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More luck with Aless?

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Any one have more luck with Aless?

I am struggling to progress and thought I would try an aless session last night and probably got further than I ever have before!

It was almost like how people explain why vibrations can put you off due to the extra sensations. Without anything there I was able to focus on the pure sensations more and got to the stage where my legs started feeling really odd (in a good way) ..floaty..... kind of like being on drugs... euphoric pleasure. subtle but enjoyable...

I am really enjoying the way this is changing my mindset as I notice if I focused on it or brain noise came along as others have said it just ruined it. Very good encouragement to keep meditating. I needed to be aware of it and encourage it but at the same time not focus too much... does that make sense?

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I was able to attain aless after I was able to have aneros-in orgasms, but your experience surely isn't unique. The reason I am responding though is to what you say:

Any one have more luck with Aless?

where my legs started feeling really odd (in a good way) ..floaty..... kind of like being on drugs... euphoric pleasure. subtle but enjoyable...

That is a common sensation I have during aless and especially from aless that come from this technique:

Good luck!

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*raises hand* yup, i have way more success with aless over using an actual aneros. Weird.

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i have way more success with aless over using an actual aneros. Weird.

Not weird. The term "aless" is misleading. It's not that you lack an aneros, it's that you're focused on your pure sexual expression. Ultimately we men/women do not need anything but our mind and body to have the greatest orgasms. Aneros is the training device, not the orgasm.

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The reason I am responding though is to what you say:
That is a common sensation I have during aless and especially from aless that come from this technique:

Ditto Devine_Obliviobn 's experience.

Since finding that thread from DarkOrb, and using his method, my A-Less (and with A) sessions
have jumped to a new level of consistent, higher intensity pleasure.

Thank-you DarkOrb for sharing your research and findings,
and Devine_Oblivion for pointing out this 'devine' technique

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Aless was the first way I learned how to get to a Super-O. From there its been a back and forth as to what method produces more intense pleasure.

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@Marco_Polo, you called my name? 😉

Indeed similar experiences made me choose my member name back in October '16.

Just having had a conversation with another guy here with a similar question and referring to his description of what he called predictable and kind of mechanical movements he experienced in his Aneros sessions, I guess, I've sometimes already fought with a similar problem. I would like you to ask yourself one question: Did you ever check over whether you are really lettin' go like in your Aless sessions? May it be that you instead are not waiting for the vibes to come to you but perhaps do even some kegels to get what he called then predictable reactions? I found out that I really must do nothing to reach success. Then out of nowhere there come some vibes before I even sensed any movement of my Aneros tool. Only at the beginning I perhaps sometimes do one or two little kegels or any other motions but then I keep still and only focus on my feelings. Perhaps this is an approach that helps you to find back to the initiative process I experience with most of my Aneros sessions. The next Aless sessions mostly are fueled by my Aneros sessions and can take things even further than before, why I think both forms need each other.

That's a poor comparison, but it's a bit like doing some barbell bench-press at the gym and some push-ups at home. Somehow using my Aneros is like trying to tickle some new feelings out of my prostate, I later can get even or even better from my Aless sessions.

As you can read from my report about "A Blissful Morning" lately, our sexuality is much too complex to stick to only one method to reach blissful states of luck and satisfaction. This morning I awoke to my usual morning wood and right after awakening went into Aless mode. This time I decided to push things by envisioning rimming* myself. I lay prone, my mental twin came from behind, grabbed and spreaded my butt cheeks before his tongue gave me unique pleasure and lust, eagerly licking all my hot spots around and in my bum, only describing this and thinking of those spots just gives me a decent hard-on and some powerful p-waves along with involuntaries again. Later in the showers I will use the jet function of my shower head to massage my perineum, the little spot I call my "male clit" exactly in front of the first wrinkles of my sphincter and my whole butt cleft from my ball sack to the upper end. Then I will use the rainfall function to caress the back part of my head and my neck, starting from my crown and going backwards as slowly as possible. When a guy I met and took a shower with in a sauna showed me this technique, he told me not to cum right away from this alone, then he smirked, "that's how all the hairdressers break us".
(*=slang to lick, kiss, or suck the anus of (one's sexual partner) Who can't follow me here or even never felt a tongue there should be told, that my envision has been fueled by a real mutual rim job of one and half an hour with a very skilled guy who at that time taught me a fundamental lesson with long-term effect.)

After all and because it all is a mind thing, I wouldn't complain if it's really the fact that your Aless sessions are the better for now. Don't throw away any of your toys, sorry Aneros, of your tools, it may only be a passing phase. And stay playful, there is so much more to discover! May the force of our prostate be with us! 😀

Best vibes, Mart

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@Marco_Polo, you called my name? 😉

After all and because it all is a mind thing, I wouldn't complain if that's really the fact that your Aless sessions are the better for now. Don't throw away any of your toys, it may only be a passing phase.

Best vibes, Mart

that is a true statement. Just when you think you might have things figured out, the rules change. I have gone through many phases in my journey and find little is consistent

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that is a true statement. Just when you think you might have things figured out, the rules change. I have gone through many phases in my journey and find little is consistent

I've been only at this for 2 months and THIS^^ is so true; the only consistency is that^^ continual change.
