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Long break from the aneros

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so I've had a lengthy break from the aneros and sessions, to make me want it and to have a heathy distance for a while.

Observations: No aless feelings at all in my time off, arousal building lots.

Had a session today, super ready for it.

Worst session of my life. Felt immediate pleasure, following Neros and others guides, mental focus, excitement building. Then poof, it fizzles out. Arosual remains high, mental focus remains the same, focused. Prostate unresponsive, totally.

Feeling confused.

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I am in the same boat, it(helix) does nothing for me at all. Maybe it will in the future,but I feel like I have wasted too much time on it.

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No you misunderstand, I have been having lots of success, I wanted a break because I'm regularly told it's good to do so when you return you're doing so with even greater success. For me I need frequent sessions, daily maybe even twice daily for results. Time off doesn't work for me.

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My mistake. hahaha

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@inhope One word... Expectations! The mind is a weird thing 🙁

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Here is the amazing part, I had none. The only thing I had was readiness. The dissapointment only crept in when I ended the session, in confusion I might add.

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What ends my sessions is not mental, it's not a loss of focus, it's physical. My mind is aroused, my body too and for a short time my prostate is buzzing, pulsing, alive, delicious! Then it stops, dead, in an instant, mid flow. Unresponsive. Always within the first 5 minutes.

What the actual f*ck!?

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@inhope, how long was your time off?

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Arosual remains high, mental focus remains the same, focused. Prostate unresponsive, totally.

Feeling confused.

Aha!! I think I've just worked out the "problem".

I feel like a sexual Dr House at this point 😉

Dude, you are too focused on your "prostate".

Yes, the aneros stimulates the prostate but don't forget that the Super O is a FULL BODY ORGASM.

If it fizzles out on the prostate then relax and focus on the feelings in your body.

The closer I get to orgasm the less I feel inside my rectum and the more I feel over my whole body until I hit the full body buzzing which then cascades into super orgasm.

Braveneworld had the right phrase "expectations" but in the wrong context.

Your expectations from what you have read have led you to focus completely on the prostate and expect that if you lose prostate sensation then that's it session over.

It's understandable that you would read things that way - after all trying to explain how to have super orgasm is like trying to explain what the color red looks like! Confusion and contradiction abound!

The fact that your body and mind remain AROUSED is GOOD. Your session hasn't fizzled out.


Your prostate is "not necessary" for full body orgasm.

The Aneros is an "arousal amplifier". Super Orgasm happens because your arousal is amplified so much without triggering an ejaculation reflex.

A prostate massager is just a really easy way to intensely sexually stimulate arousal without triggering ejaculation.

If you aren't feeling your prostate buzzing BUT you remain mentally and physically aroused then DON'T worry about the prostate.

Continue your sessions without worrying about loss of "prostate sensation" and continue to build your arousal and you'll be surprised what happens. Maybe your prostate will start buzzing again, maybe it won't.

Have you considered buying KSMO? I'd recommend it purely for the mindset side of things - the teachings in there about relaxation and arousal and gold.

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Interesting. I've never once felt anything in my whole body in the ten years I've been at this, except for one place. My feet! My feet hot and lovely, but only when I feel it in my prostate or often post session in aless.

More to confuse things; occasionally I do get prostate response, for hours, but it's rare. So it's like I expect that I should experience that. But it only happens if I change position and technique constantly, I've even had this response when not aroused in the slightest.

This is and has been my biggest obstacle for years. It seems random, completely random when my prostate / receptiveness to work. I find as soon as I put a device in there I get immediate response, usually lasting 5 mins and then it never comes back, I don't feel warmth in any part of my body, I don't feel anything.

Sometimes my arousal which is still present will result in an erection which I then feel pleasure again, but it's a tenth of what I just felt. I think you Neros get consistency in your sessions, I don't seem to get this.

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"Dude, you are too focused on your "prostate".

Possibly though i really don't feel like i am, i feel I'm focused on my mental fantasy. The observation of lack of contact/responsiveness seems to come post session, when i look back.

"Yes, the aneros stimulates the prostate but don't forget that the Super O is a FULL BODY ORGASM"

I thought they were two different things, plus the only pleasure i feel as i say is in my feet, but almost never in session, always out of it.

"If it fizzles out on the prostate then relax and focus on the feelings in your body."

There are no feelings in my body, none. I am very aware it could be subtle, but believe me there is no feelings i can detect

"Your expectations from what you have read have led you to focus completely on the prostate and expect that if you lose prostate sensation then that's it session over."

