Life Force Energy Q...
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Life Force Energy Question

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Sorry for the incredibly long post.

❓ I'm trying to get a better understanding of what seems to be two completely different, but possibly related sensations of life force energy. The first one is something anyone can obtain and feel tonight. You have already felt it numerous times. It might be important or I could be barking up the wrong tree, so I figure I'll try my best at a description of both and find out. I feel the second energy sensation plays a large role in unlocking yourself with the aneros and is difficult to experience. I'm hoping if the first one is related to the second, it just might help.


The first sensation I'm talking about is a feeling of electricity running through the body that raises goose bumps all over. One can shiver or shake it out and it goes away quickly. If you remain relaxed and enjoy it (simply the sensation), it dissipates much slower. By taking a deep breath, relaxing my body and "pushing" something in my mind, the electricity and goose bumps start. If you can cause yourself to get goose bumps on demand, you will know what I'm talking about.

Many years ago, I remember when an attractive co-worker massaged my shoulders in the break room; it sent shivers down my spine and raised goose bumps all over my body. I remember feeling an electricity or energy flowing throughout my body as she touched me. This is the same energy I'm trying to describe.

When I first listened to Jack Johnson's protocol (about a year ago) I figured this is what he was talking about building to orgasmic levels. I thought to myself that sounds like a lot of work and didn't think it would even be possible. Oddly enough, today when I hear an example of a correct sounding, this electricity is created in me almost uncontrollably! I was certainly wrong with my assumptions here.

❓ In trying to describe this first sensation to I friend, I found myself quoting a section of the wiki (before I read it). I'm not sure if the wiki is referring to something else or if it is a subtle form of the same thing? On the "Understanding Your Body" page ( ) in the P-waves section: The part I found myself quoting was "Some have suggested that the sensation feels like butterflies in the stomach (but lower in the abdomen) or as the feeling of sexual electricity associated with ones first touch from the first encounter with a lover."

❓ I hope I've explained the first energy sensation well enough for everyone to relate and understand. With any luck it will be important and a first step everyone is or can become familiar with to help them on their journey 😆


The second life force energy sensation:

I've felt very strong vibrational energy in my groin (Perineum/Anus/Prostate/Penile shaft), my back and chest. It started out at a slow pulse (matching my heart rate) and grew in rate by what seemed like 3 energy stages, rates of vibration or levels.

The first stage was the rate of my heart. (1 - 2 Hz*)

The second stage seemed like muscle contractions at 2x or 3x my heart rate (2-6 Hz*). Perhaps this shouldn't qualify as the life force vibrational energy but it tells the story.

The third stage felt like a 20-40 Hz* vibration. Sorry for the huge gap in frequency, I wasn't trying to take a frequency reading at this point. It took all of the mental energy I had to maintain this and build it to the next level.

The final stage, which stayed with me the longest, around 20-30 minutes, was a vibration at 70-80 Hz*. I had plenty of time to "play" with this energy and it didn't require much effort to maintain once I got here. Short of getting a frequency generator and matching it up to what I was feeling (null out the beat frequency, I thought out doing this!) this is my best guess. I know it was faster than 60Hz and slower than 90Hz. This was the energy that I was able to move around my body. At one point it left my groin entirely and was only in my chest. I had to will it back down to my groin.

Thanks for the advice,

*Sorry for throwing technical terms in here "Hz" is hertz or cycles/pulses per second.*

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I'm impressed by your ability to tune into the various frequencies and harmonics being created by your body's Life Force generator. IMHO, the energy of which we speak is all the same, just with variations of frequency, harmonies and intensity.
In my mind it is very much like electrical energy, electricity can be at various voltages, frequencies and amperage's, but it is all still electrical energy. Or the example of 'white' light, electromagnetic energy that is composed of emanations across a wide range of frequencies from infrared to ultraviolet, x-ray and beyond, it is all still part of what we call “light”.

I think what you are describing are just different portions of your own Life Force spectrum. I suspect you are on the verge of discovering more of these spectral portions, you may even be capable of seeing and reading the human aura. Now wouldn't that be special?

I think its great that you are developing the ability to consciously move the focus of this energy around your body, this is an ability that usually takes many years for master yogi's to attain. I encourage you to stay with that quest for investigating the depth of your own energy range, who knows where it may lead you?

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I think its great that you are developing the ability to consciously move the focus of this energy around your body, this is an ability that usually takes many years for master yogi's to attain.

The only energy that I was able to move / will around was the energy at the final stage of my description. I had to "break through" something to get to that point. Even when I was there I didn't know it at first. Everything up to that point was a delicate balance of breath, mental focus, aneros positioning / movement, and working with the habit center of my subconscious.

