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Marijuana! and Aneros

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It's interesting to hear both sides of this issue. However, when reading the posts that sing the praises of using the Aneros while high, I have to say that they sound a bit defensive regarding their point. I would argue that no matter how good the experience with artificial means may be, that it cannot compare in the end with a natural experience, simply because of the fact that those experiences ARE artifically induced. In other words, if you have to rely on artificial chemical means to induce or properly intensify the experience, then you are eventually dependent on that artificial chemical means to produce that experience or intensity. In my opinion, in the long term that is a less-desirable position to be in than if you can summon the experience on your own without artifical chemical additions.

That doesn't mean that a good buzz doesn't make something more enjoyable sometimes - because I know first-hand that it can. Concerts are an excellent example of that when it comes to pot. But, eventually pot can actually hinder the creative experience - and I know this first hand as well, being a musician, songwriter, and producer. What once in a while can be a liberating experience can become a deterrent to creativity and productivity if used all the time in conjunction with the activity. However, it's impossible to be objective about the negative effects while continuing to use. Your desire to defend the use will always cloud your objectivity in determining whether it enhances or detracts from the activity at hand (whether creating music, art, or an orgasm, IMHO). Being such a long-term pot smoker I have often wanted to defend it's use in many different circumstances - but the fact is, the number of times I was TRULY more creative, in-tune emotionally or physically, or basically more aware while high was not near the number I'd like to think. As much as it hurts to be truthful about it, I would probably have to admit that my MOST creative moments came without the use of drugs at all - and that subsequent use of pot to complete the project was just ancillary and really didn't have much to do with the creative impulse. In fact, if anything, it actually slowed down the process of completion.

Maybe in the case of prolonging an orgasm it can have that effect (if that is the effect you're looking for) just as alcohol does. But that doesn't mean it's a superior experience. It means you have used a chemical to effectively dullen your experience so that your body does not respond in the time it normally would. Again, that may be pleasurable, but I would argue that it's not necessarily better than an experience without the drug.

It's laughable to me that I am in a position of suggesting that pot may not truly enhance an experience over time, because I have smoked for so long and would have argued the opposite just weeks ago. Yet I can't deny what I have felt and experienced since abstaining. That doesn't mean I won't smoke again, or that I'm anti-pot. I'm definitely NOT. I think it's a great way to relax, and a great way to enjoy one of nature's gifts. However, like alcohol and any host of other drugs, it is still a drug and has a certain pharmalogical footprint on the mind and body, and it is by nature transient and temporary. Given that, I refuse to accept that the only superior way for humans to have a superior orgasmic experience is through the use of external stimuli. That would include BOTH pot and the Aneros, because I believe that eventually you should (and just about every single mystic that has walked the planet would agree) be able to summon the experience at will with proper training of the mind and body. Is it easier with the Aneros? Yes. Is it easier with the Aneros and pot? Yes, it probably is in the short term. But eventually, the experience of nirvana, the "Super-O", however you want to describe it - should be a completely natural experience and that is what I hope to eventually achieve.

Having said all of that, if it feels good, DO IT. Just remember that to become dependent on anything in order to achieve that "extra boost" to orgasmic super-bliss (or to claim that it's superior or necessary) is to eventually rob yourself of having the experience through your own mind and body's resources. I.E. - you'll find that your servant has slowly become your master... and I feel I am discovering this now.

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I was not trying to sound so defensive about pot. I too have quit for the time being, and probably wont go back to how I used to use it everyday. Pot is one of those things where its good for some activities, and bad for others. You could also consider how high someone is. Im a bassist, and if I smoke a bowl by myself I can actually play better (as unlikely as it sounds its true). If I were to smoke another, I would play worse than sober. Being really high and trying to read a paragraph would take longer, and you would not remember as much of it.

I know plenty of people that are dependant on pot, they smoke it multiple times everyday. I would say I USED to be like that, and having stopped using for about a month twice since the summer, I know it can really have negative effects. For people that arnt long-term smokers, the tolerance for it just isnt there. I only recommend people to just try it, because it really is a unique experience, as is masturbating or sex high. Like beevee says if over done it can make some senses dull. At the height of my drug use, I snorted pills, drank, smoked weed... 😯 it really made me feel burnt out, uninspired, lethargic, and depressed. Some people say they smoke to make them happy, but we all know its not helping...

Now I dont do any of that, workout every other day, just sorta "rewired" my brain 😉
I will always have a special spot for pot in my heart lol, but I dont ever want to get into using it like I used to again. BTW ive never had a super-O, and Ive only used my helix high about 3 times of probly well over a dozen sessions Ive had. I recently got the HypnAerosession download, and plan on using that when I can smoke again, as well as sober. Constanly making progress every session, hope it doesnt take me over a year like some users 😯

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Dr. Unk, hello and welcome to the Forum

I tried MJ in my youth and found other things (not drugs/drinks) were contributing to my head's development, whereas pot and caffeine gave me rapid and irregular heart rhythms. Not good!

In my blog is a post about my youthful experiences and the beginning of my prostate massage career at about age 14 and into my early 20s:

Those Intellectual Orgasms reflect some of the rewiring potential in a younger brain. Maybe you would like to create your own blog here and tell us your story, expanding from these posts that will gradually fade back into the pile-up of pages as this General Discussion part of the Forum keeps growing daily.

It would be interesting, if you tried staying clean somewhat longer, to see just how far your practice and experience might grow, particularly with potentially powerful day-after effects that may be possible for a young man with your background. Everyone's journey is unique to them, their experiences and their contributing factors. Who knows what your potential may be?

all the best with your growth and development, your Aneros journey and your life's journey


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I wont be doing any smoking for at least another month. I will probably reserve it to the weekends, or on the days when Im not working out.

I have been wanting to start a blog, I just got my progasm today and had a session with it. It was nice but not much has changed from my previous attempts. Part of it might of been because I was still a little sore going into it, and the progasms pretty big lol. Im gonna take a few days off and let everything get back to normal.

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