Again, possibly, yes. However, once i loose sensation i am pretty much lying there with an aneros up my ass, aroused yes, but nothing that would keep you there. Tell me, in your own sessions how long (very roughly) does it take for you to go from feeling lovely prostate pleasure/anal pleasure to nothing at all back to feeling something (or orgasm)? I've lay there for 20 mins before now feeling nothing (yet I'm aroused, ready, focused) the 30 mins prior to that my prostate was jumping.

"The Aneros is an "arousal amplifier". Super Orgasm happens because your arousal is amplified so much without triggering an ejaculation reflex."

I have had sessions where i am so aroused that i think i am going to explode from within, in a cascade of colour, into oblivion. Still no super, or even a dry/mini (except for one session recently)

"Continue your sessions without worrying about loss of "prostate sensation" and continue to build your arousal and you'll be surprised what happens. Maybe your prostate will start buzzing again, maybe it won't."

My last session i did this, i felt the feelings and when they stopped i continued with my fantasies, nothing happened, my erection would rise and fall etc as before, but nothing would happen as such. I had the belief it will come back (like crimsonwolf states) but it just didn't.

I feel its possible that somehow I'm loosing contact with the prostate and it only reengages when i get erect as it pushes things together in there, but what i feel when it does connect is a sort of muted version of what i felt minutes earlier. So i feel because of this that the helix might be a better tool, perhaps the MGX too, a device that keeps a little pressure on the area with or without erection.

Its like the first few mins of a session get the nerves really excited and then it gets used to it, or the devices never really seem to hit anything in any meaningful manor. (using the sgx last session)

I do feel i am going backwards, a few months ago i was having great success, amazing feelings NO MATTER the arousal level i had. I could have a session on a whim and be in heaven in seconds and it would last three times longer minimum.

One other telling observation.

Most times when i masturbate with an aneros in (i don't do this often, just very occasionally) according to the wiki it states you can have a Super T. For me this is a very misleading thing. Why? most times i never experience a Super T at all, sometimes even my orgasm is utter crap, as a result of the aneros stopping movement of things in the ass.

I digress.... sometimes I do experience a Super T with one inside, it seems to be only when i haven't 'overloaded' my prostate, if that makes sense (if indeed that is what is occurring)

There is *something* happening in my prostate that is physical that is limiting me in some way, its possible the damage done early in my sessions is causing it, i cannot say for sure.

I recall a session recently where i just used a cobra liibre and didn't tense/etc and i just came nicely. Orgasm was nice. A few mins later i had a dull ache in my prostate, like i had all those years ago (its what i felt was muscle tension in some way)

I have had a recent scan in the hospital and told my prostate was healthy. i just wonder what is happening, i do feel something other than focus or arousal is hurting my sessions here.... i hope I'm wrong though.


About 2 weeks i think? I came back relaxed, aroused, excited, happy. Though the aneros less sessions hadn't returned in that period, so i missed those.

I firmly believe, sadly, that it is possible to undo your work on this journey, i feel I'm going backwards. 3-4 months ago i was so much further along, genuinely feeling like things are fizzling, yet i cannot fathom how, really i can't.

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@inhope I can imagine your frustration. Must suck 🙁

Look, you've been given the all clear by the doctors on your prostate. IT'S NOT PHYSICAL.

This is all in your head. Having an orgasm is primarily mental.

I'd really suggest picking up the KSMO course from Jack in your situation. You need to work on the "mental" side of things IMHO.

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"This is all in your head. Having an orgasm is primarily mental."

Are you sure? is this proven? 100%? Fact?

Well then if its not physical, i suffer a mental deficiency. Though i am focused, aroused and ready it must be something subconscious.

However... perhaps the truth is more explainable. Throughout my life i have thought and been viewed as someone that possibly suffers a form of mild Aspergers (or a touch of autism, if such a thing exists). I wonder if this is something that is truly underlying in everything I've done, its not physical then. Its mental. Even though i could swear on my very soul that i am focused, my mind is clear and unbound by expectation, yet it still always results in the same strange pattern.

if not a 'condition' then what am i not doing mentally that you are? hmm? you have talked at length about your mental focus and what happens in the mind, i follow this myself but i notice a sharp (physical) cut off, even when I'm lost in the clouds of pleasure, it stops dead in its tracks light a lightswitch in an instant, there is no break in my thoughts or focus. Like the engine of a car cutting out. I don't think i can make this clearer really, what i experience is a physical cut off for no quantifiable reasoning i can fathom.