I've learned the mind (your subconscious specifically) is more than willing to work with you and make you happy if it respects you, i.e. you respect yourself (no demons in the closet). I can only guess this is why some women (and men) who have had traumatic experiences in life find it difficult to reach orgasm (supper-O).

I did notice the aneros was taking care of itself once I hit the third stage, or my subconscious had learned by then what I was asking of it. When I broke through into the final stage, I didn't realize my head was above the clouds or that I could relax and enjoy where I was. I knew I wasn't having a Supper-O so I figured I had more to go yet. I continued to focus my mind & breathing on growing the energy. The only direction the energy could continue to go is up, further into my chest. This is when the energy moved out of my groin, which stopped the pleasure I was feeling. I though ok, this is neat but kinda sucks, what do I do with a vibrating chest?... I figured if I could grow it up, I could grow it back down. With my focus on my prostate, there was plenty of room now, I continued to breathe and grow the energy again. It moved back down and continued to overlap with my chest/diaphragm. I don't think I grew the energy into my heart, just my diaphragm. This is when I knew what I was feeling was energy.

With the energy back down and pleasure back on, I was exhausted. I was happy with the progress I made for the day and decided to call it a night. I was a little scared when the energy left my groin, I thought this was supposed to be a purely sexual adventure, clearly it isn't.

I was expecting the energy to slowly dissipate now that I had decided to call it quits for the night, it didn't. Once I was in this area of existence, the delicate balance was no longer needed to maintain it. I was free to move about, like the captain turned off the seatbelt sign. If I was "away" for too long, I noticed the energy level would start to drop. All it took was the awareness of this happening and the desire to have the energy back and it was (at least for the next 10-15 minutes).

This is when I thought about grabbing the Fluke multi-meter and taking some measurements. I thought that would be a waste of this wonderful gift and decided not to. I was so excited with the discovery that this, what I was feeling, was energy. This is what all of those books are talking about! I kinda forgot to explore the pleasure aspect of it. I was content and feeling enough pleasure where I was, I didn't need more. I had already decided to call it quits for the night. Everything from here on out was a bonus. I felt like a kid in a candy store. I had more fun trying to figure out what frequency this thing was running at and understand it than anything else at this point.

I don't remember how it ended. I remember feeling pumped up, I don't know how I could have fallen asleep after that.

I've only experienced this energy level one other time, the day before. I wasn't able to grow it after I reached the final stage. I don't remember it lasting more than 5 minutes or so. I guess you need to be here for a while before you can stay.


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I really need to read more about this stuff and check into it. I think I have taken too much of a scientific/skeptic view and chalked too many of my experiences up to random neurological activity. Basically, I was under the impression that I was messing with certain nerves and hidden parts of the brain when using the aneros, and these parts were "glitching" to generate the weird energy after effects.

I'm not saying there isn't any merit to a scientific/neurologic or a Life Force Energy/New Age view of what is happening. I have actually found that usually when you have two somewhat conflicting views to explain something, sometimes there is useful information that can be gleaned from both.

I have experienced many of the things described here, and even other things not described here (see my old threads about random twitches). Most of these really bizarre things happen in the days following a major super-o experience. I even had one occasion where I could have sworn I actually saw an aura around someone. I don't want to go into any detail about the circumstances, but I went home and looked up the color I saw surrounding this man, and it matched EXACTLY to the person and circumstances even to the point of surprising me. (I had seen the color not knowing what it actually meant until looking it up later).

Anyway, this thread has inspired me to get back into playing around with this energy stuff. I certainly want to keep a open mind, since I had my whole world of what I thought was possible totally shaken when I first discovered the aneros a couple of years ago. My mind was forced open to possibilities I hadn't dreamt of. It's awesome how the aneros is like an excellent way to quickly jump into so many things that no doubt take practitioners years to do.

About the goosebumps thing... I find it interesting that you are relating this energy to the orgasm stuff. I should practice with this myself as I'm not able to generate this feeling at will currently. It's funny because back when I was a kid, I remember there used to be a certain spooky song I could always turn on and instantly feel that spine tingling goosebump feeling any time I wanted. I have on occasion felt it more recently, and I know there has to be a subconsious trigger. Finding it could be interesting.


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I was under the impression that I was messing with certain nerves and hidden parts of the brain when using the aneros, and these parts were "glitching" to generate the weird energy after effects.

I thought the same think as well. I even attributed the pleasure and vibrations I felt in my penis to somehow pinching nerves in my perineum and my brain feeling what I wanted to feel out of the mixed/missing signals. I don't think this is the case anymore.

I have experienced many of the things described here, and even other things not described here (see my old threads about random twitches).

I will definitely check this out, thanks.

