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MGX vs Progasm - one blew me into Super O territory for the first time

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Summing up my experience of the Aneros MGX vs Progasm, and what my first Super O felt like.

So I've had an Aneros Classic - I think it's now just called the MGX Classic. I bought it when I was about 25 years old (I'm now 33) and used it on and off, probably about a total of 20 times. I hadn't used it for about 2 years, but tried it out Sunday because I got curious about it again. I'd never had the mind blowing super O experience, but have enjoyed the feeling of it in me.

On Sunday I really was able to focus in on the feeling. I got to learn how to appreciate the feeling, let go of expectations and trying to control it with my own breathing and contractions (which are still a good exercise for beginners to learn the feelings). I'd got a bit of pleasure out of just feeling it, move slightly, got some minor involuntary contractions, and definitely noticed the beginnings of a wave of energy come in peaks. It was the furthest I'd ever got using this toy, and I was feeling energized after and excited. The best position was on my side, bottom leg straight, top leg bent up a bit towards chest. But also enjoyed on my back, pillow under my lower back.

Then Monday after work, I purchased the Progasm Ice. WHAT A DIFFERENCE! This must have been made for me. I just layed there on my back, pillow under and got used to the feeling and pressure inside me. I wasn't really focusing on any contractions, but might have been just having a 30% hold. I'd say it wasn't more than 5 minutes before I was having tonnes of involuntary contractions. Came in waves building up, and decreasing. Then as a wave was decreasing, it was like another wave was coming. The tension and pressure kept felt like it was building in my ass. Eventually it worked back down, would have a few minutes break, change positions, and start all over again.

Eventually this led to a Super O. I did another session Tuesday, and that also led to several Super O's. I'd say at least 4 times over 2 hours, I had this series of very strong waves of anal contractions. 1 time it was so strong, it felt like my whole body was having muscular contractions, originating from my ass. It was like all those little feelings I'b been experiencing leading up to being able to do this were magnified by 1000x.

If I could sum up the feeling of a Super O: It's like my entire ass is spasming and clenching onto the aneros (progasm in this case), each wave of spasms lasts a minute or two and during the best/strongest super o's, another strong wave might be right behind it, with each wave getting stronger and then dying down and trailing off. The entire set of multiple full body orgasms can easily last 10 minutes. Sometimes it feels like an electric shock in my body during the spasms and my whole body shivers with each clench. When the super o is happening, it feels like I'm being fucked by the Aneros and I'm completely grabbing onto it with my entire ass. Each clench feels amazing and the pleasure yo get from that clench leads to the next clench. It's like this orgasmic feedback loop. Very very similar to the uncontrollable muscular contracts you experieince when ejaculating, except instead of being localized around your penis/goin, it's starting from your ass and feels full body at the height of the Super O.

I'm distracted at work the last few days, can barely get anything done. I feel like I did when I was 12 and first discovered jerking off. I just can't believe it happened and that my body is capable of this! Yesterday I also bought the Helix and tried that out. After inserting, was having the P waves within 10 minutes and didn't have to try much. After an hour, I was sure I had my Super O. But the Programs in and had the strongest Super O I could imagine. I was actually moaning which is so not like me. I'm so excited to do it again. I'm worried I'm addicted now!

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Congrats! Sometimes I want to yell at the world about it but then I realize most people would think it was strange. But you have to admit it is damn liberating when it happens. Like a light switch.

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It's sort of unbelievable. I haven't told anyone I know about it yet. I think people will think I'm crazy. I almost can't believe it really is happening. I'm gay and have a partner (who doesn't live with me) I've been seeing a year. I'm a top, and we've never done anything with my butt when it comes to sex. So I'm wondering how he'll react.

To be honest, I'm not sure how this would work if I tried it with him around. It requires your head to be pretty clear and really have a lot of mental focus and meditation sort of. I'm not sure how hard it would be to get to the Super O with someone else in the room.

I've had 4 aneros sessions since I started using it again after an extended break:
- Sunday night with MGX (first time I felt the beginnings of P waves and incontrollable ass contractions)
- Monday night with Progasm (first time I had a Super O... had about 3 sets of them)
- Tuesday afternoon with Helix and Progasm (several series of super o's with helix easily, also very easy with Programs - and the strongest Super O I've ever had - entire body clenching around the head of the Progasm it felt like)
- Tuesday middle of night with Progasm (easily had 2-3 series of Super O's, not as strong as earlier in afternoon, but amazing)

It seems like each session, it's been easier/faster to get to the point where the Super O is starting. Obviously still new at this, but I seem to be able to consistently get it with 3 sessions in a row now. I'd been using the MGX on/off for years, but never had it like this. It's mind blowing. Each session has been around 2-3 hours.

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@shockedwaves This sounds a lot like me. I bought the Helix when I was in my mid 20's and had fun, but stopped using it for awhile and never really dedicated myself to it. Fast forward to a month ago when I decided to really put a lot of effort into it, and now things have really taken of. I have both the Helix and Progasm Ice, but atm Helix is still my favorite. You should try a-less as well. Sometimes I have some mind blowing sessions without anything in me.

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I agree. It didn't take long for me to find the effects of the prostate with the Aneros. I strongly believe it was due to my openness and willingness to try but hoo-boy was it ever worth it!
Eventually your prostate will kindly remind you.

As for a partner (hetero here), mine never complains about the engorged state that my pulsing member provides. She can tell when I'm using or not using it.

You could always bring it up. Worse case scenario is a cold shoulder. Who cares look what I can do! Best case scenario is a willing partner or oral. Oral is fucking amazing with a prostate toy.

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I'm sure my partner will be game and willing. We have an amazing sex life now, so no reason to think he won't be interested.

@orgazmo - I know what you mean about the feelings even a-less. It feels like throughout the day I can just be sitting there at work, and really feel things down there. Just the beginnings of the waves of energy. Even walking around, sometimes I really feel things I haven't felt before, and it's really pleasurable.

Never done an entire session like that though, and don't know how high I could go towards a super o, but I think the more experience I get, I can totally see that being achievable.

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So saw my partner Friday (and all weekend), and he definitely can do this too. He figured it out a few years ago.

Basically, when we are turned on now, I pretty easily slip into uncontrollable orgasms of varying intensity. On Friday and Saturday it was pretty hard to control (but he thought it was hot) and we had sex for hours. Sunday it still happened a few times when we had sex, but not as easily.

I didn't really have any of them when we had sex yesterday, although it was a pretty quick session.

Haven't used the Aneros since Thursday, so wondering if that might be part of the reason... or if it's the sort of thing where once you discover your first Super O they happen like crazy even without the Aneros, but as time goes by it doesn't get triggered as easily since your body is used to it and not as excited.

Planning a solo aneros session tonight to see what happens 🙂

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SO with my wife are rare. You really need to de-tune any outside distractions; even if they are pleasuring you. The hardest part is keeping the momentum going because it will feel amazing and it can just flutter away like that. Instead we just hump like animals and that's always fun.
I wouldn't worry too much about it. Some things should not be given to your partner and other things are to be shared. If it happens great! If not oh well I'm still going to have a good time.

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