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Methods of increasing pressure

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Haven't seen this posted here, but I can't read it all either. 

The idea is to gently and evenly increase pressure on the Aneros and prostate. 

Here's what I do.  I have a long strip of mildly stretch fabric, it's not a full 4-way stretch lycra, more like a 2-way. It's about 72" long and 24" wide.  I fold it in half and gather it together into a 6" wide strip, then lay it on my bed with the free ends about 4" down from my pillow.  Then, with my Aneros in, I lie on it so the fabric is anchored under my back, and goes between my legs.  It doubles as a sheet protector.  Then I pull it up in front.  I can control the tension on the fabric easily, and vary it.  When the P-waves kick in, a bit more tension between the legs is enough to send me into freaking outer space.  I can lose count of the orgasms, and time, and hold the peak of a prostate orgasm for a very long time.  Just feel it build, pull up on the fabric, and the feeling is amplified.  I just shake and twitch, but there's no way to say for how long.  Long, that's about it.

For an extra long session I can also take the loop end and put it over my head and around my neck.  When positioned right this provides constant hands-free pressure.  You don't need a lot, just firm but gentle.  I've done 2 hrs like that, and thought I couldn't possibly take any more, so I gave in to a standard orgasm, which also was amplified.

I'm thinking of getting a piece of real 4-way lycra because I like the texture and cool silky feel, and it forms around things better. 

Anybody else do anything to increase the pressure in the crack, perineum, and under the scrotum? It's really quite the ride.

frekans, Helghast, Zentai and 6 people reacted
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Great idea!! Do you have a picture? Are you talking inches or centimeters?

i just use my fingers to massage my anus and perineum around the toy (with the excess lube), to tap on the toy gently, to finger around the stem of the toy, or to create an alternate pivot to the p or k tab by placing my fingernail underneath and thus slightly pulling the toy out and massively destabilizing it. All those things are cataclysmic. Like I reach down, and kaboom. And none add serious pressure to the prostate because I am not actually manipulating the toy, just guiding it in different directions and in the process adding pressure elsewhere.

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Not quite the same,but sometimes I spread my cheeks so they are gripping the bed,the shunt my weight a little forwards,and the whole pelvic area gets tighter. 

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Posted by: @divine_o

Great idea!! Do you have a picture? Are you talking inches or centimeters?

i just use my fingers to massage my anus and perineum around the toy (with the excess lube), to tap on the toy gently, to finger around the stem of the toy, or to create an alternate pivot to the p or k tab by placing my fingernail underneath and thus slightly pulling the toy out and massively destabilizing it. All those things are cataclysmic. Like I reach down, and kaboom. And none add serious pressure to the prostate because I am not actually manipulating the toy, just guiding it in different directions and in the process adding pressure elsewhere.

Inches.  And the pressure is spread from the full crack all the way to under the scrotum in front.  Same kind of pressure you get with a tight thong (which also works, BTW).  I've described that experience in another post, but short version: small undersized lycra thong with the back strap routed across the original Helix handle...then just walk around. Just try.  Yikes.


Ghusa, Golfing1, Ghusa and 3 people reacted
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Lot of great information. Never thought of it.  Will certainly try. Thanks a lot. 