Most of these really bizarre things happen in the days following a major super-o experience. I even had one occasion where I could have sworn I actually saw an aura around someone. I don't want to go into any detail about the circumstances, but I went home and looked up the color I saw surrounding this man, and it matched EXACTLY to the person and circumstances even to the point of surprising me. (I had seen the color not knowing what it actually meant until looking it up later).

Wow, I'm don't think I'm even close to this level yet, but have heard of people who can see and even affect other peoples' aura.

Anyway, this thread has inspired me to get back into playing around with this energy stuff. I certainly want to keep a open mind, since I had my whole world of what I thought was possible totally shaken when I first discovered the aneros a couple of years ago. My mind was forced open to possibilities I hadn't dreamt of.

There isn't a day that goes by that my mind isn't in a state of being blown away by what is possible. I just hope I live long enough to see half of it (and I'm still wet behind the ears, lol).

About the goosebumps thing... I find it interesting that you are relating this energy to the orgasm stuff.

I wasn't sure if it was related until my session tonight. It certainly adds a bit of spice to an already rocking session. I'll say that much.

It's funny because back when I was a kid, I remember there used to be a certain spooky song I could always turn on and instantly feel that spine tingling goosebump feeling any time I wanted.

Have someone slowly tickle you and hold back the urge to shake off the tickle, you will be right back in no time.

I just had a 2.5Hr session and remembered what I meant by having to "break through." What I should have said is fight to stay relaxed and dissipate muscle tension. That sounds odd huh.

I've read so many times you want to remain 100% relaxed and let it happen. Some people say you want a base line of tension others say it isn't needed. Ok, I'll go with no muscle tension and see what happens. So I've asked my subconscious to bring to my attention any and all tension I have during a session. Which it does, and I can put an end to the tension by relaxing before continuing the session. I've noticed the urge to contract PC, sphincter and abdominal muscles as the energy really begins to grow. When I'm building towards what I describe as the third and final stages, I have to "fight" against muscle tension. I can literally feel myself battle to keep my sphincter and PC muscles relaxed as I breathe in. There is a whole heck of a lot of pleasure I'm feeling during this battle, but my subconscious faithfully "taps me on the shoulder" and says hey you've got some tension there.

I have a feeling if I didn't analyze everything and let nature take its course, I would be having a mind blowing orgasm at this point. But now I need to somehow figure this one out too.

I'm guessing that when a certain about of energy exists, as muscle tension increases so does pleasure. But there is a catch, as pleasure increases through muscle tension, energy growth decreases until it stops completely. From what I've gathered (not experienced) if you have enough energy at this point you have an orgasm. I think your subconscious knows or learns this point and starts adding muscle tension for you when you have enough energy built up and wamo - orgasm happens.

ahh well the journey continues and I'm loving it,

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binaryfellow wrote

It's awesome how the aneros is like an excellent way to quickly jump into so many things that no doubt take practitioners years to do.

Isn't it though. What Marty is doing and describing is what everybody has the ability to do without the aneros. Through meditation and energy work/training you can get to the same levels and beyond. But the interesting thing is, is how the aneros can be a training wheel or a fast track to this energy training when used in that context versus just trying to use it to achieve sexual pleasure.

I think this might be partly because it's easier to do an activity when it involves... sex! or trying to achieve sexual satisfaction. But just doing the energy work/training without bringing the sexual feeling part of it, isn't so much what people may find fun or interesting.

So it's nice to see a device that not only provides sexual pleasure, but also has the ability to get people involved with meditation, and energy work/training. So what might had just been a means for sexual pleasure for the original intent of purchasing the aneros, instead evolves into deeper levels of exploration of oneself.

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...I think its great that you are developing the ability to consciously move the focus of this energy around your body, this is an ability that usually takes many years for master yogi's to attain. I encourage you to stay with that quest for investigating the depth of your own energy range, who knows where it may lead you?

MartyB, I couldn't agree more with my good friend rumel! Your thread here and some of your other posts are very promising. I look forward to chatting sometime soon in the Open Chats with you. Rumel and I often compare notes there eh R!

For me too, the combo of Aneros and KSMO has been a magical combination that has opened the door to the ecstasies of the universe/multiverse! Have you had any yoga or other similar discipline experience? At some point you might also find some useful threads at The TaoBums.

Hi to Billy11 and binaryfellow both again guys. Chat soon?

all the best bio-energetic adventures all


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Ok people, this subject has me at about a level 10 on the intrigue scale. Unfortunately, I am such a slow adept at this process that I cannot contribute except in that this where my Aneros training is supposed to heading. Sure it’s about pleasure, but I am on this journey seeking knowledge and awareness on our human condition.

MartyB’s “third stage” frequency range just happens to be the measured range of vibration for microtubules in the brain – the very function thought to be the origination of consciousness on some quantum level.

