out and had to get the Progasm inserted as soon as possible. This time I had a very definite entire body orgasm, it felt like my inner energy was transcending and separate from my physical self. Even my head felt like it was orgasming. Wow. Why had it taken me until my 40's to discover this? Better late than never. Anyway this time I resisted the urge to manually finish myself off and ejaculate and just let the feelings subside. I removed the aneros and settled to watch the end of a movie before bed.
That should have been the end of a satisfying night right!? Wrong.
I started drifting to sleep in bed but could feel my body starting to tingle. The sensations were similar to feelings I had with the whole body orgasm. Curious I thought, I did not have anything inserted but I decided to relax and go with the feeling. Sure enough I got an intense stiff erection. The tingling sensations continued and I could feel my anal muscles contracting and ripples going up and down my belly. I felt like I was floating, but my body was also melting into the bed. This continued into an amazing all body orgasm - no ejaculation and the progasm wasn't even in me!
This was great however I couldn't get to sleep. Every time I tried to drift off the sensations would return. It wasn't until about 6am that I managed to drift off. Thank god I wasn't working the next day. I never thought I'd reach a point were I wanted pleasure to stop.
What a journey. I've opened a door to a whole new world. The previous night I was actually worried I'd reached a point of no return and I wouldn't be able to stop orgasming until my head exploded. I definitely need to have a rest for a few days - although writing this makes me want to go down "the rabbit hole" again.
I haven't experienced hands free ejaculation yet, I need to abstain from ejaculation for a while if I'm going to achieve this but find it hard to resist.
Anyway there's more I could say but I'll just leave you with this.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I feel I need to tell everyone I know but of course this is still a bit taboo. At least I get to share here for the moment.
Hello all, I've been lurking on these forums for a few months now. After reading a few of these posts and going through the wiki I bought myself a progasm Ice which was the best toy I have ever owned. I experienced my first super-o just yesterday, I was just sitting outside in a camping chair with my feet planted on a cooler and angled so the progasm could move freely if it wanted to. I was just relaxing and enjoying the sun when I started to feel some involuntaries going on. So I stayed relaxed one focused on the feelings I was experiencing. It kept increasing in intensity until it finally reached a boiling point, it felt like my rectum expanded along with the progasm being drawn in and scraping along my prostate in a come hither motion at first. The feeling was intense and caused me to giggle because I was so ecstatic. The laughing actually increased the pleasure I was feeling due to my abdominals causing the progasm to flutter against me. It lasted for about 30 mins in all and was my best experience with the toy this far. I can't wait for my future sessions knowing now that the hype is real and incredibly intense once you reach it. For those that have yet to experience it it's worth it just relax and enjoy the sensations as they come and just fall into it.
I went without for a few years & recently bought the eupho syn to replace my old helix. Tonight, sitting in a lawn chair on the pation, squeezing, I find myself rocking & shaking, holding my breath... fantastic. Once with my helix I went on a trip. My ass had a mind of its own, contracting involuntarily. I don't know how long it lastest. I was gone. Looking forward to more of that... Feels so good...
I’m no stranger to anal play and have used the Aneros Syn massager in various capacities during sex and my solo sessions. Although it enhanced these experiences , I had never experienced “the big O.” I really don’t know why but I purchased the Progasm last week. I take care of people for most hours out the day so I was excited to set aside a few hours of “me” time on Friday night and had no expectations. I came home, opened a bottle of wine, trimmed my pubes and ass crack hair , cleaned my bowels , took a shower, and placed a few towels on my bed. I shut out the outside world with my Beats headphones and some down-tempo dance/trance tracks. I massaged my nipples, cock, balls and anus with a vibrator until the pre-cum started flowing. All the while taking sips of Pinot noir . I lubed up my crack and massaged my perineum with the progasm. After about 20 minutes, I took one small hit of Jungle Juice just to relax and not cramp and slowly worked the Progasm in . I felt full but it was easier than I thought . I laid down on my right side and got into a rhythm of contracting the muscles around the Progasm and gyrating my pelvis and left leg. No porn, no visuals. Just music. At this point, there was a copious amount of pre-cum. Although I didn’t masturbate with my hands, I let my cock and balls do what they wanted between my legs so there was some stimulation of my cock head . I alternated between my right side , back, left side. I dry humped the bed . The texture of the towels felt great on my circumcised dick and hairless balls. . The whole time , I was gyrating my pelvis and contracting all the muscles around the Progasm . All the micro movements were feeling great and I focused intently on where the Progasm was and how it felt in relation to my prostrate. This session became all about me as I lost myself in the the music, the taste of red wine