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Last 56hrs,7 TO's/ 4PO's and 1 I dont know what to call it

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Last 56hrs,7 TO's/ 4PO's and 1 Idont know what to call it. 5dildo rides,3 aneros rides,1 mulyipleaneros insertion rides, 3aless,the last O produced the most ejaculate, go figure. And I'm still horny as fuck.I have fought the urge all day. Its like my body is just begging for more, Can 't remember being hornier in my life. Seems within an hour of O, I start getting horny , arousal never leaves. Almost every orgasm is as good or better than the previous one.Each seession starts at like the half way  to O mark. If I didn't have obligations , I don't think I'd leave my bed right now. I am trying to abstain for as long as I can, and let it build, see what happens, but its very hard. A little later I will tell you's of the weirdest thing to date, I'm sure you have never heard of this before , I am just trying to wrap my head around it still. 

  All this started when I started to do reverse flexing, and just trying to hold it. Like trying to pee wiyh alight push with your PC and your dick muscle at the base of your dick. I try to add the sphincter but it kinda goes off on its own. IIts funny I likin it to double dutch skipping, my asshole puckers lightly till it finds the rythum of the other muscles, and when it does it starts sucking way i, almost to the second sphincter and then way out, have to shutter my eyes when it happens.  I may need help if this goes on for long, but right now I'll just enjoy it. The only thing that could be better was if I had someone to lick my taint and finger me the way I like,. Mmmmm  

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I should probablly start a new topic for this but here goes anyway. Absolute strangest thing to date.Session started as aless, very light reverse flex, no contractions just my prostate vibrating, and it grew to envelope my entire anal canal, my hips thrust about 8 times, and then the humping got to the point, where the movement was less than 1/4-1/2inch, like a humming birds wings, I would have to say 8-12 per sec. if not more. This went on for roughly 3-4minutes, then things went all stop and the contractions started, but not like normal, each contraction was a seperate entity, my sphincter would go way in, and stop, then my prostate expanded and contracted like a balloon, then the muscle in my dick did some kind of roll which started at the base and ended at the tip, this continued, to just past my 2nd sphinc, then my rectum my sigmond entrance and stopped at my gut, where it maintained a very small heartbeat type contraction, hardly noticeable. So I thought  it would be a good time to insert something, I chose the pro jr. This started a chain of these progesive contractions, except they would go up and then back down, everytime it got to my gut I could really feel it expand and contract, there wasn't a ton of pleasure attached to this at first, it was just such a turn on, I was being played like an intrument. Then for some reason I got it in my head to try my big new dildo. I had my syringe with the catheter already filled, so I lubed up, and stuck it in. This dildo has a 13.5 inch insertable length and 7.5inch around, of which I can only insert 7-8in, this night it went to the 9in mark with a little coaxing. I let it sit there, no in and out. I then had a distinct orgasm where it contacted the tip, I could feel it sucking and grabbing and stroking this dick about a half inch, on the head.Then the progessive contractions started happening, only from top to bottom. I felt pressur on the dildo building and it hurt a little so I removed it slowly. The next thing is the most bizarre sexual exp. of my life. If your easily groced out stop reading now. The  progressive contractions started again from the top, only they came with intense pleasure. From my gut I could feel something moving each contraction, at first I thought maybe I really hurt something down ther but it felt to good. Of course it was a small stool, and it felt like a little dung beetle was moving it in small increments, all the way till it came out, at least 40 contractions from my gut to out my but. As soon as it came out I had a few rolling contractions up and down then it stopped. I layed there for a minute feeling, thoroughly euphoric. If it hadn't been for that bus iness that popped out I would layed there till I fell asleep.Still trying to wrap my head around it. Pretty sure this is a one off. As I've had a couple sessions since. 

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Posted by: @tbob

Session started as aless, very light reverse flex, no contractions just my prostate vibrating, and it grew to envelope my entire anal canal, my hips thrust about 8 times, and then the humping got to the point, where the movement was less than 1/4-1/2inch, like a humming birds wings, I would have to say 8-12 per sec. if not more

The tension is real 😉

Posted by: @tbob

From my gut I could feel something moving each contraction, at first I thought maybe I really hurt something down ther but it felt to good. Of course it was a small stool, and it felt like a little dung beetle was moving it in small increments, all the way till it came out, at least 40 contractions from my gut to out my but

I didn’t stop reading,coz I don’t give a shit 🙂

Good work brother,you’re definitely walking the higher path. 




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@tbob looks like you had quite a fun.  If you do not mind answering, did you use any THC or other substance. Just curious. Thanks .