In as much as we are dealing with words here, I equate “life force” with “consciousness”. The difference being that plants and animals are alive, but only humans (open to some debate there) exhibit this huge evolutionary leap into our level of consciousness.

Imagine a Full Moon Club Session where there are thousands of us vibrating at 30 Hz simultaneously.

This stuff is Graduate Level Aneros school and I’m still “waxing on” and “waxing off”.

So MartyB, if you ever hook yourself up to your Fluke, let us know (do you have an oscilloscope?). I’m curious.


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Just the ticket to the next reach of this journey! And tacking close into the wind and soaking in the energies too!

Ok people, this subject has me at about a level 10 on the intrigue scale. Unfortunately, I am such a slow adept at this process that I cannot contribute except in that this where my Aneros training is supposed to heading. Sure it’s about pleasure, but I am on this journey seeking knowledge and awareness on our human condition.

As rumel and Jack exchange upon at KSMO Chats, "perhaps you need to positively reframe" your second sentence "furball" there! 😉 I too "am on this journey seeking knowledge and awareness..." of the human condition in all its contexts and dimensions.

MartyB’s “third stage” frequency range just happens to be the measured range of vibration for microtubules in the brain – the very function thought to be the origination of consciousness on some quantum level.

The joy of having you technical experts on board to make these kinds of particular connections! 😀

I have always been energized by Roger Penrose's two books: The Emporer's New Mind and Shadows of the Mind and his detailing and extensions of intra- and intercellular communications and structures. And the lab confirmations coming forward of this role of the water packs in the microtubules and the quantum level initiations/communications there are inspiring! 😀

Further, the science now emerging on the use and role of light in these cellular and whole systems communications in life forms is also fascinating and germane to us. Bacteria have been found to be well outfitted for photon-based communications. Remember we are actually mobile coral reefs or walking forests of millions and billions of independently functioning and reproducing life forms intimately part of our supposedly "singular being". 😯 You are. I am. ...

Here from TED is Bonnie Bassler's dynamic presentation about the "coral reef" dimensions regarding just bacteria and their electro-chemical communications:

Which takes me to my close personal friends, my mitochondria! In other threads I have speculated about their synchronized energy pulsing, which is being studied in the heart muscle and other areas. Are these orgasmic energies we are exploring various patterns of mitochondrial energy pulsing? Our mitochondria do produce all our energy for us (as well as providing the maternal mito-DNA lineage for each of us!). I believe that they are directly participating in the particular form of Super-Os that I call Microcosmic or Mitochondrial Orgasms. See my blog: Could these energies originate from a mitochondrial hive mind as a dimension of our consciousness? My big question/hypothesis for now. 😯

Think of James Lovelock's Gaia Hypothesis (see multiple books, articles and videos by googling) that all life forms communicate to maintain the planet as life friendly and habitable, now widely accepted as fact. The quantum mitochondrial hive mind thesis, and the communications from others of our symbiont companion life forms aboard us (quantum, photon, neuro-chemical, electromagnetic...), all contributing to our consciousness can be thought of as extending Gaia inward, as well as outward.

In as much as we are dealing with words here, I equate “life force” with “consciousness”. The difference being that plants and animals are alive, but only humans (open to some debate there) exhibit this huge evolutionary leap into our level of consciousness.

I empathize with what you are saying, but I do not yet personally want to be so definitive. And indeed there is debate. 😉

Imagine a Full Moon Club Session where there are thousands of us vibrating at 30 Hz simultaneously.

Check out Lynne McTaggart, her book The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe, and her websites: and

The joys of the Zero Point Energy Field as the quantum home of all and the possibilities of Collective Intentional Energetics Action, as you have set up J4 with the Full Moon Club! Thanks again!

This stuff is Graduate Level Aneros school and I’m still “waxing on” and “waxing off”.

Whoops J4! Was that another furball in the second clause? 😉 Do you ski by moonlight too?

In addition to the offerings for the Aneros Graduate School Library above, do you know of Dr. Robert Becker's work and his book: The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life? Also see David and Ellen Ramsdale's Sexual Energy Ecstasy: A Practical Guide to Lovemaking Secrets of the East and West. I discuss it and our adventure with its reference to Dr. Rudolph von Urban's Bio-Electric Sex regime in my blog:

So MartyB, if you ever hook yourself up to your Fluke, let us know (do you have an oscilloscope?). I’m curious.

I am curious too! 😆 This is why I have hopes for a sensor or multi-sensor Aneros model(s) to closely monitor all these vibrations, oscillations, harmonics and signal resonance in the prostate and all its surrounding tissues and webs! This is also where widegrin's charting complements, and along with Full Moon Club, can explore other pattern dimensions of these phenomena. Can we work up our Aneros Users Group (Super-O Society role?) proposals for further scientific investigations of our phenomenal phenomena! 💡 💡 💡

I think/find that the mental energizing of this pursuit of understanding and experience connections actually contributes to energy boosting for all these effects to a significant degree too! Jungian Collective Subconscious and Intentional Collective Action in the Zero Point Energy Field! 😆

Thanks very much J4 and MartyB and All!

all the best energetics all


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This stuff is Graduate Level Aneros school and I’m still “waxing on” and “waxing off”.

