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Looking forward to trying my aneros

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Joined: 7 years ago
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Hey what's up. I'd like to start by saying that I just stumbled on this site yesterday for the 2nd time. (the 1st time I was intrigued but really didn't want to try anything anal) But yesterday I ckecked out the whole site...the forum...the testimonials...the instructions...n I have to say guys, the product sounds GREAT! Stronger, more powerful, earth-shattering orgasms sound totally hot. Only thing that scares me is where i have to place the device. I'm not totally straight...I've been with other guys on more than a few occasions, but never had any interst in anal sex. But what I've been reading has me more than anxious to try my own aneros that I ordered yesterday. I spoke to a guy on the phone and he really helped to ease my fear and actually got me excited thinking about trying it, so I went ahead and ordered 1. Now I just can't wait till it gets here so I can try it...alone and with a partner

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