Is it P-waves? Am i...
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Is it P-waves? Am i rewired? What next? (newbie)

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Hello, everyone!
Sorry, for my bad english )))
Just started use Aneros (MGX), and have only 5 sessions.
I have read "milestones" and "glossary", but i still have a question.
For now, i think i reach P-waves.
My anus fully take Aneros inside, Aneros moves AUTOMATICALLY, and i feel warming "pushes" in my lower abdomen.
This P-waves seems like 30% of real orgasm (when i ejaculate)
I think i feel following symptoms:

  • Experiencing pleasurable sensations from the penis without direct stimulation.
  • Pleasurable but strong pain-like sensations appearing on the narrow strip on the side and back of the penis up to the glans and on a narrow strip down the inner thighs.
  • The perception of prickly sensations on the surface of the prostate.
  • Pleasurable sensations deep within the prostate and near the perineum acupressure point.
  • Sensation of warmth within the anal canal.
  • The feeling of wormlike movements just up above the anal canal.

The question is:
What do i need for further progress?
- nothing additional, just increase number of sessions (week, month, and progress will come)?
- use some additional techniques? (deep breathing, nipple stimulation, masturbation, e.t.c.)

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@ice99 first, welcome to the forum!

From what you wrote, it seems you are well on your way to achieve your goal. At this point, do not stop to try to figure out how far you are or even how to get further. Just take it one day at a time and just enjoy what your body gives you. The ultimate O will find it's way when its good and ready.

You seem to be one of the few who got early good results; just continue to ride the way you have been. As for frequency of sessions, again, let your body whisper to you when it's time and for how long. Everyone is different and they all have different opinions.

Stay the course and keep writing us about your progress. I also suggest you make blog entries in the blog section; a library you can refer to in the future.

Enjoy your new experiences! Life is wonderful.

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This P-waves seems like 30% of real orgasm (when i ejaculate)

Orgasm and ejaculation are separate experiences, please don't make the mistake of conflating them. Your P-waves are 100% part of your orgasm they just vary in intensity from one orgasm to the next. You may find reading the What's an Orgasm? thread helpful here.

What do i need for further progress?

Passion, Practice, Patience and Perspicacity. Passion - This has to arise from your subconscious, it can't be forced to occur, it develops in concert with your arousal from your deepest primitive drives and desires. Practice - Listening to your body's whisperings for attention and heeding those nudges builds muscle memory and a classic conditioning (stimulus/response) pattern. Patience - Drop any expectations, do not allow your ego consciousness to force or coerce your body to respond. Relax and enjoy each moment for its value. Perspicacity - Your body already knows what it needs to produce pleasure, it is up to you to tune into this innate knowledge and "Just Let Go !"

...just increase number of sessions (week, month, and progress will come)?

Regular Anerosessions are part of good practice but avoid trying to adhere to any strict schedule of dates and times. There are so many factors influencing one's psychological and physiological state that rigid scheduling may only introduce another factor leading to frustrating 'dud' sessions.

- use some additional techniques? (deep breathing, nipple stimulation, masturbation, e.t.c.)

There are any number different techniques you may employ to forward your practice, be adventurous and try them out. The combination to unlock your Super-O's is unique for you to decipher, the basic guideline is to follow the path of pleasure your body initiates.

Is it P-waves?


Am i rewired?

IMHO, one is always in the process of 'rewiring', it is not a finite, finalized state of being but rather on ongoing evolutionary state. The Aneros journey you have undertaken has and will continue to change you in subtle increments.

What next?

It is impossible to predict where your path will lead and what you are likely to experience next. Just continue to be open to whatever comes your way.
Good Vibes to You !

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You seem to be one of the few who got early good results;

Probably it's connected with my Kegel exercises, which i start 6 month ago (twice at day)

As for frequency of sessions, again, let your body whisper to you when it's time and for how long.

I already understand it. I tried make sessions twice in a day (morningevening), but catchs some unusual feelings (heavyness) in prostata between sessions.
I think it's because my NEW muscles has awaken, and now they are a bit tired. I think i take a break 48 hours.

Orgasm and ejaculation are separate experiences, please don't make the mistake of conflating them.

Yes, i understand it, but when i ejaculate (in normal sex) i feel pleasant feeling in prostate. So i compare THAT feelings with current experience.

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Hmmm. My count of sessions are around 12, and i think that i have plateau or some regress in my journey.
From 2 to 5 sessions i had pleasant feeling "After some voluntary contraction, my anus twitch Aneros, and starts involuntaries with pleasant P-waves "
Now i had following behavior "Involuntaries came faster (Aneros moves constantly by its own), but i cannot feel P-waves (as it was at the beggining). Just some warming in lower abdomen".
Is it normally or not?

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Hmmm. My count of sessions are around 12, and i think that i have plateau or some regress in my journey.
From 2 to 5 sessions i had pleasant feeling "After some voluntary contraction, my anus twitch Aneros, and starts involuntaries with pleasant P-waves "
Now i had following behavior "Involuntaries came faster (Aneros moves constantly by its own), but i cannot feel P-waves (as it was at the beggining). Just some warming in lower abdomen".
Is it normally or not?

This has been my experience as well. One week I'm getting mostly one type of sensations. The next week the sensations I felt previously are completely gone, and I'm getting other types of sensations instead. It kind of cycles between a bunch of different sensations like that. It can be a bit frustrating when you get a type of sensation that is very enjoyable, and then it just disappears for quite a while. But don't worry, they'll return one day, and if you're lucky they'll be more intense than the last time!

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But don't worry, they'll return one day, and if you're lucky they'll be more intense than the last time!

Ok, i understand, but what period you had? I mean when your feelings reborn after loosing them?

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It's really random, maybe most commonly around a week. But I've had some sensations that happened once and then never again. Worth pointing out is that all my sessions are without the aneros, so they're not solely focused on the prostate. The sensations can vary quite a lot because of this, sometimes I get a lot of sensations in the prostate but not much else, sometimes I only get a lot of tingling in the whole body but not any local sensations etc.

Anyway, you've only had 12 session, that's not much at all. It's too early for you to think you've plateaued.

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