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J-lube good or bad....
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J-lube good or bad....?

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It's long time since J-lube were discussed in the Forum. In former threads there are many opinions. Have any of you experienced with J-lube lately. Good and bad...?

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I use it. (ok, it's K-Lube, from a dissolved UK company, but it should be the same stuff)

It feels great on it's own. I can vary how thick I want it. It gets messy, but I love messy.

On it's own, it doesn't last as long as I would like it, especially with the Aneros. I think maybe this is due to 2 reasons:
1) It's a water-based lube, so (if the anal canal absorbs moisture) then the moisture would be absorbed over time and leave the lube less slippery.
2) The Aneros doesn't move in and out of your body, so there's less oppurtunity for lube on the sphincter to get moved inside you and re-lube your insides.

My modification:
I've found years ago, that to be able to take my 3+ inch diameter toys, it helps to mix the J-lube with something else.

I found this thing called Aqueous Cream ( being sold in pharmacies and supermarkets and tried to mix it with J-lube. AQ is weird because it's an emulsion, so oily and water based. Seems to mix nicely with j-lube. Not sure how "safe" it is on the anal region, because it's for external use only. But has given me no problems.

It makes the j-lube a more creamy and smooth feel, and makes large objects easier to insert, but it is still stringy.

And my recent discovery with the Helix Syn is that it seems to stay slippery for longer than plain J-lube.

How I use it with Aneros:
I like to coat the Helix Syn with some vaseline jelly. But it's too thick to easily do that. So I squirt a bit of baby oil in the vaseline container and mix it up. This makes it not as thick.
Then I spread that on the Helix, and then pour some of the J-lube+AQ mix in my hand and coat the Helix with it, then take a bit of that lube and cover my anus so it's not try and then insert.
Sometimes I re-lube the device after a minute or two.

J-Lube in the UK:
I've only ever used K-Lube, but the ingredients should be the same or equivalent as J-Lube.
The old bottle from the dissolved company (Kirklees Medical Ltd) listed: Polyethylene Oxide, Propylparaben, methylparaben. The new bottle I got from ebay doesn't list all the ingredients, just says "Main ingredient: Polyethylene Oxide", but is still labelled as K-lube, although the label is a little different to the original one. The new bottle lists a website ( and days "Manufactured for: M&K Products Ltd", which seems to be that skyhi website.

This is not a reccommendation for SkyHi - I've never used their website until today and never ordered from them. But maybe they are ok.

The current bottle I have I got from eBay. The same seller also has actual J-Lube in their eBay shop.

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Thanks - I will try it because I feel that glycerin is not good for me. I have to find alternative ways to my ID-glide so K-lube and J-lube is one possible way. Your suggestion with the waseline sounds good.

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