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Awesome read and experience! Am close to experiencing similar experiences. Aless last night was incredible. My experience started in the perenium and spread to the top of my cheeks. Eventually it became automatic going back and forth like the whole area was masturbating! I could feel contractions followed by relaxations in my sphincters! Occasionally I could feel like a tapping or heartbeat coming from my prostate. As I breathed in and out I could feel the pleasure intensifying in the perenium, anal area, and prostate - pure ecstasy! It’s as if waves were rolling back and forth! This continued for an hour or more and I eventually drifted off to sleep! This seemed to be triggered after I slept with my HelixSyn V inside several nights ago!

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Posted by: @tbob

Last 56hrs,7 TO's/ 4PO's and 1 Idont know what to call it. 5dildo rides,3 aneros rides,1 mulyipleaneros insertion rides, 3aless,the last O produced the most ejaculate, go figure. And I'm still horny as fuck.I have fought the urge all day. Its like my body is just begging for more, Can 't remember being hornier in my life. Seems within an hour of O, I start getting horny , arousal never leaves. Almost every orgasm is as good or better than the previous one.Each seession starts at like the half way  to O mark. If I didn't have obligations , I don't think I'd leave my bed right now. I am trying to abstain for as long as I can, and let it build, see what happens, but its very hard. A little later I will tell you's of the weirdest thing to date, I'm sure you have never heard of this before , I am just trying to wrap my head around it still. 

I've had similar experiences this past summer. MGX, Maximus, different butt plugs. The anal orgasms that they produced were incredible and very addictive. I was getting to the point to where all I wanted to do is lube up, insert and ride. I'd ride shortly after going to bed and would ride until exhaustion. Wake up to pee and get an overwhelming urge to have something in my ass again. Lube up, insert and ride again until dawn. When alone during the day, I'd ride again.  It was like I lived to ride and have anal orgasms

It was getting out of control. I started wearing my chastity cage 24/7 and put my toys up in the attic so I wouldn't have ready access to them. My last anal / prostate orgasm was in late August or early Sept of 2022. I'm still very horny at times, but have resisted the urge to get my toys out of the attic and go for a full anal orgasm producing ride.  I wear the cage constantly to keep me from stroking to a penial orgasm.

I did back slide twice last week when showering. I had gotten my MGX down from the attic when the house was empty. I stripped, lubed up, inserted and jumped into the shower. It felt wonderful having something in my ass again, the feeling, the fullness in my rectum and the pressure on my prostate. I did nothing to start any fire works.  I just left it in and did nothing. No contractions, no hand stroking my cock.  I just drank in the feeling of fullness in my rectum and the pressure on my prostate. As soon as I finished washing, I removed the MGX, dried off and put everything away. 

Once a persons gets to the point that I had reached it becomes like trying to give up cigarettes. I need to get that MGX back in the attic as soon as possible.  Writing this has caused some involuntary contracts. 

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@ghusa  Allways, chronic user, aneros or no

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Posted by: @fred27

This seemed to be triggered after I slept with my HelixSyn V inside several nights ago!

Seems sleeping with it in so works for some, me  I always wake up with aslightly dry withdrawal in the middle of the night. It fascinates me, the different ways this can come at you. I bet if I asked there someone here whos had an eye orgasm. lol


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@studmouse47 Not sure I understand why you would completely deni yourself, this wonderful pleasure. Sounds like you have a hold on it now, gotta let the big dog bark.

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Went to,  my Dr. about a month ago and he did a prostate exam, I wasn't expecting this, had a session just haors before. When he was done, he asked me if I was suffering any anal incontinence. I said "no,why do you ask" and he said, there wasn't normal resistence to insertion. I told him we got a little kinky last night. I swear I could see his dick grow through his fairly tight pants, as he typed  he didn't want to make eye contact.  kinda funny 

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@tbob I also like when I have little THC in my system as it really adds lot of fun to Aneros sessions. 

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 Some how my sessions all make me dildo hungry. When my ass lets me slide the dido in that extra inch its like instant orgasm, at the point where it touches my sigmond. Not intense but a constant, and everything below this, is on auto pilot hum. I try going deeper everytime, but I just can't make the full corner. Its not painful, but it won't let me go any further.The further up I get the higher the intensity, another inch and a half and I think its going to be nervana. Just something about feeling something wedged btwn your hip bones, no riding just grinding, and my inner inner inner lips just pulsating, and sucking off the dildo.  This may sound funny its like aless except there is something in. 

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Footnote: Since I started with this going deep thing, my dick has grown by almost three quarter of an inch. Wish I was one of those people that stayed hard with something in my ass, I get the heavy cock feeling but never really hard. Not the same when you cinch it up to stay hard. Someone here said they taught thmselves how to stay hard, can't remember  who it was. If you have any tricks or training , would love to here it?

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