alternating with the mild savoriness of my Precum and the aroma of my manhood mixed with lube and the mild ripeness of my arm pits. I was sweaty and alive . I got my Swiss exercise ball and let some of the air out so it wasn’t so firm. I laid my back on the the bed with my hips and legs over the medicine ball and gyrated my hips. I kept squeezing the Progasm and my penis got very limp . I let it flop wherever it wanted and felt the energy in my perineum build. I lost control and was probably screaming at that point as the pleasure and energy rose from my pelvis to my chest . Wave after wave of pleasure perfectly timed with the rhythm of the music . I didn’t want the pleasure to stop and as long as I concentrated on what was physically happening, it didn’t. I was laughing and screaming and singing . I’m a pretty sexual guy but I have never felt that type of energy before. I turned over and rode the ball (cowboy style ) and Built up to another Big O wave of pleasure . So many different sensations by making very small position adjustments on the ball. I challenged myself to get the Progasm deeper inside of me and contracting on it. This lead to a very powerful super O that left me crying (good tears, not bad). It was a well needed emotional release as well as an important moment of realization about someone very special in my life. After a brief pee break, I positoned myself on the ball as if I was fucking missionary style. I let my mind wander and imagined fucking like a pornstar with the Progasm in me and this led to a very powerful erection and copious release of precum on the balI that I savored with my nose and tongue. I didn’t want to ejaculate so I breaked to refill my wine and realized that I had been lost in ecstasy for 2 and 1/2 hours. I crawled on my bed and passed out on my stomach, legs spread eagle with the Progasm still in. I awoke after an hour and spent another 4 hours pleasuring myself . This truly is an amazing physical and emotional experience and I’m glad to be a part of a community that shares and appreciates these types of journeys. Enjoy yourselves !
New here had my first Big O last night. OMG felt so good it hurt
After some months of disappointment with the devices, the switch finally flipped and I had a super-O. There is a bit of a story behind this if you care to read on...
I acquired the helix classic in February and had no noticeable sensations. After reading the very helpful posts here, I got the eupho trident. Sadly, this had no impact either! In desperation, I bought the Progasm a few weeks later. Nada! I had been practising with my models regularly every two or three days, and tried all the advice I could find on here. Position, breathing, lube, you name it; I tried it.
I had begun the SR exercise a week ago, and I am really enjoying the heightened horniness. However, on Friday evening after the usual blah session, I removed my Eupho and dropped off to sleep. In the morning I thought 'what the hell' and began to wank, when I suddenly had this sensation in the pit of my stomach. The sensation sharpened dramatically, even as my dick went limp. I diddled my nipples and flexed my PC a few times and suddenly I was twitching madly, and the sensation was everywhere! And this was with NO DEVICE!
The sensation is hard to describe, and I had been searching for some clue as to what to expect. Well, I will now attempt to explain what I experience, and you helpful chaps can validate this (or otherwise!).
So the sensation is a thrilling behind my dick. Its almost like the stomach lurch you get when you drop on a rollercoaster. But its much more intense and spreads throughout my body. Every touch suddenly has erotic effect. I get this sensation from doing the following: Twitching the PC muscle, diddling my frenulum, diddling my nipples, rubbing the soles of my feet or my palms on the carpet or bedding, stroking my sides with my fingers from chest to hips... I break into a sweat and have involuntary muscle spasms and groans.
Other have described it a 'electrical charge',and I can see why.
Well that was a brilliant Saturday morning. I have been practising every opportunity since, and the sensation has strengthened.
What I have learned:
1. Its as much a mental activity as a physical one.
2. Being horny and enjoying some porn to warm up helps. Edging helps.
3. If I touch my dick, even if soft, it is thrilling. If I get hard, I back off, so I don't break my SR challenge.
4. My body becomes alive to touch. My nipples are super-sensitive.
5. Porn can be a distraction so that I end up ejaculating because I'm not paying attention to my responses.
5. I don't need the Aneros devices to achieve super-o.
For a lark, I tried the Eupho this morning (Wednesday), and it was as before: no sensation to write home about, but when I remove it, the tingle/lurch/electrical surge can be summoned at will. I even had some seriously erotic dreams last night - no doubt the effect of the SR kicking in. I'm going to set myself the target of a 42-day SR challenge. Why? Because I work away from home and will be back with my beloved in exactly 42 days. I will save myself for her, but I can have dry fun in the meantime. And anyway, 42 is the answer to Life, Death, the Universe and Everything, not so?
So have I wasted 150 quid on three devices and other appurtenances (lube, etc)? Maybe not. The Aneroses provided a means to bring to my awareness the sensations that trigger super-o. If my current status continues, then that is money well-spent, even if I never use them again.
Even as I type this, I can summon a pleasant tingle. It makes my working day so much more pleasant (but my colleagues are giving me the steely eye!).
