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Moving up to the next level...recommendations?

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I have the Helix Trident, the Helix Syn, and the Progasm Classic.  I'm very successful with the Trident and Syn, and have had many Super Os.  But I do find I'd like more stimulation on the prostate.  That's why I got the Progasm, but frankly, it's just too huge to tolerate.  When I can take it, I get completely blown away, but usually, just can't take the size, sometimes not for long, mostly, not at all.  So what I think I'm after is something that hits the prostate with more stimulation, more pressure, but isn't larger than the Trident or Syn.  I've experimented with increasing pressure on the device in several ways, and it definitely works, so I know that's what I'm after.  But I'm also interested in vibrating models too, just don't feel like paying up for a disappointment, so I'm throwing this out to the community for collective expert input.


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With your collection, the next models I'd get are the Maximus, Progasm Junior, and Eupho. The Eupho is subtle, but sometimes you don't really know what you want until you try it and it works. I'd rank the Eupho as the model that has surprised me the most... I've had my best sessions with it, and yet more dud sessions with it than any other model.

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As one becomes more proficient almost all model bring something different to the table. Truthfully the only thing anyone can do here is tell you how such and such works for them. Try anyone, the good thing is at some point it will be good to you. I bought 5 before I figured out its not you its me so to speak. Therein lies the disapointment. Considering all that, go eupho, most opposite of the scale of what you already have. It goes a little deeper and has a tendency to do a tap dance on the upper prostate. Good luck.

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Posted by: @tbob

As one becomes more proficient almost all model bring something different to the table. Truthfully the only thing anyone can do here is tell you how such and such works for them. Try anyone, the good thing is at some point it will be good to you. I bought 5 before I figured out its not you its me so to speak. Therein lies the disapointment.

Well said.

You could also try dildos or wands, and thus control the angle and pressure.

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Thanks all for the suggestions!  It's interesting.  I though I'd need something with a more curved tip, and a little bigger, but the Eupho isn't going that way at all.  I am a bit disappointed that I still have to try more to know, but I guess that makes sense. 

Any thoughts about non-Aneros products?

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Posted by: @clenchmaster

I am a bit disappointed that I still have to try more to know, but I guess that makes sense. 

Before going on a shopping spree, I would advise that you try to use some spacers under the P-tab to get the device to angle forward a bit more, so you can know if you need more pressure OR more curve OR both. More mobility can mean more stimulation, too, which is why I think a Eupho is probably the best prostate massager you can get your hands on. 

Posted by: @clenchmaster

Any thoughts about non-Aneros products?

Some companies offer fantastic designs in wands and other hands-on tools.

But if you are looking at Aneros-looking devices, the truth is that most everything that looks like an Aneros is just a Helix or MGX copy with bumps and curves in the wrong places and poor finish. So, you'll be spendings 20 bucks (oh, so cheap!) for an inferior, mystery plastic version of what you already have.

I can't speak for the more expensive Aneros look-alikes but most of them just have very H.R. Giger-inspired shapes that do not make any sense for human use. Just my 2 cents. 

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Posted by: @clenchmaster

So what I think I'm after is something that hits the prostate with more stimulation, more pressure,

Be mindful not to overdo it. An injured prostate doesn’t throw many super o out 😉

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Posted by: @clenchmaster

I'd need something with a more curved tip, and a little bigger, but the Eupho isn't going that way at all.

That's why I included the Progasm Junior. It has a good curve at the top. Though in my case I think it goes a little too far past the prostate. It can be a bit hit or miss, but sometimes I dig out a model I haven't used in a while and it surprises me all over again... so who knows.
The Maximus feels like a longer, slightly more bulky Helix... it's a good option if you want just a little more "presence". The Maximus has been a reliable performer for me.

I did find an off-brand massager with a crazy aggressive curve/head, but there's such a thing as too pokey. (the build quality was garbage too, had a big sharp seam all the way down the middle, which I had to sand off) I think it's hard to say what will actually work in practice.

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I agree, it's very hard to look at a model and instinctively know how it will feel. Although I'm pretty good at spotting those that won't work or are just ridiculous, this does not account for real subtle shape differences. Too long, too short, or too big are pretty easy once you know your body, the rest is much more difficult to figure out. 

Sometimes I look at prostate toys online and wonder : "What were they thinking ???!" Even if all the Aneros models won't be a homerun for everyone, at the very least they all make sense, design-wise. 

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 The first one I bought was kind of a mgx knock off, I got lucky I had a terrific reaction , it kick started this journey. That said I Have a large baggie full of others, 10-12, before I really started to educate myself and land on aneros products. I even bought a nexus revo 2 at $325, near useless at the time I bought it. A little better now, but still a waist of money.I'd rather have 3 more aneros models. 

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Posted by: @tbob

I even bought a nexus revo 2

Me too. I was so taken in by the visuals of it... watching product videos of that rotating head left a wet spot in my underwear, imagining how it'd feel against my prostate.
The reality didn't quite match (but I still have it, so maybe someday). Since then I've put less stock in how I imagine a device might feel.

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My first one was the attached image, and while it did work, it always left me sore as it was really too aggressive, and that was after sanding and polishing some evil looking bits of "surface finish".  Not recommended. 

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@zentai - I remember our conversation about that, heh heh.

The image of it is in the OP.  I still use that model on occasion.  It's a neat piece of nostalgia to some extent.

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Yes, I remember that conversation ! 

The angle of insertion always made things a bit uncomfortable with that one. I threw mine away some years ago, at that point I had completely changed the shape by filing and sanding and it was still not as good as my Eupho or Helix. 