Another observation:

the pulsing i get like I'm coming, when using the aneros is still present even after i get physical drop off, yet it gives me no pleasure. THAT i find interesting.

Another thing, perhaps you're right re my mental fantasies, they just don't cut it anymore. Even staring or mentally picturing naked women or scenarios, just doesn't do it, at least not for very long. I have no fantasies really, nothing seems to excite me or make me horny. I even recently felt that as a result of the aneros use its changing my mind in some way, i sometimes look at women and feel all i can see is thing that are designed for having children, not things designed to be enticing or arousing, like its putting me off seeing it as something sexually desirable. And no, i don't feel I'm turning gay here! just that orgasm now seems as a result of a process unrelated or disconnected somehow to ejaculation, that the aneros use has somehow altered my state of mind.

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@inhope studies have shown that the brain is the biggest sexual organ. Proven fact? We could debate this till the cows come home. From my subjective experience of having aless orgasms and from others reports, yes.

My brother is on the Aspergers spectrum so I know what you mean but I don't know how that could affect orgasm. I can't see how to be honest.

Quick clarification question:

When it "cuts off" do you mean that you have no desire to do sexual things? Like after you ejaculate you have zero interest in sexual things and you physically can't even force yourself to be aroused.


Do you mean you still feel horny and aroused and wanting to do sexual stuff but you become "numb"?

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Quick clarification question:

When it "cuts off" do you mean that you have no desire to do sexual things? Like after you ejaculate you have zero interest in sexual things and you physically can't even force yourself to be aroused.


Do you mean you still feel horny and aroused and wanting to do sexual stuff but you become "numb"?

I mean the latter, i become sort of physically numb as you say, but i am well and truly aroused. I can concede that on occasion my mental fantasies are lost, my mind muddies. But i am still aroused, highly. Usually though i have the fantasy as strong as ever and the prostate just turns off or becomes unreceptive to stimulation from either aneros or mind.

Ive said this before many times, often i will end the session there, remove the device and get on with my work, only to then 10 mins later having aless feelings, sometimes amazing. But if i waited that 10 mins with an aneros in my ass, it would produce nothing!

Today i had another session, more as a test of theories. Amazingly i was able to clear my thoughts and become quite aroused and excited, i was 'ready' in other words.

The helix produced something nice in the first few seconds and then nothing afterwards, i was still ready, still aroused and still excited but my prostate was suddenly 'off' (again after 5 mins of quite nice ramping up/pleasure)

I then recalled that this whole journey changed the moment i tried a peredise. "What the hell" i thought, and added a bit of KY to a small peredise. Immediately using the 'tug of war' technique my prostate was alive again. I found that the initial 'pulling/pushing parts' i felt nothing but in the resting period... amazing feelings. This however stopped working, after about 5 mins again, just like before, i was quite close to something like a mini-O.

I'm sure if i picked another device it would again reproduce prostate activity. Its like its schizoprehnic, it needs stimulation differently each time i have a session! I've found one device can be unbelievable one minute then the next session it does nothing for me, but another device (after going through a sh!t load of them) will work better, but again not for long.

I feel i should maybe just stick to one device and get 'good' with it, just not sure which one. I own them all btw except the maximus.

Edit: something else i forgot to mention, in my time off i used the cobra libre a few times, which on those occasions produced the best ejaculatory orgasms I've had in ages, perhaps this has caused me to loose something in the rewiring process. I no longer experience aless feelings, since its use, now they are absent i find myself missing them!

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Ive said this before many times, often i will end the session there, remove the device and get on with my work, only to then 10 mins later having aless feelings, sometimes amazing. But if i waited that 10 mins with an aneros in my ass, it would produce nothing!

Right, okay, this shows that on some level you are "trying" when you have an aneros inside you and you are "trying" when you lose those physical feelings.

When you take your aneros out you "give up" on trying and voila - amazing aless feelings.

You ARE aroused even after your "prostate shuts off". Good.

The rest of your body isn't numb though is it?

When you are "shut down" try stroking your nipples and breasts gently and maybe accompany it with sexual imagery.

What do you feel? Forget your prostate. Do you feel anything elsewhere in your body? ANY physical response - even in your feet? Or chest, or nipples, or stomach, or your head?