So after all that, I acknowledge that this is a real phenomenon, that anyone can do it, and it takes practice - but you've heard all this before.
I feel honoured to be inducted into the Aneros Super-O priesthood, whose secrets are now being revealed to this Initiate.
First session with the Helix Syn yesterday. Ended up giving up in frustration.
Tried again today. I read all the advice. Took a hot bath, spent ten minutes or so just relaxing in front of some light porn. Inserted, then just relaxed and did nothing. Waited a while, then whenever I felt a wave of arousal from something on the TV screen, would do a gentle squeeze.
After a while I got so lost in what I was watching, that I’d managed to forget what I was doing. I did check the position of the perineum massager, and switched it from the left side to the right. Very quickly I noticed a sensation inside. Not a pleasurable one, just something. I soon became aware that my knees were trembling slightly. I kept breathing deeply and focusing on what I could see. After a while I got a sensation of intense warmth in my groin that would intensify further if I deliberately focused on an erotic mental image. My heart was pounding and it felt fantastic. The muscles in my groin had tightened and the entire area was shaking. A clear, very sticky liquid was leaking from my tip.
As to what happened next, i’m not sure. Either, the realisation that ‘it’ was happening caused me to lose the moment, or, I’d actually had an orgasm and it passed naturally. The feelings subsided. In the moment, I decided I hadn’t quite got there and settled back to keep going and try again. It didn’t happen - I was now too self conscious and with every squeeze of the muscles I was searching for a sign of the pleasure coming back.
I eventually gave up and decided to finish off with a normal wank. My god. I have never felt so in control while jacking off. When I could feel I was about to cum, I was able to hold that sensation while continuing to jerk. When I finally did cum, there was three times as much fluid (and it was much, much thinner than usual) and it came out with a level of force I’ve never experienced.
So, i’m now inclined to think that I did, in fact, experience a Super-O - just my expectations were set too high. I expected the pleasure to build and build to a point where I broke into some sort of euphoric release. It actually just faded gently.
So, questions:
Thanks for reading!
I experienced something this weekend. Can anyone say what it was...? What's my next step?
I've owned an Aneros for only two weeks now, with no previous experience. My first two sessions were interesting, and arousing, but unremarkable. (Both were on my side, per user manual.)
On Friday, only my third session, I took ample time for arousal and exploration prior to inserting the Aneros. I explored the stimulating perineum especially and found it quite pleasurable. After inserting, the P-tab felt very stimulating on the perineum. I also found that sometimes contracting the sphincter would create a sensation like fluid was in the urethra. I took this as a good sign and contracted the PC muscle, which increased the fluid sensation. But most of the feeling and stimulation was in the perineum.
Holding this contraction triggered some involuntary spasms in the muscles around my pelvis and legs. Now that was new and interesting, but I couldn't sustain it.
So I flipped onto my back with a pillow beneath me. This increased the stimulation of the perineum on the P-tab and almost immediately another wave of spasms started in my lower body. I relaxed into them, allowing them to propagate into my entire body. My eyes rolled back, my heart started pounding, and my body convulsed continuously. I was sweating and short of breath. After the first onset, I could trigger another almost as soon as I caught my breath. Just wave after wave of full body, bed-shaking spasms.
Very, very cool. Very interesting. But they felt almost more like benign seizures - not painful, but not really that pleasurable either. Maybe a little bit of pleasure, but mostly the unusual sensation of losing control and muscle spasms.
The following day, yesterday, I could trigger them with only stimulation of the perineum - no Aneros needed - to the point of exhaustion.
This seems like a major stepping stone, only 3 sessions in. But it wasn't really that pleasurable? I didn't feel anything really orgasmic or much sensation involving the prostate. I've found that, with some effort and focus, I can create a slight warm feeling in the prostate - but nothing associated with these spasms. But I sure as hell woke up my perineum.
Anyway, I guess I'll just keep experimenting. But interested if anyone has any similar experience or feedback.
It’s exciting to read all of these experiences, even a little erotic. I’ll admit my prostate swells just reading some of these ! My first time happened just this past week. Oddly, I bought my first Aneros Mgx toy about three years ago... when I first attempted my brain was too acutely focused on achieving the big one so I psyched myself out each time. I had watched a pornhub video of a guy losing his shit with multiple orgasms and I was obsessed for like a week. I got a little stimulated but ultimately didn’t have patience or the right frame of mind.
So I gave up and put the toy in a box. Years later ( just last week) I was super horny and remembered I had the Aneros mgx hidden away. So I pulled it out and decided it was time to go for it again. I read a few more articles, watched some porn and then lubed that shit up. I laid on my back and let my feet rest just below my ass. After like 20 min I noticed myself getting more turned on then what I had remembered during my first attempts. This time I was really just relaxed and my body was aching for the pleasure to take over me. So I surrendered to that feeling. As more time passed I got all the expected responses: hips and legs quivering, pee sensation and a rapid heartbeat.
