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I am having a super serious block on getting any more super-O's. I managed to super-O quickly and progressed to having a full body A-less orgasm, leg, chest and head orgasms and experienced a total state of pure bliss within days. I have tasted something incredible and if it never happened again I don't suppose I could complain as I have experienced something most people can hardly even imagine, and I'm happy about that.

Since my peak the orgasms have become shorter although I have had a few good ones but they are getting less intense and harder to get. Over the last 2 days I have spent hours trying to relax, trying tensing, trying everything that worked before but nothing goes anywhere, absolutely nothing. I get to the point of feeling an orgasm coming on in moments but it just never quite goes over the edge no matter how I relax or keep just feeling the sensations, and in the end I just have to stop. It's a nice sensation but it's not an orgasm and I have the continuous sensation that something big is just about to happen but it doesn't, and I am dying for that lovely release of energy again. Not many days ago I thought I had it mastered it, now it's gone.

I have read all the advice on here about expectations, relaxation, you name it, and I know I can't 'force' it. I'm not obsessed (really), family life goes on normally otherwise, I'm not yearning all the time and I forget about it the rest of the time. It's just so disappointing each time I try.

Did I go too far too fast so I'm now expecting something magical and disappointed with anything else? Will I ever get back to where I was? I'm a very positive person so I know it's not the end of the world there are more important things in life but I could do with help, especially if anyone else has been through the same thing.

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It is not important and you don't need some help.

This happened to many of us I guess. What comes next is not an issue. Maybe it comes back, maybe it doesn't, maybe it takes a long time maybe short.

The relaxing you learned is more important than superOs. One superO is enough to open new possibilities. Keep relaxing and switch your attention off aneros and superO. What must come will. Maybe more unexpected things than you'd thought. The rest doesn't matter at all.

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Sorry, probably bit of a stupid posting really, there is no answer. I just need to stop obsessing! There really is more to life. And I've probably posted on here too often already.

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No worries, be happy. 😉

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@smudgefish --- Canacan is quite correct! You've described what is typically the cause of an initial "stall" after experiencing significant it also happened to me in the early stages of my own journey!

First, you needn't worry...As you've likely read, the mind is the primary arbiter of this experience, which often means that no matter how hard you work at relaxing, and breathing...etc now, it's still possible to have created expectations within your own mind, simply by having experienced the amazing orgasms you did! Of course you want, and possibly crave, another prostate orgasm...who wouldn't after such a blissful experience! I had a stall of my own during that part of my journey which lasted a few weeks, and I was not particularly pleased! But, the sage advice of others on this forum helped calm my concerns and my experience and blissful orgasms returned, albeit it was my own thoughts that were the reason they returned, but they did return, and with pretty nice results!

It's a good idea to always go back to the basics from the wiki, and remember what got you to your first orgasm, and then, no matter what you experience, be pleased with the results, even if it's just a twinge of pleasure! Remember also, it's a journey for a, your body, and mind are learning something new, and the learning will continue as long as you are on the path of the aneros experience, even years down the road!

Relax and enjoy what your mind and body are's a wonderful journey!


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How weird! I have stopped getting aless feelings all of a sudden? I would get them daily for months, thought it couldn't stop. It has. Totally devastated.

It's funny, my arousal has been super low over the last few days, I did t realise how this effects my subconscious desire for it as well. Now I get nothing .

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@inhope --- You are quite the intense gentleman! I know we are all different in various ways, but you seem to move from one extreme to another quite quickly! I'm not saying I know how that must feel on a daily basis for you, but you've described very broad swings from good to bad with your Aneros experience! Do you have any sense of a middle (gray) area in your life? I may be totally off, but that's just how I sense what you describe!


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I'm sorry you have that impression, perhaps in the past that was true but not recently.

The last 3-4 months I have been having daily aless just by lying down on my side or sitting. It was a shock not to feel it for the last two days. So to me, my arrogant friend, daily aless feelings were the 'gray area' In my life, it's only opened my eyes to the fact that these aless feelings are worryingly absent after such a rewiring process.

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@Theme_Gasm THANKYOU for your reply, I can't tell you how good it is to hear that you experienced something similar and came out the other side (not that I am pleased you had to go through it of course). I was really just looking for a bit of reassurance that it happens, I am so grateful. And thank you for the general advice 🙂

@inhope thanks for replying as well, it seems like I am not the only one. I also feel quite 'devastated' by suddenly losing something that was giving me so much pleasure but am trying to stay positive and put it in perspective.

This forum is invaluable, I am really grateful for your comments.

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Can it have something to do with your discussions with your wife?

Maybe there is a part of you that feels guilty, so you are not fully letting go?

Take a break. It will come back. Definitely positively don't obsess.