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Sorry yes, often when things fizzle i stroke my nipples, but after a few mins (uh ho!) they become over sensitive and the pleasure i receive stops. Its almost like they become sore, subtly so, so i can't play with nips for hours like some seem able. (yes I've used t shirts etc, makes no difference)

However..... i found a way to extend this period by not stroking them as such but rather just holding my finger on them, perhaps a subtle twinge of movement, this too stops working but probably gives me around 10 mins max.

When they are working i feel things in my prostate yes, so its a way of generating the feelings again. But as i say its only available for a short window (i feel most times though it just gives me a boner which is when i notice the prostate rather than the prostate generating the pleasure, its like its forced because I'm causing things to tighten up in there from being erect).

Aside from that the only place i feel during Aless times are in my ass/back of my legs) my nipples themselves and nowhere else do i feel anything. Not a jot. During Aless, usually because I'm sitting in such a way that forces the muscles and such together i feel it in my feet and all down the back of my legs.

Side note: thank you for your replies thus far Neros, i feel in talking to you i am making sense of all this (even if its just baby steps!)

"you ARE aroused even after your "prostate shuts off" Good.

This is never good, what usually happens when i feel this is that i need to orgasm (because the arousal can be so unimaginably high, a frenzy!) and i have NO control over what happens, so i usually end up ejaculating through some means, usually tensing hard, then feeling awful after it. (occasionally it will result in me having multiple wet orgasms, usually a minimum of two) I'm consciously aware of what I'm doing but I'm in such a sexual hype that i have little control.

I KNOW that if i could keep this frenzy with prostate response staying constant i would achieve orgasm, but its like there is a loose connection, 'the circuit is not stable'

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Working too much on the fantasies tends to have the same kind of effect as excess of watching pronography: numbing of the fantasies.

Arousal is a physically alert state, there is just no need for fantasies at all. Might work for some time yes, but in time it's oversuse might kill the effect. So instead of searching even weirder scenarios to maintain the effect, better give up on this arousal method and things will settle.

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@inhope gonna be a quick reply with no editing as I've got to dive into a project now but here goes:

The phrase for ALL of this reply is "this is a MARATHON not a sprint". And I DON'T mean that in terms of rewiring I mean it purely in terms of your sessions and your arousal.

Your nipples become numb because you are overstimulating them. Don't touch them too much - just rub them lightly until you get feeling back then STOP and enjoy that feeling.

Rub your breasts instead with your fingers in circles or stop completely.

Think of it like lighting a fire - too much blowing on the embers and you'll blow them right out. Blowing every so often gets the fire going.

Arousal frenzy! Sounds great but holy shit man too much too soon.

No wonder you are crashing!!

Mate, my arousal levels never reach a point where I "need" to ejaculate to relieve the tension.

I had an inkling you were "peaking" too soon and then crashing.

Think of it like a marathon. What I "think" are doing (based on your responses) is sprinting straight from the start line and using up all your energy too soon. Then you crash.

Start slow, imagine you have to maintain a level of STEADY arousal for HOURS.

I know you might think that your arousal needs to steadily build up until orgasm and that may or may not be the case but RIGHT NOW, FOR YOU - slow drip that arousal.

Build yourself up to a low level of arousal and then stop there. Maintain it at that level. If it grows, try to slow it down.

It seems like you are a fire that burns TOO QUICKLY and then dies.



Slow, steady, glowing arousal.

I gotta go but I'll check in later tonight so let me know if you don't understand and I'll reply when I get a chance.

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Slowing down often results in one of two things, falling asleep (as soon as i lay down i get drowsy) or two loss of arousal/boredom. I thought i was being quite slow as it stands, considering I'm using the do nothing approach!

So I've got one person saying use mental fantasy and the other saying not to, well ok i can see how not having a fantasy is better for me, the arousal state as described above.... never been in that in my life. Maybe once or twice in an aneros session, but not normally, i don't think? I'm confused by that statement.

Another example which doesn't fit the pattern. I just had a session with my suction dildo. Throughout the entire session I had precum everywhere and amazing feelings of near orgasm, through 90% of the session.

I wish i could explain that.

Quick one for you @neros, what aneros do you use most often, what one is more useful to you?

@Cancan ok so i get amazing feelings in a few mins of being in session, then it dies away (perhaps the arousal state dies) how do you get this state back? i don't quite get how to be in that state of mind, just FYI when i go into an aneros session its because i crave the aneros, my body wants it, not because i just saw a pair of boobs on the computer screen, its because i feel ready.

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I can get that as well. Sometimes takes a few sessions for my body to get fully back into action.

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I can get that as well. Sometimes takes a few sessions for my body to get fully back into action.