I think I just happened to peek into the master's room when I didn't know where or what I was exploring. I'm my last session, last night, I was only able to get to stage three.

So MartyB, if you ever hook yourself up to your Fluke, let us know (do you have an oscilloscope?). I’m curious.

I have an old BK 30Mhz analog o-scope and an old tektronics 496P Spectrum analyzer. I don't think either of these will be as helpful as the fluke 289, with tens pads strategically placed. The fluke has data logging than can run for hours taking a sample a second. I also have a Garmin GPS for bicycling that records heart rate. I'll get this setup for my next session and see what happens.

Getting high tech on my journey,

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Hi Guys, 🙂

Even though what you are talking about is well beyond my current Aneros experience. I want you to know that I really enjoy reading these kinds of posts. As these are the sort of things/experiences that I wish to achieve and know. Thank you for taking the time to put it into words.


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Thank you for the tremendous input and suggested reading artform. "Zero Point Energy Field" ... "quantum mitochondrial hive mind" I'm salivating just reading your post, num num num, hey there goes those goose bumps again. I have a few books to buy. I will definitely be looking at your blogs, thank you. 😀

Imagine a Full Moon Club Session where there are thousands of us vibrating at 30 Hz simultaneously.

If we are collectively putting out enough electromagnetic energy at 30Hz it is possible to build a radio to receive it! Or ask this guy to tune in and listen for us: He records at a sample rate of 50Hz so the highest frequency he could detect would be 25 Hz, maybe he could "hear" us ramping up. I was interested in building something similar to detect the overall frequency my brain was running at. Now I might have a different application.

I can hear the conversation now:

Wife: Honey what is all of this stuff around the bed?
Hubby: Oh that's a faraday cage, I'm running some tests and was having a problem with interference.

Waiting to take some readings as the journey continues,

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This thread is taking me a lot of time to fully digest. I find consciousness to be fascinating. It can not be measured and yet, despite the lack of metrics, we know it exists. Therefore, I don’t really know what tricks consciousness has in store for me. Hence I value the discussions that further my avenues to explore it.

Artform, thank you for swatting down my vain attempts at self-depreciation - they get in the way of meaningful discussion. I also appreciate your reading list and because I prefer to shell out my Aneros money on toys instead of books I thought it might be valuable to share a website/link with my fellow questers. After failing to find either book at my local library I was searching for the titles online when I came across the following link:

It is the entire 334 page book, free, online at what appears to be a legitimate website. It’s working for me and this we’ll keep me on my graduate level course work for awhile. I have found several of our member selected recommended reading books on this website.

Good sessions to all


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(Note : Underlined Text is a Hyper-Link)

I concur with 'artform' regarding your self deprecation. I propose you look at consciousness from a slightly different perspective. Jack Johnston's KSMO protocol is predicated on our inherent ability to be multi-orgasmic. That is, he believes this ability is already 'hard-wired' into our DNA code. As 'artform' has repeatedly mentioned on this Forum, our energies are being generated from the mitochondrial genetic material contained within the millions upon millions of cells of the body. When these cells all start vibrating in harmony, I think we experience what is termed the Full Body Orgasm.
I believe this concept has validity and if this is correct, then your body already knows how to obtain Super-O status and it is a matter of un-learning what the conscious mind has established as impediments to the process. This is where relaxation and meditative techniques come into usefulness. Eliminating or at least reducing distractive 'mind noise' sets the basic condition for the body to attune itself into the sympathetic harmony necessary for the orgasmic experience to transpire.
This is a fundamental concept I rely upon in the "HypnAerosession" recording where 'Alana' says “...just let go..”. This is meant to imply the listener needs to let go of conscious control and allow their sub-conscious body awareness to take the lead into the orgasmic state of being. The body already knows what is needed, our conscious mind just needs to get out of the way and let it happen.

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* Last Edited to change the image links to direct links without ads from ImageShack

I have some initial data from two sessions. I'm working on assembling it into some meaningful way. I think I need make some kind of squeeze trigger to indicate level of pleasure while I'm in a session. I thought heart rate would be enough of an indicator, but it doesn't seem to be enough. I took some frequency measurements in my second session after I felt my energy level was high enough to get some reading. The fluke seems picky when it comes to measuring frequency, it takes 10 samples a second and reports 1 a second as an interval reading and a second during that interval if there was a significant event (I have it set to 1% change). It seems if there isn't enough consistency in the 10 reading it took during that 1 second, it reports 0 or nothing/no data.