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You know @smudgefish mine went but not completely, the aless i feel is still there but its SO much weaker it may as well be nothing. Sometimes i peaks but not as high as it did. I had got so used to them every day it has almost become comforting, so when they vanished it felt totally shocking and like something awful had happened. I see you can relate.

I think it comes back, perhaps quietly at first but getting louder and louder with your subconscious desire and needs.

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@darwin I was wondering that. Not sure really as it's all been positive today since I told her we have been really close today lots of cuddling and great sex last night, so maybe not. Might be something a bit more subtle on the psychological front though.

I have worked out now that I am going into orgasm, tried a few more times as I can do it just sitting at the computer, but it's just not building at all and sort of just sits below the level of giving any pleasure, what I have heard described as an 'anaemic' orgasm which is a good description, so it doesn't feel right and I'm not getting any feedback and it goes nowhere.
I'm sure I'm trying too hard and just having a total mental block, and over-analysing. It's a bit like having insomnia there is absolutely no logic to it and the harder you try the more difficult it gets to fall asleep. It just keep calling me though and it's going to happen again soon I know it.
Note to myself: stop obsessing!!

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So.. Instead of all of us blaming our expectations and minds.. How about we write about other factors? Since no research has been done of this point.
Alcohol use when experiencing dry-spells? Increase vs. Decrease?
Other substances, drugs or medication?
Change of diet?
Family issues?
Work out?
Note changes....

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Of course.. There is a few other options involving desensitizing our prostates or platauing feelings.. Who knows 🙂 but I think its safe to say that we have all experienced it after reaching superO bliss 🙂

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@Alex_xxx Thanks. There are lots of things that have changed. I got laryngitis a few days ago, and have been unable to do anything but croak or whisper since, related?

Also, and this is really interesting if you believe, and it's got me wondering. I have thought that this prostate orgasm business is spiritual above all else. A psychic friend has always told me that I have an ability and if I opened my third eye and head Chakra that I would be able to see spirits and communicate with them. I have never pursued this but live in a haunted house and occasionally had the feeling of being watched and sort of just know which one of our ghosts it is watching me. No proof of anything of course, just a feeling.
In the days after having my most intense super-O which involved a sort of head and chest orgasm I became more aware of spirits and had at least 2 episodes of actually seeing something. I was sitting in our lounge when my daughter said that she could feel a cold area in front of her, and there definitely was these happen often in our house, I felt it was the little boy. Then I saw a movement in the air like an arm moving, moments later I saw an outline of a body move out of the corner of my eye, the cold area went and I couldn't feel a presence any more, neither could my daughter. A few similar things have happened.
I mentioned what I had seen to my friend (without any of the orgasm business of course) who told me that I would see a full spirit soon. That really frightened me as I would be petrified to see a real ghost/spirit/whatever :O. I spent that night lying awake expecting an apparition to suddenly appear.
Since I have been trying not to see a spirit I have lost the ability to orgasm as well.
All weird, and it could just be my imagination. 😕

I really wonder if I managed to open my third eye or something along those lines, and I've given myself a bit of a fright, and subconsciously I'm refusing to let it go any further. It's difficult to find much information on this that makes any sense so I'm going to have to ask her some more information. It's interesting, bit scary, and confusing.

Forgot to mention that my first super-O was in a hotel during a business trip. Straight after I was aware of a elderly female presence in the room with me and she stayed around for some time. Could just be co-incidence.

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@smudgefish, facinating! Getting sensible guidance may be a bit of a challenge. I think that there is truth in what you experience and a lot depends upon the spiritual ability of every individual. Guidance so you can continue with your the super-os and also control the spiritual intrusions so they do not interfere with your reality. Your friend may able to help here. The important thing it to understand that you do have control but may be difficult to clarify that with yourself. We are probably immersed in the spiritual reality, we are the shadows, the system is probably arranged so that humans can exist in relative peace!!!! ha ha, and destroy themselves if that is their wish - as usual. Perhaps with more super-os the human race may evolve out of the sludge it is in. Wishing you well in your rather exciting journey.

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I have found my Aneros responsiveness to be fickle if not fascinating. Certainly stress, fatigue, medications, and inability to focus have had an impact. Basically, Aneros responsiveness seems to be a good indicator for general mental and physical health.

I have gone through multiple dry-spells and not always for reasons that I can identify. Super O's can be pretty intense, maybe the body needs to take a break.

They always seem to return, and for reasons I don't understand. Just relax. Even if your sessions don't result in Super O's, there is plenty to learn and enjoy by amplifying and moving energy around your body. Use the opportunity to focus on the other sensations that might otherwise be obscured by the more intense feelings. Don't be surprised if when they do return, they are different. This is an experience that seems to always change.


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