Yeah i can appreciate that, our bodies need to 'remember' as it were, no issue with that at all. Perhaps this is just the case here, i just expected after a lapse of time and a build up of excitement and arousal i would get response. No worries, will get back to where i was previously I'm sure.

I wish there was some research on this, those that experience super o's every session, session frequency and how long it takes (as in how many sessions) to get to a place where they feel things are 'normal'

Just before my time off from aneros use, i was so close to something amazing, i remember feeling it was the verge of ecstasy, i guess that was my expectation.

@neros I've done everything right i feel, your guide was very useful and it got me close, that is why i now feel dejected, that i got close then and after my break I'm feeling back to square one. It could just be that I'm not 'in the zone' as a result. That an I'm over analysing it, taking it personally and that I'm 'doing it wrong', i actually realise that i currently do everything as I'm supposed to.

@DarkEngine so what do you do when it fizzles, stop the session? what if you're super aroused but your prostate is asleep?

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@DarkEngine so what do you do when it fizzles, stop the session? what if you're super aroused but your prostate is asleep?

Masturbate, I think — usually if it's sexual frustration. Sleeping pills can help dope the mind a little in this respect, being mindful to use them sparingly.

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it seems that you suffer from the same issue i do, though to a lesser degree perhaps.

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@inhope sorry to hear that the break pulled you backwards.

The only Aneros I've got is the Helix - so that one is the one I use 🙂

I think it you were close to something before then you'll get there again just by doing the same things you were doing before.

You'll get there again, it's just that you need to get back "into the zone".

Reading back through your comments I just want to point something out:

When I insert my toy I usually find, like you, the first few minutes are very pleasurable (insta erection, twitching, etc.) then it dies down a little bit.

Just like you.

THEN I just lie there and enjoy my mental fantasies AND keep my awareness on ANY feelings in my ass/lower abomen (it could just be the sensation in my sphincter of the aneros).

Sometimes I feel nothing for a while, but I stroke my "breasts" and my nipples (sparingly) in circles whilst fantasising. Then the feelings come back, then drop off etc.

I haven't had a session for a while but my last one it was about 1.5 hours till super orgasm.

Patience is your friend. You are going to go through arousal drop offs during a session.

A quick note about mental fantasy - I just realised you said earlier that "I feel I am focused on my mental fantasy".

It's a BALANCING ACT between mental fantasy and physical awareness. Ideally you want a 50/50 split.

Too much focus on mental fantasy and you are going to "lose connection" with your body.

Try lying on your back with two pillows under your hips - that's a good position that lifts your hips and might help with "prostate connection".

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I see @neros, interesting. 1.5 hours? wow, i can count sessions I've had on one hand that have exceeded this time, honestly i find myself falling asleep after about 45 mins. When i lie down my body must release a chemical, i always feel like I'm drifting off, it really effects concentration.

So when you get over the initial good feelings etc, does it then between that time and the 1.5 hours you mention ever get to that level again? for me it never piques as high, i get bored, body gets tired... i fall asleep, or near to it. You don't get mini o's or dry o's up until suddenly after 1.5 hours you get a super o? (i cannot even fathom what your fantasies are that last even half this time, must be something amazing.)

If i force the device onto my prostate i find i can get instant amazingness, for a short time.

I think all this would explain why i get really impressive aless feelings, its like I'm getting all the things on the wiki except a super or a dry! i wonder if i have been able to super O all along but I've just not given it enough time in my sessions, assuming that after that sharp drop off that it will go nowhere.


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@inhope yep, I told you this is a marathon not a sprint.

My sessions are far and few between as I don't get much time to myself so that could be one of the reasons behind longer sessions but you can see what I mean when I say patience is a virtue during sessions!

Re. fall asleep - if that happens to you then I suggest not lying down and finding a new position (perhaps in a lazy chair or something?)

How long does it take for feelings to come back and how do I maintain fantasy for that long?

Let's define what feelings I pay attention to:

So, that initial "holy shit fuck yeah" goes away.

What feelings do I pay attention to?

ANY physical feelings around my ass and lower belly.

Seriously - ANYTHING.

When you talk about feeling "nothing" I don't believe you feel nothing.

You are just dismissing physical feelings because they "don't feel as good" as before.

Here's what I tend to pay attention to:

- The P-Tab pressing against my perinium (you can feel that right?)

- The wetness around my ass as the lube sometimes leaks out.

- The sensation in my sphincter as it touches the helix

- Etc.