Here are the screen shots.

The very last part of the chart is wrong, I had a lead pull out of the TENS pad right at the very end. I think it is accurate right up until the point it flat lines at 170.78 Hz (19:59:30).

The reason I think the 90Hz - 160Hz might be accurate is because I remember feeling (tactile) a vibration that went beyond (faster) frequencies I have ever "Felt" before. Once you roughly get above 100Hz, you stop feeling it and start hearing it. I was certainly out of my element with what I was feeling in my session at this point.

Here is my heart rate for the same time period:

This is where relaxation and meditative techniques come into usefulness. Eliminating or at least reducing distractive 'mind noise' sets the basic condition for the body to attune itself into the sympathetic harmony necessary for the orgasmic experience to transpire.

Here is a chart that I think speaks to this. I've noticed the body has a slight Galvanic (DC) charge to it, when comparing the left side to the right side (This is all I've tested so far). When I make an effort to cause myself to get Goosebumps (feel/create some energy in my body) this charge decreases (From what I've measured so far). When I'm in a session, I make the most progress after the needle get close to zero.

This is a chart for the last part of my second session, measuring mV DC. 1mV = .001 Volts

I haven't parse the heart rate data for this time period yet, but will and will update this post when I do tonight.

For a second I though the flat lining near zero might be a coincidence or the meter was slowly discharging my body. So I did a test after my session to see if I could cause the meter to swing. I was able to make it swing both ways, + and -. This is probably nothing more a charge created by subtle muscle tension, but hey that plays a role in all of this as well. Who knows, I would love to hear what you guys think.

@artform – I don’t have any formal (or informal) yoga training. I’m just flying by the seat of my pants 🙂

More to come,

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Fascinating stuff. It got me thinking – we pretty much have a baseline for heart rate – so we know what to expect.

What about the baseline frequency of humans? Here is some stuff I found:

“According to Dr. Robert O. Becker in his book “The Body Electric,” the human body has an electrical frequency and that much about a person’s health can be determined by it. Frequency is the measurable rate of electrical energy flow that is constant between any two points. Everything has frequency.”


"In 1992, Bruce Taino of Taino Technology, an independent division of Eastern State University in Cheny, Washington, built the first frequency monitor in the world. Taino has determined that the average frequency of a healthy human body during the daytime is 62 to 68 Hz. When the frequency drops, the immune system is compromised. If the frequency drops to 58 Hz, cold and flu symptoms appear; at 55 Hz, diseases like Candida take hold; at 52 Hz, Epstein Bar and at 42 Hz, Cancer. Taino’s machine was certified as 100 percent accurate and is currently being used in the agricultural field today.”

You should be able to establish your own baseline and then start measuring the effects of the session on your frequency. I’m not exactly sure if where you are measuring during a session makes a difference.


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I've just started reading The Body Electric, thank you J4 for posting a link to this on scribd!! Wow, what an amazing book. I've seen slow 1-3 cycle per minute waveforms and thought they were an artifact of some sort, now I might need to rethink that.

@J4 - I'm not sure where or how to take the frequency measurement from. I guess a good place to start would be to research the machine Bruce Taino built.

The reason I record heart rate is to correlate / validate the other readings. And wow does it ever. When I hold the two graphs up to the light, one on top of the other, every spike or change in voltage has a corresponding heart rate change marker. It's spooky how they match up. At first I thought they matched so well because the voltage changes were directly caused by the electrical activity of the heart, then I found a few places where there was an inverse relationship or nothing at all. I need more data!

I just found out the mystery 170.78Hz reading is being generated by the fluke meter itself! My hand was somehow picking up this energy by loose coupling with the display of the meter....

It's a shame the average frequency is so close 60Hz, the same as the power mains in the US.


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Great to see you guys pursuing this!

I thought I had better add a reference on the subject of Mitochondria too! So, Dr. Nick Lane's book Power, Sex, Suicide: Mitochondria and the Meaning of Life will give you the complete functional and systems importance of our tiny friends. Nothing much that I have found yet on mitochondria communications or signalling in it so I am doing a wider literature search! Will report back as it produces anything interesting... 8)

You may also be interested in the Wired Science article on quantum magnetoreception in birds Reverse-Engineering the Quantum Compass of Birds:

all the best with your explorations fellow orgasmatechies 😀


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Hi again!

Thought I should link to my recent energy sharing post in esfenoides' thread here:

Mrs. a and I have had some wonderful energies sharing mutual circulations without it going through our genitals, taking other chi channels very successfully with enormous pleasure!

Any suggestions for measurement tachniques?

curiously energetic and energetically curious


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And again!

