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Lubrication problems (coconut oil & shea)

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I currently lube my devices using shea butter and then coconut oil over the top of the shea.

so the first 20 mins of my sessions are wonderful, the device I use is auto f**king me and I'm building awesome feelings. This is all using do nothing approach.

Then after this time the only thing that works to produce feelings is if I manually use techniques like the tug o war or contractions. But as soon as I stop them so do the feelings, and doing nothing here does.... Nothing. This gives further credence to my hypothesis that lube is drying or is being absorbed quickly.

So today when the session wouldn't go any further I removed the device and sure enough it was bone dry! I think my body is absorbing the coconut oil very quickly and then seemingly the Shea as well. I am using a generous amount in my opinion.

Is there an alternative? I seem to be randomly allergic to water based and I think silicone lubes too sadly. It's amazing how quick the lube seems to be absorbed.

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I use both coconut oil and shea butter. Shea butter is absorbed into the body faster than coconut oil.

Pour some coconut oil into an ice cube tray, chill it and then insert the solid oil into yourself.

If the coconut oil is warm and in liquid form, use a baby syringe and shoot some inside instead.

After sleeping with a unit, the next morning I often expel excess lube so it will last if you use enough.

A towel underneath you is suggested as there may be seepage.

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I use both coconut oil and shea butter. Shea butter is absorbed into the body faster than coconut oil.

Pour some coconut oil into an ice cube tray, chill it and then insert the solid oil into yourself.

If the coconut oil is warm and in liquid form, use a baby syringe and shoot some inside instead.

After sleeping with a unit, the next morning I often expel excess lube so it will last if you use enough.

A towel underneath you is suggested as there may be seepage.

Interesting... Maybe I should just lube the device with coconut oil on its own, and possibly syringe as well. I always thought it was the other way around...?

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I always syringe around 5cc of lube inside. Nothing worse than having to pull out a toy without anymore lube.

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So coconut oil absorbs more slowly? Whom here uses just coconut oil on its own?

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Here are a pair of
ideas that might help:

-- Many gents in
this Forum use just an application of a heavier lube like Vaseline or
Crisco. A coating on both the Aneros tool along with their anal
canal and rectal lining up to their prostate is adequate. You can
apply this either with your bare fingers or, if you disdain getting
your hands greasy before a session. I like to use a plastic
sandwich bag to keep my hands free of lube without without scrubbing
them again.

First smear Vaseline
on the Aneros and any other toys you might use during the session.
Then, lube yourself. Pay heed to lubing both the outer and inner
sphincters of your canal. A finger or pair of fingers works best
because you can completely open both sphincters to avoid any 'dry'

If my session is
going to be with a larger or longer toy I'll put the plastic bag on
an anal wand or dildo, dip the clean baggie into the Vaseline jar
then work the lube up into the depth I expect to reach with the
session toy.

Give this a try
without any additional thin lube and see if it provides the degree of
'slip' that's OK for you. Just Vaseline or Crisco, properly applied,
should provide three or four hours of pleasure. You might also find
this simple lube adequate for steel and glass toys (also think
Progasm ICE and Pro Jr.) and perhaps superior to 'combo' lubes for
“icicle” type toys with a lot of surface detail or texture.

– If you feel
that you want to combine the above 'base' lube with something thinner
Shea + Coconut is an excellent choice for most men. I vary the ratio
of Coconut to Shea slightly to adjust the melting temperature
seasonally. For me, 1:4 Coconut to Shea is great during warm
summers while 2:3 works well in cooler climess.

Blend the two
materials in a double boiler and maintain the temperature for at
least five minutes to kill any pathogens that might have found their
way into the Shea butter during open-air processing or shipping.
Pour the melted blend into molds of whatever shape you'll find handy
and chill until solid. Suppository molds are sometimes available on
eBay as are bullet molds (large caliber rifle is easy to handle).
Some guys have bought Crayola's molding machine but there are few
reports about performance (I think that the lamps mightt melt lube
very slowly.)

Hygiene &
sanitation. Remember that these products have some food value (even
Crisco can support slow growth of typical human bacteria and fungi.)
Avoid back-contamination of the jar and it's contents. Should you
accidentally back contaminate a quantity of lube cook it for five to
10 minutes at 195-200 deg. F. Avoid overheating any vegetable based
lubes for they can thren grow rancid in just a few weeks or days.