I DON'T worry that I'm not feeling lovely p-waves etc. I know if I just focus on those physical sensations I'll have sexual sensations come back.

How long it takes for sexual feelings, warmth in belly, prostate aching etc. to come back depends.

How do I maintain sexual fantasy for 1.5 hours

I don't.

As I said, it's like starting fire. Or a dance between mental and physical.

Too much and you are going to extinguish the flame. Too little and the same will happen.

I'll think of some sexual images, not in depth fantasy but I'll have a slideshow of sexual imagery going through my mind WHILST keeping my attention on ANY physical sensations in my ass.

Then I'll touch my nipples. Maybe the sexual slideshow keeps going, maybe it doesn't.

Then I'll stop touching my nipples and stop thinking sexual thinks and just focus on the physical sensations.

If they are arousing then I'll just keep focusing on the physical sensations (p tab pressure etc.)

And then I'll go back to sexual fantasy.

Stop. Start. Stop. Start.

At some point, just the physical sensations of the p-tab or the wetness (for example) is arousing in and of itself and from there it's not really necessary for sexual fantasy or physical touch.

Maybe funny feelings in my belly or warmth across my body start before that point, or after, it depends. Maybe I get mini orgasms, maybe I don't. It depends.

Then I get buzzing in my body and then I have super orgasm.

So, yes keep going!! REMEMBER spend your time after the drop off focusing on the feeling of the aneros in your ass, the pressure of the p tab etc.


But when you stay relaxed it will become arousing. Mix in some mental fantasy from time to time and some light breast/nipple touching BUT KEEP FOCUSING ON THE PHYSICAL FEELINGS AS WELL.

Stick that out - even if it is not arousing and stay relaxed and see what happens.

Marathon not a sprint.

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@Cancan ok so i get amazing feelings in a few mins of being in session, then it dies away (perhaps the arousal state dies) how do you get this state back? i don't quite get how to be in that state of mind, just FYI when i go into an aneros session its because i crave the aneros, my body wants it, not because i just saw a pair of boobs on the computer screen, its because i feel ready.

I am sorry, I have no control over these things. Can't help you on what to do. What wants to come does, what wants not doesn't. Sometimes I fall asleep and it is great. Sometimes things stop and restart unexpectedly. Sometimes they just stop. I just go with the flow. The only thing I try is feeling the more subtle (almost inexistant) sensations and enjoying them.

Craving the aneros wouldn't lead to a great session for me (too horny...). I prefer to be relaxed and feeling alive.

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@inhope Oh and a hint on using mental fantasies as well.

I LOVE to REMEMBER previous sessions and good feelings/orgasms from those sessions.

Perhaps try remembering the session where you rode your dildo for example. Put yourself back there and remember the feeling of precum coming out of your cock and how good that felt for example. But, DON'T try too hard to replicate that feeling as much as possible - it's okay (and enough) if you only have a vague memory of the sensation.

The goal isn't to constantly use the memory of the sensation to build arousal but allow that memory to create physical responses in your body in the moment. Then stop the memory and refocus on the physical sensations.

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Hey @neros

I feel I'm really figuring this out, where the hell were you for the last 10 years of my journey? hah. (btw you from the UK? you sort sound like you might be?)

Well anyways, i had another session, this time after getting the initial strong feelings of pleasure, they faded and i believed that some feelings would return in 'some form' perhaps not as intense.

And so it did, i felt the warmth in my pelvis/dick/ass/prostate, it returned several times, it would cut off suddenly but then return. I did find one important thing that became a real distraction.

You won't guess what. It was my legs. My position which works is lying flat on the bed with legs bent (the female missionary position you could say), they would require such concentration to keep them there, they would also ache even after a few mins and my attention was always drawn to them. I then, in a sequence of total genius, put my shoes on! this allowed my feet/legs to have anchorage and stop any potential slipping on the sheets. It worked fairly well, though my legs were constantly distracting. I would lay them flat and i did get some nice response, but not as nice as having them up. Perhaps a combo of switching around when they get sore? not sure.

Anyways, i would get bouts of nice feeling for a few seconds and then it would fade to nothing, the it would repeat. Just as i was getting going I was then interrupted and had to stop (grrr!) felt if i had kept going i would have had something... happen. Right now i am sitting here typing this with orgasmic esque feelings, lovely.

I used an SGX, coconut oil and KY. Was a good session, despite not getting anywhere totally orgasmic/dry/mini/super, it felt like i was ramping up, very slowly indeed.

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