Here is another key early (1944) foundational and highly influential book with key formulae, Erwin Schroedinger's What Is Life?. The edition I have has a recent (2000) Introduction by Roger Penrose, which is also more than worth the price of admission! 😀

This is the seminal exposition the physics of biology and the bases of life's energetics.

as the expedition continues...


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Thank you for the additional information artform, very cool read. Coincidentally, liquid oxygen is magnetic (paramagnetic).

Any suggestions for measurement tachniques?

I am using simple tens pads placed at, what I am guessing are, strategic locations. I'm not sure if tens pads are best for accuracy. I've been thinking about using probes similar to those used in EEG measurement.

I've had some wonderful results with the peridise after using my fancy new toilet seat ( ). The purestream (enema) and wash (on oscillate) modes give me involuntaries as well as some wonderful sensations. During a session with the peridise, I'm able to "call up" these feelings again by thinking about them.

I'm starting to feel some really slow rolling/wave energies in my abdomen. I don't know if they are new, or if I am starting to become aware of them. I would guess the rate of this energy to be around .5 to 1 Hz. I had the little lady put her hand on the right side of my abdomen, next to my bladder, to see if she could feel what I felt. I was 5 - 10 minutes into a session with the peridise. I was at the point where I felt a vibration somewhere around 8-12Hz when I asked her to feel. I lost where I was and had to start again. It started off slow; I felt a slow rolling or fluttering, without telling her what I was feeling I asked her what she felt. She said it felt like slow waves. A few seconds later, I was back at the faster vibration. I asked her "Now what do you feel?" She said she could faintly feel something vibrating. I think she was a little jealous of my "built in" vibrator 😆

I’m curious if anyone else has had a 3rd party feel or listen for these vibrational energies and what your results were.


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MartyB wrote

I’m curious if anyone else has had a 3rd party feel or listen for these vibrational energies and what your results were.

When things go just right leading into to sex I'll go directly into inner orgasms. My GF tells me she can feel my whole body vibrating/buzzing. It's really quite amazing.

I've learned that I have to get to an exact level of arousal before intercourse to be able to achieve multiples and when I do this I'll go into multiples either right at the beginning of intercourse or right before. Too much stimulation to the penis during foreplay kills my ability to have multiples during sex. So if I want to have multiple O sex there has to be nearly no touching of the penis before penetration or just licking of the underside near the head will lead me into multiples.

Not sure why I added that last paragraph. I guess it's just because most of my multiples now days are during sex. Haven't been using the aneros or doing aneroless sessions much anymore since multiples during sex have become easier to come by.

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Thank you for sharing Billy11. I'm glad you wrote your second paragraph. It's always nice to hear the joys of others on this wonderful journey of enlightenment (with and without the aneros).

I've learned that I have to get to an exact level of arousal before intercourse

Is the level of arousal you are talking about coincide with a certain amount of vibrating/buzzing that you are feeling?

Out of curiosity, how do you work up to this level of arousal?

Enjoy the Journey,

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Hi MartyB and Billy11 and All!

Thank you for sharing Billy11. I'm glad you wrote your second paragraph. It's always nice to hear the joys of others on this wonderful journey of enlightenment (with and without the aneros).

I've learned that I have to get to an exact level of arousal before intercourse

Is the level of arousal you are talking about coincide with a certain amount of vibrating/buzzing that you are feeling?

Out of curiosity, how do you work up to this level of arousal?

Enjoy the Journey,

Billy, I too am very curious if you can further describe and/or quantify the arousal level and the vibrations. Thanks.

Marty and J4, here is the link to the science paper on mitochondria as coupled oscillators signalling and the role of the inverse power law in these phenomena, if I am right about the central role of mitochondria in these orgasmic and life-force energies sensations/perceptions we experience. 😀 💡 😀 💡 😀 💡 ...

all the happy hunting orgasmotechies all


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MartyB interesting thread you started here - I agree with your observation of two energy the two energy forms described in your opening thread. Many years ago in the evolutionary process we were more repeatable to these energies, today we have drowned this ability due to our other senses being that more powerful. The first energy form was/is necessary for our daily survival and we were consciously in control of this energy, the second energy form was given to us as an auto response and very necessary as we would not have reproduced and populated the earth.

Looking at the animal kingdom examples of the first form: A newborn seeking its mothers teats. How does it do it - IMHO the teats of the mother radiate energy and the newborn sees/feels this energy with receptors in its mouth (upper gums). We adult humans have adopted this in our sex play. Similarly you may ask why a newborn zebra/giraffe/elephant or whatever follows its mother as soon as it is on its feet. IMHO there is a strong energetic bond between mother and child that it becomes unbearably uncomfortable for the child if the distance between mother and child is too great and thus it automatically moves into the comfort zone. This behaviour we can note in human children as well.