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Natural Jelly formula

3 (400 IU) vitamin E capsules (contents only - not the capsule casing). Vitamin E has antioxidant properties which nourish and protect your skin, and it acts as a natural preservative to prolong the shelf life of your Natural Jelly.
1/4 tsp. shea butter (this is optional, but it adds a certain creaminess to the mixture)
1 tsp. beeswax
3 tblsp. almond oil, olive oil or coconut oil (your choice)

Step 1.) Place all ingredients in the top of a double boiler setup, heat and stir until all ingredients are dissolved.
Step 2.) Remove the mix from heat and stir the ingredients constantly as your petroleum jelly alternative cools and thickens. While still slightly warm, scoop the jelly mixture into a dark glass jar and leave unsealed to cool completely.
Step 3.) Keep your Natural Jelly in a cool, dark place, or in your refrigerator. Use it as you would use commercial petroleum jelly.

You can adjust the viscosity of the mix by increasing/decreasing the oil proportions. The advantage of this mixture over natural oils alone is the increased viscosity due to the presence of the beeswax. The beeswax is the key to insuring good lubricity between you and your Aneros as it creates a micro thin film which holds well to the plastic. I’ve used this mix for my last couple of sessions and have found it to be a very satisfactory natural lubricant.

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I only use coconut oil.

Insert generous amount, easy to do as it is solidified and melts once in, use as much as I think is needed then a bit more, and lube toy

Haven't had a problem yet and all seems good, only have sessions for about 90 odd minutes.

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Hey Sorena,

I'm relatively new to Aneros play, only three months in, and I've been using a concoction of Shea Butter and Coconut oil. In that time, I would guess I've used my Helix Syn or MGX thirty-five times or more with no difficulties. Although, I can remember one instance when the toy was hard to remove due to too little lubricant left at the sessions end.

Now personally, I'm quite terrified of harming that area due to embarrassment of making a doctor's visit. So I made sure to increase the amount of lubrication ever since. Simply put, I'd rather have a little leakage from an excess of product than to face the alternatives.

My advice, is to use more. With these two products, there appears to be no side affects. As Shea / Coconut oil are natural products, they have a far less chance of causing discomfort, unlike Vaseline or other mass produced lubricants.

My own routine for a session involves melting a mixture of Shea and Coconut oil, enough to fill a standard size lubricant shooter to the hilt. I've found that putting a sufficient amount, approximately equal amounts, into a small glass jar and set atop a warm mist humidifier I run daily is enough heat to liquefy the concoction. This usually takes about five to ten minutes which gives enough time to do other preparations. Afterwards, I'll pull the liquid into the shooter / syringe and run cold water over the length to cool the contents before application.

With that step complete, I give the lube a few minutes to settle. I then move onto whatever Aneros toy I'm in the mood for and apply a heavy layer of Shea. Yeah, I know it's hard to get this stuff to go on easily. It either crumbles or sticks to your fingers. But, I make sure there's a good amount before applying a thinner layer of Coconut oil.

To me, the Coconut oil is merely there for initial lubrication since it seems like Shea will stick around a lot longer. Just put some on your skin and you will see it's hard to wash off. So I would say Shea coats and creates a barrier, leaving the rectal lining some protection. I could, of course, be very wrong. But I have had no pain or lasting, negative effects using either device from two to four hours at a time.

All I will say is use a lot of whatever lubricant you choose. But, if you stick with Coconut / Shea, I would recommend more Shea as the Coconut seems more likely to absorb.

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I already use a lot, believe me. It's absorbed fast, not matter how much I use.

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I've seen posts where people mention other oils, Almond, Olive, etc. I personally haven't tried either, though I want to give Olive a go. Others have also mentioned a coating of A+D Ointment on the device, but again, no experience.

Maybe the type of Shea you are using isn't a good brand? Or the Coconut oil? I use Shea made by Now Foods, not the raw, organic stuff others seem to prefer. The Coconut oil I use is made by Nature's way, 100% organic, extra virgin. Perhaps it's a quality issue.

Keep searching the forums if you haven't for Lubricant threads. I found a lot via the search field which made me go with Shea / Coconut oil from day one.

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FWIW, good old Castor Oil seems to hang around quite a bit. It is quite viscose this might hamper movement. As I don't autoF it does not matter to me.

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I've seen posts where people mention other oils, Almond, Olive, etc. I personally haven't tried either, though I want to give Olive a go. Others have also mentioned a coating of A+D Ointment on the device, but again, no experience.

Maybe the type of Shea you are using isn't a good brand? Or the Coconut oil? I use Shea made by Now Foods, not the raw, organic stuff others seem to prefer. The Coconut oil I use is made by Nature's way, 100% organic, extra virgin. Perhaps it's a quality issue.

Keep searching the forums if you haven't for Lubricant threads. I found a lot via the search field which made me go with Shea / Coconut oil from day one.

I use the same brands.

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