I think that if I see one on sale, I'll get it and keep it in the package as a collectible. Like you said, some kind of cool Super-O memorabilia. 

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Here's what I decided to try.  Admittedly, risky in several ways, but I'd also read about his (I think here somewhere).  I took the Syn and Trident out together and looked at the angles.  I noticed the Syn has the shaft angled just a bit more forward, and this correlates with how the experience is with it.  I thought I'd try a modification to the Trident, the goal being to angle the tip more forward than the Syn, by bending in more of a curve to the shaft.  Worst case, I mess it up, and have to buy something new anyway, or over-do it and again, have to replace it. 

Here's how I did it: I put the T section in a small vise, and used a small heat gun (meant for electronics air soldering, with digital temperature control that permits 250-over 800 degrees F) to gently warm the material at the bottom of the shaft hear about an inch above the T section.  The right temperature was found by starting low and slowly raising the temperature, heating the entire circumference evenly until it softened just a bit. Then I gently bent it more forward.  No measurements, as it's really hard to do, but it ended up more forward than the Syn, so I reasoned it would hit the ol' prostate a bit more firmly.  The amount of heat required was surprisingly high.  The temperature ended up set above 600 degrees F, though the real temperature of the Aneros would never get that high, but even heating was the real challenge.  You don't want a hot spot, you want the entire shaft section to be softened to its core, and taht takes time an patience, not more heat.  The heat did cause the surface finish to roughen a little, though in use, it's not noticeable at all, and could be sanded smooth if desired.  The heat never really made the material "soft", just made it a bit more bendable.  Cooling also was done slowly and gently, and takes quite a while, more than 15 minutes.  But the mod was done to the degree I wanted, with no detrimental side effects.

After cooling, the modification was then tested.  Immediately on insertion, I noticed the difference.  It was not subtle, but also not extreme.  I was after more prostate pressure and stimulation, and hopefully, would get more intense experience out of that. In the first few minutes inserted, it seemed to do exactly that without any discomfort.  Passing the initial test, I next did the first real test-drive that evening.

Frankly, the mod has now pushed my experience way over what I could hope for.  Now, rather than the full prostate orgasm happening occasionally, it's pretty much every time (unless I'm full-out exhausted), and several per session.  Long ones.  Like almost scary long. Like they go on until I loose track of real time, and I'm afraid I'll shake the bed apart, with a lot of Cowper's too (wasn't typical before the mod).  I've had long P-orgasms before, but these seemed almost endless.  I don't have a time, because again, my brain leaves all sense of real-time behind during these, and I'm not looking at a clock for sure.

Another new element, the p-orgasms can be triggered on-demand.  Like it's in, and working, feeling great, but then I'll just get the idea to try to clench (ha!) and that triggers a slam into full-on out of control P-orgasm that has a life of its own.  Body out of control, mind disconnected from reality, all of it.  Once it tapers, give it a rest for a few minutes, and trigger again.  These are voluntary, and I've tried to decide to wait, go, hold all works, as long as I'm already up to a certain level, what I'd call a pleasure plateau that I can just lay on indefinitely.    But also, an orgasm will spontaneously trigger on its own too, announcing it's approach a few seconds in advance, like a countdown to launch, and that is not controllable, I can't stop or delay it once the countdown starts.  And who wants to anyway?  And all of this means I can wrap up the session with triggering a P-orgasm simultaneous with a conventional orgasm, and pretty much blow my head off with a zero-G, down the roller coaster mind-blower. 

So, the mod was a success, and the search for a new device has been temporarily suspended.  I can't fathom what the next level could be, or even if there is one.  Because I'd kind of like to enjoy these experiences, but still live to tell about them (to you guys).   Perhaps a model with vibration, which is something I've wanted to try, just a little put off by the cost.

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Hey, I bought the Trident Syn V but appear to have lost it (will find it one day!).  Recently, I bought the Trident Prograsm Eupho and have had a lot of fun with it.  For me, it isn't about size and pressure, certainly not sphincter clamping.  Ridiculous perhaps, but I used to think pressure was really important and it is not - just a sore bum the next day!  It's movement, relaxation and just leting things happen.  This is why I like the Eupho - just let it sink in and relax because things will happen.  Chaging positions as things happem is awesome as well.  Feel it slide into position and appreciate the feelings as your muscles start to contract and spasm aroung it.  For myself, at least, it isn't the pressure created by size - I like the prodding, poking and sliding, so Eupho for me.


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@clenchmaster wow! Sounds like you had a great experience. 

You're right, when trying to modify a plastic Aneros massager, it's a lot easier to screw it up than to succeed in getting an end product that substantially improves the pleasures it yields.

Good job and thanks for sharing.   Good (better) vibes to you.

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Wondering if a folded Kleenex under the perineum tab would accomplish the change in angle without doing the modification...

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@fulcrum try rotating the Eupho 180° after ½ hour or so.  The slight change in pressure points changes the sensations nicely.

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Posted by: @pablito1963

Wondering if a folded Kleenex under the perineum tab would accomplish the change in angle without doing the modification...

Padding the P-Tab will absolutely work. Keep in mind that there's a limit to how much extra angle you can get, depending on where the K-tab rests. 

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I think there are likely variations in all of our unique proportions. I intend to try this but inasmuch as I often rotate the Aneros 180° to change things up, (originally due to getting a "pressure point" somewhere in there) it remains to be seen (or more accurately felt) whether that adjustment floats my boat as well as it floats yours....

Love your ingenuity though. 

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