Animals strongly interact with the energy of the environment - why to animals flee earthquakes and even Tsunamis. In Sri Lanka the national park that was catastrophically flooded all animals vacated the flood area before the Tsunami hit.

Energetic conscious person can also learn to feel this energy and start seeing life energies through their third eye. This is well document and various practices exist in the various cultures. I myself have this ability, I can also feel plants and other life forms around me - often latter is very disturbing when it is bad energy. When shopping I select fruit and vegetable not only by look and smell but by how they fell when holding often discarding perfect optical looking samples as they just do not feel right.

Now for the second energy form - the sexual energy. I ask a simple question but first have you ever observed an elephant mating. First there is a tender foreplay period with the elephants touching their heads gently which is soon followed by the mail mounting the female. The male penis nearly touching the ground hanging between its legs and then it is raised and finds the vagina to fulfill the coupling act. I ask how? after 40 years of practice I still need to look and use my hands as guides. Again IMHO the exited female radiates energy from her clitoris/vagina surrounds which in turned is sensed/seen by the tip of the penis so that it is guided. This is a fully automatic response, I doubt if the male elephant consciously guides or manipulates his penis. What of this auto response has remained in us? I think just pleasure, the act of rubbing the clitoris with the gland of the penis is most pleasurable to both and my T-orgasms and the build up to them are so much pleasurable and feel so much different if my partner is fully aroused and also is in a orgasmic state.

The real question to ask if the energies that the Aneros arouses are sexual energies or a third form say reserve or emergency energies which we need to escape danger - again a involuntary movement in the animal kingdom, a antelope fleeing path is random to the rest of the heard when stalked by a lion. The possibility of a third energy somehow makes sense to me as we can channel these energies to other body parts but being out of control in the pelvic region gives us pleasure. MartyB describes it rising to his chest I have experienced that as well as I can channel it into my arms/feet. For instance channeling the energy into my arms they shake out of control the involuntary pelvic movement resting at that time, and once returned the pelvic starts of even more intense as before the Super-O being when the energies are distributed in your body and moving in waves amplifying movement but never subsiding to zero - that is where you are completely out of control. In my short experience, initially I was sexually charged when using the Aneros and had to finish with a wet orgasm while masturbating, now while experiencing Aneros-MMO and Super-O my penis is flaccid and afterwards I feel just as satisfied, and a wet orgasm is not missed.

Your opinion?

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Great recent posts guys!

Have been away again and hope to catch up soon. Until then, here is another article that I believe really adds to our database and should soon be available at the website of the journal that published it: The New Yorker magazine. In its July 28, 2008 issue, its regular Annals of Science feature/column was The Eureka Hunt: Why do good ideas come to us when they do? by Jonah Lehrer.

The mapping of these phenomena by cognitive neuroscientists Mark Jung-Beeman (Northwestern), John Kounios (Drexel), Earl Miller (MIT) and Jonathan Cohen (Princeton) covers several similar elements of the journey, self-observation, relaxation, interactions and triggers to what many of us report here.

Will catch up and add again soon.

thanks all on this crucial hunt


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Hi Orgasmotechies All! 😆

Here is another, Jana Dixon and her book The Biology of Kundalini: The Fire of Life, working elsewhere covering many topics we have been discussing here:

Her website is rich with much of her texts and wide-ranging and integrative interests. Many topics we have touched on here are explored by her in interlinked detail, such as:

* Energy formulae, her's Flow x Energy / Resistance :

* Zero-Point Energy Field as the ultimate physical and spiritual common ground:

* Sexuality Beyond Sex to Spirituality:

Also check out another explorer's blog, The Physics of Sex:

What a great mysteries tour joined with science in an aesthetic/scientific enquiry above and beyond! 😀 😯 😀 😆 😀

up up all ways


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Here again with more for the Library and active scientific exploration and measurements!

Hi fellow orgasmotechies yet again.

Thanks to The_Bishop for posting this link in another thread here today! What are your thoughts Bishop in having recommended this site?

I think you will enjoy: and all that it suggests and the techniques employed. The sharing possibilities by those who succeed in awakening their full Kundalini potential is of significant interest in these results.

We need a Chat to discuss all this and some further Aneros research possibilities.

onward and upward documenting as we go ecstatic


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Artform thank you for this beautiful link. and about the awakening of the Kundalini or I suppose it's no danger? thank you for your reply

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Bump for significant further resources on sciences and understanding what we are working with here! 😀 😯 8) 😯 ❓ 😉

Here is a very useful overview of scientific studies of energy healing:

Energies in healing are the same source/form as the orgasmic energies we unfold by developing our dry orgasmic capacities (and perhaps capacitors! 😉 )

More information soon!

all the energetic health and ecstatic benefits all


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