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My first real earth shattering orgasm

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I have been on this journey for well over 10 years and continue to make progress even to this day. I have had some very intense orgasms but never one like I had yesterday.

Started my session with the mgx for a time and then switched to the maximus. Eventually I got to my favorite which is the progasm. I had several small orgasm by now and as I laid there I got to thinking about a post I had recently read on the forum about CaveOfMysterys technique "the quick and dirty path to a super O" and specifically his use of the PC muscle and the anal sphincter. clenching one then the other to generate the tug of war between the two. I was able to feel the difference between the two and as I laid there clenching one then the other, I felt the inside of my thighs begin to tingle and then vibrate. It became more and more intense and led to my entire legs shaking and then it really got out of control. I was literally full body shaking and flopping around on the bed - just like some of the videos that are linked to posts here claiming how exaggerated they are. I have always felt that there was a bit of acting going on in those videos but that is just what it was like. I was flopping around and spouting off gibberish so that all the stuff that was laying on the bed went flying off to the floor (like the tv remote, other aneros models). I'll bet if anyone was watching me they would have thought I was having some sort of epileptic fit.
This went on for at least a minute or two before I slowing came down and then all I could do was just lay still and bask in the glory of what had just happened.
That feeling would be with me for the rest of the day.

I was sure that I have had super O's in the past but never in the 10-12 years I have been using an aneros have I had an experience like that. Just goes to show there is never and end to the possibilities.
I can't thank CaveOfMystery enough for posting his technique and if you haven't tried it I would recommend the you do.

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Well aren’t you having fun ;).Nothing like really letting go.
I love his holding on both muscles till they start to fail,then as I back off,they snatch for a hold,great sensations,it’s a great post. Funny I tried that stuff at the beginning,it didn’t really work,but it does now,as does other techniques,I think that’s just experience and familiarity for us now.

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Well aren’t you having fun ;).Nothing like really letting go.
I love his holding on both muscles till they start to fail,then as I back off,they snatch for a hold,great sensations,it’s a great post. Funny I tried that stuff at the beginning,it didn’t really work,but it does now,as does other techniques,I think that’s just experience and familiarity for us now.

It was the same for me... I know that post is old and I recall reading it when it was first written and I probably tried that technique in likely some half assed fashion. Not sure why it was so effective for me yesterday. I guess the stars were just aligned!

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