After about 30-40 min something hit me hard, I felt an enourmous rush of pleasure run up my stomach into my chest and my legs just started lifting up off my bed. I thought it wasn’t real and then it just kept going! My legs become like noodles and my prostate was taking full control of my body. There was this sudden rush of panting and a desire to moan and scream at the same time.... I stopped and caught myself realizing it was happening. So I went deeper into that feeling I kept getting each time my ass and prostate pulsed and before I knew it I was in full orgasm mode. Yes! Fucking unbelievable guys, like you read all these posts but until it hits you... I was in total shock. I’m a healthy 35 year old male, I thought I had all the sex things figured out...then this! My entire body was shaking and I could feel the waves of pleasure from my groin up to my neck and to my finger tips, all over. I let the Aneros do its thing, my prostate was sucking it in and pushing it out so fast i couldn’t process the back to back orgasms. Ahhh it felt so so so good. I screamed and gasped. All the while my dick was soft but leaking out so much cum.
I kept going for another 30 minutes. Then rested. Then went back an hour later for more !!! I literally felt like an adolescent discovering masturbation... I was hooked. I spent my whole weekend sneaking away before bed time to get off more and more. Fuck it feels so damn good and I hope it just gets even better with more practice.
I will say I pulled some muscles in my neck and legs from the intensity of the multiple orgasms. I am Tall and slim in decent shape but... the nature of these uncontrollable body orgasms really slams your muscles. Four days later and I’m still sore! It’s kinda hot though right? I never thought I’d have this experience. I feel I turned a switch on because now even without the Aneros mgx inside me I can feel my prostate response. If I pulse my rectum and already feel that butterfly horny sensation in my gut it’s a recipe for more dry orgasms. I’m still learning but feel like I’m lucky to have such a quick bodily response...
I would say that it really does help to just be free, relaxed and super horny. Don’t focus too much on the orgasms just feel the prostate do it’s thing when you start the session. It will lead you to a mind blowing explosion that keep coming as you let go.
Well. I just had my first Super O and then I followed it up with 20+ more over the next 5 hours.
And all Anerosless!!!
Mind you today I started the day with the Helix Syn and the Progasm session before I left for my flight to Atlanta. About 6 months into my journey and I was getting pwaves and like micro mini Os. Justvsome light pulsating and I can feel the involuntaries but up to this point nothing more than 10-15 secs. Nothing changed with this morning session.
For the last 4 days I have been reading and practicing the exercises from The MultiOrgasmic Man. No jacking off for 4 days...Sharpening the Knife every morning. 300+ Kegels a day. Using Cool Draw starting on the 3rd day.
I get on the plane and as I am on there I decide to do some kegels. I was shooting for 100. I got to about 50 and something strange happened. I was getting the pulsating I get with the Aneros but this was without. I stopped....did a few Cool Draws and then I was done.
I met up with my friemds and we got to the vacation home. All was well. We were just enjoying each others company. After Dinner we went home and I layed down on the couch. I fell asleep. Woke up like 30 mins later and decided let me finish todays kegels.
By number 20 I was feeling what I now know to be a clear pwave. It felt like a small thimble I could control and it made my anus pulse. I was able to identify my prostate as a well defined ball that i could apply the thimble to one half of the ball in my rectum. It still didnt feel better than a normal orgasm but it was lasting for minutes at a time.
All my friends were up at this point but with every passing moment the pleasure would increase. I was wondering how far it would go. About 30 mins passed everyone went to bed. I moved to my bed and turned off all the lights and decided lets just see where this goes i dont think it was even 5 mins when literally it was like I gun shot me in the head. My entire nervous system was overtaken and my head was shaking uncontrollably. My entire body seized up and trembled with pleasure. That pleasure was radiatimg and it was increasing. How is this increasing...how. Literally this lasted longer than I can even recall easily over 5 mins. I muzzled myself with the pillow over myface. And it felt Like I was falling...and it kept increasing...i actually started to tear up. My brain felt pure extasy. There was no plataeu...I was motioning the thimble against my prostate like striking a match then hold the thimble in place like a lit match under or over point on my prostate. It drove me wild the pleasure was so intense I didnt think it was real and when I thought it couldnt go any higher it did.
This then happened another 20+ times over the next 3 hours. Yes. 20. In fact my prostate barely allowed me to sleep last night. Any time I would relax the thimble would come back and send me convulsing in pure delight unlike I had never experienced.
I've literally had my life changed